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/* -*- C++ -*-
* Copyright (C) 2003 Thiago Macieira <>
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include "ksocketbase.h"
#include "kresolver.h"
#include <kdelibs_export.h>
namespace KNetwork {
class KClientSocketBasePrivate;
/** @class KClientSocketBase kclientsocketbase.h kclientsocketbase.h
* @brief Abstract client socket class.
* This class provides the base functionality for client sockets,
* such as, and especially, name resolution and signals.
* @note This class is abstract. If you're looking for a normal,
* client socket class, see @ref KStreamSocket and KBufferedSocket
* @author Thiago Macieira <>
class KDECORE_EXPORT KClientSocketBase : public TQObject, public KActiveSocketBase
* Socket states.
* These are the possible states for a KClientSocketBase:
* - Idle: socket is not connected
* - HostLookup: socket is doing host lookup prior to connecting
* - HostFound: name lookup is complete
* - Bound: the socket is locally bound
* - Connecting: socket is attempting connection
* - Open: socket is open
* - Connected (=Open): socket is connected
* - Connection (=Open): yet another name for a connected socket
* - Closing: socket is shutting down
* Whenever the socket state changes, the @ref stateChanged(int) signal
* will be emitted.
enum SocketState
Unconnected = Bound,
Connected = Open,
Connection = Open
* Default constructor.
* @param parent the parent TQObject object
* @param name the name of this object
KClientSocketBase(TQObject* parent, const char *name);
* Destructor.
virtual ~KClientSocketBase();
* Returns the current state for this socket.
* @see SocketState
SocketState state() const;
* Sets the socket options. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual bool setSocketOptions(int opts);
* Returns the internal KResolver object used for
* looking up the peer host name and service.
* This can be used to set extra options to the
* lookup process other than the default values, as well
* as obtaining the error codes in case of lookup failure.
KResolver& peerResolver() const;
* Returns the internal list of resolved results for the peer address.
const KResolverResults& peerResults() const;
* Returns the internal KResolver object used for
* looking up the local host name and service.
* This can be used to set extra options to the
* lookup process other than the default values, as well
* as obtaining the error codes in case of lookup failure.
KResolver& localResolver() const;
* Returns the internal list of resolved results for the local address.
const KResolverResults& localResults() const;
* Enables or disables name resolution. If this flag is set to true,
* @ref bind and @ref connect operations will trigger name lookup
* operations (i.e., converting a hostname into its binary form).
* If the flag is set to false, those operations will instead
* try to convert a string representation of an address without
* attempting name resolution.
* This is useful, for instance, when IP addresses are in
* their string representation (such as "") or come
* from other sources like @ref KSocketAddress.
* @param enable whether to enable
void setResolutionEnabled(bool enable);
* Sets the allowed families for the resolutions.
* @param families the families that we want/accept
* @see KResolver::SocketFamilies for possible values
void setFamily(int families);
* Starts the lookup for peer and local hostnames as
* well as their services.
* If the blocking mode for this object is on, this function will
* wait for the lookup results to be available (by calling the
* @ref KResolver::wait method on the resolver objects).
* When the lookup is done, the signal @ref hostFound will be
* emitted (only once, even if we're doing a double lookup).
* If the lookup failed (for any of the two lookups) the
* @ref gotError signal will be emitted with the appropriate
* error condition (see @ref KSocketBase::SocketError).
* This function returns true on success and false on error. Note that
* this is not the lookup result!
virtual bool lookup();
* Binds this socket to the given nodename and service,
* or use the default ones if none are given.
* Upon successful binding, the @ref bound signal will be
* emitted. If an error is found, the @ref gotError
* signal will be emitted.
* @note Due to the internals of the name lookup and binding
* mechanism, some (if not most) implementations of this function
* do not actually bind the socket until the connection
* is requested (see @ref connect). They only set the values
* for future reference.
* This function returns true on success.
* @param node the nodename
* @param service the service
virtual bool bind(const TQString& node = TQString::null,
const TQString& service = TQString::null) = 0;
* Reimplemented from KSocketBase. Connect this socket to this
* specific address.
* Unlike @ref bind(const TQString&, const TQString&) above, this function
* really does bind the socket. No lookup is performed. The @ref bound
* signal will be emitted.
virtual bool bind(const KResolverEntry& address);
* Attempts to connect to the these hostname and service,
* or use the default ones if none are given. If a connection attempt
* is already in progress, check on its state and set the error status
* (NoError or InProgress).
* If the blocking mode for this object is on, this function will only
* return when all the resolved peer addresses have been tried or when
* a connection is established.
* Upon successfully connecting, the @ref connected signal
* will be emitted. If an error is found, the @ref gotError
* signal will be emitted.
* @par Note for derived classes:
* Derived classes must implement this function. The implementation
* will set the parameters for the lookup (using the peer KResolver
* object) and call @ref lookup to start it.
* @par
* The implementation should use the @ref hostFound
* signal to be notified of the completion of the lookup process and
* then proceed to start the connection itself. Care should be taken
* regarding the value of @ref blocking flag.
* @param node the nodename
* @param service the service
virtual bool connect(const TQString& node = TQString::null,
const TQString& service = TQString::null) = 0;
* @overload
* Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual bool connect(const KResolverEntry& address);
* @deprecated
* This is a convenience function provided to ease migrating from
* Qt 3.x's TQSocket class.
inline void connectToHost(const TQString& host, TQ_UINT16 port)
{ connect(host, TQString::number(port)); }
* Disconnects the socket.
* Note that not all socket types can disconnect.
virtual bool disconnect();
* Opens the socket. Reimplemented from TQIODevice.
* You should not call this function; instead, use @ref connect
virtual inline bool open(int)
{ return connect(); }
* Closes the socket. Reimplemented from TQIODevice.
* The closing of the socket causes the emission of the
* signal @ref closed.
virtual void close();
* This call is not supported on sockets. Reimplemented from TQIODevice.
virtual void flush()
{ }
* Returns the number of bytes available on this socket.
* Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
#ifdef USE_QT3
virtual TQ_LONG bytesAvailable() const;
#ifdef USE_QT4
virtual qint64 bytesAvailable() const;
* Waits for more data. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual TQ_LONG waitForMore(int msecs, bool *timeout = 0L);
* Reads data from a socket. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual TQ_LONG readBlock(char *data, TQ_ULONG maxlen);
* @overload
* Reads data from a socket. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual TQ_LONG readBlock(char *data, TQ_ULONG maxlen, KSocketAddress& from);
* Peeks data from the socket. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual TQ_LONG peekBlock(char *data, TQ_ULONG maxlen);
* @overload
* Peeks data from the socket. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual TQ_LONG peekBlock(char *data, TQ_ULONG maxlen, KSocketAddress &from);
* Writes data to the socket. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual TQ_LONG writeBlock(const char *data, TQ_ULONG len);
* @overload
* Writes data to the socket. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual TQ_LONG writeBlock(const char *data, TQ_ULONG len, const KSocketAddress& to);
* Returns the local socket address. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual KSocketAddress localAddress() const;
* Returns the peer socket address. Reimplemented from KSocketBase.
virtual KSocketAddress peerAddress() const;
* Returns true if the readyRead signal is set to be emitted.
bool emitsReadyRead() const;
* Enables the emission of the readyRead signal.
* By default, this signal is enabled.
* @param enable whether to enable the signal
virtual void enableRead(bool enable);
* Returns true if the readyWrite signal is set to be emitted.
bool emitsReadyWrite() const;
* Enables the emission of the readyWrite signal.
* By default, this signal is disabled.
* @param enable whether to enable the signal
virtual void enableWrite(bool enable);
protected slots:
// protected slots
* This slot is connected to the read notifier's signal meaning
* the socket can read more data.
* The default implementation only emits the readyRead signal.
* Override if your class requires processing of incoming
* data.
virtual void slotReadActivity();
* This slot is connected to the write notifier's signal
* meaning the socket can write more data.
* The default implementation only emits the readyWrite signal.
* Override if your class writes data from another source
* (like a buffer).
virtual void slotWriteActivity();
private slots:
void lookupFinishedSlot();
* This signal is emitted whenever the socket state changes.
* Note: do not delete this object inside the slot called by this
* signal.
* @param newstate the new state of the socket object
void stateChanged(int newstate);
* This signal is emitted when this object tqfinds an error.
* The @p code parameter tqcontains the error code that can
* also be found by calling @ref error.
void gotError(int code);
* This signal is emitted when the lookup is successfully completed.
void hostFound();
* This signal is emitted when the socket successfully binds
* to an address.
* @param local the local address we bound to
void bound(const KResolverEntry& local);
* This signal is emitted when the socket is about to connect
* to an address (but before doing so).
* The @p skip parameter can be used to make the loop skip this address.
* Its value is initially false: change it to true if you want to
* skip the current address (as given by @p remote).
* This function is also useful if one wants to reset the timeout.
* @param remote the address we're about to connect to
* @param skip set to true if you want to skip this address
* @note if the connection is successful, the @ref connected signal will be
* emitted.
void aboutToConnect(const KResolverEntry& remote, bool& skip);
* This socket is emitted when the socket successfully connects
* to a remote address.
* @param remote the remote address we did connect to
void connected(const KResolverEntry& remote);
* This signal is emitted when the socket completes the
* closing/shut down process.
void closed();
* This signal is emitted whenever the socket is ready for
* reading -- i.e., there is data to be read in the buffers.
* The subsequent read operation is guaranteed to be non-blocking.
* You can toggle the emission of this signal with the @ref enableRead
* function. This signal is by default enabled.
void readyRead();
* This signal is emitted whenever the socket is ready for
* writing -- i.e., whenever there's space available in the buffers
* to receive more data. The subsequent write operation is
* guaranteed to be non-blocking.
* You can toggle the emission of this signal with the @ref enableWrite
* function. This signal is by default disabled. You will
* want to disable this signal after the first reception, since
* it'll probably fire at every event loop.
void readyWrite();
* Sets the socket state to @p state. This function does not
* emit the @ref stateChanged signal.
void setState(SocketState state);
* This function is called by @ref setState whenever the state
* changes. You should override it if you need to specify any
* actions to be done when the state changes.
* The default implementation acts for these states only:
* - Connected: it sets up the socket notifiers to fire readyRead and
* readyWrite signals.
virtual void stateChanging(SocketState newState);
* Convenience function to set this object's error code to match
* that of the socket device.
void copyError();
KClientSocketBase(const KClientSocketBase&);
KClientSocketBase& operator=(const KClientSocketBase&);
KClientSocketBasePrivate *d;
} // namespace KNetwork