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<refpurpose>Utility to display &arts; error messages</refpurpose>
<group><option>&kde; generic options</option></group>
<group><option>&Qt; generic options</option></group>
<group choice="opt">
<option>-e, --error</option><option>-w,
<para><command>artsmessage</command> is a utility to display &arts; error messages.</para>
<para><command>artsmessage</command> accepts the standard &Qt; and &kde;
command-line options.</para>
<title>Application Options</title>
<term><option>-e</option>, <option>--error</option>
<para>Display error message (default).</para>
<term><option>-i</option>, <option>--info</option>
<para>Display informational message.</para>
<term><option>-w</option>, <option>--warning</option>
<para>Display warning message.</para>
<para>This manual page was written by <personname><firstname>Chris</firstname><surname>Cheney</surname></personname><email></email> for
the Debian system (but may be used by others). Permission is
granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> Free Documentation
License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover
Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.</para>