You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

538 lines
13 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 2003 Christoph Cullmann <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __KATE_CONFIG_H__
#define __KATE_CONFIG_H__
#include <ktexteditor/markinterface.h>
#include <tqbitarray.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqvaluevector.h>
class KateView;
class KateDocument;
class KateRenderer;
class KateFontStruct;
class KateFontMetrics;
class KConfig;
class TQFont;
class TQTextCodec;
* Base Class for the Kate Config Classes
class KateConfig
* Default Constructor
KateConfig ();
* Virtual Destructor
virtual ~KateConfig ();
* start some config changes
* this method is needed to init some kind of transaction
* for config changes, update will only be done once, at
* configEnd() call
void configStart ();
* end a config change transaction, update the concerned
* documents/views/renderers
void configEnd ();
* do the real update
virtual void updateConfig () = 0;
* recursion depth
uint configSessionNumber;
* is a config session running
bool configIsRunning;
class KateDocumentConfig : public KateConfig
friend class KateFactory;
* only used in KateFactory for the static global fallback !!!
KateDocumentConfig ();
* Construct a DocumentConfig
KateDocumentConfig (KateDocument *doc);
* Cu DocumentConfig
~KateDocumentConfig ();
inline static KateDocumentConfig *global () { return s_global; }
inline bool isGlobal () const { return (this == global()); }
* Read config from object
void readConfig (KConfig *config);
* Write config to object
void writeConfig (KConfig *config);
void updateConfig ();
int tabWidth () const;
void setTabWidth (int tabWidth);
int indentationWidth () const;
void setIndentationWidth (int indentationWidth);
enum IndentationMode
imNone = 0,
imNormal = 1,
imCStyle = 2,
imPythonStyle = 3,
imXmlStyle = 4,
imCSAndS = 5,
imVarIndent = 6,
imScriptIndent = 7
uint indentationMode () const;
void setIndentationMode (uint identationMode);
bool wordWrap () const;
void setWordWrap (bool on);
unsigned int wordWrapAt () const;
void setWordWrapAt (unsigned int col);
uint undoSteps () const;
void setUndoSteps ( uint undoSteps );
bool pageUpDownMovesCursor () const;
void setPageUpDownMovesCursor (bool on);
enum ConfigFlags
cfBackspaceIndents= 0x2,
cfWordWrap= 0x4,
cfRemoveSpaces = 0x10,
cfWrapCursor= 0x20,
cfAutoBrackets= 0x40,
cfTabIndentsMode = 0x200,
cfOvr= 0x1000,
cfKeepIndentProfile= 0x8000,
cfKeepExtraSpaces= 0x10000,
cfTabIndents= 0x80000,
cfShowTabs= 0x200000,
cfSpaceIndent= 0x400000,
cfSmartHome = 0x800000,
cfTabInsertsTab = 0x1000000,
cfReplaceTabsDyn= 0x2000000,
cfDoxygenAutoTyping=0x8000000 , // Remove for KDE 4.0 (put in indenters)
cfMixedIndent = 0x10000000,
cfIndentPastedText = 0x20000000
uint configFlags () const;
void setConfigFlags (KateDocumentConfig::ConfigFlags flag, bool enable);
void setConfigFlags (uint fullFlags);
const TQString &encoding () const;
TQTextCodec *codec ();
void setEncoding (const TQString &encoding);
bool isSetEncoding () const;
enum Eol
eolUnix = 0,
eolDos = 1,
eolMac = 2
int eol () const;
TQString eolString ();
void setEol (int mode);
bool allowEolDetection () const;
void setAllowEolDetection (bool on);
enum BackupFlags
uint backupFlags () const;
void setBackupFlags (uint flags);
const TQString &backupPrefix () const;
void setBackupPrefix (const TQString &prefix);
const TQString &backupSuffix () const;
void setBackupSuffix (const TQString &suffix);
bool plugin (uint index) const;
void setPlugin (uint index, bool load);
* Should Kate Part search for dir wide config file
* and if, how depth?
* @return search depth (< 0 no search)
int searchDirConfigDepth () const;
void setSearchDirConfigDepth (int depth);
int m_tabWidth;
int m_indentationWidth;
uint m_indentationMode;
bool m_wordWrap;
int m_wordWrapAt;
uint m_undoSteps;
bool m_pageUpDownMovesCursor;
uint m_configFlags;
TQString m_encoding;
int m_eol;
bool m_allowEolDetection;
uint m_backupFlags;
int m_searchDirConfigDepth;
TQString m_backupPrefix;
TQString m_backupSuffix;
TQBitArray m_plugins;
bool m_tabWidthSet : 1;
bool m_indentationWidthSet : 1;
bool m_indentationModeSet : 1;
bool m_wordWrapSet : 1;
bool m_wordWrapAtSet : 1;
bool m_pageUpDownMovesCursorSet : 1;
bool m_undoStepsSet : 1;
uint m_configFlagsSet;
bool m_encodingSet : 1;
bool m_eolSet : 1;
bool m_allowEolDetectionSet : 1;
bool m_backupFlagsSet : 1;
bool m_searchDirConfigDepthSet : 1;
bool m_backupPrefixSet : 1;
bool m_backupSuffixSet : 1;
TQBitArray m_pluginsSet;
static KateDocumentConfig *s_global;
KateDocument *m_doc;
class KateViewConfig : public KateConfig
friend class KateFactory;
* only used in KateFactory for the static global fallback !!!
KateViewConfig ();
* Construct a DocumentConfig
KateViewConfig (KateView *view);
* Cu DocumentConfig
~KateViewConfig ();
inline static KateViewConfig *global () { return s_global; }
inline bool isGlobal () const { return (this == global()); }
* Read config from object
void readConfig (KConfig *config);
* Write config to object
void writeConfig (KConfig *config);
void updateConfig ();
bool dynWordWrap () const;
void setDynWordWrap (bool wrap);
int dynWordWrapIndicators () const;
void setDynWordWrapIndicators (int mode);
int dynWordWrapAlignIndent () const;
void setDynWordWrapAlignIndent (int indent);
bool lineNumbers () const;
void setLineNumbers (bool on);
bool scrollBarMarks () const;
void setScrollBarMarks (bool on);
bool iconBar () const;
void setIconBar (bool on);
bool foldingBar () const;
void setFoldingBar (bool on);
int bookmarkSort () const;
void setBookmarkSort (int mode);
int autoCenterLines() const;
void setAutoCenterLines (int lines);
long searchFlags () const;
void setSearchFlags (long flags);
bool cmdLine () const;
void setCmdLine (bool on);
uint defaultMarkType () const;
void setDefaultMarkType (uint type);
bool persistentSelection () const;
void setPersistentSelection (bool on);
enum TextToSearch
Nowhere = 0,
SelectionOnly = 1,
SelectionWord = 2,
WordOnly = 3,
WordSelection = 4
int textToSearchMode () const;
void setTextToSearchMode (int mode);
bool m_dynWordWrap;
int m_dynWordWrapIndicators;
int m_dynWordWrapAlignIndent;
bool m_lineNumbers;
bool m_scrollBarMarks;
bool m_iconBar;
bool m_foldingBar;
int m_bookmarkSort;
int m_autoCenterLines;
long m_searchFlags;
bool m_cmdLine;
uint m_defaultMarkType;
bool m_persistentSelection;
int m_textToSearchMode;
bool m_dynWordWrapSet : 1;
bool m_dynWordWrapIndicatorsSet : 1;
bool m_dynWordWrapAlignIndentSet : 1;
bool m_lineNumbersSet : 1;
bool m_scrollBarMarksSet : 1;
bool m_iconBarSet : 1;
bool m_foldingBarSet : 1;
bool m_bookmarkSortSet : 1;
bool m_autoCenterLinesSet : 1;
bool m_searchFlagsSet : 1;
bool m_cmdLineSet : 1;
bool m_defaultMarkTypeSet : 1;
bool m_persistentSelectionSet : 1;
bool m_textToSearchModeSet : 1;
static KateViewConfig *s_global;
KateView *m_view;
class KateRendererConfig : public KateConfig
friend class KateFactory;
* only used in KateFactory for the static global fallback !!!
KateRendererConfig ();
* Construct a DocumentConfig
KateRendererConfig (KateRenderer *renderer);
* Cu DocumentConfig
~KateRendererConfig ();
inline static KateRendererConfig *global () { return s_global; }
inline bool isGlobal () const { return (this == global()); }
* Read config from object
void readConfig (KConfig *config);
* Write config to object
void writeConfig (KConfig *config);
void updateConfig ();
uint schema () const;
void setSchema (uint schema);
* Reload the schema from the schema manager.
* For the global instance, have all other instances reload.
* Used by the schema config page to apply changes.
void reloadSchema();
KateFontStruct *fontStruct ();
TQFont *font();
KateFontMetrics *fontMetrics();
void setFont(const TQFont &font);
bool wordWrapMarker () const;
void setWordWrapMarker (bool on);
const TQColor& backgroundColor() const;
void setBackgroundColor (const TQColor &col);
const TQColor& selectionColor() const;
void setSelectionColor (const TQColor &col);
const TQColor& highlightedLineColor() const;
void setHighlightedLineColor (const TQColor &col);
const TQColor& lineMarkerColor(KTextEditor::MarkInterface::MarkTypes type = KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType01) const; // markType01 == Bookmark
void setLineMarkerColor (const TQColor &col, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::MarkTypes type = KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType01);
const TQColor& highlightedBracketColor() const;
void setHighlightedBracketColor (const TQColor &col);
const TQColor& wordWrapMarkerColor() const;
void setWordWrapMarkerColor (const TQColor &col);
const TQColor& tabMarkerColor() const;
void setTabMarkerColor (const TQColor &col);
const TQColor& iconBarColor() const;
void setIconBarColor (const TQColor &col);
// the line number color is used for the line numbers on the left bar and
// for vertical separator lines and for code folding lines.
const TQColor& lineNumberColor() const;
void setLineNumberColor (const TQColor &col);
bool showIndentationLines () const;
void setShowIndentationLines (bool on);
* Read the schema properties from the config file.
void setSchemaInternal(int schema);
uint m_schema;
KateFontStruct *m_font;
bool m_wordWrapMarker;
bool m_showIndentationLines;
TQColor m_backgroundColor;
TQColor m_selectionColor;
TQColor m_highlightedLineColor;
TQColor m_highlightedBracketColor;
TQColor m_wordWrapMarkerColor;
TQColor m_tabMarkerColor;
TQColor m_iconBarColor;
TQColor m_lineNumberColor;
TQValueVector<TQColor> m_lineMarkerColor;
bool m_schemaSet : 1;
bool m_fontSet : 1;
bool m_wordWrapMarkerSet : 1;
bool m_showIndentationLinesSet : 1;
bool m_backgroundColorSet : 1;
bool m_selectionColorSet : 1;
bool m_highlightedLineColorSet : 1;
bool m_highlightedBracketColorSet : 1;
bool m_wordWrapMarkerColorSet : 1;
bool m_tabMarkerColorSet : 1;
bool m_iconBarColorSet : 1;
bool m_lineNumberColorSet : 1;
TQBitArray m_lineMarkerColorSet;
static KateRendererConfig *s_global;
KateRenderer *m_renderer;
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tqreplace-tabs on;