You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

274 lines
9.5 KiB

/* vim: set sw=8: -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
/* kspell2 - adopted from Enchant
* Copyright (C) 2003 Dom Lachowicz
* Copyright (C) 2004 Zack Rusin <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* In addition, as a special exception, Dom Lachowicz
* gives permission to link the code of this program with
* non-LGPL Spelling Provider libraries (eg: a MSFT Office
* spell checker backend) and distribute linked combinations including
* the two. You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all
* respects for all of the code used other than said providers. If you modify
* this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
* do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
#include "ispell.h"
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
class ISpellChecker
bool checkWord(const TQString& word);
TQStringList suggestWord(const TQString& word);
bool requestDictionary (const char * szLang);
static TQValueList<TQString> allDics();
ISpellChecker(const ISpellChecker&); // no impl
void operator=(const ISpellChecker&); // no impl
TQString loadDictionary (const char * szLang );
bool loadDictionaryForLanguage ( const char * szLang );
void setDictionaryEncoding ( const TQString& hashname, const char * enc );
// The member functions after this point were formerly global functions
// passed a context structure pointer...
void try_autodetect_charset(const char * inEncoding);
// From ispell correct.c
int casecmp P ((char * a, char * b, int canonical));
void makepossibilities P ((ichar_t * word));
int insert P ((ichar_t * word));
void wrongcapital P ((ichar_t * word));
void wrongletter P ((ichar_t * word));
void extraletter P ((ichar_t * word));
void missingletter P ((ichar_t * word));
void missingspace P ((ichar_t * word));
int compoundgood P ((ichar_t * word, int pfxopts));
void transposedletter P ((ichar_t * word));
int ins_cap P ((ichar_t * word, ichar_t * pattern));
int save_cap P ((ichar_t * word, ichar_t * pattern,
int ins_root_cap P ((ichar_t * word, ichar_t * pattern,
int prestrip, int preadd, int sufstrip, int sufadd,
struct dent * firstdent, struct flagent * pfxent,
struct flagent * sufent));
void save_root_cap P ((ichar_t * word, ichar_t * pattern,
int prestrip, int preadd, int sufstrip, int sufadd,
struct dent * firstdent, struct flagent * pfxent,
struct flagent * sufent,
int * nsaved));
// From ispell good.c
int good (ichar_t* w, int ignoreflagbits, int allhits, int pfxopts, int sfxopts);
void chk_aff (ichar_t* word, ichar_t* ucword, int len, int ignoreflagbits, int allhits, int pfxopts, int sfxopts);
int linit(char*);
struct dent * ispell_lookup (ichar_t* s, int dotree);
int strtoichar (ichar_t* out, char* in, int outlen, int canonical);
int ichartostr (char* out, ichar_t* in, int outlen, int canonical);
char * ichartosstr (ichar_t* in, int canonical);
int findfiletype (const char * name, int searchnames, int * deformatter);
long whatcap (ichar_t* word);
HACK: macros replaced with function implementations
so we could do a side-effect-free check for tqunicode
characters which aren't in hashheader
char myupper(ichar_t c);
char mylower(ichar_t c);
int myspace(ichar_t c);
char iswordch(ichar_t c);
char isboundarych(ichar_t c);
char isstringstart(ichar_t c);
ichar_t mytolower(ichar_t c);
ichar_t mytoupper(ichar_t c);
int cap_ok (ichar_t* word, struct success* hit, int len);
int hash (ichar_t* s, int hashtblsize);
// From ispell lookup.c
void clearindex P ((struct flagptr * indexp));
void initckch P ((char *));
void alloc_ispell_struct();
void free_ispell_struct();
// From ispell makedent.c
int addvheader P ((struct dent * ent));
void upcase P ((ichar_t * string));
void lowcase P ((ichar_t * string));
void chupcase P ((char * s));
int stringcharlen P ((char * bufp, int canonical));
ichar_t * strtosichar P ((char * in, int canonical));
char * printichar P ((int in));
// From ispell tgood.c
void pfx_list_chk P ((ichar_t * word, ichar_t * ucword,
int len, int optflags, int sfxopts, struct flagptr * ind,
int ignoreflagbits, int allhits));
void chk_suf P ((ichar_t * word, ichar_t * ucword, int len,
int optflags, struct flagent * pfxent, int ignoreflagbits,
int allhits));
void suf_list_chk P ((ichar_t * word, ichar_t * ucword, int len,
struct flagptr * ind, int optflags, struct flagent * pfxent,
int ignoreflagbits, int allhits));
int expand_pre P ((char * croot, ichar_t * rootword,
MASKTYPE mask[], int option, char * extra));
int pr_pre_expansion P ((char * croot, ichar_t * rootword,
struct flagent * flent, MASKTYPE mask[], int option,
char * extra));
int expand_suf P ((char * croot, ichar_t * rootword,
MASKTYPE mask[], int optflags, int option, char * extra));
int pr_suf_expansion P ((char * croot, ichar_t * rootword,
struct flagent * flent, int option, char * extra));
void forcelc P ((ichar_t * dst, int len));
/* this is used for converting form unsigned short to UCS-4 */
int deftflag; /* NZ for TeX mode by default */
int prefstringchar; /* Preferred string character type */
bool m_bSuccessfulInit;
// The members after this point were formerly global variables
// in the original ispell code
char * m_BC; /* backspace if not ^H */
char * m_cd; /* clear to end of display */
char * m_cl; /* clear display */
char * m_cm; /* cursor movement */
char * m_ho; /* home */
char * m_nd; /* non-destructive space */
char * m_so; /* standout */
char * m_se; /* standout end */
int m_sg; /* space taken by so/se */
char * m_ti; /* terminal initialization sequence */
char * m_te; /* terminal termination sequence */
int m_li; /* lines */
int m_co; /* columns */
char m_ctoken[INPUTWORDLEN + MAXAFFIXLEN]; /* Current token as char */
ichar_t m_itoken[INPUTWORDLEN + MAXAFFIXLEN]; /* Ctoken as ichar_t str */
int m_numhits; /* number of hits in dictionary lookups */
struct success
m_hits[MAX_HITS]; /* table of hits gotten in lookup */
char * m_hashstrings; /* Strings in hash table */
struct hashheader
m_hashheader; /* Header of hash table */
struct dent *
m_hashtbl; /* Main hash table, for dictionary */
int m_hashsize; /* Size of main hash table */
char m_hashname[MAXPATHLEN]; /* Name of hash table file */
int m_aflag; /* NZ if -a or -A option specified */
int m_cflag; /* NZ if -c (crunch) option */
int m_lflag; /* NZ if -l (list) option */
int m_incfileflag; /* whether xgets() acts exactly like gets() */
int m_nodictflag; /* NZ if dictionary not needed */
int m_uerasechar; /* User's erase character, from stty */
int m_ukillchar; /* User's kill character */
unsigned int m_laststringch; /* Number of last string character */
int m_defdupchar; /* Default duplicate string type */
int m_numpflags; /* Number of prefix flags in table */
int m_numsflags; /* Number of suffix flags in table */
struct flagptr m_pflagindex[SET_SIZE + MAXSTRINGCHARS];
/* Fast index to pflaglist */
struct flagent * m_pflaglist; /* Prefix flag control list */
struct flagptr m_sflagindex[SET_SIZE + MAXSTRINGCHARS];
/* Fast index to sflaglist */
struct flagent * m_sflaglist; /* Suffix flag control list */
struct strchartype * /* String character type collection */
FILE * m_infile; /* File being corrected */
FILE * m_outfile; /* Corrected copy of infile */
char * m_askfilename; /* File specified in -f option */
int m_changes; /* NZ if changes made to cur. file */
int m_readonly; /* NZ if current file is readonly */
int m_quit; /* NZ if we're done with this file */
#define MAXPOSSIBLE 100 /* Max no. of possibilities to generate */
/* Table of possible corrections */
int m_pcount; /* Count of possibilities generated */
int m_maxposslen; /* Length of longest possibility */
int m_easypossibilities; /* Number of "easy" corrections found */
/* ..(defined as those using legal affixes) */
* The following array contains a list of characters that should be tried
* in "missingletter." Note that lowercase characters are omitted.
int m_Trynum; /* Size of "Try" array */
TQTextCodec *m_translate_in; /* Selected translation from/to Unicode */
#endif /* ISPELL_CHECKER_H */