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/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2003 Dominik Seichter <>
Copyright (C) 2004 Ignacio Castaño <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
/* this code supports:
* reading:
* uncompressed and run length encoded indexed, grey and color tga files.
* image types 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11.
* only RGB color maps with no more than 256 colors.
* pixel formats 8, 15, 24 and 32.
* writing:
* uncompressed true color tga files
#include "tga.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqdatastream.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
typedef TQ_UINT32 uint;
typedef TQ_UINT16 ushort;
typedef TQ_UINT8 uchar;
namespace { // Private.
// Header format of saved files.
uchar targaMagic[12] = { 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
enum TGAType {
#define TGA_INTERLEAVE_2WAY 0x40
#define TGA_INTERLEAVE_4WAY 0x80
#define TGA_ORIGIN_MASK 0x30
#define TGA_ORIGIN_LEFT 0x00
#define TGA_ORIGIN_RIGHT 0x10
#define TGA_ORIGIN_LOWER 0x00
#define TGA_ORIGIN_UPPER 0x20
/** Tga Header. */
struct TgaHeader {
uchar id_length;
uchar colormap_type;
uchar image_type;
ushort colormap_index;
ushort colormap_length;
uchar colormap_size;
ushort x_origin;
ushort y_origin;
ushort width;
ushort height;
uchar pixel_size;
uchar flags;
enum { SIZE = 18 }; // const static int SIZE = 18;
static TQDataStream & operator>> ( TQDataStream & s, TgaHeader & head )
s >> head.id_length;
s >> head.colormap_type;
s >> head.image_type;
s >> head.colormap_index;
s >> head.colormap_length;
s >> head.colormap_size;
s >> head.x_origin;
s >> head.y_origin;
s >> head.width;
s >> head.height;
s >> head.pixel_size;
s >> head.flags;
return s;
static bool IsSupported( const TgaHeader & head )
if( head.image_type != TGA_TYPE_INDEXED &&
head.image_type != TGA_TYPE_RGB &&
head.image_type != TGA_TYPE_GREY &&
head.image_type != TGA_TYPE_RLE_INDEXED &&
head.image_type != TGA_TYPE_RLE_RGB &&
head.image_type != TGA_TYPE_RLE_GREY )
return false;
if( head.image_type == TGA_TYPE_INDEXED ||
head.image_type == TGA_TYPE_RLE_INDEXED )
if( head.colormap_length > 256 || head.colormap_size != 24 )
return false;
if( head.width == 0 || head.height == 0 )
return false;
if( head.pixel_size != 8 && head.pixel_size != 16 &&
head.pixel_size != 24 && head.pixel_size != 32 )
return false;
return true;
struct Color555 {
ushort b : 5;
ushort g : 5;
ushort r : 5;
struct TgaHeaderInfo {
bool rle;
bool pal;
bool rgb;
bool grey;
bool supported;
TgaHeaderInfo( const TgaHeader & tga ) : rle(false), pal(false), rgb(false), grey(false), supported(true)
switch( tga.image_type ) {
rle = true;
// no break is intended!
if( tga.colormap_type!=1 || tga.colormap_size!=24 || tga.colormap_length>256 ) {
supported = false;
pal = true;
rle = true;
// no break is intended!
rgb = true;
rle = true;
// no break is intended!
grey = true;
// Error, unknown image type.
supported = false;
static bool LoadTGA( TQDataStream & s, const TgaHeader & tga, TQImage &img )
// Create image.
if( !img.create( tga.width, tga.height, 32 )) {
return false;
TgaHeaderInfo info(tga);
if( !info.supported ) {
// File not supported.
kdDebug(399) << "This TGA file is not supported." << endl;
return false;
// Bits 0-3 are the numbers of alpha bits (can be zero!)
const int numAlphaBits = tga.flags & 0xf;
// However alpha exists only in the 32 bit format.
if( ( tga.pixel_size == 32 ) && ( tga.flags & 0xf ) ) {
img.setAlphaBuffer( true );
uint pixel_size = (tga.pixel_size/8);
uint size = tga.width * tga.height * pixel_size;
if (size < 1)
kdDebug(399) << "This TGA file is broken with size " << size << endl;
return false;
// Read palette.
char palette[768];
if( info.pal ) {
// @todo Support palettes in other formats!
s.readRawBytes( palette, 3 * tga.colormap_length );
// Allocate image.
uchar * const image = new uchar[size];
if( info.rle ) {
// Decode image.
char * dst = (char *)image;
int num = size;
while (num > 0) {
// Get packet header.
uchar c;
s >> c;
uint count = (c & 0x7f) + 1;
num -= count * pixel_size;
if (c & 0x80) {
// RLE pixels.
assert(pixel_size <= 8);
char pixel[8];
s.readRawBytes( pixel, pixel_size );
do {
memcpy(dst, pixel, pixel_size);
dst += pixel_size;
} while (--count);
else {
// Raw pixels.
count *= pixel_size;
s.readRawBytes( dst, count );
dst += count;
else {
// Read raw image.
s.readRawBytes( (char *)image, size );
// Convert image to internal format.
int y_start, y_step, y_end;
if( tga.flags & TGA_ORIGIN_UPPER ) {
y_start = 0;
y_step = 1;
y_end = tga.height;
else {
y_start = tga.height - 1;
y_step = -1;
y_end = -1;
uchar * src = image;
for( int y = y_start; y != y_end; y += y_step ) {
QRgb * scanline = (QRgb *) img.scanLine( y );
if( info.pal ) {
// Paletted.
for( int x = 0; x < tga.width; x++ ) {
uchar idx = *src++;
scanline[x] = tqRgb( palette[3*idx+2], palette[3*idx+1], palette[3*idx+0] );
else if( info.grey ) {
// Greyscale.
for( int x = 0; x < tga.width; x++ ) {
scanline[x] = tqRgb( *src, *src, *src );
else {
// True Color.
if( tga.pixel_size == 16 ) {
for( int x = 0; x < tga.width; x++ ) {
Color555 c = *reinterpret_cast<Color555 *>(src);
scanline[x] = tqRgb( (c.r << 3) | (c.r >> 2), (c.g << 3) | (c.g >> 2), (c.b << 3) | (c.b >> 2) );
src += 2;
else if( tga.pixel_size == 24 ) {
for( int x = 0; x < tga.width; x++ ) {
scanline[x] = tqRgb( src[2], src[1], src[0] );
src += 3;
else if( tga.pixel_size == 32 ) {
for( int x = 0; x < tga.width; x++ ) {
// ### TODO: verify with images having really some alpha data
const uchar alpha = ( src[3] << ( 8 - numAlphaBits ) );
scanline[x] = tqRgba( src[2], src[1], src[0], alpha );
src += 4;
// Free image.
delete [] image;
return true;
} // namespace
KDE_EXPORT void kimgio_tga_read( TQImageIO *io )
//kdDebug(399) << "Loading TGA file!" << endl;
TQDataStream s( io->ioDevice() );
s.setByteOrder( TQDataStream::LittleEndian );
// Read image header.
TgaHeader tga;
s >> tga;
s.device()->at( TgaHeader::SIZE + tga.id_length );
// Check image file format.
if( s.atEnd() ) {
kdDebug(399) << "This TGA file is not valid." << endl;
io->setImage( TQImage() );
io->seStatus( -1 );
// Check supported file types.
if( !IsSupported(tga) ) {
kdDebug(399) << "This TGA file is not supported." << endl;
io->setImage( TQImage() );
io->seStatus( -1 );
TQImage img;
bool result = LoadTGA(s, tga, img);
if( result == false ) {
kdDebug(399) << "Error loading TGA file." << endl;
io->setImage( TQImage() );
io->seStatus( -1 );
io->setImage( img );
io->seStatus( 0 );
KDE_EXPORT void kimgio_tga_write( TQImageIO *io )
TQDataStream s( io->ioDevice() );
s.setByteOrder( TQDataStream::LittleEndian );
const TQImage img = io->image();
const bool hasAlpha = img.hasAlphaBuffer();
for( int i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
s << targaMagic[i];
// write header
s << TQ_UINT16( img.width() ); // width
s << TQ_UINT16( img.height() ); // height
s << TQ_UINT8( hasAlpha ? 32 : 24 ); // depth (24 bit RGB + 8 bit alpha)
s << TQ_UINT8( hasAlpha ? 0x24 : 0x20 ); // top left image (0x20) + 8 bit alpha (0x4)
for( int y = 0; y < img.height(); y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < img.width(); x++ ) {
const QRgb color = img.pixel( x, y );
s << TQ_UINT8( tqBlue( color ) );
s << TQ_UINT8( tqGreen( color ) );
s << TQ_UINT8( tqRed( color ) );
if( hasAlpha )
s << TQ_UINT8( tqAlpha( color ) );
io->seStatus( 0 );