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kimiface.h - KDE Instant Messenger DCOP Interface
Copyright (c) 2004-5 Will Stephenson <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef KIMIFACE_H
#define KIMIFACE_H
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <dcopobject.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <kurl.h>
* @brief Generic DCOP interface for KDE instant messenger applications
* The interface has two parts:
* - methods to get information about IM-contacts, such as their reachability
* or their presence status (if the are online or away, etc)
* - methods to initiate communication with IM-contacts, e.g. sending messages
* @note If you are looking for a information about accessing application's
* that implement this interface, have a look at the KIMProxy class.
* Contacts are identified using unique identifier strings (UID) used by
* KABC, the KDE address book library.
* The UID generation is handled by KABC::Addressee so the your application
* will either have to access the address book or provide a possibility
* for associating a contact of your application with an entry of the address
* book.
* @note one omission of this interface is the lack of control over the range
* of values used for protocols' names.
* If you are implementing this interface, note that your application must
* have the following information in its desktop file, so that it can be
* identified as providing KIMIface at runtime:
* @code
* X-DCOP-ServiceName=<application-name>
* ServiceTypes=DCOP/InstantMessenger
* @endcode
* and the class implementing KIMIface must pass "KIMIface" to the DCOPObject constructor:
* @code
* // just need TQObject inheritance and Q_OBJECT if you want signals and slots
* // no need to use K_DCOP macro again
* class MyIMIface : public TQObject, public KIMIface
* {
* public:
* MyIMIface(TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name) :
* DCOPObject("KIMIface"), // <-- passing the interface name as required
* TQObject(parent, name) {}
* };
* @endcode
* The DCOP part of the interface needs to be processed by the DCOP IDL
* compiler. The KDE autotools framework will do this automatically, all
* you have to do is add kimiface.skel and kimiface.stub to the
* @c SOURCES list in your @c
* @see KIMProxy
* @see KABC::AddressBook
* @see KABC::Addressee
* @since 3.3
* @author Will Stephenson <>
class KIMIface : virtual public DCOPObject
// contact list
* @brief Obtain a list of IM-contacts that are known to the application
* Return a list of KABC UIDs of all the contacts you have such IDs for.
* @return a list of KABC UIDs known to the application
* @see reachableContacts()
* @see onlineContacts()
* @see fileTransferContacts()
* @see isPresent()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQStringList allContacts() = 0;
* @brief Obtain a list of IM-contacts that are currently reachable
* Return a list of KABC UIDs of the contacts that are reachable in the
* sense that you are connected to the IM-service they are
* associated with.
* For example if your application supports ICQ and AIM and the ICQ account is
* active but the AIM account isn't, return just the ICQ contacts.
* @return a list of KABC UIDs who can receive a message, even if offline
* @see allContacts()
* @see onlineContacts()
* @see fileTransferContacts()
* @see messageContact()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQStringList reachableContacts() = 0;
* @brief Obtain a list of IM-contacts that are currently online
* Return a list of KABC UIDs of the contacts you have any presence
* information for that indicates that they are connected to the
* IM-service they are associated with.
* @return a list of KABC UIDs who are online with unspecified presence
* @see allContacts()
* @see reachableContacts()
* @see fileTransferContacts()
* @see messageContact()
* @see chatWithContact()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQStringList onlineContacts() = 0;
* @brief Obtain a list of IM-contacts who may receive file transfers
* Return a list of KABC UIDs of the contacts that are capable of
* receiving file transfers based on the IM-service they are associated
* with, i.e. if it is technically able to provide this, on their online
* state, i.e. can likely not receive files while offline, and perhaps even
* information your application has additionally, e.g. a user config that
* tells you that the contact is behind a firewall.
* The simplest implementation is to return the same list as
* onlineContacts(), provided all the IM-services that are currently used
* support it.
* @return a list of KABC UIDs capable of file transfer
* @see allContacts()
* @see reachableContacts()
* @see onlineContacts()
* @see canReceiveFiles()
* @see sendFile()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQStringList fileTransferContacts() = 0;
// individual
* @brief Confirm if a given contact is known to the IM application
* Check if you can map the given KABC UID to one if the IM-contacts, e.g.
* the would be part of the list returned by allContacts()
* @param uid the KABC UID you are interested in
* @return whether the program knows of this KABC UID
* @see allContacts()
* @see presenceString()
* @see presenceStatus()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual bool isPresent( const TQString & uid ) = 0;
* @brief Obtain the IM app's idea of the contact's display name
* Useful if KABC lookups may be too slow. Should return whatever
* the application uses in its contact list or similar GUI, e.g.
* a nick name, a user configured name string, etc.
* @param uid the KABC UID you are interested in
* @return the corresponding display name or TQString:null if the
* UID is unknown
* @see isPresent()
* @see presenceString()
* @see presenceStatus()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQString displayName( const TQString & uid ) = 0;
* @brief Obtain the IM presence as a i18ned string for the specified
* contact
* Return a translated string your application would use when displaying
* the contact's presence, e.g. i18n("Online"), i18n("Away")
* @param uid the KABC UID you want the presence for
* @return the i18ned string describing the contact's presence or
* TQString::null if the UID is unknown
* @see isPresent()
* @see presenceStatus()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQString presenceString( const TQString & uid ) = 0;
* @brief Obtain the IM presence as a number for the specified contact
* Return one of the following values depending on the given contact's
* presence:
* - 0 - @c Unknown: for contacts where you can not use any of the other
* values
* - 1 - @c Offline: for contacts that are offline, i.e. not connected to
* their IM-service. If the application itself or the IM-service for the
* given contact is offline return @c Unknown instead
* - 2 - @c Connecting
* - 3 - @c Away: for contacts that are connected to their IM-service but
* not @c Online
* - 4 - @c Online
* @param uid the KABC UID you want the presence for
* @return a numeric representation of presence - currently one of
* 0 (Unknown), 1 (Offline), 2 (Connecting), 3 (Away), 4 (Online).
* Returns 0 if the given UID is unknown
* @see isPresent()
* @see presenceString()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual int presenceStatus( const TQString & uid ) = 0;
* @brief Indicate if a given contact can receive files
* @param uid the KABC UID you want to the file transfer capability for
* @return whether the specified contact can receive files
* @see fileTransferContacts()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual bool canReceiveFiles( const TQString & uid ) = 0;
* @brief Indicate if a given contact will be able to respond
* Some media are unidirectional (e.g., sending SMS via a web interface).
* This refers to the contact's ability to respond as defined by the
* medium, not by their presence.
* Someone may appear offline (SMS has no presence) to you but in fact be
* able to respond.
* @param uid the KABC UID you are interested in
* @return whether the specified contact can respond
* @see isPresent()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual bool canRespond( const TQString & uid ) = 0;
* @brief Obtain the KABC UID corresponding to the given IM address
* @param contactId the protocol specific identifier for the contact,
* e.g. UIN for ICQ, screenname for AIM, nick for IRC
* @param protocol the IM protocol/service to check. See protocols()
* @return the KABC UID for the given contact or @c TQString::null if not
* found or either input stream was empty or the protocol is not
* supported
* @see protocols()
* @see addContact()
* @see isPresent()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQString locate( const TQString & contactId, const TQString & protocol ) = 0;
// metadata
* @brief Obtain the icon representing the IM presence for the specified
* contact
* Return the image the application would use to display a contact's presence.
* The size and other properties of the image are currently unspecified.
* @param uid the KABC UID you want the presence icon for
* @return a pixmap representing the contact's presence or a null pixmap
* if the contact is unknown. See TQPixmap::isNull()
* @see isPresent()
* @see presenceString()
* @see presenceStatus()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQPixmap icon( const TQString & uid ) = 0;
* @brief Obtain the given contact's current context (home, work, or any)
* Not all IM services/protocols support the concept of contexts. If the
* given UID maps to such a service, just return @c TQString::null
* @param uid the KABC UID you want the context for
* @return a string describing the context, or @c TQString::null if not
* supported or if the contact is unknown
* @see isPresent()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual TQString context( const TQString & uid ) = 0;
// App capabilities
* @brief Obtain a list of supported IM services/protocols
* Protocol names are currently of the form "protocol name" + "Protocol"
* for example:
* - AIMProtocol: AOL instant messenger protocol
* - MSNProtocol: Microsoft messanger protocol
* - ICQProtocol: AOL (Mirabilis) ICQ protocol
* - ....
* The string is currently just an identifier to use with methods such as
* locate(), addContact() or messageNewContact()
* @return the set of protocols that the application supports
* @see locate()
* @see addContact()
* @see messageNewContact
virtual TQStringList protocols() = 0;
* @brief Send a single message to the specified contact
* Any response will be handled by the IM client as a normal
* conversation.
* Implementations might send the message silently, ask the user for
* permission or just prefill the usual message input GUI.
* @note As sending any text could potentially be a breach of the user's
* privacy it is recommended to let the user know about it.
* @param uid the KABC UID you want to send the message to
* @param message the message text to send to the contact
* @see messageNewContact()
* @see chatWithContact()
* @see sendFile()
* @see isPresent()
* @see reachableContacts()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual void messageContact( const TQString &uid, const TQString& message ) = 0;
* @brief Send a single message to a contact given only its protocol
* specific identifier
* This could be used to send a message without having to know the KABC UID
* of the contact or without having to add it first.
* @param contactId the protocol specific identifier for the contact,
* e.g. UIN for ICQ, screenname for AIM, nick for IRC
* @param protocol the IM protocol/service to check. See protocols()
* @see messageContact()
* @see chatWithContact()
* @see sendFile()
* @see locate()
* @see protocols()
* @see addContact()
virtual void messageNewContact( const TQString &contactId, const TQString &protocol ) = 0;
* @brief Start a chat session with the specified contact
* Applications that do not support a chat mode or when the IM-service
* of the given contact does not support it, this can also open
* a normal message input GUI.
* @param uid the KABC UID you want to chat with
* @see messageContact()
* @see messageNewContact()
* @see sendFile()
* @see isPresent()
* @see reachableContacts()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual void chatWithContact( const TQString &uid ) = 0;
* @brief Send a file to the contact
* Initiates a file transfer with the given contact if possible.
* Implementations might start the transfer right away, ask the user's
* permission or just prefill the usual file transfer GUI.
* @note As sending any file could potentially be a breach of the user's
* privacy it is recommended to let the user know about it.
* @param uid the KABC UID you want to send to
* @param sourceURL a KURL pointing to the file to send
* @param altFileName an alternate filename describing the file or a
* description or title
* @param fileSize file size in bytes
* @see messageContact()
* @see messageNewContact()
* @see chatWithContact()
* @see isPresent()
* @see fileTransferContacts()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
virtual void sendFile(const TQString &uid, const KURL &sourceURL,
const TQString &altFileName = TQString::null, uint fileSize = 0) = 0;
// Contact list
* @brief Add a new contact given its protocol specific identifier
* Implementations might add the contact silently, including sending an
* authorization request if necessary, ask the user for confirmation or
* just prefill the usual contact addingGUI.
* @param contactId the protocol specific identifier for the contact
* e.g. UIN for ICQ, screenname for AIM, nick for IRC
* @param protocol the IM protocol/service to use. See protocols()
* @return whether the add succeeded. @c false may signal already present,
* protocol not supported, or add operation not supported.
* @see locate()
* @see protocols()
* @see messageNewContact()
virtual bool addContact( const TQString &contactId, const TQString &protocol ) = 0;
* @brief Indicates that a contact's presence has changed
* Notifies connected DCOP tqreceivers about a change in a contact's
* presence.
* Implementations just have to call this method with the appropriate
* values to get the DCOP signal emitted.
* @param uid the KABC UID whose presence changed
* @param appId the DCOP application ID of the program the signal
* originates from
* @param presence the new presence's numeric value. See presenceStatus()
* @see presenceStatus()
* @see KABC::Addressee::uid()
* @see DCOPClient::appId()
void contactPresenceChanged( TQString uid, TQCString appId, int presence );
* Local variables:
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