You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

439 lines
12 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Joseph Wenninger <>
Copyright (C) 2001 Christoph Cullmann <>
Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Wilhelmy <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __KATE_HIGHLIGHT_H__
#define __KATE_HIGHLIGHT_H__
#include "katetextline.h"
#include "kateattribute.h"
#include "../interfaces/document.h"
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qvaluevector.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qintdict.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qguardedptr.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
class KateHlContext;
class KateHlItem;
class KateHlItemData;
class KateHlData;
class KateEmbeddedHlInfo;
class KateHlIncludeRule;
class KateSyntaxDocument;
class KateTextLine;
class KateSyntaxModeListItem;
class KateSyntaxContextData;
// some typedefs
typedef QPtrList<KateAttribute> KateAttributeList;
typedef QValueList<KateHlIncludeRule*> KateHlIncludeRules;
typedef QPtrList<KateHlItemData> KateHlItemDataList;
typedef QPtrList<KateHlData> KateHlDataList;
typedef QMap<QString,KateEmbeddedHlInfo> KateEmbeddedHlInfos;
typedef QMap<int*,QString> KateHlUnresolvedCtxRefs;
typedef QValueList<int> IntList;
//Item Properties: name, Item Style, Item Font
class KateHlItemData : public KateAttribute
KateHlItemData(const QString name, int defStyleNum);
enum ItemStyles {
dsError };
const QString name;
int defStyleNum;
class KateHlData
KateHlData(const QString &wildcards, const QString &mimetypes,const QString &identifier, int priority);
QString wildcards;
QString mimetypes;
QString identifier;
int priority;
class KateHighlighting
KateHighlighting(const KateSyntaxModeListItem *def);
void doHighlight ( KateTextLine *prevLine,
KateTextLine *textLine,
QMemArray<uint> *foldingList,
bool *ctxChanged );
void loadWildcards();
QValueList<QRegExp>& getRegexpExtensions();
QStringList& getPlainExtensions();
QString getMimetypes();
// this pointer needs to be deleted !!!!!!!!!!
KateHlData *getData();
void setData(KateHlData *);
void setKateHlItemDataList(uint schema, KateHlItemDataList &);
// both methodes return hard copies of the internal lists
// the lists are cleared first + autodelete is set !
// keep track that you delete them, or mem will be lost
void getKateHlItemDataListCopy (uint schema, KateHlItemDataList &);
const QString &name() const {return iName;}
const QString &nameTranslated() const {return iNameTranslated;}
const QString &section() const {return iSection;}
bool hidden() const {return iHidden;}
const QString &version() const {return iVersion;}
const QString &author () const { return iAuthor; }
const QString &license () const { return iLicense; }
int priority();
const QString &getIdentifier() const {return identifier;}
void use();
void release();
* @return true if the character @p c is not a deliminator character
* for the corresponding highlight.
bool isInWord( QChar c, int attrib=0 ) const;
* @return true if the character @p c is a wordwrap deliminator as specified
* in the general keyword section of the xml file.
bool canBreakAt( QChar c, int attrib=0 ) const;
* @return true if @p beginAttr and @p endAttr are members of the same
* highlight, and there are comment markers of either type in that.
bool canComment( int startAttr, int endAttr ) const;
* @return 0 if highlighting which attr is a member of does not
* define a comment region, otherwise the region is returned
signed char commentRegion(int attr) const;
* @return the mulitiline comment start marker for the highlight
* corresponding to @p attrib.
QString getCommentStart( int attrib=0 ) const;
* @return the muiltiline comment end marker for the highlight corresponding
* to @p attrib.
QString getCommentEnd( int attrib=0 ) const;
* @return the single comment marker for the highlight corresponding
* to @p attrib.
QString getCommentSingleLineStart( int attrib=0 ) const;
* This enum is used for storing the information where a single line comment marker should be inserted
enum CSLPos { CSLPosColumn0=0,CSLPosAfterWhitespace=1};
* @return the single comment marker position for the highlight corresponding
* to @p attrib.
CSLPos getCommentSingleLinePosition( int attrib=0 ) const;
* @return the attribute for @p context.
int attribute( int context ) const;
* map attribute to its highlighting file.
* the returned string is used as key for m_additionalData.
QString hlKeyForAttrib( int attrib ) const;
void clearAttributeArrays ();
QMemArray<KateAttribute> *attributes (uint schema);
inline bool noHighlighting () const { return noHl; };
// be carefull: all documents hl should be invalidated after calling this method!
void dropDynamicContexts();
QString indentation () { return m_indentation; }
// make this private, nobody should play with the internal data pointers
void getKateHlItemDataList(uint schema, KateHlItemDataList &);
void init();
void done();
void makeContextList ();
int makeDynamicContext(KateHlContext *model, const QStringList *args);
void handleKateHlIncludeRules ();
void handleKateHlIncludeRulesRecursive(KateHlIncludeRules::iterator it, KateHlIncludeRules *list);
int addToContextList(const QString &ident, int ctx0);
void addToKateHlItemDataList();
void createKateHlItemData (KateHlItemDataList &list);
void readGlobalKeywordConfig();
void readWordWrapConfig();
void readCommentConfig();
void readIndentationConfig ();
void readFoldingConfig ();
// manipulates the ctxs array directly ;)
void generateContextStack(int *ctxNum, int ctx, QMemArray<short> *ctxs, int *posPrevLine);
KateHlItem *createKateHlItem(KateSyntaxContextData *data, KateHlItemDataList &iDl, QStringList *RegionList, QStringList *ContextList);
int lookupAttrName(const QString& name, KateHlItemDataList &iDl);
void createContextNameList(QStringList *ContextNameList, int ctx0);
int getIdFromString(QStringList *ContextNameList, QString tmpLineEndContext,/*NO CONST*/ QString &unres);
KateHlItemDataList internalIDList;
QValueVector<KateHlContext*> m_contexts;
inline KateHlContext *contextNum (uint n) { if (n < m_contexts.size()) return m_contexts[n]; return 0; }
QMap< QPair<KateHlContext *, QString>, short> dynamicCtxs;
// make them pointers perhaps
KateEmbeddedHlInfos embeddedHls;
KateHlUnresolvedCtxRefs unresolvedContextReferences;
QStringList RegionList;
QStringList ContextNameList;
bool noHl;
bool folding;
bool casesensitive;
QString weakDeliminator;
QString deliminator;
QString iName;
QString iNameTranslated;
QString iSection;
bool iHidden;
QString iWildcards;
QString iMimetypes;
QString identifier;
QString iVersion;
QString iAuthor;
QString iLicense;
QString m_indentation;
int m_priority;
int refCount;
int startctx, base_startctx;
QString errorsAndWarnings;
QString buildIdentifier;
QString buildPrefix;
bool building;
uint itemData0;
uint buildContext0Offset;
KateHlIncludeRules includeRules;
bool m_foldingIndentationSensitive;
QIntDict< QMemArray<KateAttribute> > m_attributeArrays;
* This class holds the additional properties for one highlight
* definition, such as comment strings, deliminators etc.
* When a highlight is added, a instance of this class is appended to
* m_additionalData, and the current position in the attrib and context
* arrays are stored in the indexes for look up. You can then use
* hlKeyForAttrib or hlKeyForContext to find the relevant instance of this
* class from m_additionalData.
* If you need to add a property to a highlight, add it here.
class HighlightPropertyBag {
QString singleLineCommentMarker;
QString multiLineCommentStart;
QString multiLineCommentEnd;
QString multiLineRegion;
CSLPos singleLineCommentPosition;
QString deliminator;
QString wordWrapDeliminator;
* Highlight properties for each included highlight definition.
* The key is the identifier
QDict<HighlightPropertyBag> m_additionalData;
* Fast lookup of hl properties, based on attribute index
* The key is the starting index in the attribute array for each file.
* @see hlKeyForAttrib
QMap<int, QString> m_hlIndex;
QString extensionSource;
QValueList<QRegExp> regexpExtensions;
QStringList plainExtensions;
inline bool foldingIndentationSensitive () { return m_foldingIndentationSensitive; }
inline bool allowsFolding(){return folding;}
class KateHlManager : public QObject
static KateHlManager *self();
inline KConfig *getKConfig() { return &m_config; };
KateHighlighting *getHl(int n);
int nameFind(const QString &name);
int detectHighlighting (class KateDocument *doc);
int findHl(KateHighlighting *h) {return hlList.find(h);}
QString identifierForName(const QString&);
// methodes to get the default style count + names
static uint defaultStyles();
static QString defaultStyleName(int n, bool translateNames = false);
void getDefaults(uint schema, KateAttributeList &);
void setDefaults(uint schema, KateAttributeList &);
int highlights();
QString hlName(int n);
QString hlNameTranslated (int n);
QString hlSection(int n);
bool hlHidden(int n);
void incDynamicCtxs() { ++dynamicCtxsCount; };
uint countDynamicCtxs() { return dynamicCtxsCount; };
void setForceNoDCReset(bool b) { forceNoDCReset = b; };
// be carefull: all documents hl should be invalidated after having successfully called this method!
bool resetDynamicCtxs();
void changed();
int wildcardFind(const QString &fileName);
int mimeFind(KateDocument *);
int realWildcardFind(const QString &fileName);
friend class KateHighlighting;
QPtrList<KateHighlighting> hlList;
QDict<KateHighlighting> hlDict;
static KateHlManager *s_self;
KConfig m_config;
QStringList commonSuffixes;
KateSyntaxDocument *syntax;
uint dynamicCtxsCount;
QTime lastCtxsReset;
bool forceNoDCReset;
class KateViewHighlightAction: public Kate::ActionMenu
KateViewHighlightAction(const QString& text, QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0)
: Kate::ActionMenu(text, parent, name) { init(); };
void updateMenu (Kate::Document *doc);
void init();
QGuardedPtr<Kate::Document> m_doc;
QStringList subMenusName;
QStringList names;
QPtrList<QPopupMenu> subMenus;
public slots:
void slotAboutToShow();
private slots:
void setHl (int mode);
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;