Kile – integrated LaTeX environment
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
Diogo Leal 08a73a70d0
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
doc Replace Qt with TQt 2ヶ月前
src Removed unused files 2ヶ月前
translations Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) 3週間前
AUTHORS Added abandoned KDE3 version of Kile 14年前
CMakeL10n.txt Use centralized cmake version 1ヶ月前
CMakeLists.txt Use centralized cmake version 1ヶ月前
COPYING Added abandoned KDE3 version of Kile 14年前
ChangeLog Update to upstream version 2.0.3 10年前
ConfigureChecks.cmake Update CMake rules accorting to TDE style. 2年前
INSTALL Rework the README and INSTALL files. 2年前
INSTALL.MacOSX Rework the README and INSTALL files. 2年前
README.cwl Added abandoned KDE3 version of Kile 14年前 Rework the README and INSTALL files. 2年前
TODO Added abandoned KDE3 version of Kile 14年前
config.h.cmake Update CMake rules accorting to TDE style. 2年前
kile-remote-control.txt Replace QObject, QWidget, QImage, QPair, QRgb, QColor, QChar, QString, QIODevice with TQ* version 7ヶ月前

Kile - a user-friendly LaTeX source editor and TeX shell for TDE

The source editor is a multi-document editor designed for .tex and .bib files. Menus, wizards and auto-completion are provided to assist with tag insertion and code generation. A structural view of the document assists with navigation within source files.

The TeX shell integrates the various tools required for TeX processing. It assists with LaTeX compilation, DVI and postscript document viewing, generation of bibliographies and indices and other common tasks.

Kile can support large projects consisting of several smaller files.



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desktop files

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