@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ TDEAboutKDE::TDEAboutKDE( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal )
"a world-wide network of software engineers committed to <a "
"href=\"http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html\">Free Software</a> "
"development. The name <i>Trinity</i> was chosen because the word means "
"<i>Three</i> as in <i>continuation of KDE 3</i>.<br>Since then, TDE has evolved to be "
"an indipendent and standalone computer desktop environment project. The developers "
"<i>Three</i> as in <i>continuation of KDE 3</i>.<br><br>Since then, TDE has evolved to "
"be an independent and standalone computer desktop environment project. The developers "
"have molded the code to its own identity without giving up on the efficiency, "
"productivity and traditional user interface experience characteristic of the "
"original KDE 3 series.<br><br>No single group, company or organization controls the "