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// XXX Automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT! XXX //
ImgValue(const ImgValue&);
ImgValue(const TQCString&);
ImgValue & operator = (ImgValue&);
ImgValue & operator = (const TQCString&);
bool operator ==(ImgValue&);
bool operator !=(ImgValue& x) {return !(*this==x);}
bool operator ==(const TQCString& s) {ImgValue a(s);return(*this==a);}
bool operator != (const TQCString& s) {return !(*this == s);}
virtual ~ImgValue();
void parse() {if(!parsed_) _parse();parsed_=true;assembled_=false;}
void assemble() {if(assembled_) return;parse();_assemble();assembled_=true;}
void _parse();
void _assemble();
virtual const char * className() const { return "ImgValue"; }
// End of automatically generated code //