<!-- This file can be used to include the notice in documentation
<!DOCTYPE book ... [
<!ENTITY FDLISTitles "title 1, title 2, title 3">
<!ENTITY FDLFCTTitles "title 4, title 5, title 6">
<!ENTITY FDLBCTTitles "title 7, title 7b">
<!ENTITY % ents "-//KDE//ENTITIES Application-Variable Entities V1.0//EN">
<para>Copyright (C) 20yy [name of author]</para>
Alternatively, you can include the text literally.
Include a copy of the license in the documentation distribution.
<para>Дозвољава се копирање, расподела и/или измена овог документа под одредбама &GNU-gjz; &FDLexp-g;, верзије 1.1 или било које следеће верзије коју објави Задужбина за слободни софтвер; &FDLInvariantSections;, и &FDLBackCoverText;. Копија лиценце је укључена у <xref linkend="gnu-fdl"/>.</para>
<!-- If you have no Invariant Sections, don't add any FDLIS entities.
If you have no Front-Cover Texts, don't add any FDLFCT; likewise
for Back-Cover Texts (the SGML setup takes care of complying with
the GNU requirements). Adding the entities: if you use any, then
add FDL* with value "INCLUDE" and FDL*Titles with a list of
titles. You will get the default GNU template text if you don't
specify the FDL*Titles entity after specifying the FDL* entity.
This will only have effect when you specify %FDLSlots; _after_
the entity definitions.
If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice
of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License,
to permit their use in free software.
Local variables:
mode: sgml
sgml-general-insert-case: lower
sgml-parent-document: ("index.docbook" "book" "bookinfo" "legalnotice" "para")