You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
816 B
Common Lisp

;; This test file tests kates common lisp highlighting
multilinecomment :)
;BEGIN region marker
;END end
(defun bin-search (obj vec)
(let ((len (length vec)))
(and (not (zerop len))
(finder obj vec 0 (- len 1)))))
(defun parse-date (str)
(let ((toks (tokens str #'constituent 0)))
(list (parse-integer (first toks))
(parse-month (second toks))
(parse-integer (third toks)))))
(defconstant month-names
#("jan" "feb" "mar" "apr" "may" "jun"
"jul" "aug" "sep" "oct" "nov" "dec"))
(defstruct buf
vec (start -1) (used -1) (new -1) (end -1))
(defparameter *words* (make-hash-table :size 10000))
(defmacro while (test &rest body)
`(do ()
((not ,test))
(define-modify-macro append1f (val)
(lambda (lst val) (append lst (list val))))