# Ukrainian basic keyboard tqlayout file for KTouch.
# Created by Alexander Pravdin <aledin@mail.ru>.
# FingerKey: This class represents the keys where
# your fingers shold rest between typing.
# Unicode KeyText x y
FingerKey 1092 Ф 18 20
FingerKey 1110 І 28 20
FingerKey 1074 В 38 20
FingerKey 1072 А 48 20
FingerKey 1086 О 78 20
FingerKey 1083 Л 88 20
FingerKey 1076 Д 98 20
FingerKey 1078 Ж 108 20
# ControlKey: This class will represent all the
# control keys that you are using. Theys keys
# will be used later when you want to use uppercase.
# Unicode KeyText x y Width Height
ControlKey 260 Tab 0 10 15 10
ControlKey 13 Enter 128 20 22 10
ControlKey 257 Shift 123 30 27 10
ControlKey 264 AltGr 120 40 15 10
ControlKey 265 Ctrl 135 40 15 10
ControlKey 263 Alt 15 40 15 10
ControlKey 262 Ctrl 0 40 15 10
ControlKey 32 Пробел 30 40 90 10
ControlKey 258 Shift 0 30 23 10
ControlKey 259 CapsLock 0 20 18 10
ControlKey 8 BackSpace 140 0 10 10
# NormalKey: This class represent all the
# normal keys where you don't need to press
# anything else then just one key. That would
# basicly bee all the numbers and the lovercase
# letters. For this class you have to indicate
# withc finger key you are going to use.
# Unicode KeyText x y FingerKey
NormalKey 39 ' 0 0 1092
NormalKey 49 1 10 0 1092
NormalKey 50 2 20 0 1110
NormalKey 51 3 30 0 1074
NormalKey 52 4 40 0 1072
NormalKey 53 5 50 0 1072
NormalKey 54 6 60 0 1086
NormalKey 55 7 70 0 1086
NormalKey 56 8 80 0 1083
NormalKey 57 9 90 0 1076
NormalKey 48 0 100 0 1078
NormalKey 45 - 110 0 1078
NormalKey 61 = 120 0 1078
NormalKey 1169 Ґ 130 0 1078
NormalKey 1081 Й 15 10 1092
NormalKey 1094 Ц 25 10 1110
NormalKey 1091 У 35 10 1074
NormalKey 1082 К 45 10 1072
NormalKey 1077 Е 55 10 1072
NormalKey 1085 Н 65 10 1086
NormalKey 1075 Г 75 10 1086
NormalKey 1096 Ш 85 10 1083
NormalKey 1097 Щ 95 10 1076
NormalKey 1079 З 105 10 1078
NormalKey 1093 Х 115 10 1078
NormalKey 1111 Ї 125 10 1078
NormalKey 1087 П 58 20 1072
NormalKey 1088 Р 68 20 1086
NormalKey 1108 Є 118 20 1078
NormalKey 1103 Я 23 30 1092
NormalKey 1095 Ч 33 30 1110
NormalKey 1089 С 43 30 1074
NormalKey 1084 М 53 30 1072
NormalKey 1080 И 63 30 1072
NormalKey 1090 Т 73 30 1086
NormalKey 1100 Ь 83 30 1086
NormalKey 1073 Б 93 30 1083
NormalKey 1102 Ю 103 30 1076
NormalKey 47 / 113 30 1078
# HiddenKey: This is all the keys that
# you cant see. That means that you have
# to use an controll key to get them. Basically
# this is all the uppercase letters.
# Unicode Target Finger Contorll
HiddenKey 1060 1092 1092 257 #Ф A
HiddenKey 1030 1110 1110 257 #І S
HiddenKey 1042 1074 1074 257 #В D
HiddenKey 1040 1072 1072 257 #А F
HiddenKey 1055 1087 1072 257 #П G
HiddenKey 1056 1088 1086 258 #Р H
HiddenKey 1054 1086 1086 258 #О J
HiddenKey 1051 1083 1083 258 #Л K
HiddenKey 1044 1076 1076 258 #Д L
HiddenKey 1046 1078 1078 258 #Ж
HiddenKey 1028 1108 1078 258 #Є
HiddenKey 1071 1103 1092 257 #Я Z
HiddenKey 1063 1095 1110 257 #Ч X
HiddenKey 1057 1089 1074 257 #С C
HiddenKey 1052 1084 1072 257 #М V
HiddenKey 1048 1080 1072 257 #И B
HiddenKey 1058 1090 1086 258 #Т N
HiddenKey 1068 1100 1086 258 #Ь M
HiddenKey 1041 1073 1083 258 #Б
HiddenKey 1070 1102 1076 258 #Ю
HiddenKey 63 47 1078 258 #?
HiddenKey 1049 1081 1092 257 #Й Q
HiddenKey 1062 1094 1110 257 #Ц W
HiddenKey 1059 1091 1074 257 #У E
HiddenKey 1050 1082 1072 257 #К R
HiddenKey 1045 1077 1072 257 #Е T
HiddenKey 1053 1085 1086 258 #Н Y
HiddenKey 1043 1075 1086 258 #Г U
HiddenKey 1064 1096 1083 258 #Ш I
HiddenKey 1065 1097 1076 258 #Щ O
HiddenKey 1047 1079 1078 258 #З P
HiddenKey 1061 1093 1078 258 #Х
HiddenKey 1031 1111 1078 258 #Ї
HiddenKey 126 39 1092 257 #~
HiddenKey 33 49 1092 257 #!
HiddenKey 34 50 1110 257 #"
HiddenKey 35 51 1074 257 ##
HiddenKey 42 52 1072 257 #*
HiddenKey 58 53 1072 257 #:
HiddenKey 44 54 1086 258 #,
HiddenKey 46 55 1086 258 #.
HiddenKey 59 56 1083 258 #;
HiddenKey 40 57 1076 258 #(
HiddenKey 41 48 1078 258 #)
HiddenKey 95 45 1078 258 #_
HiddenKey 43 61 1078 258 #+
HiddenKey 1168 1169 1078 258 #Ґ