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447 lines
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15 years ago
// filename : kmdichildfrm.h
// Project : KDE MDI extension
// begin : 07/1999 by Szymon Stefanek as part of kvirc
// (an IRC application)
// changes : 09/1999 by Falk Brettschneider to create an
// - 06/2000 stand-alone Qt extension set of
// classes and a Qt-based library
// 2000-2003 maintained by the KDevelop project
// patches : */2000 Lars Beikirch (
// copyright : (C) 1999-2003 by Falk Brettschneider
// and
// Szymon Stefanek (
// email : (Falk Brettschneider)
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
#ifndef _KMDI_CHILD_FRM_H_
#define _KMDI_CHILD_FRM_H_
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include "kmdichildfrmcaption.h"
class KMdiChildArea;
class KMdiChildView;
class QPopupMenu;
class QToolButton;
* @short Internal class, only used on Win32.
* This class provides a label widget that can process mouse click events.
class KMDI_EXPORT KMdiWin32IconButton : public QLabel
KMdiWin32IconButton( QWidget* parent, const char* name = 0 );
virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* );
void pressed();
/* some special events, see kmdidefines.h
* @short a QCustomEvent for move
* This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class KMDI_EXPORT KMdiChildFrmMoveEvent : public QCustomEvent
KMdiChildFrmMoveEvent( QMoveEvent *e ) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type( QEvent::User + int( KMdi::EV_Move ) ), e ) {}
* @short a QCustomEvent for begin of dragging
* This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class KMDI_EXPORT KMdiChildFrmDragBeginEvent : public QCustomEvent
KMdiChildFrmDragBeginEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type( QEvent::User + int( KMdi::EV_DragBegin ) ), e ) {}
* @short a QCustomEvent for end of dragging
* This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class KMDI_EXPORT KMdiChildFrmDragEndEvent : public QCustomEvent
KMdiChildFrmDragEndEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type( QEvent::User + int( KMdi::EV_DragEnd ) ), e ) {}
* @short a QCustomEvent for begin of resizing
* This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class KMDI_EXPORT KMdiChildFrmResizeBeginEvent : public QCustomEvent
KMdiChildFrmResizeBeginEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type( QEvent::User + int( KMdi::EV_ResizeBegin ) ), e ) {}
* @short a QCustomEvent for end of resizing
* This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class KMDI_EXPORT KMdiChildFrmResizeEndEvent : public QCustomEvent
KMdiChildFrmResizeEndEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type( QEvent::User + int( KMdi::EV_ResizeEnd ) ), e ) {}
class KMdiChildFrmPrivate;
* @short Internal class.
* It's an MDI child frame widget. It contains a view widget and a frame caption. Usually you derive from its view.
class KMDI_EXPORT KMdiChildFrm : public QFrame
friend class KMdiChildArea;
friend class KMdiChildFrmCaption;
// attributes
enum MdiWindowState { Normal, Maximized, Minimized };
//positions same in h and cpp for fast order check
KMdiChildView* m_pClient;
KMdiChildArea* m_pManager;
KMdiChildFrmCaption* m_pCaption;
KMdiWin32IconButton* m_pWinIcon;
QToolButton* m_pUnixIcon;
QToolButton* m_pMinimize;
QToolButton* m_pMaximize;
QToolButton* m_pClose;
QToolButton* m_pUndock;
MdiWindowState m_state;
QRect m_restoredRect;
int m_iResizeCorner;
int m_iLastCursorCorner;
bool m_bResizing;
bool m_bDragging;
QPixmap* m_pIconButtonPixmap;
QPixmap* m_pMinButtonPixmap;
QPixmap* m_pMaxButtonPixmap;
QPixmap* m_pRestoreButtonPixmap;
QPixmap* m_pCloseButtonPixmap;
QPixmap* m_pUndockButtonPixmap;
* Every child frame window has an temporary ID in the Window menu of the child area.
int m_windowMenuID;
* Imitates a system menu for child frame windows
QPopupMenu* m_pSystemMenu;
QSize m_oldClientMinSize;
QSize m_oldClientMaxSize;
QLayout::ResizeMode m_oldLayoutResizeMode;
QTime m_timeMeasure;
// methods
* Creates a new KMdiChildFrm class.
KMdiChildFrm( KMdiChildArea *parent );
* Destroys this KMdiChildFrm
* If a child is still here managed (no recreation was made) it is destroyed too.
* Reparents the widget w to this KMdiChildFrm (if this is not already done)
* Installs an event filter to catch focus events.
* Resizes this mdi child in a way that the child fits perfectly in.
void setClient( KMdiChildView *w, bool bAutomaticResize = false );
* Reparents the client widget to 0 (desktop), moves with an offset from the original position
* Removes the event filter.
void unsetClient( QPoint positionOffset = QPoint( 0, 0 ) );
* Sets the window icon pointer.
void setIcon( const QPixmap &pxm );
* Returns the child frame icon.
QPixmap* icon() const;
* Enables or disables the close button
void enableClose( bool bEnable );
* Sets the caption of this window
void setCaption( const QString& text );
* Gets the caption of this mdi child.
const QString& caption() { return m_pCaption->m_szCaption; }
* Minimizes, Maximizes, or restores the window.
void setState( MdiWindowState state, bool bAnimate = true );
* Returns the current state of the window
inline MdiWindowState state() const { return m_state; }
* Returns the inner client area of the parent of this (which is KMdiChildArea).
QRect mdiAreaContentsRect() const;
* Returns the geometry that will be restored by calling restore().
QRect restoreGeometry() const;
* Sets the geometry that will be restored by calling restore().
void setRestoreGeometry( const QRect& newRestGeo );
* Forces updating the rects of the caption and so...
* It may be useful when setting the mdiCaptionFont of the MdiManager
void updateRects() { resizeEvent( 0 ); }
* Returns the system menu.
QPopupMenu* systemMenu() const;
* Returns the caption bar height
inline int captionHeight() const { return m_pCaption->height(); }
* sets new raise behavior and pixmaps of the buttons depending on the current decoration style
void redecorateButtons();
* returns the mouse state "In Drag"
bool isInDrag() const { return m_bDragging; }
* returns the mouse state "In Resize"
bool isInResize() const { return m_bResizing; }
* Internally called from the signal focusInEventOccurs.
* It raises the MDI childframe to the top of all other MDI child frames and sets the focus on it.
void raiseAndActivate();
* Sets the minimum size of the widget to w by h pixels.
* It extends it's base clase method in a way that the minimum size of
* the child area will be set additionally if the view is maximized.
virtual void setMinimumSize ( int minw, int minh );
public slots:
void slot_resizeViaSystemMenu();
* Reimplemented from the base class.
* Resizes the captionbar, relayouts the position of the system buttons,
* and calls resize for its embedded KMdiChildView with the proper size
virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
* Reimplemented from the base class.
* Detects if the mouse is on the edge of window and what resize cursor must be set.
* Calls KMdiChildFrm::resizeWindow if it is in m_bResizing.
virtual void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
* Reimplemented from the base class.
* Colours the caption, raises the childfrm widget and
* turns to resize mode if it is on the edge (resize-sensitive area)
virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
* Reimplemented from the base class.
* Sets a normal cursor and leaves the resize mode.
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * );
* Reimplemented from the base class.
* give its child view the chance to notify a childframe move... that's why it sends
* a KMdiChildMovedEvent to the embedded KMdiChildView .
virtual void moveEvent( QMoveEvent* me );
* Reimplemented from the base class. If not in resize mode, it sets the mouse cursor to normal appearance.
virtual void leaveEvent( QEvent * );
* Reimplemented from the base class.
* In addition, the following are caught
* -the client's mousebutton press events which raises and activates the childframe
* -the client's resize event which resizes this widget as well
virtual bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent* );
* Calculates the new geometry from the new mouse position given as parameters
* and calls KMdiChildFrm::setGeometry
void resizeWindow( int resizeCorner, int x, int y );
* Override the cursor appearance depending on the widget corner given as parameter
void setResizeCursor( int resizeCorner );
* Changes from the resize cursor to the normal (previous) cursor
void unsetResizeCursor();
* That means to show a mini window showing the childframe's caption bar, only.
* It cannot be resized.
virtual void switchToMinimizeLayout();
* Does the actual resize. Called from various places but from resizeEvent in general.
void doResize();
* Does the actual resize, like doResize() but skips resize of the client if \a captionOnly is true.
* @todo: merge with doResize()
void doResize( bool captionOnly );
protected slots:
* Handles a click on the Maximize button
void maximizePressed();
* Handles a click on the Restore (Normalize) button
void restorePressed();
* Handles a click on the Minimize button.
void minimizePressed();
* Handles a click on the Close button.
void closePressed();
* Handles a click on the Undock (Detach) button
void undockPressed();
* Shows a system menu for child frame windows.
void showSystemMenu();
* Restore the focus policies for _all_ widgets in the view using the list given as parameter.
* Install the event filter for all direct child widgets of this. (See KMdiChildFrm::eventFilter)
void linkChildren( QDict<FocusPolicy>* pFocPolDict );
* Backups all focus policies of _all_ child widgets in the MDI childview since they get lost during a reparent.
* Remove all event filters for all direct child widgets of this. (See KMdiChildFrm::eventFilter)
QDict<QWidget::FocusPolicy>* unlinkChildren();
* Calculates the corner id for the resize cursor. The return value can be tested for:
* or an OR'd variant of them for the corners.
int getResizeCorner( int ax, int ay );
KMdiChildFrmPrivate *d;
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