#include "khashtest.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kpixmapeffect.h>
#include <kimageeffect.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
int cols = 3, rows = 3; // how many
void KHashWidget::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent * /*ev*/)
TQTime time;
int it, ft;
TQString say;
TQColor cb = TQColor(0,70,70), ca = TQColor(80,200,200);
int x = 0, y = 0;
pix.resize(width()/cols, height()/rows);
TQPainter p(this);
// draw once, so that the benchmarking be fair :-)
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix,ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::VerticalGradient);
// vertical
it = time.elapsed();
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix,ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::VerticalGradient);
ft = time.elapsed();
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Vertical";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5 + (x++)*width()/cols, 15+y*height()/rows, say); // augment x
// horizontal
it = time.elapsed();
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix,ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::HorizontalGradient);
ft = time.elapsed() ;
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Horizontal";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5+(x++)*width()/cols, 15+y*height()/rows, say);
// elliptic
it = time.elapsed();
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix, ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::EllipticGradient);
KPixmapEffect::hash(pix,KPixmapEffect::NorthLite, 1);
ft = time.elapsed() ;
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Elliptic";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5+(x++)*width()/cols, 15+y*height()/rows, say);
y++; // next row
x = 0; // reset the columns
// diagonal
it = time.elapsed();
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix,ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient);
ft = time.elapsed();
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Diagonal";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5+(x++)*width()/cols, 15+y*height()/rows, say);
// crossdiagonal
it = time.elapsed();
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix,ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::CrossDiagonalGradient);
KPixmapEffect::hash(pix,KPixmapEffect::EastLite, 2);
ft = time.elapsed();
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, CrossDiagonal";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5+(x++)*width()/cols, 15+y*height()/rows, say);
TQImage image = TQImage("testimage.png");
it = time.elapsed();
KImageEffect::hash(image, KImageEffect::WestLite, 2);
ft = time.elapsed();
pix.resize(image.width(), image.height());
pix.resize(width()/cols, height()/rows);
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, CrossDiagonal";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5+(x++)*width()/cols, 15+y*height()/rows, say);
y++; // next row
x = 0; // reset the columns
// pyramidal
it = time.elapsed();
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix, ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::PyramidGradient);
ft = time.elapsed();
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Pyramid";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5+(x++)*width()/cols, 15+y*height()/rows, say);
// rectangular
it = time.elapsed();
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix, ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::RectangleGradient);
ft = time.elapsed();
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Rectangle";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5+(x++)*width()/rows, 15+y*height()/rows, say);
// crosspipe
it = time.elapsed();
KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix, ca, cb, KPixmapEffect::PipeCrossGradient);
KPixmapEffect::hash(pix,KPixmapEffect::WestLite, 3);
ft = time.elapsed();
say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, PipeCross";
p.drawPixmap(x*width()/cols, y*height()/rows, pix);
p.drawText(5+(x++)*width()/rows, 15+y*height()/rows, say);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
TDEApplication *app = new TDEApplication(argc, argv, "KHashTest");
KHashWidget w;
w.resize(250 * cols, 250 * rows);
#include <khashtest.moc>