You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
186 lines
4.5 KiB
186 lines
4.5 KiB
; This is a test file to test kates scheme highlighting
; This is a comment
;; Another comment, usually used.
;BEGIN region marker
;; a vektor
#(1 2 3 4 5)
;END region marker
;; this represents integer 28 (FIXME: does not work perfectly atm!)
28 028 #e28 #i28 ;; Normal, normal, exact, inexact
#b11100 #o34 #d28 #x1c ;; Bin, okt, dec, hex
#oe34 #eo34 ;; combined.
;; char.
(#\y #\space) ;; list: `y' space.
(#\ #\\ #\)) ;; list of spaces, backslash and`)'.
#\newline ;; a newline-char
#\NewLine ;; another one :)
"Hello, world" ;; a string
"hoho, what do you
want to do ;; this is NO comment
with that?"
;; R5RS definiert diese beiden.
"Das ist \"in Anführungszeichen\" und mit \\ Backslash."
(let ((x (+ 1 2)) (y "blah")) ;; `let' highlighting.
(and (number? x) ;; `and' highlighting.
(string? y)))
(let* ((x 2) (y (+ x 1))) ;; `let*' too.
(or (negative? x) ;; `or' anyways.
(negative? y)))
(do ((vec (make-vector 5)) ;; `do' you may guess!
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 5) vec)
(vector-set! vec i i))
(quasiquote ((+ 1 2) (unquote (+ 1 2))))
;; same as: `((+ 1 2) ,(+ 1 2))
;; see above.
(quasiquote ((+ 1 2) (unquote-splicing (list 1 2 3))))
;; same as: `((+ 1 2) ,@(+ 1 2))
;; not necessary.
(quote ())
(cond ((string? x) (string->symbol x)) ;; `cond' highlighting.
((symbol? x) => (lambda (x) x)) ;; `=>' highlighting.
(else ;; `else' highlighting.
(error "Blah")))
(case x ;; `case' highlighting.
((#t) 'true) ((#f) 'false)
((()) 'null)
((0) 'zero))
;; highlight `let-syntax' and `syntax-rules' .
(let-syntax ((when (syntax-rules ()
((when test stmt1 stmt2 ...)
;; hl `begin' .
(if test (begin stmt1 stmt2 ...))))))
(let ((if #t)) ;; here`if' is actually no keyword.
(when if (set! if 'now)) ;; nor here.
(letrec-syntax ...) ;; hl `letrec-syntax'.
(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
((when test stmt1 stmt2 ...)
(if test (begin stmt1 stmt2 ...))))))
;; variable definitions.
(define natural-numbers ;; hl `define' and the var name
;; endless stream of all natual numbers.
(letrec ((next-cell ;; hl `letrec'.
(lambda (x) ;; hl `lambda'.
;; hl `delay' .
(cons x (delay (next-cell (+ x 1)))))))
(next-cell 0)))
;; a procedure with unusual but allowed name.
(define 1+
(lambda (x)
(+ x 1)))
;; a predicate
(define between?
(lambda (x y z)
(if (and (>= x y) (<= x z))
#t ;; True
#f))) ;; False.
;; imperative procedure
(define set-something!
(lambda (required-argument another-one . all-remaining-args)
(set-car! another-one (lambda all-args
(set-cdr! required-argument
(append all-remaining-args
(define compose
(lambda (f g)
(lambda (x)
(f (g x)))))
;; syntactical sugar for procedure-definitions.
(define (compose f g)
(lambda (x)
(f (g x))))
;; NOW: Guile extensions ;;
;; procedure-generator.
(define ((compose f g) x)
(f (g x)))
;; scheme doesn't say, which chars may be in variables...
;; At least: Guile accepts umlauts
(define-private (timetr??? sprache) ;; hl `define-private'.
(list-dialekt? sprache))
(define-public x #t) ;; hl `define-public'.
(define-module (foo bar)) ;; hl `define-module'.
(define-macro (neither . exprs) ;; hl `define-macro'.
`(and ,@(map (lambda (x) `(not ,x)) exprs)))
(defmacro neither exprs ;; `defmacro' as well.
`(and ,@(map (lambda (x) `(not ,x)) exprs)))
;; hl, but I really don't know what this is supposed to do :-)
(define-syntax-macro ...)
;; hl GOOPS-`defines'
(define-method (foo bar (baz <vector>) qux) ...)
(define-class <foo> ...)
(define-generic foo)
(define-accessor bar)
;; Keywords!
(blah #:foo 33 #:bar 44)
;; another convention for symbols:
;; more chars.
#\nul #\nl #\esc #\bs #\bel #\syn #\ack #\sp ;; etc, utc, itc, oops (this is boring)
guile block-comment.
;; now, a bit hairy:
#! comment !#
still comment!!!
;; more precise:
#! comment !#
still comment
!# still comment!
(while (> foo 10) ;; Highlight `while'.
(set! foo (- foo 1))
(catch #t ;; Highlight `catch'.
(lambda () (display foo))
(lambda (key . args)
(if (eq? key 'system-error)
(break) ;; Highlight `break'.
(continue))))) ;; Highlight `continue'. |