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/* Test file for kate's stata syntax highlighting
*! version 1.2.0 2mar2003 E. Leuven
program define spellsplit
version 7
syntax [anything], spell(varlist min=2 max=2) [ by(varlist)]
tokenize `spell'
local date0 `1'
local date1 `2'
local f0 : format `date0'
local f1 : format `date1'
/* set default statistic */
local current "mean"
gettoken left anything : anything, match(prns)
while "`left'"!="" {
if "`prns'"!="" {
if !inlist("`left'","mean","sum") {
di as error "Statistic `left' not supported"
exit 198
local current "`left'"
else {
local `current'vars ``current'vars' `left'
gettoken left anything : anything, match(prns)
if ("`meanvars'"!="") {
confirm var `meanvars'
unab meanvars : `meanvars'
if ("`sumvars'"!="") {
confirm var `sumvars'
unab sumvars : `sumvars'
quietly {
g _count = 1
local xvars `meanvars' `sumvars' _count
/* create dummy by-var if no by option is specified */
if "`by'"=="" {
tempvar by
g byte `by' = 1
tempvar `xvars' `by'
/* create negative for subtraction when spell ends */
cap foreach v of varlist `xvars' {
g double ``v'' = -`v'
local txvars `txvars' ``v''
cap foreach v of varlist `by' {
g double ``v'' = `v'
local txvars `txvars' ``v''
stack `date0' `xvars' `by' `date1' `txvars', into(`date0' `xvars' `by') clear
/* calculate totals per date */
cap foreach v of varlist `xvars' {
egen double ``v'' = sum(`v'), by(`by' `date0')
/* unique dates only */
by `by' `date0', sort: keep if _n==1
/* calculate totals (+ when spell starts - when ends) */
sort `by'
cap foreach v of varlist `xvars' {
by `by': replace `v' = sum(``v'')
by `by': g `date1' = `date0'[_n + 1]
drop if `date0'>`date1'
drop _stack
drop if _count==0
order `by' `date0' `date1' `xvars'
format `date0' `f0'
format `date1' `f1'
cap for var `meanvars': replace X = X/_count