KBFX – an alternative to T-Menu

Updated 2 weeks ago

KBibTeX – a bibliography editor

Updated 2 weeks ago

KBiff – mail notification utility

Updated 2 weeks ago

KBookReader – eBook reader

Updated 2 weeks ago

KchmViewer – CHM (WinHelp) viewer

Updated 2 weeks ago

Autostart module for KControl

Updated 2 weeks ago

LDAP client binding module for KControl

Updated 2 weeks ago

LDAP controller module for KControl

Updated 2 weeks ago

LDAP manager module for KControl

Updated 2 weeks ago

KCPULoad – a small CPU meter for Kicker

Updated 2 weeks ago

KDbg – graphical debugger interface

Updated 2 weeks ago

KDBusNotification – a DBUS notification service

Updated 2 weeks ago

KDiff3 – a diff and merge program

Updated 2 weeks ago

KDirStat – a graphical disk usage utility

Updated 2 weeks ago

KDpkg – frontend for dpkg

Updated 2 weeks ago

Keep – backup system

Updated 2 weeks ago

Kerberos ticket monitoring and interaction utility

Updated 2 weeks ago

Kerry – frontend for the Beagle desktop search

Updated 3 months ago

MDB driver for Kexi

Updated 2 weeks ago

KFTPGrabber – a powerful FTP client

Updated 2 weeks ago