You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

921 lines
29 KiB

* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Goffioul <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <config.h>
#include "cupsdconf.h"
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <cups/ipp.h>
#include <cups/language.h>
TQString findDir(const TQStringList& list)
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it)
if (TQFile::exists(*it))
return *it;
// if nothing found, just use the first as default value
return list[0];
void splitSizeSpec(const TQString& s, int& sz, int& suff)
int p = s.find(TQRegExp("\\D"));
sz = s.mid(0, p).toInt();
if (p != -1)
switch (s[p].latin1())
case 'k': suff = UNIT_KB; break;
case 'm': suff = UNIT_MB; break;
case 'g': suff = UNIT_GB; break;
case 't': suff = UNIT_TILE; break;
suff = UNIT_MB;
// start by trying to find CUPS directories (useful later)
datadir_ = findDir(TQStringList("/usr/share/cups")
<< "/usr/local/share/cups"
<< "/opt/share/cups"
<< "/opt/local/share/cups");
documentdir_ = findDir(TQStringList(datadir_+"/doc-root")
<< datadir_.left(datadir_.length()-5)+"/doc/cups");
//fontpath_ << (datadir_+"/fonts");
requestdir_ = findDir(TQStringList("/var/spool/cups")
<< "/var/cups");
serverbin_ = findDir(TQStringList("/usr/lib" KDELIBSUFF "/cups")
<< "/usr/local/lib" KDELIBSUFF "/cups"
<< "/opt/lib" KDELIBSUFF "/cups"
<< "/opt/local/lib" KDELIBSUFF "/cups");
serverfiles_ = findDir(TQStringList("/etc/cups")
<< "/usr/local/etc/cups");
tmpfiles_ = requestdir_+"/tmp";
// other options
servername_ = TQString::null;
serveradmin_ = TQString::null;
classification_ = CLASS_NONE;
otherclassname_ = TQString::null;
classoverride_ = false;
charset_ = "utf-8";
language_ = "en";
printcap_ = "/etc/printcap";
printcapformat_ = PRINTCAP_BSD;
remoteroot_ = "remroot";
systemgroup_ = "lpadmin";
encryptcert_ = serverfiles_+"/ssl/server.crt";
encryptkey_ = serverfiles_+"/ssl/server.key";
hostnamelookup_ = HOSTNAME_OFF;
keepalive_ = true;
keepalivetimeout_ = 60;
maxclients_ = 100;
maxrequestsize_ = "0";
clienttimeout_ = 300;
// listenaddresses_
TQString logdir = findDir(TQStringList("/var/log/cups")
<< "/var/spool/cups/log"
<< "/var/cups/log");
accesslog_ = logdir+"/access_log";
errorlog_ = logdir+"/error_log";
pagelog_ = logdir+"/page_log";
maxlogsize_ = "1m";
loglevel_ = LOGLEVEL_INFO;
keepjobhistory_ = true;
keepjobfiles_ = false;
autopurgejobs_ = false;
maxjobs_ = 0;
maxjobsperprinter_ = 0;
maxjobsperuser_ = 0;
user_ = "lp";
group_ = "lpadmin";
ripcache_ = "8m";
filterlimit_ = 0;
browsing_ = true;
browseprotocols_ << "CUPS";
browseport_ = ippPort();
browseinterval_ = 30;
browsetimeout_ = 300;
// browseaddresses_
browseorder_ = ORDER_ALLOW_DENY;
useimplicitclasses_ = true;
hideimplicitmembers_ = true;
useshortnames_ = true;
useanyclasses_ = false;
bool CupsdConf::loadFromFile(const TQString& filename)
TQFile f(filename);
if (!f.exists() || ! return false;
TQTextStream t(&f);
TQString line;
bool done(false), value(true);
while (!done && value)
line = t.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace();
if (line.isEmpty())
if (t.atEnd()) done = true;
else continue;
else if (line[0] == '#') continue;
else if (line.left(9).lower() == "<location")
CupsLocation *location = new CupsLocation();
if (!location->parseResource(line) || !parseLocation(location, t))
value = false;
// search corresponding resource
for (resources_.first();resources_.current();
if (resources_.current()->path_ == location->resourcename_)
location->resource_ = resources_.current();
else value = parseOption(line);
return value;
bool CupsdConf::saveToFile(const TQString& filename)
TQFile f(filename);
if (!
return false;
TQTextStream t(&f);
t << comments_["header"] << endl;
t << "# Server" << endl << endl;
t << comments_["servername"] << endl;
if ( !servername_.isEmpty() )
t << "ServerName " << servername_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["serveradmin"] << endl;
if ( !serveradmin_.isEmpty() )
t << "ServerAdmin " << serveradmin_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["classification"] << endl;
t << "Classification ";
switch (classification_)
case CLASS_NONE: t << "none"; break;
case CLASS_CLASSIFIED: t << "classified"; break;
case CLASS_CONFIDENTIAL: t << "confidential"; break;
case CLASS_SECRET: t << "secret"; break;
case CLASS_TOPSECRET: t << "topsecret"; break;
case CLASS_UNCLASSIFIED: t << "unclassified"; break;
case CLASS_OTHER: t << otherclassname_; break;
t << endl;
t << endl << comments_["classifyoverride"] << endl;
if (classification_ != CLASS_NONE) t << "ClassifyOverride " << (classoverride_ ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["defaultcharset"] << endl;
t << "DefaultCharset " << charset_.upper() << endl;
t << endl << comments_["defaultlanguage"] << endl;
t << "DefaultLanguage " << language_.lower() << endl;
t << endl << comments_["printcap"] << endl;
t << "Printcap " << printcap_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["printcapformat"] << endl;
t << "PrintcapFormat " << (printcapformat_ == PRINTCAP_SOLARIS ? "Solaris" : "BSD") << endl;
t << endl << "# Security" << endl;
t << endl << comments_["remoteroot"] << endl;
t << "RemoteRoot " << remoteroot_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["systemgroup"] << endl;
t << "SystemGroup " << systemgroup_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["servercertificate"] << endl;
t << "ServerCertificate " << encryptcert_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["serverkey"] << endl;
t << "ServerKey " << encryptkey_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["locations"] << endl;
for (locations_.first(); locations_.current();
CupsLocation *loc = locations_.current();
t << "<Location " << loc->resourcename_ << ">" << endl;
if (loc->authtype_ != AUTHTYPE_NONE)
t << "AuthType ";
switch (loc->authtype_)
case AUTHTYPE_BASIC: t << "Basic"; break;
case AUTHTYPE_DIGEST: t << "Digest"; break;
t << endl;
if (loc->authclass_ != AUTHCLASS_ANONYMOUS)
switch (loc->authclass_)
if (!loc->authname_.isEmpty())
t << "Require user " << loc->authname_ << endl;
t << "AuthClass User" << endl;
if (!loc->authname_.isEmpty())
t << "Require group " << loc->authname_ << endl;
t << "AuthClass Group" << endl;
t << "AuthClass System" << endl;
t << "Encryption ";
switch (loc->encryption_)
case ENCRYPT_ALWAYS: t << "Always"; break;
case ENCRYPT_NEVER: t << "Never"; break;
case ENCRYPT_REQUIRED: t << "Required"; break;
case ENCRYPT_IFREQUESTED: t << "IfRequested"; break;
t << endl;
t << "Satisfy " << (loc->satisfy_ == SATISFY_ALL ? "All" : "Any") << endl;
t << "Order " << (loc->order_ == ORDER_ALLOW_DENY ? "allow,deny" : "deny,allow") << endl;
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=loc->addresses_.begin(); it!=loc->addresses_.end(); ++it)
t << *it << endl;
t << "</Location>" << endl;
t << endl << "# Network" << endl;
t << endl << comments_["hostnamelookups"] << endl;
t << "HostnameLookups ";
switch (hostnamelookup_)
case HOSTNAME_OFF: t << "Off"; break;
case HOSTNAME_ON: t << "On"; break;
case HOSTNAME_DOUBLE: t << "Double"; break;
t << endl;
t << endl << comments_["keepalive"] << endl;
t << "KeepAlive " << (keepalive_ ? "On" : "Off") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["keepalivetimeout"] << endl;
t << "KeepAliveTimeout " << keepalivetimeout_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["maxclients"] << endl;
t << "MaxClients " << maxclients_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["maxrequestsize"] << endl;
t << "MaxRequestSize " << maxrequestsize_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["timeout"] << endl;
t << "Timeout " << clienttimeout_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["listen"] << endl;
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=listenaddresses_.begin(); it!=listenaddresses_.end(); ++it)
t << *it << endl;
t << endl << "# Log" << endl;
t << endl << comments_["accesslog"] << endl;
t << "AccessLog " << accesslog_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["errorlog"] << endl;
t << "ErrorLog " << errorlog_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["pagelog"] << endl;
t << "PageLog " << pagelog_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["maxlogsize"] << endl;
//t << "MaxLogSize " << maxlogsize_ << "m" << endl;
t << "MaxLogSize " << maxlogsize_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["loglevel"] << endl;
t << "LogLevel ";
switch (loglevel_)
case LOGLEVEL_NONE: t << "none"; break;
case LOGLEVEL_INFO: t << "info"; break;
case LOGLEVEL_ERROR: t << "error"; break;
case LOGLEVEL_WARN: t << "warn"; break;
case LOGLEVEL_DEBUG: t << "debug"; break;
case LOGLEVEL_DEBUG2: t << "debug2"; break;
t << endl;
t << endl << "# Jobs" << endl;
t << endl << comments_["preservejobhistory"] << endl;
t << "PreserveJobHistory " << (keepjobhistory_ ? "On" : "Off") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["preservejobfiles"] << endl;
if (keepjobhistory_) t << "PreserveJobFiles " << (keepjobfiles_ ? "On" : "Off") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["autopurgejobs"] << endl;
if (keepjobhistory_) t << "AutoPurgeJobs " << (autopurgejobs_ ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["maxjobs"] << endl;
t << "MaxJobs " << maxjobs_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["maxjobsperprinter"] << endl;
t << "MaxJobsPerPrinter " << maxjobsperprinter_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["maxjobsperuser"] << endl;
t << "MaxJobsPerUser " << maxjobsperuser_ << endl;
t << endl << "# Filter" << endl;
t << endl << comments_["user"] << endl;
t << "User " << user_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["group"] << endl;
t << "Group " << group_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["ripcache"] << endl;
t << "RIPCache " << ripcache_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["filterlimit"] << endl;
t << "FilterLimit " << filterlimit_ << endl;
t << endl << "# Directories" << endl;
t << endl << comments_["datadir"] << endl;
t << "DataDir " << datadir_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["documentroot"] << endl;
t << "DocumentRoot " << documentdir_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["fontpath"] << endl;
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=fontpath_.begin(); it!=fontpath_.end(); ++it)
t << "FontPath " << *it << endl;
t << endl << comments_["requestroot"] << endl;
t << "RequestRoot " << requestdir_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["serverbin"] << endl;
t << "ServerBin " << serverbin_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["serverroot"] << endl;
t << "ServerRoot " << serverfiles_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["tempdir"] << endl;
t << "TempDir " << tmpfiles_ << endl;
t << endl << "# Browsing" << endl;
t << endl << comments_["browsing"] << endl;
t << "Browsing " << (browsing_ ? "On" : "Off") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["browseprotocols"] << endl;
if (browsing_)
t << "BrowseProtocols ";
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=browseprotocols_.begin(); it!=browseprotocols_.end(); ++it)
t << (*it).upper() << " ";
t << endl;
t << endl << comments_["browseport"] << endl;
if (browsing_) t << "BrowsePort " << browseport_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["browseinterval"] << endl;
if (browsing_) t << "BrowseInterval " << browseinterval_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["browsetimeout"] << endl;
if (browsing_) t << "BrowseTimeout " << browsetimeout_ << endl;
t << endl << comments_["browseaddress"] << endl;
if (browsing_)
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=browseaddresses_.begin(); it!=browseaddresses_.end(); ++it)
if ((*it).startsWith("Send"))
t << "BrowseAddress " << (*it).mid(5) << endl;
t << "Browse" << (*it) << endl;
t << endl << comments_["browseorder"] << endl;
if (browsing_) t << "BrowseOrder " << (browseorder_ == ORDER_ALLOW_DENY ? "allow,deny" : "deny,allow") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["implicitclasses"] << endl;
if (browsing_) t << "ImplicitClasses " << (useimplicitclasses_ ? "On" : "Off") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["implicitanyclasses"] << endl;
if (browsing_) t << "ImplicitAnyClasses " << (useanyclasses_ ? "On" : "Off") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["hideimplicitmembers"] << endl;
if (browsing_) t << "HideImplicitMembers " << (hideimplicitmembers_ ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
t << endl << comments_["browseshortnames"] << endl;
if (browsing_) t << "BrowseShortNames " << (useshortnames_ ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
t << endl << "# Unknown" << endl;
for (TQValueList< TQPair<TQString,TQString> >::ConstIterator it=unknown_.begin(); it!=unknown_.end(); ++it)
t << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second << endl;
return true;
bool CupsdConf::parseLocation(CupsLocation *location, TQTextStream& file)
TQString line;
bool done(false);
bool value(true);
while (!done && value)
line = file.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace();
if (line.isEmpty())
if (file.atEnd())
value = false;
done = true;
else continue;
else if (line[0] == '#') continue;
else if (line.lower() == "</location>") done = true;
else value = location->parseOption(line);
return value;
bool CupsdConf::parseOption(const TQString& line)
int p(-1);
TQString keyword, value, l(line.simplifyWhiteSpace());
if ((p=l.find(' ')) != -1)
keyword = l.left(p).lower();
value = l.mid(p+1);
keyword = l.lower();
//kdDebug() << "cupsd.conf keyword=" << keyword << endl;
if (keyword == "accesslog") accesslog_ = value;
else if (keyword == "autopurgejobs") autopurgejobs_ = (value.lower() == "yes");
else if (keyword == "browseaddress") browseaddresses_.append("Send "+value);
else if (keyword == "browseallow") browseaddresses_.append("Allow "+value);
else if (keyword == "browsedeny") browseaddresses_.append("Deny "+value);
else if (keyword == "browseinterval") browseinterval_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "browseorder") browseorder_ = (value.lower() == "deny,allow" ? ORDER_DENY_ALLOW : ORDER_ALLOW_DENY);
else if (keyword == "browsepoll") browseaddresses_.append("Poll "+value);
else if (keyword == "browseport") browseport_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "browseprotocols")
TQStringList prots = TQStringList::split(TQRegExp("\\s"), value, false);
if (prots.find("all") != prots.end())
browseprotocols_ << "CUPS" << "SLP";
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=prots.begin(); it!=prots.end(); ++it)
browseprotocols_ << (*it).upper();
else if (keyword == "browserelay") browseaddresses_.append("Relay "+value);
else if (keyword == "browseshortnames") useshortnames_ = (value.lower() != "no");
else if (keyword == "browsetimeout") browsetimeout_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "browsing") browsing_ = (value.lower() != "off");
else if (keyword == "classification")
TQString cl = value.lower();
if (cl == "none") classification_ = CLASS_NONE;
else if (cl == "classified") classification_ = CLASS_CLASSIFIED;
else if (cl == "confidential") classification_ = CLASS_CONFIDENTIAL;
else if (cl == "secret") classification_ = CLASS_SECRET;
else if (cl == "topsecret") classification_ = CLASS_TOPSECRET;
else if (cl == "unclassified") classification_ = CLASS_UNCLASSIFIED;
classification_ = CLASS_OTHER;
otherclassname_ = cl;
else if (keyword == "classifyoverride") classoverride_ = (value.lower() == "yes");
else if (keyword == "datadir") datadir_ = value;
else if (keyword == "defaultcharset") charset_ = value;
else if (keyword == "defaultlanguage") language_ = value;
else if (keyword == "documentroot") documentdir_ = value;
else if (keyword == "errorlog") errorlog_ = value;
else if (keyword == "filterlimit") filterlimit_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "fontpath") fontpath_ += TQStringList::split(':', value, false);
else if (keyword == "group") group_ = value;
else if (keyword == "hideimplicitmembers") hideimplicitmembers_ = (value.lower() != "no");
else if (keyword == "hostnamelookups")
TQString h = value.lower();
if (h == "on") hostnamelookup_ = HOSTNAME_ON;
else if (h == "double") hostnamelookup_ = HOSTNAME_DOUBLE;
else hostnamelookup_ = HOSTNAME_OFF;
else if (keyword == "implicitclasses") useimplicitclasses_ = (value.lower() != "off");
else if (keyword == "implicitanyclasses") useanyclasses_ = (value.lower() == "on");
else if (keyword == "keepalive") keepalive_ = (value.lower() != "off");
else if (keyword == "keepalivetimeout") keepalivetimeout_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "listen") listenaddresses_.append("Listen "+value);
else if (keyword == "loglevel")
TQString ll = value.lower();
if (ll == "none") loglevel_ = LOGLEVEL_NONE;
else if (ll == "error") loglevel_ = LOGLEVEL_ERROR;
else if (ll == "warn") loglevel_ = LOGLEVEL_WARN;
else if (ll == "info") loglevel_ = LOGLEVEL_INFO;
else if (ll == "debug") loglevel_ = LOGLEVEL_DEBUG;
else if (ll == "debug2") loglevel_ = LOGLEVEL_DEBUG2;
else if (keyword == "maxclients") maxclients_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "maxjobs") maxjobs_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "maxjobsperprinter") maxjobsperprinter_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "maxjobsperuser") maxjobsperuser_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "maxrequestsize") maxrequestsize_ = value;
else if (keyword == "maxlogsize") maxlogsize_ = value;
// FIXME: support for suffixes
int suffix;
splitSizeSpec( value, maxlogsize_, suffix );
else if (keyword == "pagelog") pagelog_ = value;
else if (keyword == "port") listenaddresses_.append("Listen *:"+value);
else if (keyword == "preservejobhistory") keepjobhistory_ = (value != "off");
else if (keyword == "preservejobfiles") keepjobfiles_ = (value == "on");
else if (keyword == "printcap") printcap_ = value;
else if (keyword == "printcapformat") printcapformat_ = (value.lower() == "solaris" ? PRINTCAP_SOLARIS : PRINTCAP_BSD);
else if (keyword == "requestroot") requestdir_ = value;
else if (keyword == "remoteroot") remoteroot_ = value;
else if (keyword == "ripcache") ripcache_ = value;
else if (keyword == "serveradmin") serveradmin_ = value;
else if (keyword == "serverbin") serverbin_ = value;
else if (keyword == "servercertificate") encryptcert_ = value;
else if (keyword == "serverkey") encryptkey_ = value;
else if (keyword == "servername") servername_ = value;
else if (keyword == "serverroot") serverfiles_ = value;
else if (keyword == "ssllisten") listenaddresses_.append("SSLListen "+value);
else if (keyword == "sslport") listenaddresses_.append("SSLListen *:"+value);
else if (keyword == "systemgroup") systemgroup_ = value;
else if (keyword == "tempdir") tmpfiles_ = value;
else if (keyword == "timeout") clienttimeout_ = value.toInt();
else if (keyword == "user") user_ = value;
// unrecognized option
unknown_ << TQPair<TQString,TQString>(keyword, value);
return true;
bool CupsdConf::loadAvailableResources()
TDEConfig conf("tdeprintrc");
TQString host = conf.readEntry("Host",cupsServer());
int port = conf.readNumEntry("Port",ippPort());
http_t *http_ = httpConnect(host.local8Bit(),port);
// standard resources
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/"));
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/admin"));
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/printers"));
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/classes"));
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/jobs"));
if (!http_)
return false;
// printer resources
ipp_t *request_ = ippNew();
cups_lang_t* lang = cupsLangDefault();
ippAddString(request_, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_CHARSET, "attributes-charset", NULL, cupsLangEncoding(lang));
ippAddString(request_, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_LANGUAGE, "attributes-natural-language", NULL, lang->language);
#ifdef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
ippSetOperation(request_, CUPS_GET_PRINTERS);
#else // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
request_->request.op.operation_id = CUPS_GET_PRINTERS;
#endif // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
request_ = cupsDoRequest(http_, request_, "/printers/");
if (request_)
TQString name;
int type(0);
#ifdef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
ipp_attribute_t *attr = ippFirstAttribute(request_);
#else // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
ipp_attribute_t *attr = request_->attrs;
#endif // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
while (attr)
// check new printer (keep only local non-implicit printers)
#ifdef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
if (!ippGetName(attr))
#else // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
if (!attr->name)
#endif // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
if (!(type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE) && !(type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) && !name.isEmpty())
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/printers/"+name));
name = "";
type = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
else if (strcmp(ippGetName(attr), "printer-name") == 0) name = ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL);
else if (strcmp(ippGetName(attr), "printer-type") == 0) type = ippGetInteger(attr, 0);
attr = ippNextAttribute(request_);
#else // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
else if (strcmp(attr->name, "printer-name") == 0) name = attr->values[0].string.text;
else if (strcmp(attr->name, "printer-type") == 0) type = attr->values[0].integer;
attr = attr->next;
#endif // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
if (!(type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE) && !(type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) && !name.isEmpty())
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/printers/"+name));
// class resources
request_ = ippNew();
ippAddString(request_, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_CHARSET, "attributes-charset", NULL, cupsLangEncoding(lang));
ippAddString(request_, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_LANGUAGE, "attributes-natural-language", NULL, lang->language);
#ifdef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
ippSetOperation(request_, CUPS_GET_CLASSES);
#else // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
request_->request.op.operation_id = CUPS_GET_CLASSES;
#endif // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
request_ = cupsDoRequest(http_, request_, "/classes/");
if (request_)
TQString name;
int type(0);
#ifdef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
ipp_attribute_t *attr = ippFirstAttribute(request_);
#else // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
ipp_attribute_t *attr = request_->attrs;
#endif // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
while (attr)
// check new class (keep only local classes)
#ifdef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
if (!ippGetName(attr))
#else // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
if (!attr->name)
#endif // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
if (!(type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE) && !name.isEmpty())
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/classes/"+name));
name = "";
type = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
else if (strcmp(ippGetName(attr), "printer-name") == 0) name = ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL);
else if (strcmp(ippGetName(attr), "printer-type") == 0) type = ippGetInteger(attr, 0);
attr = ippNextAttribute(request_);
#else // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
else if (strcmp(attr->name, "printer-name") == 0) name = attr->values[0].string.text;
else if (strcmp(attr->name, "printer-type") == 0) type = attr->values[0].integer;
attr = attr->next;
#endif // HAVE_CUPS_1_6
if (!(type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE) && !name.isEmpty())
resources_.append(new CupsResource("/classes/"+name));
return true;
resource_ = 0;
resourcename_ = "";
authtype_ = AUTHTYPE_NONE;
authname_ = TQString::null;
satisfy_ = SATISFY_ALL;
// addresses_
CupsLocation::CupsLocation(const CupsLocation& loc)
: resource_(loc.resource_),
bool CupsLocation::parseResource(const TQString& line)
TQString str = line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
int p1 = line.find(' '), p2 = line.find('>');
if (p1 != -1 && p2 != -1)
resourcename_ = str.mid(p1+1,p2-p1-1);
return true;
else return false;
bool CupsLocation::parseOption(const TQString& line)
int p(-1);
TQString keyword, value, l(line.simplifyWhiteSpace());
if ((p=l.find(' ')) != -1)
keyword = l.left(p).lower();
value = l.mid(p+1);
keyword = l.lower();
if (keyword == "authtype")
TQString a = value.lower();
if (a == "basic") authtype_ = AUTHTYPE_BASIC;
else if (a == "digest") authtype_ = AUTHTYPE_DIGEST;
else authtype_ = AUTHTYPE_NONE;
else if (keyword == "authclass")
TQString a = value.lower();
if (a == "user") authclass_ = AUTHCLASS_USER;
else if (a == "system") authclass_ = AUTHCLASS_SYSTEM;
else if (a == "group") authclass_ = AUTHCLASS_GROUP;
else authclass_ = AUTHCLASS_ANONYMOUS;
else if (keyword == "authgroupname") authname_ = value;
else if (keyword == "require")
int p = value.find(' ');
if (p != -1)
authname_ = value.mid(p+1);
TQString cl = value.left(p).lower();
if (cl == "user")
authclass_ = AUTHCLASS_USER;
else if (cl == "group")
authclass_ = AUTHCLASS_GROUP;
else if (keyword == "allow") addresses_.append("Allow "+value);
else if (keyword == "deny") addresses_.append("Deny "+value);
else if (keyword == "order") order_ = (value.lower() == "deny,allow" ? ORDER_DENY_ALLOW : ORDER_ALLOW_DENY);
else if (keyword == "encryption")
TQString e = value.lower();
if (e == "always") encryption_ = ENCRYPT_ALWAYS;
else if (e == "never") encryption_ = ENCRYPT_NEVER;
else if (e == "required") encryption_ = ENCRYPT_REQUIRED;
else encryption_ = ENCRYPT_IFREQUESTED;
else if (keyword == "satisfy") satisfy_ = (value.lower() == "any" ? SATISFY_ANY : SATISFY_ALL);
else return false;
return true;
CupsResource::CupsResource(const TQString& path)
void CupsResource::setPath(const TQString& path)
path_ = path;
type_ = typeFromPath(path_);
text_ = pathToText(path_);
int CupsResource::typeFromText(const TQString& text)
if (text == i18n("Base", "Root") || text == i18n("All printers") || text == i18n("All classes") || text == i18n("Print jobs")) return RESOURCE_GLOBAL;
else if (text == i18n("Administration")) return RESOURCE_ADMIN;
else if (text.find(i18n("Class")) == 0) return RESOURCE_CLASS;
else if (text.find(i18n("Printer")) == 0) return RESOURCE_PRINTER;
int CupsResource::typeFromPath(const TQString& path)
if (path == "/admin") return RESOURCE_ADMIN;
else if (path == "/printers" || path == "/classes" || path == "/" || path == "/jobs") return RESOURCE_GLOBAL;
else if (path.left(9) == "/printers") return RESOURCE_PRINTER;
else if (path.left(8) == "/classes") return RESOURCE_CLASS;
else return RESOURCE_GLOBAL;
TQString CupsResource::textToPath(const TQString& text)
TQString path("/");
if (text == i18n("Administration")) path = "/admin";
else if (text == i18n("All printers")) path = "/printers";
else if (text == i18n("All classes")) path = "/classes";
else if (text == i18n("Print jobs")) path = "/jobs";
else if (text == i18n("Base", "Root")) path = "/";
else if (text.find(i18n("Printer")) == 0)
path = "/printers/";
else if (text.find(i18n("Class")) == 0)
path = "/classes/";
return path;
TQString CupsResource::pathToText(const TQString& path)
TQString text(i18n("Base", "Root"));
if (path == "/admin") text = i18n("Administration");
else if (path == "/printers") text = i18n("All printers");
else if (path == "/classes") text = i18n("All classes");
else if (path == "/") text = i18n("Root");
else if (path == "/jobs") text = i18n("Print jobs");
else if (path.find("/printers/") == 0)
text = i18n("Printer");
text.append(" ");
else if (path.find("/classes/") == 0)
text = i18n("Class");
text.append(" ");
return text;
TQString CupsResource::typeToIconName(int type)
switch (type)
return TQString("folder");
return TQString("tdeprint_printer");
return TQString("tdeprint_printer_class");
return TQString("folder");