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* patience -- main program
* Copyright (C) 1995 Paul Olav Tvete
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
* both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
* supporting documentation.
* This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
* shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
* trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
* event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
* other special, indirect and consequential damages.
* Heavily modified by Mario Weilguni <>
#ifndef __PWIDGET__H__
#define __PWIDGET__H__
#include <tdemainwindow.h>
class Dealer;
class TDEToggleAction;
class TDESelectAction;
class TDERecentFilesAction;
class TDEAction;
class TQWidgetStack;
class TQLabel;
class pWidget: public TDEMainWindow {
public slots:
void undoMove();
void changeBackside();
void animationChanged();
void newGameType();
void restart();
void openGame();
void openGame(const KURL &url);
void saveGame();
void newGame();
void chooseGame();
void undoPossible(bool poss);
void gameWon(bool withhelp);
void gameLost();
void changeWallpaper();
void slotGameInfo(const TQString &);
void slotUpdateMoves();
void helpGame();
void enableAutoDrop();
void showStats();
void setGameCaption();
void setBackSide(const TQString &deck, const TQString &dir);
virtual void showEvent(TQShowEvent *e);
// Members
Dealer *dill; // The current patience
TDESelectAction *games;
TDESelectAction *wallpapers;
TDEAction *backs;
TDEAction *undo;
TDEToggleAction *animation;
TDEToggleAction *dropaction;
TDEAction *stats;
TQPixmap background;
TQColor midcolor;
TQStringList wallpaperlist;
TDERecentFilesAction *recent;