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204 lines
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204 lines
14 KiB
15 years ago
<Title>English (auto-generated)</Title>
<Comment>KTouch training file generated Fri Jun 14 19:46:08 2002
Perl Script written by Steinar Theigmann & Håvard Frøiland.
<Line>fj j f j f f fj f fj fj ffj f fjf f f jj f fj jf jf fj jfj fjf</Line>
<Line>ffj ffj fj ff f f ff fj fj ffjj jjjf j f jj fj jj jfj ff f ff ff</Line>
<Line>fj ffj ff jfj jf jff ffj f ff ffj f fjf j fj ffj fj jj ffj jj f</Line>
<Line>jfj jff j ffj ffjj ff j f fjf ffj jff ffj jf ffj jff fj fj f f f</Line>
<Line>f fj jff ffj fjf f j j jf jf j jfj fjf fj ff fj jfj jfj fj jff</Line>
<Line>fj f ffjj f fjf ffj jfj ff j ff jf jjjf jf j jff jfj j f jj f jfj</Line>
<Line>fj j jff jfj jfj jff jf fj jj j j fjf j fj j fj j f j f ff j ffjj</Line>
<Line>j jfj ffjj jfj f jfj f fj f f f jfj j jf jfj fj j jf f fjf fjf</Line>
<Line>jf ff ff fjf fjf fjf jfj jjjf j f jf jfj f jjjf f ff ff jf f fj</Line>
<Line>ffj fj fj jf f ff jf f j j jfj f jff fj j f fjf f jfj jf f jfj jjjf</Line>
<Line>djd k djd k fdj k fdj k k jdd dd k kf dd k k dd k d fdfk k k kf</Line>
<Line>d kf fdfk k fdj k df jk jdd jkjd jjkk d k k d d d d k k d kf d</Line>
<Line>d dd k d jjd d d dkk jkjd k k k djd dkk kf fdj k fdfk k k fdj</Line>
<Line>k dkk d d df df df k k djd dd k d d d dd jdd d kf fdj k k d jkjd</Line>
<Line>k k k djd k d dd d jdd jjd d d d jdd d k k dd fdfk jjkk k fdfk</Line>
<Line>k d d fdfk jjkk kfd k k dd k k dkk jjd jjkk k kfd df kfd d d d</Line>
<Line>fdj df jdd k d jdd k d k k k jjkk dd d d k jk df k jjkk d k k k</Line>
<Line>jjkk d fdfk fdfk fdj d k d jjkk djd k k k k djd k d d d df k k djd</Line>
<Line>k kfd df k k k d k dd kfd df d kfd k k k kfd djd k k jk dd dd</Line>
<Line>df d d jk k kf jjd kf kf k df d k jkjd kf k jjd fdfk k k kfd d</Line>
<Line>s sl s fl skl s sl fl skl sfj l sk s sk ss s sfj jss l fs ss fs</Line>
<Line>sk jss sk s fl s l fs s fl jss sfj l s sk l sk s fs s ss l fl l</Line>
<Line>sf fl lll skl sfj sk dsk sk sfj ss sf l fl jssj fl l l jss sfj</Line>
<Line>sk sk s fl fl s jss s s s l fl jssj sl l l s fl sl l fs ss l fs</Line>
<Line>jss s dsk s jssj sk fs l l skl l fl l s l s s sl skl fl s s l skl</Line>
<Line>l fl s skl sk s l l jssj s sk s jss jss sfj sf sl sk s lll jssj</Line>
<Line>sl s s fl l lll fl l sk fl ss dsk fl fl fjjs l fl s s s l s jss</Line>
<Line>skl jss sfj l fl l sfj sfj skl l fl l sk fl fl sk ss l fs l sk l</Line>
<Line>sl fl skl l l sl s fl fjjs fjjs l fjjs l fl ss fl l sk s l l l</Line>
<Line>s s fjjs lll sk ss skl jssj skl fl l l skl fl l s dsk s s sl fl</Line>
<Line>sca clac asa cascad sa al sca ass clac slac cak da fla c la fa ja</Line>
<Line>fa salad ca daf addl fa scal slak facad al flask lass ac sass lack</Line>
<Line>sac a c sla sca addl saf c aa fla fad salsa ad fla ad a ladl als</Line>
<Line>c facad da fla call scal fla sac c al daff flas as ca all ak ac</Line>
<Line>sadl cas ala c sak c jackas ca af caff aa aa ja sa afa sla lac ca</Line>
<Line>fla fadd fa ja la faff sca sal alkal fals lac fla sass cas slas</Line>
<Line>al fa clack af flak flas fla as af ass ass fad alack c sadl ass</Line>
<Line>sack sca add sa c ja al lack cas cla cas add c las sa ac jacka sass</Line>
<Line>cla sca cla ja c sak alack slak slas dadd slack alkal la la ak jc</Line>
<Line>ass sa sas scal cas fa salaa las fad lack a dad c a sca ad la sla</Line>
<Line>snaffl dan attack fann na scant fast snack taff ank sna att snac candl</Line>
<Line>tattl tan tac na lan snaf jat staccat na t can fact an fann catcall</Line>
<Line>ta tattl sta nast task cast tan cantata can n lankl slan tall sanda</Line>
<Line>sna flank fact tank cat catcall t cantat latt landfal tal can stanc</Line>
<Line>na snak knac ta annal attac t san canca stall san caftan ta ct</Line>
<Line>t scandal flank last dankl nat cattl stat skat stal stak cact</Line>
<Line>candl fat ana ta flatlan t tal tatt scant flatca dandl staf slat castl</Line>
<Line>fan scantl sna snatc talk sna sna flank cast dandl n task tak lastl</Line>
<Line>alt fan landlad tal ta stan lank flan tal tast sand sta landfall</Line>
<Line>knac landfal cat ants landlad na sata salt caftan anall nat can lastl</Line>
<Line>cassi sic laddi affin canin flint inclinin vivain icil ni satinin</Line>
<Line>ci in cit divan finalis tankin sli instatin kil clinicall dis vill</Line>
<Line>vi lil caddis snifflin fit assail nif lanai kil addic lis ick dia</Line>
<Line>infantil satani kind nift jadin visitin stil idl littl si clinicia validat</Line>
<Line>ninn ti fil cavalcad sanit slackin catfis dinin astatin dadaist killin</Line>
<Line>fil sift vial sniffin fantasti lividl li invalid flick satinin di</Line>
<Line>affiancin dia finn inkin acidl final vannin tin itc italic instancin inla</Line>
<Line>insistin slavin vindictiv nai distall affianc ni stick ki sniff tid tilt</Line>
<Line>tacitl clannis jiltin failin ki stasi sanit fiddl savanna atil acclai</Line>
<Line>fiv satanicall lackadaisicall fascia ti sandin valis ai dids didacticall</Line>
<Line>dividend lite salesladie vie decam dissect skie enema cancel feminist</Line>
<Line>insentienc decedent fiesta saltcella demiste title steadines scammin fancie</Line>
<Line>envie fee descent se incivilitie amide site demitass lesse animatedl</Line>
<Line>select latencie naive mantle milkmaid fiftie distinctivel seventeent</Line>
<Line>mainmas finickies distinctivel filme jestin assesse insiste slate skillet</Line>
<Line>lacke manana inte ma falsett mate dietetic entitlemen vesicle stales</Line>
<Line>divvie cleanin enlivenin seeke titte tendenc mistil mi lifelin accidental</Line>
<Line>steak skimme fantasie divest sveltes devianc mistines sassie jade</Line>
<Line>finenes titte dismantle mentalis inadvisedl fannie installe disinfectan</Line>
<Line>midden divisivenes acclaim mf settee svelt animatedl teatime devastate</Line>
<Line>dare testifier eradicate terminat trafficke hadin inferenc franti</Line>
<Line>reservedl chef lathere marr atria trait distres hearse trance varnis chattin</Line>
<Line>fifer irise intern merite clicker hesitanc rhiniti crackhead dishe</Line>
<Line>saddler rancidit mandrak rattl threade cardinall larc trisectin intrinsi</Line>
<Line>recreatin stridde ester carcas thirst rifte rascal thres drinke indiscriminatel</Line>
<Line>clarete iridescenc refile resen reelectin airlift tetherin invert resale</Line>
<Line>feathere enfranchisemen rehea earthie fetche thick firecracker interlinke</Line>
<Line>redelive ethnicall tidemar indiscreetl cracklin menhade mishandlin catche</Line>
<Line>ransack headline crest inerran teare cradle sincerit hater firt dinner</Line>
<Line>rent snickerin recklessnes sharer thatche relinin refac heatin reinstatemen</Line>
<Line>overcook rotat comi reconfirmatio reregistratio nomad management forklift</Line>
<Line>storme socialisti shoestring conma iodide lading incontinentl fervo</Line>
<Line>sag gentl mo legitimatin sociologicall dominanc font regicid gallantl</Line>
<Line>migh elongatio nonsmokin integran demoni maroo comicalit toccata</Line>
<Line>fag infliction shatteringl coalfield cloc almight remoldin tanglin</Line>
<Line>fago gonorrhea evocatio dialing solderin ciggie collide monarchie</Line>
<Line>correctiona conciliatio hok roilin integrate cosmologie demonstrate throttle</Line>
<Line>glister avitaminosi noddle odditie chiffo mg solstice steroida conge</Line>
<Line>theor ammoni microcos histologica notifier favor chromaticall chromosoma</Line>
<Line>songste negotiator diagnostic nova glande hornie concavit interconnection</Line>
<Line>archbishop parliamentar calibe respel tiebac bon semipro retrospectiv transpir</Line>
<Line>paren snappil absconde nobodie grosbeak podiatr precooke misinterpretatio</Line>
<Line>parad establishin oppos liprea abrasiv dabbl seraph precookin kissabl</Line>
<Line>embarkin breadth airdroppin permeabilit plainsme aberran bonnies gallbladder</Line>
<Line>phaeto beepe packhors deciphermen plastere bloodthirstie cachepo vibration</Line>
<Line>sandblas preme soppie dispos preppe bookmarke neighbore heptagona toboggane</Line>
<Line>despondenc grabber blearil birdbath boast hellebor phonic blint escapemen</Line>
<Line>horrible topographicall portende replier seborrhe peste debark composin</Line>
<Line>trombonis ben bootblac resistibl rebor pikin barnacle pentacle trespasse</Line>
<Line>sparre photocopie dolphin plantin pictographi brittl bipartit potat</Line>
<Line>thoroughnes recrudescin tunefulnes rigorousnes imprimatu rounde capsule</Line>
<Line>breakou reintroduce contentiousnes bullfinche biennium augmenter nurse</Line>
<Line>busb curse quipste munificen beautifie thankfu instruct tranquill</Line>
<Line>stoup inundation undeservin fluf quarto purloinin quaho unheate cherub</Line>
<Line>guffa sufficien ridicule unequivocall redistribute fulsomel herculea</Line>
<Line>portentousnes shogun dangerou gutties samurai knuckl racquetbal babushka emolumen</Line>
<Line>cuboi epilogue frui puddl auctio aqueou quot squint velu abuse pluckil</Line>
<Line>therapeuticall renucleate turnoff busties accusa gustil pluckines neutral nonintellectua</Line>
<Line>uncannil outcropping custodian rutties guardednes platitude grubb mus</Line>
<Line>skunk impugn nonplussin nuptial untrouble flounc unchronicle bushe</Line>
<Line>weed rotundin kidnap compartment retakin enlighten adjurin sharin</Line>
<Line>propositione driftne entitlemen debunk peasantr canvas insurgenc nullifie</Line>
<Line>halfpennie middleweigh licensin outdistance sunburst whelmin supplicatin</Line>
<Line>brinines opalescen chardonna aw salutatorian envelo futon outpatien indulgentl</Line>
<Line>fascination blundere constitutionalist reedines endure wavie allianc rustines</Line>
<Line>numskul refrigeratin repartitionin bookworm snowie annihilate noisom</Line>
<Line>unbiassedl widemouthe phrenologica grandniec manipulation contorte airines</Line>
<Line>institutionall accompanist ranke precedenc tackin squanderin sanitarie conjunctiv</Line>
<Line>eastboun downwar monste inkblot sarong nattere cinematographe punchbag</Line>
<Line>retransmittin sawhorse engineer counterpoise wigwa wakefu genr brainstorm</Line>
<Line>cull continu spectroscopi captionin complete pronounce accumulatio</Line>
<Line>seraphicall misconstruin conservativenes scrabblin cosmeticia deficiencie</Line>
<Line>copiousl chican dissociativel pronouncin congenitall extende cementer</Line>
<Line>poleax attachment recombine compatibilitie colorles obscenes spamblock</Line>
<Line>cinchin agrochemica nonreciproca cleare coastlin crumblines insurrectio</Line>
<Line>discounte preconditionin relocke complexion destructibl crawlin corrode</Line>
<Line>decommissione sec percusse discograph beneficia couple pixel officialis affixe</Line>
<Line>lurchin rapprochemen raccoon incom nic doctorin ratche falsificatio</Line>
<Line>ethnicall obsolesce unpunctualit effulgenc lunchroo chaoticall sackful</Line>
<Line>shucke microelectroni watchtowe occurrin processe electrocardiograph</Line>
<Line>skylight syllabicatin secularize pygm amazo fizze overemphasize summariz</Line>
<Line>heavyse appetize metaphysicall fraye psychoanalyticall economizer bricklayer</Line>
<Line>mestizo yashmak yukk hygromete glamorizatio synthesi dillydall yup wheezil</Line>
<Line>psychedelic burglariz phyl polytheis ethy nylon delaye psychosomatic highboy</Line>
<Line>polynomiall hysteresi polymerase pyrimidine bowdleriz sterilize gazetteere</Line>
<Line>playtim initializatio haphazar legitimatiz buzzard plasticizin sizzle</Line>
<Line>emblazone zoolog anglicize rhyme dyestuff credenz ray squeezebo swiz stargaze</Line>
<Line>baptiz mobilize throwaway oversizin dynast harmonize sublaye metalize</Line>
<Line>humanizatio buckeye overspecialize graybeard magazine clearway yellow enjoyment</Line>
<Line>layere flywa mizzen baptize capsiz styluse glaz synonymou bellyach</Line>
<Line>I U Frann Iss V Sophe Ma Blanch Janissar Karl Equuleu Jech Dia</Line>
<Line>Mariejeann Filofa Shoshann Cheeve Ludvi Stoicism Alabam Fo Belmon Al Peshawa</Line>
<Line>Episcopalia Tammi Huc Castill McDowel Sabrin Izanam Salina Soav Gerar Margarett</Line>
<Line>Blondell Austin Menande Vandal Winnifre Daun Porsch Thomis Noel TELNE</Line>
<Line>Row Ber Fraue Kenya Trix Pissar Bake Vandal Wale Jua Benghaz Ronal</Line>
<Line>Babylonia Jacobit Guamania Zebede Hagiograph Stou AWO Dustbuste Shani</Line>
<Line>Edgard Rigolett Danic Carr Donn Rosco Jazmi Ermini BB Coloradoa Hebrais</Line>
<Line>Stockhause Tolyatt Marshal VG Haga Kamek Gall Pilcomay Ballar Morto Renascenc</Line>
<Line>Hebride Tup Hoebar Tunisia El Crysta Cheyenn SD Mad SU Silvai Johnn</Line>
<Line>Vis Ramb Luge Demetriu Collie Nettl Dicken Joelyn Conservativ Fonzi</Line>