#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>
#include <kaccel.h>
#include "kaccelaction.h"
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kglobalaccel.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kshortcut.h>
#include "kshortcutlist.h"
// KShortcutList
bool KShortcutList::isGlobal( uint ) const
return false;
int KShortcutList::index( const TQString& sName ) const
uint nSize = count();
for( uint i = 0;
i < nSize;
++i )
if( name( i ) == sName )
return i;
return -1;
int KShortcutList::index( const KKeySequence& seq ) const
if( seq.isNull() )
return -1;
uint nSize = count();
for( uint i = 0; i < nSize; i++ ) {
if( shortcut(i).contains( seq ) )
return i;
return -1;
const TDEInstance* KShortcutList::instance() const
return 0;
TQVariant KShortcutList::getOther( Other, uint ) const
return TQVariant();
bool KShortcutList::setOther( Other, uint, TQVariant )
return false;
bool KShortcutList::readSettings( const TQString& sConfigGroup, TDEConfigBase* pConfig )
kdDebug(125) << "KShortcutList::readSettings( \"" << sConfigGroup << "\", " << pConfig << " ) start" << endl;
if( !pConfig )
pConfig = TDEGlobal::config();
TQString sGroup = (!sConfigGroup.isEmpty()) ? sConfigGroup : TQString("Shortcuts");
// If the config file still has the old group name:
// FIXME: need to rename instead? -- and don't do this if hasGroup( "Shortcuts" ).
if( sGroup == "Shortcuts" && pConfig->hasGroup( "Keys" ) ) {
readSettings( "Keys", pConfig );
kdDebug(125) << "\treadSettings( \"" << sGroup << "\", " << pConfig << " )" << endl;
if( !pConfig->hasGroup( sGroup ) )
return true;
TDEConfigGroupSaver cgs( pConfig, sGroup );
uint nSize = count();
for( uint i = 0; i < nSize; i++ ) {
if( isConfigurable(i) ) {
TQString sEntry = pConfig->readEntry( name(i) );
if( !sEntry.isEmpty() ) {
if( sEntry == "none" )
setShortcut( i, KShortcut() );
setShortcut( i, KShortcut(sEntry) );
else // default shortcut
setShortcut( i, shortcutDefault(i) );
kdDebug(125) << "\t" << name(i) << " = '" << sEntry << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(125) << "KShortcutList::readSettings done" << endl;
return true;
bool KShortcutList::writeSettings( const TQString &sConfigGroup, TDEConfigBase* pConfig, bool bWriteAll, bool bGlobal ) const
kdDebug(125) << "KShortcutList::writeSettings( " << sConfigGroup << ", " << pConfig << ", " << bWriteAll << ", " << bGlobal << " )" << endl;
if( !pConfig )
pConfig = TDEGlobal::config();
TQString sGroup = (!sConfigGroup.isEmpty()) ? sConfigGroup : TQString("Shortcuts");
// If it has the deprecated group [Keys], remove it
if( pConfig->hasGroup( "Keys" ) )
pConfig->deleteGroup( "Keys", true );
TDEConfigGroupSaver cs( pConfig, sGroup );
uint nSize = count();
for( uint i = 0; i < nSize; i++ ) {
if( isConfigurable(i) ) {
const TQString& sName = name(i);
bool bConfigHasAction = !pConfig->readEntry( sName ).isEmpty();
bool bSameAsDefault = (shortcut(i) == shortcutDefault(i));
// If we're using a global config or this setting
// differs from the default, then we want to write.
if( bWriteAll || !bSameAsDefault ) {
TQString s = shortcut(i).toStringInternal();
if( s.isEmpty() )
s = "none";
kdDebug(125) << "\twriting " << sName << " = " << s << endl;
pConfig->writeEntry( sName, s, true, bGlobal );
// Otherwise, this key is the same as default
// but exists in config file. Remove it.
else if( bConfigHasAction ) {
kdDebug(125) << "\tremoving " << sName << " because == default" << endl;
pConfig->deleteEntry( sName, false, bGlobal );
return true;
// KAccelShortcutList
class KAccelShortcutListPrivate
TQString m_configGroup;
KAccelShortcutList::KAccelShortcutList( KAccel* pAccel )
: m_actions( pAccel->actions() )
d=new KAccelShortcutListPrivate;
m_bGlobal = false;
KAccelShortcutList::KAccelShortcutList( TDEGlobalAccel* pAccel )
: m_actions( pAccel->actions() )
d=new KAccelShortcutListPrivate;
m_bGlobal = true;
KAccelShortcutList::KAccelShortcutList( KAccelActions& actions, bool bGlobal )
: m_actions( actions )
d=new KAccelShortcutListPrivate;
m_bGlobal = bGlobal;
{ delete d;}
uint KAccelShortcutList::count() const
{ return m_actions.count(); }
TQString KAccelShortcutList::name( uint i ) const
{ return m_actions.actionPtr(i)->name(); }
TQString KAccelShortcutList::label( uint i ) const
{ return m_actions.actionPtr(i)->label(); }
TQString KAccelShortcutList::whatsThis( uint i ) const
{ return m_actions.actionPtr(i)->whatsThis(); }
const KShortcut& KAccelShortcutList::shortcut( uint i ) const
{ return m_actions.actionPtr(i)->shortcut(); }
const KShortcut& KAccelShortcutList::shortcutDefault( uint i ) const
{ return m_actions.actionPtr(i)->shortcutDefault(); }
bool KAccelShortcutList::isConfigurable( uint i ) const
{ return m_actions.actionPtr(i)->isConfigurable(); }
bool KAccelShortcutList::setShortcut( uint i, const KShortcut& cut )
{ return m_actions.actionPtr(i)->setShortcut( cut ); }
TQVariant KAccelShortcutList::getOther( Other, uint ) const
{ return TQVariant(); }
bool KAccelShortcutList::isGlobal( uint ) const
{ return m_bGlobal; }
bool KAccelShortcutList::setOther( Other, uint, TQVariant )
{ return false; }
bool KAccelShortcutList::save() const
{ return writeSettings( d->m_configGroup ); }
void KShortcutList::virtual_hook( int, void* )
{ /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ }
void KAccelShortcutList::virtual_hook( int id, void* data )
{ KShortcutList::virtual_hook( id, data ); }
void KStdAccel::ShortcutList::virtual_hook( int id, void* data )
{ KShortcutList::virtual_hook( id, data ); }