You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

210 lines
7.5 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2002 David Faure <>
* Copyright (C) 2003 Waldo Bastian <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// ------ this test works only if your terminal application is set to "x-term" ------
#include "kruntest.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kshell.h>
#include <kservice.h>
#include <kde_file.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <layout.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
const int MAXKRUNS = 100;
testKRun * myArray[MAXKRUNS];
void testKRun::foundMimeType( const TQString& _type )
kdDebug() << "testKRun::foundMimeType " << _type << endl;
kdDebug() << "testKRun::foundMimeType URL=" << m_strURL.url() << endl;
m_bFinished = true;
m_timer.start( 0, true );
TQVBoxLayout *lay = new TQVBoxLayout(this);
TQPushButton * h = new TQPushButton( "Press here to terminate", this );
start = new TQPushButton( "Launch KRuns", this );
stop = new TQPushButton( "Stop those KRuns", this );
TQObject::connect( h, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), kapp, TQT_SLOT(quit()) );
TQObject::connect( start, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStart()) );
TQObject::connect( stop, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStop()) );
void Receiver::slotStop()
for (int i = 0 ; i < MAXKRUNS ; i++ )
kdDebug() << " deleting krun " << i << endl;
delete myArray[i];
void Receiver::slotStart()
for (int i = 0 ; i < MAXKRUNS ; i++ )
kdDebug() << "creating testKRun " << i << endl;
myArray[i] = new testKRun( KURL("file:/tmp"), 0, true, false /* no autodelete */ );
void check(TQString txt, TQString a, TQString b)
if (a.isEmpty())
a = TQString::null;
if (b.isEmpty())
b = TQString::null;
if (a == b)
kdDebug() << txt << " : '" << a << "' - ok" << endl;
else {
kdDebug() << txt << " : '" << a << "' but expected '" << b << "' - KO!" << endl;
const char *bt(bool tr) { return tr?"true":"false"; }
void checkBN(TQString a, bool tr, TQString b)
check( TQString().sprintf("binaryName('%s', %s)", a.latin1(), bt(tr)), KRun::binaryName(a, tr), b);
void checkPDE(const KService &service, const KURL::List &urls, bool hs, bool tf, TQString b)
TQString().sprintf("processDesktopExec( "
"service = {\nexec = %s\nterminal = %s, terminalOptions = %s\nsubstituteUid = %s, user = %s },"
"\nURLs = { %s },\nhas_shell = %s, temp_files = %s )",
service.exec().latin1(), bt(service.terminal()), service.terminalOptions().latin1(), bt(service.substituteUid()), service.username().latin1(),
KShell::joinArgs(urls.toStringList()).latin1(), bt(hs), bt(tf)),
KShell::joinArgs(KRun::processDesktopExec(service,urls,hs,tf)), b);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
KApplication app( argc, argv, "kruntest", true /* it _has_ a GUI ! */);
// First some non-interactive tests
checkBN( "/usr/bin/ls", true, "ls");
checkBN( "/usr/bin/ls", false, "/usr/bin/ls");
checkBN( "/path/to/wine \"long argument with path\"", true, "wine" );
checkBN( "/path/with/a/sp\\ ace/exe arg1 arg2", true, "exe" );
checkBN( "\"progname\" \"arg1\"", true, "progname" );
checkBN( "'quoted' \"arg1\"", true, "quoted" );
checkBN( " 'leading space' arg1", true, "leading space" );
KURL::List l0;
KURL::List l1; l1 << "file:/tmp";
KURL::List l2; l2 << "http://localhost/foo";
KURL::List l3; l3 << "file:/local/file" << "";
static const char
*execs[] = { "Exec=date -u", "Exec=echo $$PWD" },
*terms[] = { "Terminal=false", "Terminal=true\nTerminalOptions=-T \"%f - %c\"" },
*sus[] = { "X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false", "X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true\nX-KDE-Username=sprallo" },
*rslts[] = {
"'date' '-u'", // 0
"'/bin/sh' '-c' 'echo $PWD '", // 1
"'x-term' '-T' ' - just_a_test' '-e' 'date' '-u'", // 2
"'x-term' '-T' ' - just_a_test' '-e' '/bin/sh' '-c' 'echo $PWD '", // 3
"'tdesu' '-u' 'sprallo' '-c' 'date -u '", // 4
"'tdesu' '-u' 'sprallo' '-c' '/bin/sh -c '\\''echo $PWD '\\'''", // 5
"'x-term' '-T' ' - just_a_test' '-e' 'su' 'sprallo' '-c' 'date -u '", // 6
"'x-term' '-T' ' - just_a_test' '-e' 'su' 'sprallo' '-c' '/bin/sh -c '\\''echo $PWD '\\'''", // 7
"'date -u '", // 8
"'echo $PWD '", // 9
"'x-term -T \" - just_a_test\"' '-e' 'date -u '", // a
"'x-term -T \" - just_a_test\"' '-e' '/bin/sh -c '\\''echo $PWD '\\'''", // b
"'tdesu' '-u' 'sprallo' '-c' ''\\''date -u '\\'''", // c
"'tdesu' '-u' 'sprallo' '-c' ''\\''/bin/sh -c '\\''\\'\\'''\\''echo $PWD '\\''\\'\\'''\\'''\\'''", // d
"'x-term -T \" - just_a_test\"' '-e' 'su' 'sprallo' '-c' ''\\''date -u '\\'''", // e
"'x-term -T \" - just_a_test\"' '-e' 'su' 'sprallo' '-c' ''\\''/bin/sh -c '\\''\\'\\'''\\''echo $PWD '\\''\\'\\'''\\'''\\'''", // f
for (int hs = 0; hs < 2; hs++)
for (int su = 0; su < 2; su++)
for (int te = 0; te < 2; te++)
for (int ex = 0; ex < 2; ex++) {
int fd = creat("kruntest.desktop", 0666);
FILE *f;
if (fd < 0) abort();
f = KDE_fdopen(fd, "w");
fprintf(f, "[Desktop Entry]\n"
KService s(TQDir::currentDirPath() + "/kruntest.desktop");
checkPDE( s, l0, hs, false, rslts[ex+te*2+su*4+hs*8]);
KService s1("dummy", "kate %U", "app");
checkPDE( s1, l0, false, false, "'kate'");
checkPDE( s1, l1, false, false, "'kate' '/tmp'");
checkPDE( s1, l2, false, false, "'kate' 'http://localhost/foo'");
checkPDE( s1, l3, false, false, "'kate' '/local/file' ''");
KService s2("dummy", "kate %u", "app");
checkPDE( s2, l0, false, false, "'kate'");
checkPDE( s2, l1, false, false, "'kate' '/tmp'");
checkPDE( s2, l2, false, false, "'kate' 'http://localhost/foo'");
checkPDE( s2, l3, false, false, "'kate'");
KService s3("dummy", "kate %F", "app");
checkPDE( s3, l0, false, false, "'kate'");
checkPDE( s3, l1, false, false, "'kate' '/tmp'");
checkPDE( s3, l2, false, false, "'kfmexec' 'kate %F' 'http://localhost/foo'");
checkPDE( s3, l3, false, false, "'kfmexec' 'kate %F' 'file:/local/file' ''");
checkPDE( s3, l1, false, true, "'kfmexec' '--tempfiles' 'kate %F' 'file:/tmp'");
checkPDE( s3, l1, true, true, "''\\''kfmexec'\\'' '\\''--tempfiles'\\'' '\\''kate %F'\\'' '\\''file:/tmp'\\'''");
KService s4("dummy", "sh -c \"kate \"'\\\"'\"%F\"'\\\"'", "app");
checkPDE( s4, l1, false, false, "'kate' '\"/tmp\"'");
Receiver receiver;
return app.exec();
#include "kruntest.moc"