# (C) 2012 Golubev Alexander
# fatzer2 (AT) gmail.com
# Improvements and feedback are welcome
# This file is released under GPL >= 2
##### set project version ########################
include( TDEVersion )
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION ${TDE_CMAKE_MINIMUM_VERSION} )
tde_set_project_version( )
##### general package setup #####################
project( tdetoys )
##### include essential cmake modules ###########
include( FindPkgConfig )
include( CheckIncludeFile )
include( CheckLibraryExists )
include( CheckSymbolExists )
include( CheckCSourceCompiles )
include( CheckCXXSourceCompiles )
# @Add othere required cmake modules here@
# include( CheckTypeSize )
##### include our cmake modules #################
include( TDEMacros )
##### setup install paths #######################
include( TDESetupPaths )
tde_setup_paths( )
##### optional stuff ############################
# @Add configuration options here@
# option( WITH_T1LIB "Enable t1lib support" OFF )
##### options comments ##########################
# @Add configuration options descriptions here@
# NOTE: They should be commented.
# # WITH_T1LIB affects <modules which affects this variable>
# # WITH_T1LIB description <a verbose description what functionality is
# addeded or removed by this option>
##### user requested modules ####################
option( BUILD_ALL "Build all" OFF )
option( BUILD_AMOR "Build amor" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_DOC "Build doc" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_EYESAPPLET "Build eyesapplet" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_FIFTEENAPPLET "Build fifteenapplet" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KMOON "Build kmoon" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KODO "Build kodo" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTEATIME "Build kteatime" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KTUX "Build ktux" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KWEATHER "Build kweather" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KONQ_KWEATHER "Build kweather sidebar for Konqueror" ${BUILD_ALL} )
option( BUILD_KWORLDWATCH "Build kworldwatch" ${BUILD_ALL} )
##### configure checks ##########################
include( ConfigureChecks.cmake )
###### global compiler settings #################
##### @TDE_MODULE_NAME@ directories ############
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_AMOR amor )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_DOC doc )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_EYESAPPLET eyesapplet )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_FIFTEENAPPLET fifteenapplet )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KMOON kmoon )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KODO kodo )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KTEATIME kteatime )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KTUX ktux )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KWEATHER kweather )
tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( BUILD_KWORLDWATCH kworldwatch )
##### write configure files #####################
configure_file( config.h.cmake config.h @ONLY )