You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

227 lines
11 KiB

This is a pseudo doxygen file to test Kate's doxyge syntax highlighting.
Normal text, no HL.
a multiline comment may begin with a /*! */, too. That should work,
because it is the same "entrance rule".
popping tests:
/** multiline */ end of doxygen HL mode
/*! multiline */ end of doxygen HL mode
//! singleline, where */ should be ignored! still doxygen HL mode
/// singleline, where */ should be ignored! still doxygen HL mode
///< singleline, where */ should be ignored! still doxygen HL mode
begin and end immediately:
/********/ actually no doxygen comment - used for "info boxes" :)
/**/ <-- it really works --- end of doxygen HL mode
/*!*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <normal comment HL>
/** \code rest of line is normal comment HL */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest of line is normal comment HL
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <word> <normal comment HL>
/** \file aword rest of line is normal comment HL */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \file */aword <-- pop! no doxygen HL mode
/** \file aword rest of line is normal comment HL
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <rest of line is string>
/** \brief A short description */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief */A <-- pop! end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short description
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <word> <rest of line is string>
/** \page aword rest of line is string */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page */aword <-- pop! end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword rest of line is string
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <word> <word> <normal comment HL>
/** \image aword aword rest of line is normal HL */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image aword */aword <-- pop! end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image */aword aword <-- pop! end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image aword aword rest of line is normal HL
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
Tests for HTML tags in doxygen HL mode:
/** <a href="blubb" href='blubb'> */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" href='blubb'*/> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" href='blubb*/'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" href='blub*/b'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" href='b*/lubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" href='*/blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" href=*/'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" href*/='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" hre*/f='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb" */href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb"> */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb"*/> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blubb*/"> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="blub*/b"> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href="*/blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href=*/"blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a href*/="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a h*/ref="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a */href="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <a*/ href="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
/** <*/a href="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb" href='blubb'> */ stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb" href='blubb'*/> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb" href='blubb*/'> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb" href='blu*/bb'> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb" href='*/blubb'> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb" href=*/'blubb'> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb"> */ stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb"*/> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb*/"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blub*/b"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="*/blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href=*/"blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href*/="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a h*/ref="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a */href="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a*/ href="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <*/a href="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
//! <a href="blubb"> stay in doygen HL <mode
here should be normal HL mode (no doxygen!)
Tests for HTML tags in doxygen HL mode with tags:
<tag> <normal comment HL>
/** \code rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> line is normal comment HL */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'*/> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb*/'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href='*/blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href=*/'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest <a href="blubb*/"> of </a href=*/'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest <a href=*/"blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest <a h*/ref="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest <*/a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \code rest of line is normal comment HL
* comment HL mode <html> text </html>
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <word> <normal comment HL>
/** \file awo<html_should_be_ignored_here>rd rest of line is normal comment HL */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \file awo<html_should_be_ignored_here>*/rd end of doxygen HL mode
/** \file awo<html_should_be_i*/gnored_here>rd end of doxygen HL mode
/** \file awo<*/html_should_be_ignored_here>rd end of doxygen HL mode
/** \file a*/wo<html_should_be_ignored_here>rd end of doxygen HL mode
/** \file aword rest of line is normal co<code>mment HL
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <rest of line is string>
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> description */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'*/> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='*/blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href=*/'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href*/='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a */href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"> of <*//a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"*/> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb*/"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="*/blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href=*/"blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href*/="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a h*/ref="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> description
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <word> <rest of line is string>
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> description */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'*/> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='*/blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href=*/'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href*/='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a */href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of <*//a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"*/> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb*/"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="*/blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href=*/"blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href*/="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a h*/ref="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <*/a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A shor*/t <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page awor*/d A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page */aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
/** \page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> description
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
<tag> <word> <word> <rest of line is string>
/** \image aword aword rest of line is normal HL */ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image aword aword rest of line is*/ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image aword aword*/ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image aword aw*/ord end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image aword */aword end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image aword*/ end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image awo*/rd end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image */aword end of doxygen HL mode
/** \ima*/ge end of doxygen HL mode
/** \image aword aword rest of line is normal HL
* comment HL mode
*/ end of doxygen HL mode
Some further tests for singlelinecomments (* / should not pop!)
/// a singlelinecommment blubb blubb */. stay in doxygen HL mode
/// \code a singlelinecommment blubb b*/lubb. stay in doxygen HL mode
/// \code*/ a singlelinecommment blubb blubb. stay in doxygen HL mode
/// \code a singlelinecommment blubb blubb
/// \brief a descriptive text (string) stay in doxygen HL mode
/// \brief a descriptive text (string)*/ description should go on here
/// \brief a descriptive text */(string) description should go on here
/// \brief */a descriptive text (string) description should go on here
/// \ref aword a descriptive text (string) */ description should go on here
/// \ref aword a descriptive text (str*/ing) description should go on here
/// \ref aword a des*/criptive text (string) description should go on here
/// \ref aword*/ a descriptive text (string) description should go on here
/// \ref aw*/ord a descriptive text (string) description should go on here
/// \ref */aword a descriptive text (string) description should go on here
HTML comment tests:
//! \ref word de<!--*/ -->scriptive text (string)
normal HL mode.
//! \ref w descriptive text (string)
/** \ref word de<!--*/ -->scriptive text (string)
normal HL mode.
/** \ref w <!--
* HTML comments
* -->
* normal doxygen HL mode.
And final tests for a word: a single char:
<tag> <word> <rest of line as string>
//! \ref word descriptive text (string)
//! \ref w descriptive text (string)
<tag> <word> <word> <rest is normal HL>
//! \image word1 word2 b descriptive text (string)
//! \image a word b descriptive text (string)
<tag> <rest of line is string>
//! \brief A b c d e description should go on here
<tag> <word> <rest of line is normal doxygen HL mode>
//! \file word rest of line is normal comment HL
//! \file a word rest of line is normal comment HL
no doxygen HL mode here.