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# (C) 2010 Serghei Amelian
# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
# Improvements and feedback are welcome
# This file is released under GPL >= 2
##### tdenm_dbus (static) #########################
# options:
# p - generate proxy files
# i - generate interface files
# n - generate node files
function( add_dbus_xml option basename classname namespace xmlfile )
if( classname )
set( classname -c ${classname} )
endif( )
add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${basename}.cpp ${basename}.h
COMMAND ${DBUSXML2QT3_EXECUTABLE} -${option} ${basename} ${classname} -N ${namespace} ${INTROSPECTIONPATH}/${xmlfile} 2>/dev/null
endfunction( )
add_dbus_xml( p networkmanagerproxy NetworkManagerProxy DBus nm-manager.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p networkmanagerpppproxy NetworkManagerPPPProxy DBus nm-ppp-manager.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p deviceproxy DeviceProxy DBus nm-device.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p wifiproxy WiFiDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-wifi.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p wimaxproxy WiMaxDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-wimax.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p olpcmeshproxy OlpcMeshDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-olpc-mesh.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p bluetoothproxy BluetoothDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-bt.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p ethernetproxy EthernetDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-ethernet.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p infinibandproxy InfinibandDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-infiniband.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p modemproxy ModemDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-modem.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p accesspointproxy AccessPointProxy DBus nm-access-point.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p activeconnectionproxy ActiveConnectionProxy DBus nm-active-connection.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p vpnconnectionproxy VPNConnectionProxy DBus nm-vpn-connection.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p vpnpluginproxy VPNPluginProxy DBus nm-vpn-plugin.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p networkmanagersettings SettingsInterface DBus nm-settings.xml )
add_dbus_xml( p connectionsettings ConnectionSettingsInterface DBus nm-settings-connection.xml )
# generate moc files
set( MOCHEADERS accesspointproxy.h deviceproxy.h networkmanagerproxy.h networkmanagerpppproxy.h bluetoothproxy.h olpcmeshproxy.h ethernetproxy.h
infinibandproxy.h wifiproxy.h wimaxproxy.h activeconnectionproxy.h vpnconnectionproxy.h vpnpluginproxy.h modemproxy.h
networkmanagersettings.h connectionsettings.h )
foreach( _header_file ${MOCHEADERS} )
get_filename_component( _basename "${_header_file}" NAME_WE )
set( _moc_file ${_basename}.moc )
list( APPEND _moc_files ${_moc_file} )
add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_moc_file}
COMMAND ${TMOC_EXECUTABLE} ${_header_file} -o ${_moc_file}
DEPENDS ${_header_file} )
endforeach( )
add_custom_command( OUTPUT mocfiles.cpp
COMMAND cat ${_moc_files} > mocfiles.cpp
DEPENDS ${_moc_files} )
# tde_automoc( accesspointproxy.h deviceproxy.h networkmanagerproxy.h
# networkmanagerpppproxy.h bluetoothproxy.h olpcmeshproxy.h
# ethernetproxy.h infinibandproxy.h wifiproxy.h wimaxproxy.h
# activeconnectionproxy.h vpnconnectionproxy.h vpnpluginproxy.h
# modemproxy.h networkmanagersettings.h connectionsettings.h )
# build the library
tde_add_library( tdenm_dbus STATIC_PIC
networkmanagerproxy.cpp networkmanagerpppproxy.cpp
deviceproxy.cpp bluetoothproxy.cpp olpcmeshproxy.cpp ethernetproxy.cpp
infinibandproxy.cpp wifiproxy.cpp wimaxproxy.cpp accesspointproxy.cpp
networkmanagersettings.cpp connectionsettings.cpp
mocfiles.cpp activeconnectionproxy.cpp vpnconnectionproxy.cpp
vpnpluginproxy.cpp modemproxy.cpp