<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< !DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd" [
<!ENTITY a_valid_char_in_macro_names "A-Za-z0-9_">
<language name= "RPM Spec" version= "1.4" kateversion= "2.4" section= "Other" extensions= "*.spec" mimetype= "" license= "public domain" >
<highlighting >
<contexts >
<context attribute= "Normal Text" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "Normal" >
<!-- Handle tags: -->
<RegExpr attribute= "Tag" context= "tag_line" String= "((Name|Summary|Summary\(.*\)|Version|Epoch|Serial|Release|Group|Copyright|License|Icon|Vendor|Distribution|Packager|Url|URL|Prefix|Conflicts|Obsoletes|Provides|AutoReqProv|PreReq|Requires|Requires\(.*\)|Enhances|Suggests|Recommends|BuildArch|BuildArchitectures|BuildConflicts|BuildRequires|BuildRoot|ExclusiveArch|ExclusiveOs|ExcludeArch|ExcludeOs|Source\d*|Nosource|Patch\d*|Nopatch)[ \t]*:)" column= "0" />
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<!-- Handle comments. "# norootforbuild" is displayed like a tag. -->
<DetectChar context= "Comment" char= "#" column= "0" lookAhead= "true" />
<context attribute= "Normal Text" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "command section" >
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<!-- Handle comments. "# norootforbuild" is displayed like a tag. -->
<DetectChar context= "Comment" char= "#" column= "0" lookAhead= "true" />
<context attribute= "Normal Text" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "changelog section" >
<Detect2Chars attribute= "Value" context= "tag_line" char= "-" char1= " " column= "0" />
<Detect2Chars attribute= "Tag" context= "changelog_header" char= "*" char1= " " column= "0" />
<!-- Handle comments. "# norootforbuild" is displayed like a tag. -->
<DetectChar context= "Comment" char= "#" column= "0" lookAhead= "true" />
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<context attribute= "Normal" lineEndContext= "description section" name= "description section start line" >
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<context attribute= "Value" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "description section" >
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<!-- Handle comments. "# norootforbuild" is displayed like a tag. -->
<DetectChar context= "Comment" char= "#" column= "0" lookAhead= "true" />
<context attribute= "Comment" lineEndContext= "#pop" name= "Comment" >
<StringDetect attribute= "Tag" context= "every_non_whitespace_is_error" String= "# norootforbuild" column= "0" />
<!-- Error on single percent ("%"), but not on double percent ("%%"): -->
<Detect2Chars attribute= "Comment" char= "%" char1= "%" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Error" char= "%" />
<!-- Alert on "TODO" -->
<StringDetect attribute= "Alert" String= "TODO" insensitive= "true" />
<StringDetect attribute= "Alert" String= "FIXME" insensitive= "true" />
<context attribute= "Normal Text" lineEndContext= "#pop" name= "every_non_whitespace_is_error" >
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "[^\s]" />
<context attribute= "Value" lineEndContext= "#pop" name= "tag_line" >
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<context attribute= "Tag" lineEndContext= "#pop" name= "changelog_header" >
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<context attribute= "Normal Text" lineEndContext= "#pop" name= "parameters after keyword" >
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<!-- Expects a string starting with % or $ (otherwise, this context will fail!). -->
<context lineEndContext= "#pop" name= "handle_percent" >
<Detect2Chars attribute= "Escaped character" context= "#pop" char= "%" char1= "%" />
<!-- Keywords: -->
<RegExpr attribute= "Keyword" context= "parameters after keyword" String= "%(if|ifarch|ifnarch|ifos|ifnos)(?=($| |\t))" column= "0" beginRegion= "if_block" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Keyword" context= "every_non_whitespace_is_error" String= "%else(?=($| |\t))" column= "0" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Keyword" context= "every_non_whitespace_is_error" String= "%endif(?=($| |\t))" column= "0" endRegion= "if_block" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Keyword" context= "parameters after keyword" String= "%(define|global|undefine)(?=($| |\t))" column= "0" />
<!-- If a command section starts (=section macro at begin of the line), we switch
to the corresponding context. There will never be a return to THIS context...: -->
<RegExpr attribute= "Section" context= "Normal" String= "%package(?=($| |\t))" column= "0" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Section" context= "description section start line" String= "%description(?=($| |\t))" column= "0" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Section" context= "command section" String= "%(prep|build|pre|preun|install|post|postun|clean|files|trigger|triggerin|triggerun|triggerpostun|verifyscript)(?=($| |\t))" column= "0" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Section" context= "changelog section" String= "%changelog(?=($| |\t))" column= "0" />
<!-- Handle normal macros -->
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#pop" String= "%([\{\(][ \t]{0,}){0,1}(if|ifarch|ifnarch|ifos|ifnos|else|endif|define|global|undefine|package|description|prep|build|pre|preun|install|post|postun|clean|files|trigger|triggerin|triggerun|triggerpostun|verifyscript|changelog)(?=($|[^&a_valid_char_in_macro_names;]))" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Macro call" context= "macro content in parenthesis" String= "%[&a_valid_char_in_macro_names;]*\(" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Macro call" context= "macro content in braces" String= "(%|\$)\{" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Macro call" context= "#pop" String= "(%|\$)([&a_valid_char_in_macro_names;]{1,}|\*|\#)(?=($|[^&a_valid_char_in_macro_names;]))" /> <!-- ')' and '}' are only allowed as macro terminator in the lookahead because when you do something like %__make %{?jobs: - j %jobs}, then the "%jobs" is a valid macro. However, the disadvantage is that a line like "%abc} isn't marked as error. But it is to complicate to distinguish this properly. -->
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#pop" String= "(%|\$)([&a_valid_char_in_macro_names;]{1,}|\*|\#)" />
<AnyChar attribute= "Error" context= "#pop" String= "%$" /> <!-- a single % or $ is also an error -->
<context attribute= "Macro call" lineEndContext= "#pop#pop" name= "macro content in parenthesis" >
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Macro call" context= "#pop#pop" char= ")" />
<AnyChar attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "({}" />
<context attribute= "Macro call" lineEndContext= "#pop#pop" name= "macro content in braces" >
<DetectChar attribute= "Macro call" context= "#pop#pop" char= "}" />
<AnyChar attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "({)" />
<!-- Handle % -->
<AnyChar context= "handle_percent" String= "%$" lookAhead= "true" />
<itemDatas >
<itemData name= "Normal Text" defStyleNum= "dsNormal" />
<itemData name= "Keyword" defStyleNum= "dsKeyword" />
<itemData name= "Comment" defStyleNum= "dsComment" />
<itemData name= "Tag" defStyleNum= "dsDataType" />
<itemData name= "Value" defStyleNum= "dsDecVal" />
<itemData name= "Error" defStyleNum= "dsError" />
<itemData name= "Macro call" defStyleNum= "dsFunction" />
<itemData name= "Section" defStyleNum= "dsRegionMarker" />
<itemData name= "Alert" defStyleNum= "dsAlert" />
<itemData name= "Escaped character" defStyleNum= "dsChar" />
<general >
<keywords casesensitive= "1" />