You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

468 lines
16 KiB

kpercentmain.cpp - description
begin : Fri Nov 16 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by Matthias Messmer &
Carsten Niehaus &
Robert Gogolok
email : & &
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// C/C++ includes
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
// TQt includes
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqprogressbar.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kstdguiitem.h>
#include <knumvalidator.h>
// local includes
#include "kpercentmain.h"
#include "kpercentage.h"
KPercentMain::KPercentMain( TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name ) :
KDialog( tqparent, name, TRUE ) // TRUE for modal dialog
setFont( tqparent->font() );
/** load and set the background pixmap */
TQPixmap bgp( locate( "data", TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "kpercentage/pics/kpercentmain_bg_rtl.png" : "kpercentage/pics/kpercentmain_bg.png" ) );
// resize( 520, 220 );
setFixedSize( TQSize( 520, 275 ) );
setBackgroundPixmap( bgp );
setBackgroundOrigin( TQDialog::ParentOrigin );
KIntValidator *validLine = new KIntValidator( this );
line_edit_percentage = new TQLineEdit( this, "line_edit_percentage" );
line_edit_percentage->tqsetAlignment( int( TQLineEdit::AlignHCenter ) );
line_edit_percentage->setValidator( validLine );
line_edit_basevalue = new TQLineEdit( this, "line_edit_basevalue" );
line_edit_basevalue->tqsetAlignment( int( TQLineEdit::AlignHCenter ) );
line_edit_basevalue->setValidator( validLine );
line_edit_percentvalue = new TQLineEdit( this, "line_edit_percentvalue" );
line_edit_percentvalue->tqsetAlignment( int( TQLineEdit::AlignHCenter ) );
line_edit_percentvalue->setValidator( validLine );
progress_bar_count = new TQProgressBar( this, "progress_bar_count" );
progress_bar_count->setFrameShape( TQProgressBar::Panel );
progress_bar_count->setFrameShadow( TQProgressBar::Sunken );
// progress_bar_count->setFixedWidth( 250 );
progress_bar_right_wrong = new TQProgressBar( this, "progress_bar_right" );
progress_bar_right_wrong->setFrameShape( TQProgressBar::Panel );
progress_bar_right_wrong->setFrameShadow( TQProgressBar::Sunken );
// progress_bar_right_wrong->setFixedWidth( 250 );
progress_bar_right_wrong->setPercentageVisible( FALSE );
progress_bar_right_wrong->setPaletteBackgroundColor( TQColor( "red" ) );
label_right = new TQLabel( this, "" );
label_right->setBackgroundPixmap( bgp );
label_right->setBackgroundOrigin( TQDialog::ParentOrigin );
label_wrong = new TQLabel( this, "" );
label_wrong->setBackgroundPixmap( bgp );
label_wrong->setBackgroundOrigin( TQDialog::ParentOrigin );
push_button_apply = new TQPushButton( this, "push_button_apply" );
push_button_apply->setText( KStdGuiItem::apply().text() );
push_button_apply->setDefault( TRUE );
push_button_apply->setBackgroundPixmap( bgp);
push_button_apply->setBackgroundOrigin( TQPushButton::ParentOrigin );
push_button_cancel = new TQPushButton( this, "push_button_cancel" );
push_button_cancel->setText( KStdGuiItem::cancel().text() );
KIconLoader icon_loader;
push_button_apply->setIconSet( TQIconSet( icon_loader.loadIcon( "button_ok", KIcon::NoGroup, 32 ) ) );
push_button_cancel->setIconSet( TQIconSet( icon_loader.loadIcon( "button_cancel", KIcon::NoGroup, 32 ) ) );
label_1 = new TQLabel( this, "label_1" );
label_1->setText( i18n( " % of " ) );
label_1->setBackgroundPixmap( bgp );
label_1->setBackgroundOrigin( TQDialog::ParentOrigin );
label_2 = new TQLabel( this, "label_2" );
label_2->setText( i18n( " = " ) );
label_2->setBackgroundPixmap( bgp );
label_2->setBackgroundOrigin( TQDialog::ParentOrigin );
label_number = new TQLabel( this, "label_number" );
label_number->setBackgroundPixmap( bgp );
label_number->setBackgroundOrigin( TQDialog::ParentOrigin );
label_number->setText( i18n( "Task no. MM:" ) ); // for the right width
label_count = new TQLabel( this, "label_count" );
label_count->setText( i18n( "You got MM of MM." ) ); // for the right width
label_count->setBackgroundPixmap( bgp );
label_count->setBackgroundOrigin( TQDialog::ParentOrigin );
// begin tqlayouting
TQVBoxLayout *main_layout = new TQVBoxLayout ( this, 0, -1, "main_layout" );
main_layout->setMargin( 20 );
main_layout->setSpacing( 10 );
TQHBoxLayout *label_number_layout = new TQHBoxLayout ( main_layout, -1, "label_number_layout" );
label_number_layout->addWidget( label_number );
TQHBoxLayout *line_edit_layout = new TQHBoxLayout ( main_layout, -1, "line_edit_layout" );
line_edit_layout->addWidget( line_edit_percentage );
line_edit_layout->addWidget( label_1 );
line_edit_layout->addWidget( line_edit_basevalue );
line_edit_layout->addWidget( label_2 );
line_edit_layout->addWidget( line_edit_percentvalue );
TQHBoxLayout *bottom_layout = new TQHBoxLayout( main_layout, -1, "bottom_layout" );
TQVBoxLayout *current_state_layout = new TQVBoxLayout ( bottom_layout, -1, "current_state_layout" );
TQHBoxLayout *label_count_layout = new TQHBoxLayout ( current_state_layout, -1, "label_count_layout" );
label_count_layout->addWidget( label_count );
current_state_layout->addSpacing( 10 );
current_state_layout->addWidget( progress_bar_count );
TQHBoxLayout *right_wrong_layout = new TQHBoxLayout( current_state_layout, -1, "right_wrong_layout" );
right_wrong_layout->addWidget( label_right );
right_wrong_layout->addWidget( progress_bar_right_wrong );
right_wrong_layout->addWidget( label_wrong );
bottom_layout->addSpacing( 40 );
TQVBoxLayout *button_layout = new TQVBoxLayout ( bottom_layout, -1, "button_layout" );
button_layout->addWidget( push_button_apply );
button_layout->addSpacing( 10 );
button_layout->addWidget( push_button_cancel );
// --------------------------------------------------------
// tab order
setTabOrder( line_edit_percentvalue, push_button_apply );
setTabOrder( push_button_apply, push_button_cancel );
// ToolTips
TQToolTip::add( progress_bar_count, i18n( "Number of managed exercises" ) );
TQToolTip::add( progress_bar_right_wrong, i18n( "Relation of right to wrong inputs" ) );
TQToolTip::add( push_button_apply, i18n( "Check your answer" ) );
TQToolTip::add( push_button_cancel, i18n( "Back to the main window" ) );
// signals and slots connections
connect( push_button_apply, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotApplyInput() ) );
connect( push_button_cancel, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( accept() ) );
// build up the answer window
answer = new KAnswer( this );
/** this is to tell rand() to be randomizing */
srandom( time( 0 ) );
/** No descriptions */
void KPercentMain::newTask()
// no Editline can be focused
line_edit_percentage->setFocusPolicy( TQ_NoFocus );
line_edit_basevalue->setFocusPolicy( TQ_NoFocus );
line_edit_percentvalue->setFocusPolicy( TQ_NoFocus );
// set the number of managed tasks into a label
label_count->setText( TQString( i18n("You got %1 of %2 exercises.").tqarg(count).tqarg(number) ) ); // update Label for the Progress
// progress_bar_count->setProgress( count*100 ); // updating Progrssbar
startTimer( 10 );
// set string which task is just workin on (Task x of y)
TQString taskNumber( i18n( "Exercise no. %1:" ).tqarg(count+1) );
label_number->setText( taskNumber );
// label_number->adjustSize();
int selection; // which task is to be solved ?
if ( count == number ) // all tasks managed ?
// finished();
if ( selected_type == SEL_RANDOM )
selection = rand() % 3; // select one task by random
selection = selected_type; // or take the preselected one
// set the right line_edit_layout for input
switch ( selection )
line_edit_input = line_edit_percentage;
line_edit_input = line_edit_basevalue;
line_edit_input = line_edit_percentvalue;
// show the numbers
// delete this one
// make the line_edit_layout accessable
line_edit_input->setFocusPolicy( TQ_StrongFocus );
// set the focus on it
/** checks, if the task is solved right */
bool KPercentMain::validateTask()
// here is some mathematics :)
return ( getPercentage() * getBasevalue() == 100 * getPercentvalue() );
/** gets the numbers from the line_edit_layouts */
int KPercentMain::getPercentage()
return line_edit_percentage->text().toInt(); // check for valid input is omitted (slotApplyInput)
int KPercentMain::getBasevalue()
return line_edit_basevalue->text().toInt(); // check for valid input is omitted (slotApplyInput)
int KPercentMain::getPercentvalue()
return line_edit_percentvalue->text().toInt(); // check for valid input is omitted (slotApplyInput)
/* checks, if the input is a val. number
* calls validateTask then and if succeeds causes a newTask */
void KPercentMain::slotApplyInput()
bool ok; // conversion to int successful ?
line_edit_input->text().toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
showAnswer( 3 );
if ( validateTask() ) // are the numbers right ?
showAnswer( 1 );
count++; // one more solved
right_answers++; // one more right answer
progress_bar_right_wrong->setTotalSteps( total_answers );
progress_bar_right_wrong->setProgress( right_answers );
label_right->setText( i18n( "%1%\nright" ).tqarg( (100*right_answers)/total_answers ) );
label_wrong->setText( i18n( "%1%\nwrong" ).tqarg( 100-(100*right_answers)/total_answers ) );
newTask(); // next task, perhaps
showAnswer( 2 );
wrong_answers++; // one more right answer
progress_bar_right_wrong->setTotalSteps( total_answers );
progress_bar_right_wrong->setProgress( right_answers );
label_right->setText( i18n( "%1%\nright" ).tqarg( (100*right_answers)/total_answers ) );
label_wrong->setText( i18n( "%1%\nwrong" ).tqarg( 100-(100*right_answers)/total_answers ) );
/** inserts the numbers of a new task in the line_edit_layouts */
void KPercentMain::showNumbers()
line_edit_percentage->setText( TQString::number( percentage[ count ] ) );
line_edit_basevalue->setText( TQString::number( basevalue[ count ] ) );
line_edit_percentvalue->setText( TQString::number( percentvalue[ count ] ) );
/** called, if number tasks are managed */
void KPercentMain::finished()
showAnswer( 4 );
accept(); // hides the dialog
/** shows the kanswer dialog modal with an proper answer about the success. */
void KPercentMain::showAnswer( int modus )
answer->setAnswer( modus );
/** sets the total amount of tasks selekted in opening screen */
void KPercentMain::setNumber( int anumber )
number = anumber;
progress_bar_count->setTotalSteps( number*100 );
/** Prepares the exercise of number tasks */
void KPercentMain::initExercise()
count = 0;
progress_bar_count->setProgress( 0 );
total_answers = 0;
right_answers = 0;
wrong_answers = 0;
progress_bar_right_wrong->setProgress( 0 );
label_right->setText( "" );
label_wrong->setText( "" );
switch ( selected_level )
/** easy level */
case 0:
/** easy percentages to calculate with */
const int values[] = { 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 10, 25, 50, 75};
::memcpy(percentage, values, sizeof(values));
int num;
if ( number < 6 ) /* for only few tasks, chose from the first 6 numbers */
num = 6;
num = 10; /* else take them all! */
/** swap 20 times in the array */
for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
int m = rand() % num;
int n = rand() % num;
if ( n == m ) /* not a swap */
n = ( n + 1 ) % num;
int h = percentage[ m ];
percentage[ m ] = percentage[ n ];
percentage[ n ] = h;
for ( int i = 0; i < number; i++ )
/** basevalue 100..2000 by chance */
basevalue[ i ] = 100 * ( 1 + rand() % 20 );
/** calc percentvalue */
percentvalue[ i ] = percentage[ i ] * basevalue[ i ] / 100;
case 1:
/** some more tricky percentages */
const int values[] = { 0, 5, 10, 20, 60, 90, 100, 110, 150, 200};
::memcpy(percentage, values, sizeof(values));
/** swap some times in this array */
for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
int m = rand() % 10;
int n = rand() % 10;
if ( n == m ) /** not a swap */
n = ( n + 1 ) % 10;
int h = percentage[ m ];
percentage[ m ] = percentage[ n ];
percentage[ n ] = h;
for ( int i = 0; i < number; i++ )
/** basevalue 0..2000 */
basevalue[ i ] = 100 * ( rand() % 21 );
/** calc percentvalue */
percentvalue[ i ] = percentage[ i ] * basevalue[ i ] / 100;
case 2:
int factor;
for ( int i = 0; i < number; i++ )
/** this lines give you 3 integer by chance. percentage will be somewhere
* between 0 and 200. We use factorisation to have "almost" random numbers
* and _always_ valid numbers. */
factor = 1;
if ( rand() % 2 == 1 )
factor *= 2;
if ( rand() % 2 == 1 )
factor *= 2;
if ( rand() % 2 == 1 )
factor *= 5;
if ( rand() % 2 == 1 )
factor *= 5;
percentage[ i ] = rand() % ( 200 / factor );
basevalue[ i ] = rand() % ( 10 * factor );
percentvalue[ i ] = percentage[ i ] * basevalue[ i ];
percentage[ i ] *= factor;
basevalue[ i ] *= 100 / factor;
newTask(); /** prepare the window for the first task */
void KPercentMain::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent *event )
if( progress_bar_count->progress()<count*100 )
killTimer( event->timerId() );
if( progress_bar_count->progress()==number*100 ) finished();
void KPercentMain::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * e )
if ( e->key() == Key_Enter ) slotApplyInput();
KDialog::keyPressEvent( e );
#include "kpercentmain.moc"