Initial import of kooldock 0.4.7

Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <>
Slávek Banko 10 years ago
commit 39f2c6a84c

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
KoolDock team (to v0.3)
Matias Fernandez <>
Francisco Guidi <>
Developement after v0.3
Blase Stanek <>

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
23/09/2007: KoolDock 0.4.7
- Improved icon positioning.
- Added 'Show only minimized' option.
- Disabled systray support.
- Improved drawing engine.
- Added speed control (modifies kooldock's animation time to make it closest to desired speed).
- Reduced CPU wakeups, when kooldock is inactive (should be 4-8 per second)
- Reorganised tabs in setting window.
- Added 'Apply' button in options window, improved settings applying speed.
- Added simple KBFX support (necessary kicker applet).
- Added automatic background refresh (on minimize/maximize/restore/activate window).
- Added similar task grouping.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
16/02/2007: KoolDock 0.4.6
- Added choice of amount of big icons.
- Added choise of edge on which kooldock has to appear.
- Added option allowing to don't scroll while mouse is on the same icon (centred on it).
- Added Italian translation.
16/02/2007: KoolDock 0.4.5
- Icon positioning improvments.
- Some optimizations.
11/02/2007: KoolDock 0.4.4
- Added scrolling when kooldock need more size than desktop width.
- One-colour-background box now fits to icons.
- Improved xinerama support.
- Some stablity fixes.
- Added zooming speed choice.
- Improved 'Show after' option.
20/01/2007: KoolDock 0.4.3
- Adeed: 'Move left/right' buttons for launcher icons
- Some stability improvments
- Fixed: beryl shadowcasting to kooldock's window
15/01/2007: KoolDock 0.4.2
- Fixed sizing and getting background bugs.
- Fixed: Closing when desktop was changed.
- Speed up desktop changing (when is full of windows).
- Faster background themes scalling.
- Added simple command line support (-o --options, -k --kill)
- Fixed bug associated with quick opening and closing windows.
- Added possibility of changing kooldock position on screen edge
01/01/2007: KoolDock 0.4.1
- Fixed: 'Show hidden' option.
31/12/2006: KoolDock 0.4
- Fixed: Half openinig when any menu is expanded.
- Fixed: Quick showing and hiding on kooldock's window edges.
- Fixed: Some minor fixes and optimizations.
- Fixed: Program don't compile on autoconf v2.60 or newer.
11/08/2004: KoolDock 0.3
- Added: Translation support (i18n): Spanish (complete), Swedish (complete), Polish (not fully up to date).
- Added: Mouse Wheel over Dock now switches Desktop.
- Added: Launcher icons can now be sorted through Launcher List.
- Added: Move to Desktop/Go To Desktop (Taskbar/Nav. Bar).
- Added: New option to Nav. Bar: Task List.
- Added: Theme support for KoolDock Background (5 themes).
- Added: Run launcher as different user.
- Added: It is now possible to tell KoolDock to manage all windows or those in the present Desktop.
- Added: Active window icon is now highlighted.
- Improved: Xinerama Support (user configurable screen resolution).
- Updated: About dialog information.
- Patches: Text Shadow Patch (thanks to William Ekholm).
- Fixed: KMenu and mousemove event: sigsegv (thanks to Jared Grubb).
- Fixed: Minor fixes and Optimizations.
- Experimental: Systray Support (do not use it unless you want to help us with this).
19/05/2004: KoolDock 0.2
- Fixed separator issue, now it is drawed only when necessary.
- Fixed configuration - separator issue (now it is not disabled).
- Fixed setupdialog and appdialog resizing.
- Xinerama support (in preferences).
- Navigation Menu + clock (available through KoolDock menu).
- Screenshot of minimized windows (only through KoolDock menu).
- Added "Hide on click" (Hide KoolDock after clicking on an icon).
- Added "Show after"; how long the mouse must be at bottom of the
screen before showing the dock.
- Added "Run from Terminal" and "Keep Terminal Open" in the add
launcher dialog (useful for console applications, e.g: top, vim).
- Rewrote "Ignore List"; now it is possible to grab windows names.
- Proper tooltips in the "Preference Dialog"
- Optimization to the background drawing rutine.
- Major code clean-up (still needs more).
- Minor fixes.

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
# Doxyfile 1.5.1-KDevelop
# Project related configuration options
PROJECT_NAME = kooldock
ABBREVIATE_BRIEF = "The $name class" \
"The $name widget" \
"The $name file" \
is \
provides \
specifies \
contains \
represents \
a \
an \
STRIP_FROM_PATH = /home/bisiek/
# Build related configuration options
# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
# configuration options related to the input files
INPUT = /home/bisiek/kooldock
*.cc \
*.cxx \
*.cpp \
*.c++ \
*.d \
*.java \
*.ii \
*.ixx \
*.ipp \
*.i++ \
*.inl \
*.h \
*.hh \
*.hxx \
*.hpp \
*.h++ \
*.idl \
*.odl \
*.cs \
*.php \
*.php3 \
*.inc \
*.m \
*.mm \
*.dox \
*.py \
*.C \
*.CC \
*.C++ \
*.II \
*.I++ \
*.H \
*.HH \
*.H++ \
*.CS \
*.PHP \
*.PHP3 \
*.M \
*.MM \
*.PY \
*.C \
*.H \
*.tlh \
*.diff \
*.patch \
*.moc \
*.xpm \
# configuration options related to source browsing
# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
# configuration options related to the HTML output
# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
PAPER_TYPE = a4wide
# configuration options related to the RTF output
# configuration options related to the man page output
# configuration options related to the XML output
# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
# configuration options related to the Perl module output
# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
# Configuration::additions related to external references
GENERATE_TAGFILE = kooldock.tag
PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
# Configuration options related to the dot tool
# Configuration::additions related to the search engine

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
Basic Installation
These are generic installation instructions.
The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses
those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, a file
`config.cache' that saves the results of its tests to speed up
reconfiguring, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output
(useful mainly for debugging `configure').
If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
be considered for the next release. If at some point `config.cache'
contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
The file `' is used to create `configure' by a program
called `autoconf'. You only need `' if you want to change
it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'.
The simplest way to compile this package is:
1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
`./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're
using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type
`sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute
`configure' itself.
Running `configure' takes a while. While running, it prints some
messages telling which features it is checking for.
2. Type `make' to compile the package.
3. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
4. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
source code directory by typing `make clean'.
Compilers and Options
Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
the `configure' script does not know about. You can give `configure'
initial values for variables by setting them in the environment. Using
a Bourne-compatible shell, you can do that on the command line like
CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix ./configure
Or on systems that have the `env' program, you can do it like this:
env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-s ./configure
Compiling For Multiple Architectures
You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that
supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the
directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the
source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
If you have to use a `make' that does not supports the `VPATH'
variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a time
in the source code directory. After you have installed the package for
one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring for another
Installation Names
By default, `make install' will install the package's files in
`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an
installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the
option `--prefix=PATH'.
You can specify separate installation prefixes for
architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you
give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use
PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix.
If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
Optional Features
Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The
`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
package recognizes.
For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
Specifying the System Type
There may be some features `configure' can not figure out
automatically, but needs to determine by the type of host the package
will run on. Usually `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
a message saying it can not guess the host type, give it the
`--host=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system
type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name with three fields:
See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If
`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
need to know the host type.
If you are building compiler tools for cross-compiling, you can also
use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will
produce code for and the `--build=TYPE' option to select the type of
system on which you are compiling the package.
Sharing Defaults
If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
you can create a site shell script called `' that gives
default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then
`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists. Or, you can set the
`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
Operation Controls
`configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of
`./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for
debugging `configure'.
Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
Do not print messages saying which checks are being made.
Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually
`configure' can determine that directory automatically.
Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
script, and exit.
`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
$(top_srcdir)/ $(top_srcdir)/subdirs
cd $(top_srcdir) && $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common ;
cd $(top_srcdir) && $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common subdirs
$(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4: $(top_srcdir)/admin/ $(top_srcdir)/admin/
@cd $(top_srcdir) && cat admin/ admin/ > acinclude.m4
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = subdirs acinclude.m4 configure.files
cd $(top_srcdir) && $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common package-messages
$(MAKE) -C po merge
cd $(top_distdir) && perl admin/am_edit -padmin
cd $(top_distdir) && $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common subdirs

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
KoolDock is based upon the work of Dang Viet Dung, KSmoothDock 2.1.
For the latest release of ksmoothdock, please visit
To compile in debugmode, before making run:
$ CXXFLAGS="-D_ENABLE_DEBUG" ./configure --enable-debug=full
It's also possible to do it in KDevelop.
Normal compilation:
Run in console
make; make install
Compilation version from SVN
make -f Makefile.cvs
make; make install
make install - it installs compiled project into tour system, to do this you must have root privilages
Warning: If you are using kooldock on gnome, without installed KDE, you should know, that's necessary to install KDEbase to have working launchers.

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- Plugins (clock, pager, etc) in the Dock.
- i18n (translations).

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
appbgdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds
SUBDIRS = default border-white border-black crystal osx fadeout fadeout2 fadeout3

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
borderblackbgdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds/border-black
borderblackbg_DATA = background-center.png background-left.png background-right.png

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 339 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 509 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 518 B

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
borderwhitebgdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds/border-white
borderwhitebg_DATA = background-center.png background-left.png background-right.png

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 339 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 490 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 29 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
crystalbgdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds/crystal
crystalbg_DATA = background-center.png background-left.png background-right.png

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 343 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 626 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 464 B

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
defaultbgdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds/default
defaultbg_DATA = background-center.png background-left.png background-right.png

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 917 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
fadeoutdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds/fadeout
fadeout_DATA = background-center.png background-left.png background-right.png

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 482 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 489 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 591 B

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
fadeoutdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds/fadeout2
fadeout_DATA = background-center.png background-left.png background-right.png

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 798 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 644 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 764 B

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
fadeoutdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds/fadeout3
fadeout_DATA = background-center.png background-left.png background-right.png

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.9 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 635 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 771 B

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
osxbgdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/backgrounds/osx
osxbg_DATA = background-center.png background-left.png background-right.png

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 305 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 240 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 201 B

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
/* Generated from by autoheader. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <Carbon/Carbon.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the CoreAudio API */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <crt_externs.h> header file. */
/* Defines if your system has the crypt function */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have libjpeg */
/* Define if you have libpng */
/* Define if you have a working libpthread (will enable threaded code) */
/* Define if you have libz */
#undef HAVE_LIBZ
/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
/* Define if your system needs _NSGetEnviron to set up the environment */
/* Define if you have res_init */
/* Define if you have the res_init prototype */
/* Define if you have a STL implementation by SGI */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `snprintf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have strlcat */
/* Define if you have the strlcat prototype */
/* Define if you have strlcpy */
/* Define if you have the strlcpy prototype */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/bitypes.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `vsnprintf' function. */
/* Suffix for lib directories */
/* Define a safe value for MAXPATHLEN */
/* Name of package */
#undef PACKAGE
/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
/* Define to the full name of this package. */
/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
/* Define to the version of this package. */
/* The size of `char *', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `int', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `short', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `size_t', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `unsigned long', as computed by sizeof. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
/* Version number of package */
#undef VERSION
/* Defined if compiling without arts */
/* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte
first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */
* jpeg.h needs HAVE_BOOLEAN, when the system uses boolean in system
* headers and I'm too lazy to write a configure test as long as only
* unixware is related
#ifdef _UNIXWARE
* AIX defines FD_SET in terms of bzero, but fails to include <strings.h>
* that defines bzero.
#if defined(_AIX)
#include <strings.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <crt_externs.h>
# define environ (*_NSGetEnviron())
#if !defined(HAVE_RES_INIT_PROTO)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int res_init(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if !defined(HAVE_STRLCAT_PROTO)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
unsigned long strlcat(char*, const char*, unsigned long);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if !defined(HAVE_STRLCPY_PROTO)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
unsigned long strlcpy(char*, const char*, unsigned long);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* On HP-UX, the declaration of vsnprintf() is needed every time !
#if !defined(HAVE_VSNPRINTF) || defined(hpux)
#if __STDC__
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, va_list ap);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
int snprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, ...);
#if defined(__SVR4) && !defined(__svr4__)
#define __svr4__ 1
/* type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined */
#undef kde_socklen_t
/* type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined (deprecated, use
kde_socklen_t) */
#undef ksize_t

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(kooldock, 0.4.7)

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (end)############

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (end)############

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
appicondir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock/icons
appicon_ICON = AUTO

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 73 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 39 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 42 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 50 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
<?xml version = '1.0'?>
<cxxflags>-O2 -g0</cxxflags>
<cxxflags>-O0 -g3 -D_ENABLE_DEBUG</cxxflags>
<envvar value="1" name="WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5" />
<envvar value="1" name="WANT_AUTOMAKE_1_6" />
<group pattern="*.cpp;*.cxx;*.h" name="Sources" />
<group pattern="*.ui" name="User Interface" />
<group pattern="*.png" name="Icons" />
<group pattern="*.po;*.ts" name="Translations" />
<group pattern="*" name="Others" />
<toc>qmake User Guide</toc>
<type ext="ui" />
<type ext="cpp" />
<type ext="h" />
<docsystem>Kolekcja dokumentacji programu Doxygen</docsystem>

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Title: KoolDock
Version: 0.1
Author: KoolDock team <>
Maintained-by: KoolDock team <>
Home-page: http://
Platforms: Linux and other Unices
Copying-policy: GNU Public License

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (end)############

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
# translation of cs.po to čeština
# Jakub Sen <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: cs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-09-16 00:09+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jakub Sen <>\n"
"Language-Team: čeština <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: I18N_NOOP;i18n;tr2i18n\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1018
msgid "&About"
msgstr "O pro&gramu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:152
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "Přid&at"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:163
msgid "&Browse"
msgstr "&Procházet"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:665
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:150
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "Z&rušit"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1165
msgid "&Close"
msgstr "&Zavřít"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1101
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr "&Odstranit položku"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1100
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr "&Upravit položku"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1072
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr "&Jít na plochu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1163
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr "Př&esunout na plochu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:667
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1016
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr "Znovunačí&st nastavení"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1159
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "O&bnovit"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1073
msgid "&Task List"
msgstr "Seznam ú&loh"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:161
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Příkaz</b>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:162
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr "<b>Název</b>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:49
msgid "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>'Cool' panel pro KDE<br><br>KoolDock je založen na programu Ksmoothdock 2.1 od autora Dang Viet Dunga<br><br>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1598
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Nelze spustit <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Prosím, opravte příkaz nebo adresu a zkuste to znovu.</qt>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1585
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Název programu nebo příkaz <b>%1</b>\n"
"nebyl nalezen. Prosím, opravte příkaz\n"
"nebo adresu a zkuste to znovu</qt>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:682
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr "Přidání hodin do hlavního menu a přepínače ploch."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Pokročilá nastavení"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:714
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:153
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr "Alt+A"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:164
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr "Alt+B"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:707
msgid "Amount of big icons:"
msgstr "Počet velkých ikon:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:718
msgid "Application List"
msgstr "Seznam aplikací"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:685
msgid "Autohide"
msgstr "Automaticky skrývat"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:745
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Pozadí"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:740
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:742
msgid "Background Theme:"
msgstr "Téma pozadí:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:730
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Barva pozadí:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:706
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr "Velikost velkých ikon:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:700
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Tučné"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:728
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Barva okraje:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:758
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Dole"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:768
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:702
msgid "Cleaner text (bigger memory and CPU usage)"
msgstr "Hezčí text (větší zatížení procesoru a paměti)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:721
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in the\n"
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Klikněte na \"Zachytit okno\" a klikněte na okno, potom klikněte na \"Přidat\", pro jeho přidání\n"
"do seznamu ignorovaných; můžete také ručne vypsat nebo upravit názvy oken\n"
"v poli dole. Pro přerušení zachytávání klikněte na \"Zachytávání...'\",\"OK\" nebo \"Zrušit\"."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:715
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr "Klikněte sem pokud chcete ručně přidat aplikaci do spouštěče"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:720
msgid "Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you click on"
msgstr "Klikněte sem pro zahájení zachytávání názvů oken; klikněte na Přidat pro každé okno na které kliknete"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:771
msgid "Clip desktop workspace"
msgstr "Oříznutí oblasti plochy"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:772
msgid "Clip icon area (DCOP)"
msgstr "Oříznutí oblasti s ikonami (pomocí DCOP)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1120
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Současná plocha &%1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:751
msgid "Desired Monitor Height"
msgstr "Požadovaná výška monitoru:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:750
msgid "Desired Monitor Width"
msgstr "Požadovaná šířka monitoru:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1047
msgid "Desktop %1"
msgstr "Plocha %1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1030
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1132
msgid "Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Plocha &%1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:770
msgid "Desktop clipping"
msgstr "Oříznutí prostoru plochy"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:465
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr "Chcete odstranit "
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:729
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr "Průhlednost docku:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:741
msgid "Don't allow wider background than screen"
msgstr "Nedovolit širší pozadí než je šířka obrazovky"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:160
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr "Nezapomeňte vybrat ikonu."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:689
msgid "Don't scroll while mouse is on the same icon"
msgstr "Neposouvat ikony pokud je myš stále nad stejnou ikonou"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:712
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr "Přetáhněte aplikaci pro její přidání"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:716
msgid "Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr "Přetáhněte sem jakýkoliv spustitelný soubor nebo odkaz z plochy pro který chcete vytvořit položku ve spouštěči KoolDocku"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1020
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "U&končit"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1015
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr "U&pravit nastavení"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1014
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr "Upravit &menu rychlého spouštění"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:677
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr "Povolit systémový panel (Experimentální!)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:675
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr "Povolit pruh úloh"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:670
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr "Povolit oznamování v pruhu úloh"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:732
msgid "Enable a solid background for KoolDock, it may be transparent (dock opacity) and of any color you choose"
msgstr "Povolit jednolité pozadí pro KoolDock, může být průhledné a mít barvu jakou vyberete"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:731
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:743
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Povoleno"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:678
msgid "Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to help me get this working :P )"
msgstr "Povolení systémového panelu KoolDocku; může být používán místo systémového panelu Kickeru (je ve velmi rané fázi vývoje; nepoužívejte ho pokud nechcete pomáhat s odhalováním chyb)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:676
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr "Povolení pruhu úloh KoolDocku; může být používán místo pruhu úloh Kickeru (panelu KDE)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:47
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:52
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:57
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:696
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr "Velikost písma:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:691
msgid "General"
msgstr "Základní"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:669
msgid "General options:"
msgstr "Základní nastavení:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:719
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:131
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:295
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:540
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr "Zachytit okno"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:534
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr "Zachytávání..."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:688
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr "Skrýt KoolDock po kliknutí na ikonu spouštěče nebo okna."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:687
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr "Skrýt při kliknutí"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:165
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ikona"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:74
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr "Ikony a grafika"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:692
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:703
msgid "Icon text"
msgstr "Text ikony"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:749
msgid "If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr "Jestliže používáte Xineramu, měli byste povolit tuto volbu pro lepší chování programu."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:726
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr "Seznam ignorovaných"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:701
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Kurzíva"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1098
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr "Menu položek"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:157
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr "Po ukončení programu nechat terminál otevřený"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:56
msgid "Kills all processes called Kooldock"
msgstr "Zabije všechny procesy s názvem Kooldock"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:67
msgid "KoolDock"
msgstr "KoolDock"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:661
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr "Nastavení programu KoolDock"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:149
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr "Nastavení spouštěče"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:755
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Vlevo"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1154
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr "Ma&ximalizovat"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1013
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hlavní menu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:713
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr "Ručně přid&at aplikaci"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1151
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr "Mi&nimalizovat"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:158
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr "Minimální volby"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:710
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "Přesunout doleva"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:711
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "Přesunout doprava"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:699
msgid "Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/launcher name on the screen"
msgstr "Přejezd myši nad spouštěčem nebo pruhem úloh způsobí zobrazení názvu spouštěče nebo okna na obrazovce"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:681
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Navigační menu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1070
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr "Navigace: Plocha %1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:673
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr "Spravovat pouze aktuální plochu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:674
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr "Zobrazovat v pruhu úloh KoolDocku pouze okna z aktuální plochy"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:117
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Otevřít soubor"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:773
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Ostatní"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:767
msgid "Placement and speed"
msgstr "Pozice a rychlost"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:752
msgid "Previous Monitors Width"
msgstr "Předchozí šířka monitoru:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:769
msgid "Priority (0=max, 19=min)"
msgstr "Priorita (0=nejvyšší, 19=nejnižší):"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:73
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr "Správce webu projektu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:663
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odstranit"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:466
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr "Odstranit spouštěč"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:756
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Vpravo"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:717
msgid "Right click opens the icon menu."
msgstr "Pravé kliknutí otevře menu ikony."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr "Spustit v terminálu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr "Spustit jako jiný uživatel"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:683
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr "Snímky minimalizovaných oken"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:739
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr "Barva oddělovače:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:697
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr "Barva stínu:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:694
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr "Odsazení stínu:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:679
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr "Zobrazovat K Menu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:764
msgid "Show after"
msgstr "Zobrazit po dobu:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:733
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr "Zobrazovat okraje"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:54
msgid "Show configuration window on start"
msgstr "Zobrazit konfigurační okno při startu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:672
msgid "Show only minimized"
msgstr "Zobrazovat pouze minimalizované"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:698
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr "Zobrazovat text nad ikonami"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:680
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr "Zobrazovat menu KDE ve spouštěči KoolDocku."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:704
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:709
msgid "Sizes"
msgstr "Velikosti"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:705
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr "Velikost malých ikon:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:727
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr "Jednolité pozadí"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:736
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr "Úroveň průhlednosti pro jednolité pozadí (0 znamená plnou průhlednost)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:708
msgid "Space between icons"
msgstr "Mezera mezi ikonami:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:759
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Rychlost"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:686
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr "Spouštět KoolDock skrytý; pokud není myš nad KoolDockem, tak se skryje"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:690
msgid "Stay below windows when not used"
msgstr "Zůstávat pod okny pokud není používaný"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:662
msgid "Swap with"
msgstr "Prohodit s"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:737
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr "Oddělovač pruhu úloh"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:695
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr "Barva textu:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:693
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Písmo textu:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:738
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr "Oddělovač je čára vykreslovaná mezi spouštěčem KoolDocku a pruhem úloh"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:766
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr "Čas do objevení KoolDocku pokud myš dosáhne spodního okraje obrazovky"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:757
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Nahoře"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:744
msgid "Use set of images instead of a Solid Background"
msgstr "Použít sadu obrázků namísto jednolitého pozadí"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:684
msgid "When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an icon in KoolDock's Taskbar."
msgstr "Když je okno minimalizované, snímek aplikace bude použit jako ikona v pruhu úloh KoolDocku."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:734
msgid "When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders (rectangle)"
msgstr "Pokud používáte jednolité pozadí, můžete nastavit KoolDock aby vykresloval jeho okraje (obdélníková oblast)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:671
msgid "Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the given application"
msgstr "Ikona okna v pruhu úloh bliká pokud se něco děje v dané aplikaci"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:746
msgid "Window placement"
msgstr "Pozice okna"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:747
msgid "Window position on edge (%):"
msgstr "Pozice okna na okraji (%):"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:753
msgid "Window position:"
msgstr "Pozice okna:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:748
msgid "Xinerama Support"
msgstr "Podpora Xineramy"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1560
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr "Musíte nejprve zadat příkaz který se má provést a nebo adresu která se má otevřít."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr "Musíte zadat příkaz nebo cestu!"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr "Musíte zadat název!"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr "Musíte zadat uživatelské jméno!"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr "Musíte vybrat ikonu!"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:760
msgid "Zooming speed (ms)"
msgstr "Rychlost zoomování (msek):"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:75
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:75
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Čeština: Jakub Šén"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:159
msgid "checkBox1"
msgstr "checkBox1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:664
msgid "checkBox11"
msgstr "checkBox11"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:765
msgid "msec"
msgstr "msek"

@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
# translation of de.po to Deutsch
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Florian Sievert <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: de\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-06-05 04:05-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-06-19 22:03+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Deutsch <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1018
msgid "&About"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:152
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Hinzufügen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:163
msgid "&Browse"
msgstr "&Durchsuchen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:665
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:150
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1165
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Close"
msgstr "&Durchsuchen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1101
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr "Eintrag &entfernen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1100
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr "Eintrag &editieren"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1072
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr "&Gehe zu Arbeitsfläche"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1163
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr "&Verschiebe auf Arbeitsfläche"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:667
msgid "&OK"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1016
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr "&Konfiguration erneut laden"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1159
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "&Wiederherstellen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1073
msgid "&Task List"
msgstr "&Programme"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:161
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Befehl:</b>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:162
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr "<b>Name:</b>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:49
msgid "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>Eine Kool(e) Andockleiste für KDE<br><br>KoolDock basiert ursprünglich auf der Arbeit von Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1598
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Die Ausführung von <b>%1</b> war nicht möglich.\n"
" Bitte korrigieren Sie den Befehl oder die URL und versuchen es erneut.</qt>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1585
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Die Anwendung oder der Befehl <br>%1</b>\n"
" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte korrigieren Sie Ihre Angaben und versuchen es erneut</qt>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:682
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr "Fügt eine Uhr und einen Navigator für Arbeitsflächen ins Hauptmenü von KoolDock."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Erweiterte Optionen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:714
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:153
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr "ALT+H"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:164
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr "ALT+D"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:707
msgid "Amount of big icons:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:718
msgid "Application List"
msgstr "Anwendungsliste"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:685
msgid "Autohide"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:745
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Hintergrund"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:740
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:742
msgid "Background Theme:"
msgstr "Hintergrundbild:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:730
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:706
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr "Größe der großen Symbole:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:700
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Fett"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:728
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Rahmenfarbe:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:758
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:768
msgid "CPU"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:702
msgid "Cleaner text (bigger memory and CPU usage)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:721
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in the\n"
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Klicke auf \"Fenster schnappen\" und klicke auf ein Fenster. Danach klicke auf \"Hinzufügen\",\n"
" um diese Anwendung auf die Aussparliste zu setzen. Sie können auch den Namen des\n"
" Fensters im unteren Eingabefeld manuell eingebenoder nachträglich editieren. Um das Schnappen\n"
" von Fenster zu beenden, klicke Sie auf \"Schnappen...\", \"OK\" oder \"Abbrechen\"."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:715
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr "Klicken Sie hierher um eine Anwendung manuell der Anwendungsliste hinzuzufügen."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:720
msgid "Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you click on"
msgstr "Klicken Sie hierher, um mit dem Schnappen nach einem Fenster zu beginnen. Sie müssen nach jeder Fensterauswahl auf \"Hinzufügen\" klicken, um dieses der Liste hinzuzufügen."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:771
msgid "Clip desktop workspace"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:772
msgid "Clip icon area (DCOP)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1120
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Aktuelle Arbeitsfläche &%1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:751
msgid "Desired Monitor Height"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:750
msgid "Desired Monitor Width"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1047
msgid "Desktop %1"
msgstr "Arbeitsfläche %1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1030
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1132
msgid "Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Arbeitsfläche &%1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "Desktop clipping"
msgstr "Arbeitsfläche %1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:465
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr "Wollen Sie folgenden Eintrag entfernen:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:729
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr "Durchsichtigkeit des Dock:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:741
msgid "Don't allow wider background than screen"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:160
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr "Bitte vergessen Sie nicht ein Symbol auszuwählen."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:689
msgid "Don't scroll while mouse is on the same icon"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:712
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr "Ziehen Sie eine Anwendung herein um sie hinzuzufügen "
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:716
msgid "Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr "Ziehen Sie ein beliebiges ausführbares Programm oder eine Desktop-Datei hier herein, um sie als Eintrag in KoolDock's Anwendungsliste hinzuzufügen."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1020
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1015
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr "&Einstellungen editieren"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1014
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr "Anwendungsliste editieren"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:677
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr "Kontrollleiste aktivieren (experimentell!)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:675
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr "Programmleiste aktivieren"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:670
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr "Aktiviere Benachrichtigungen durch Programmleiste"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:732
msgid "Enable a solid background for KoolDock, it may be transparent (dock opacity) and of any color you choose"
msgstr "Aktiviert einen einfarbigen Hintergrund für KoolDock. Dieser kann transparent (durchsichtig) sein und jede beliebige Farbe annehmen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:731
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:743
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Aktiviert"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:678
msgid "Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to help me get this working :P )"
msgstr "Aktiviert die Unterstützung für die Kontrollleiste von KoolDock. Diese kann anstatt der normalen KDE-Kontrollleiste verwendet werden. (Dies ist EXTREM experimentell! Bitte nutzen Sie dies nur dann, wenn Sie den Entwicklern bei Ihrer Arbeit helfen wollen :P)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:676
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr "Aktiviert die KoolDock-Programmleiste. Diese kann anstatt der Kicker-Programmleiste verwendet werden."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:47
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:52
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:57
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:696
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr "Schriftgröße:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:691
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:669
#, fuzzy
msgid "General options:"
msgstr "Sichtbare Optionen:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:719
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:131
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:295
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:540
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr "Fenster schnappen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:534
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr "Schnappe ..."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:688
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr "KoolDock wird nach einem Mausklick auf den Starter oder einem Fenstersymbol verborgen."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:687
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr "Bei Klick verbergen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:165
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Symbol"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:74
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr "Symbole und Gestaltung"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:692
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:703
#, fuzzy
msgid "Icon text"
msgstr "Symbol"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:749
msgid "If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Xinerama nutzen, sollten Sie diese Option für ein zweckmäßiges Verhalten aktivieren."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:726
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr "Aussparliste"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:701
msgid "Italic"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1098
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr "Eintragmenü"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:157
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr "Nach Programmende geöffnet lassen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:56
msgid "Kills all processes called Kooldock"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:67
msgid "KoolDock"
msgstr "KoolDock"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:661
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr "KoolDock einrichten"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:149
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschaften des Eintrages"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:755
msgid "Left"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1154
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr "Ma&ximieren"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1013
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hauptmenü"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:713
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr "Anwendung manuell &hinzufügen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1151
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr "&Minimieren"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:158
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr "Notwendige Optionen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:710
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:711
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:699
msgid "Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/launcher name on the screen"
msgstr "Wird der Mauszeiger über einen Eintrag von KoolDock oder der Programmleiste bewegt, wird der Name der Anwendung angezeigt"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:681
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Navigationsmenü"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1070
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr "Navigation: Arbeitsfläche %1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:673
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr "Verwalte nur die aktuelle Arbeitsfläche"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:674
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr "Zeige die Programmleiste von KoolDock nur auf der aktuellen Arbeitsfläche"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:117
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Datei öffnen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:773
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:767
msgid "Placement and speed"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:752
msgid "Previous Monitors Width"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:769
msgid "Priority (0=max, 19=min)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:73
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr "Webmaster des Projektes"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:663
msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:466
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr "Starter entfernen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:756
msgid "Right"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:717
msgid "Right click opens the icon menu."
msgstr "Ein Klick mit der rechten Maustaste öffnet das Symbolmenü."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr "In Terminal ausführen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr "Als anderer Nutzer ausführen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:683
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr "Bildschirmfoto von minimierten Fenstern"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:739
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr "Farbe der Trennlinie:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:697
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr "Schattenfarbe:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:694
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr "Versatz des Schattens:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:679
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr "KDE Menü anzeigen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:764
msgid "Show after"
msgstr "Zeige nach"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:733
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr "Rahmen anzeigen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:54
msgid "Show configuration window on start"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:672
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show only minimized"
msgstr "Bildschirmfoto von minimierten Fenstern"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:698
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr "Zeige Text über Symbole"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:680
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr "Zeigt das KDE Menü in der Anwendungsliste von KoolDock."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:704
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:709
msgid "Sizes"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:705
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr "Größe der kleinen Symbole:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:727
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr "Einfacher Hintergrund:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:736
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr "Transparenzlevel des einfarbigen Hintergrundes (0 bedeutet vollständig durchsichtig)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:708
msgid "Space between icons"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:759
msgid "Speed"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:686
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr "KoolDock wird verborgen gestartet und erst sichtbar, wenn Sie sich mit dem Mauszeiger darüber befinden"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:690
msgid "Stay below windows when not used"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:662
msgid "Swap with"
msgstr "Tausche mit"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:737
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr "Trennlinie zur Programmleisten"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:695
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr "Schriftfarbe:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:693
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Schriftart:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:738
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr "Die Trennlinie ist eine Linie, die zwischen KoolDock's Anwendungsleiste und der Programmleiste gezeichnet wird"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:766
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr "Zeitliche Verzögerung bevor KoolDock angezeigt wird, wenn der Mauszeiger den unteren Bereich des Bildschirmes erreicht hat."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:757
msgid "Top"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:744
msgid "Use set of images instead of a Solid Background"
msgstr "Benutze ein Bild anstelle eines einfarbigen Hintergrundes"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:684
msgid "When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an icon in KoolDock's Taskbar."
msgstr "Wenn ein Fenster minimiert ist, dient ein Bildschirmfoto der Anwendung als Symbol innerhalb der Programmleiste von KoolDock."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:734
msgid "When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders (rectangle)"
msgstr "Wenn Sie einen einfarbigen Hintergrund benutzen, können Sie KoolDock anweisen dessen Rahmen (Rechteck) zu zeichnen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:671
msgid "Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the given application"
msgstr "Das Symbol des Fensters wird in der Programmleiste von KoolDock blinken, sofern etwas mit der angegebenen Anwendung geschehen ist"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:746
msgid "Window placement"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:747
msgid "Window position on edge (%):"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:753
msgid "Window position:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:748
msgid "Xinerama Support"
msgstr "Xinerama-Unterstützung"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1560
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr "Sie müssen zunächst einen ausführbaren Befehl oder eine URL eingeben, die geöffnet werden soll."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Befehl oder Pfad eingeben!"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Namen eingeben!"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Benutzernamen angeben!"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr "Sie müssen ein Symbol auswählen!"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:760
msgid "Zooming speed (ms)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:75
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:75
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Florian Sievert"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:159
msgid "checkBox1"
msgstr "Ankreuzfeld1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:664
msgid "checkBox11"
msgstr "Ankreuzfeld11"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:765
msgid "msec"
msgstr "msek"

@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
# KoolDock (Traducción al Español).
# Copyright (C) 2004, Francisco J. Guidi Moggia
# This file is distributed under the same license as the KoolDock package.
# Francisco J. Guidi Moggia <>, 2004.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: es\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-06-02 07:29-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-02 07:35-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Francisco J. Guidi Moggia <>\n"
"Language-Team: Francisco J. Guidi Moggia <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: kooldock.moc.cpp:34 kooldock.moc.cpp:42 main.cpp:59
msgid "KoolDock"
msgstr "KoolDock"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1 main.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Francisco J. Guidi Moggia"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3 main.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:47
msgid ""
"<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based "
"upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr ""
"<center><b>KoolDock</b></center> Panel para KDE.<br><br>KoolDock está basado "
"en el trabajo de Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
#: main.cpp:65
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr "Webmaster"
#: main.cpp:66
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr "Íconos y Artística"
#: apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr "Debe seleccionar un ícono!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr "Debe ingresar un nombre!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr "Debe ingresar una ubicación/comando!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr "Debe proveer un nombre de usuario!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:117
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Abrir archivo"
#: xosd.moc.cpp:34 xosd.moc.cpp:42
msgid "xosd"
msgstr "xosd"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:123 setupdialogprg.cpp:260 setupdialogprg.cpp:496
#: setupdialog.cpp:433
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr "Capturar Ventana"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:421
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr "Está seguro que desea eliminar "
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:422
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr "Eliminar Lanzador"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:490
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr "Capturando..."
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:600
msgid "Swap with"
msgstr "Intercambiar con"
#: kooldock.cpp:633
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Menú Principal"
#: kooldock.cpp:634
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr "Editar &Menú de Lanzadores"
#: kooldock.cpp:635
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr "Editar &Preferencias"
#: kooldock.cpp:636
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr "&Recargar Configuración"
#: kooldock.cpp:650 kooldock.cpp:752
msgid "Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Escritorio &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:667
msgid "Desktop %1"
msgstr "Escritorio %1"
#: kooldock.cpp:690
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr "Navegación: Escritorio %1"
#: kooldock.cpp:692
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr "&Ir al Escritorio"
#: kooldock.cpp:693
msgid "&Task List"
msgstr "&Lista de Ventanas"
#: kooldock.cpp:718
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr "Menú de Lanzador"
#: kooldock.cpp:720
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr "&Editar Lanzador"
#: kooldock.cpp:721
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr "E&liminar Lanzador"
#: kooldock.cpp:740
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Escritorio Actual &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:771
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr "Mi&nimizar"
#: kooldock.cpp:774
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr "Ma&ximizar"
#: kooldock.cpp:779
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "&Restaurar"
#: kooldock.cpp:783
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr "&Mover al Escritorio"
#: kooldock.cpp:1217
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr "Debe ingresar un comando o una URL primero."
#: kooldock.cpp:1242
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>El programa o comando <b>%1</b>\n"
"no puede ser encontrado. Por favor corrija\n"
"el comando o URL y reintente</qt>"
#: kooldock.cpp:1255
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>No se puede ejecutar <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Por favor corrija el comando o URL y reintente</qt>"
#: appProp.cpp:148
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades del Lanzador"
#: appProp.cpp:151
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Agregar"
#: appProp.cpp:152 setupdialog.cpp:429
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr "Alt+A"
#: appProp.cpp:153
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Opciones Avanzadas"
#: appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr "Ejecutar desde Terminal"
#: appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr "Ejecutar como otro usuario"
#: appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr "Mantener terminal abierto"
#: appProp.cpp:157
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr "Opciones Básicas"
#: appProp.cpp:158
msgid "checkBox1"
msgstr "checkBox1"
#: appProp.cpp:159
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr "No olvide seleccionar un ícono."
#: appProp.cpp:160
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Comando</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:161
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr "<b>Nombre</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:162
msgid "&Browse"
msgstr "&Examinar"
#: appProp.cpp:163
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr "Alt+B"
#: appProp.cpp:164
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ícono"
#: setupdialog.cpp:386
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr "Preferencias"
#: setupdialog.cpp:389
msgid "checkBox11"
msgstr "checkBox11"
#: setupdialog.cpp:390
msgid "Visual options:"
msgstr "Opciones Visuales"
#: setupdialog.cpp:391
msgid "Start hidden"
msgstr "Iniciar oculto"
#: setupdialog.cpp:392
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr "Iniciar panel oculto; si el mouse no está sobre el panel, KoolDock permanecerá oculto"
#: setupdialog.cpp:393
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr "Click Oculta el Panel"
#: setupdialog.cpp:394
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr "Ocultar KoolDock después de presionar un lanzador o ícono de ventana"
#: setupdialog.cpp:395
msgid "msec"
msgstr "mseg"
#: setupdialog.cpp:396
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr ""
"Tiempo transcurrido antes de mostrar KoolDock cuando el puntero se encuentra"
" en el extremo inferior de la pantalla"
#: setupdialog.cpp:397
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr "Texto Sobre Iconos"
#: setupdialog.cpp:398
msgid ""
"Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/"
"launcher name on the screen"
msgstr ""
"Al desplazar el puntero del ratón sobre los íconos se mostrará el nombre de "
"la ventana/lanzador sobre el ícono"
#: setupdialog.cpp:399
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Negrita"
#: setupdialog.cpp:400
msgid "Show after"
msgstr "Mostrar después de"
#: setupdialog.cpp:401
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr "Mostrar Menú de KDE"
#: setupdialog.cpp:402
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr "Agrega un ícono para acceder al menú de KDE desde KoolDock."
#: setupdialog.cpp:403
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr "Habilitar Bandeja del Sistema"
#: setupdialog.cpp:404
msgid ""
"Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's "
"systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to "
"help me get this working :P )"
msgstr ""
"Habilita el soporte para la Bandeja del Sistema; puede ser utilizado en \n"
"reemplazo del applet para Bandeja de Sistema (está en una etapa MUY \n"
"experimental; NO UTILIZAR a menos que pretendan ayudarme a desarrollarlo :P ) "
#: setupdialog.cpp:405
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr "Tamaño del Ícono (Zoom):"
#: setupdialog.cpp:406
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr "Habilitar notificación"
#: setupdialog.cpp:407
msgid ""
"Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the "
"given application"
msgstr ""
"Si ocurre algún evento en alguna de las ventanas de KDE, el ícono correspondiente "
#: setupdialog.cpp:408
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr "Tamaño del Icono (Normal):"
#: setupdialog.cpp:409
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr "Sombra Texto:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:410
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr "Sólo Escritorio Actual"
#: setupdialog.cpp:411
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr "Mostrar en el Administrador de tareas sólo las ventanas del escritorio actual"
#: setupdialog.cpp:412
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Menú de Navegación"
#: setupdialog.cpp:413
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr "Agrega un reloj en el Menú Principal de KoolDock y un navegador de escritorios."
#: setupdialog.cpp:414
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr "Habilitar Administrador de Tareas"
#: setupdialog.cpp:415
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr ""
"Habilita soporte para el Administrador de Tareas en KoolDock; puede \n"
"ser utilizado en reemplazo del Kicker."
#: setupdialog.cpp:416
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr "Usar foto de ventana como ícono"
#: setupdialog.cpp:417
msgid ""
"When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an "
"icon in KoolDock's Taskbar."
msgstr ""
"Cuando una ventana es minimizada se saca una foto de la aplicación para ser "
"utilizada como ícono en el panel."
#: setupdialog.cpp:418
msgid "Xinerama Support"
msgstr "Soporte para Xinerama"
#: setupdialog.cpp:419
msgid ""
"If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr "Si está utilizando xinerama debería activar esta opción."
#: setupdialog.cpp:437
msgid "Left Monitor Res"
msgstr "Res. Monitor Izquierdo"
#: setupdialog.cpp:421
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr "Color sombra:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:422
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Fuente:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:423
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr "Color de Fuente:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:424
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr "Tamaño Fuente:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:425
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Visual"
#: setupdialog.cpp:426
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr "Arrastre una aplicación para agregarla o"
#: setupdialog.cpp:427
msgid "Right click opens the icon menu."
msgstr "Click derecho sobre un ícono abre su menú."
#: setupdialog.cpp:428
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr "Agréguela Manualmente"
#: setupdialog.cpp:430
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr "Presione aquí para agregar una aplicación al Lanzador"
#: setupdialog.cpp:431
msgid ""
"Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an "
"entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr ""
"Arrastre un ejecutable o archivo de escritorio (desktop) para que sea "
"agregado al lanzador de aplicaciones de KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:432
msgid "Application List"
msgstr "Lista de Lanzadores"
#: setupdialog.cpp:434
msgid ""
"Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you "
"click on"
msgstr ""
"Presione aquí para capturar nombres de ventanas; presione \"Agregar\" para "
"cada ventana que capture"
#: setupdialog.cpp:435
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append "
"it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in "
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Presione \"Capturar Ventana\" y luego presione sobre una ventana; posteriormente \n"
"presione \"Agregar\" para agregar el nombre a la lista; también puede ingresar o \n"
"editar el nombre de la ventana manualmente. Para detener la captura presione \n"
"\"Capturando...\", \"Aceptar\" o \"Cancelar\"."
#: setupdialog.cpp:440
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr "Lista de Ventanas Ignoradas"
#: setupdialog.cpp:441 setupdialog.cpp:442
msgid "Background Theme:"
msgstr "Tema de Fondo:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:443 setupdialog.cpp:452
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Habilitado"
#: setupdialog.cpp:444
msgid "Use set of images instead of a Solid Background"
msgstr "Usar un conjunto de imágenes (tema) en vez de un fondo sólido"
#: setupdialog.cpp:445
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr "Separador"
#: setupdialog.cpp:446
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr "Color del Separador:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:447
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr ""
"El separador es una línea vertical que se dibuja entre el Lanzador y "
"el Administrador de Tareas"
#: setupdialog.cpp:448
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr "Fondo Sólido:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:449
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Color Borde:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:450
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr "Opacidad del Panel"
#: setupdialog.cpp:451
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Color de Fondo:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:453
msgid ""
"Enable a solid background for KoolDock, it may be transparent (dock opacity) "
"and of any color you choose"
msgstr ""
"Habilitar un fondo sólido para KoolDock; puede ser transparente (nivel de "
"opacidad) y/o de cualquier color que desee"
#: setupdialog.cpp:454
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr "Dibujar Bordes"
#: setupdialog.cpp:455
msgid ""
"When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders "
msgstr ""
"Cuando se utiliza un fondo sólido puede indicarle a KoolDock que dibuje "
"bordes alrededor del Panel"
#: setupdialog.cpp:456
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr "Nivel de opacidad o transparencia (0 implica completamente transparente)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:457
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Fondo"

@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
# translation of fr.po to french
# translation of kooldock.po to french
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Alexandre Svetoslavsky <>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: fr\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-06-05 04:05-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-05-10 14:57+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Alexandre Svetoslavsky <>\n"
"Language-Team: french <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
#: kooldock.moc.cpp:34 kooldock.moc.cpp:42 main.cpp:59
msgid "KoolDock"
msgstr "KoolDock"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1 main.cpp:67
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Alexandre Svetoslavsky"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3 main.cpp:67
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:47
msgid ""
"<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based "
"upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>Une barre d'applications pour KDE<br><br>KoolDock est basé sur le travail original de Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
#: main.cpp:65
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr "Webmaster du projet"
#: main.cpp:66
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr "Icône et graphisme"
#: apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner une icône!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr "Vous devez entrez un nom!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr "Vous devez entrez une commande ou un chemin!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr "Vous devez entrez un nom d'utilisateur!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:117
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier"
#: xosd.moc.cpp:34 xosd.moc.cpp:42
msgid "xosd"
msgstr "xosd"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:123 setupdialogprg.cpp:261 setupdialogprg.cpp:503
#: setupdialog.cpp:446
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr "Choisir une fenêtre"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:428
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr "Voulez vous supprimez"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:429
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr "Enlever le lanceur"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:497
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr "Grabbing..."
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:607
msgid "Swap with"
msgstr "Echanger avec"
#: kooldock.cpp:634
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Menu Principal"
#: kooldock.cpp:635
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr "Modifier le &Menu de Lanceur Rapide"
#: kooldock.cpp:636
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr "&Preferences"
#: kooldock.cpp:637
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr "&Relancer l'application"
#: kooldock.cpp:651 kooldock.cpp:753
msgid "Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Bureau &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:668
msgid "Desktop %1"
msgstr "Bureau %1"
#: kooldock.cpp:691
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr "Naviguation: Bureau %1"
#: kooldock.cpp:693
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr "Vers le &bureau"
#: kooldock.cpp:694
msgid "&Task List"
msgstr "Liste des &Tâches"
#: kooldock.cpp:719
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr "menu item"
#: kooldock.cpp:721
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr "Modifier l'élément"
#: kooldock.cpp:722
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr "Supprimer l'élément"
#: kooldock.cpp:741
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Bureau actuel &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:772
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr "R&éduire"
#: kooldock.cpp:775
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr "Ma&ximiser"
#: kooldock.cpp:780
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "&Restaurer"
#: kooldock.cpp:784
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr "Vers le &Bureau"
#: kooldock.cpp:1218
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr "Vous devez saisir une commande à exécuter ou une URL à ouvrir."
#: kooldock.cpp:1243
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Le programme ou la commande<b>%1</b>\n"
"est introuvable. veuillez rectifiez sa valeur</qt>"
#: kooldock.cpp:1256
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Le programme ou la commande<b>%1</b>\n"
"est introuvable. veuillez rectifiez sa valeur</qt>"
#: appProp.cpp:148
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés du Lanceur"
#: appProp.cpp:151
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Ajouter"
#: appProp.cpp:152 setupdialog.cpp:442
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr "Alt+A"
#: appProp.cpp:153
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Options avancées"
#: appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr "Exécuter dans un &terminal"
#: appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr "Exécuter sous un autre nom d'utilisateur"
#: appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr "Ne pas fermer le terminal quand la commande se termine"
#: appProp.cpp:157
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr "Options Minimales"
#: appProp.cpp:158
msgid "checkBox1"
msgstr "case à cocher1"
#: appProp.cpp:159
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr "N'oubliez pas de choisir une îcone"
#: appProp.cpp:160
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Commande</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:161
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr "<b>Nom</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:162
msgid "&Browse"
msgstr "&Parcourir"
#: appProp.cpp:163
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr "Alt+B"
#: appProp.cpp:164
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "&Icône"
#: setupdialog.cpp:398
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration de KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:401
msgid "checkBox11"
msgstr "Case à cocher11"
#: setupdialog.cpp:402
msgid "Visual options:"
msgstr "Options d'affichage :"
#: setupdialog.cpp:403
msgid "Start hidden"
msgstr "Démarrer masqué"
#: setupdialog.cpp:404
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr "Démarre KoolDock masqué; si la souri n'est pas sur KoolDock il sera caché"
#: setupdialog.cpp:405
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr "Masquer lors d'un clic"
#: setupdialog.cpp:406
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr "Cache KoolDock lors d'un clic sur le Lanceur ou sur une îcone."
#: setupdialog.cpp:407
msgid "msec"
msgstr "msec"
#: setupdialog.cpp:408
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr "Délai d'apparition de KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:409
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr "Afficher le texte au dessus des icônes"
#: setupdialog.cpp:410
msgid ""
"Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/"
"launcher name on the screen"
msgstr "Le nom de la fenêtre/du lanceur apparaît lorsque le curseur les survoles"
#: setupdialog.cpp:411
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Gras"
#: setupdialog.cpp:412
msgid "Show after"
msgstr "Afficher après"
#: setupdialog.cpp:413
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr "Taille des grandes icônes:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:414
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr "Activer la notification de la barre des tâches"
#: setupdialog.cpp:415
msgid ""
"Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the "
"given application"
msgstr "L'icône de fenetre clignote lors d'un évenement sur l'application"
#: setupdialog.cpp:416
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr "Taille des petites icônes:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:417
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr "Décalage des ombres:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:418
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr "Ne s'occuper que du bureau courant"
#: setupdialog.cpp:419
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr "N'affiche que les fenêtres du bureau courant dans la barre des tâches de KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:420
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr "Utiliser la barre des tâches"
#: setupdialog.cpp:421
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr "Permet d'utiliser la barre des taches de KoolDock; elle peut remplacer celle de Kicker "
#: setupdialog.cpp:422
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr "Capture d'écran des fenêtres minimisées"
#: setupdialog.cpp:423
msgid ""
"When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an "
"icon in KoolDock's Taskbar."
msgstr "Lorsqu'une fenêtre est minimisée un image miniature sera utilisée pour la représenter dans la barre des taches de KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:425
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr "Couleur de l'ombre:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:426
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Police du texte:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:427
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr "Couleur du texte:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:428
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr "Taille de la police:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:429
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr "Afficher le Menu K"
#: setupdialog.cpp:430
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr "Ajoute le Menu K dans le lanceur de KoolDock."
#: setupdialog.cpp:431
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Menu de navigation"
#: setupdialog.cpp:432
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr "Ajoute une horloge dans le menu principal et un navigateur de bureaux virtuels"
#: setupdialog.cpp:433
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr "Activer la boîte à miniatures (expérimental)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:434
msgid ""
"Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's "
"systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to "
"help me get this working :P )"
msgstr "Active la boite à miniature de KoolDock; elle peut remplacer celle de kicker (attention: cette fonctionnalité est encore expérimentale, à utiliser seulement si vous compter m'aider à l'améliorer :P )"
#: setupdialog.cpp:435
msgid "Xinerama Support"
msgstr "Support de &Xinerama :"
#: setupdialog.cpp:436
msgid "If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr "Si vous utilisez Xinerama vous pouvez activer cette option pour avoir un meilleur fonctionnement."
#: setupdialog.cpp:437
msgid "Left Monitor Res"
msgstr "Résolution de l'écran de gauche"
#: setupdialog.cpp:438
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Options visuelles"
#: setupdialog.cpp:439
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr "Glissez une application ici pour l'ajouter"
#: setupdialog.cpp:440
msgid "Right click opens the icon menu."
msgstr "Un clic droit ouvre le menu des icônes."
#: setupdialog.cpp:441
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr "&Ajouter manuellement une application"
#: setupdialog.cpp:443
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr "Cliquer ici pour ajouter une application au lanceur"
#: setupdialog.cpp:444
msgid ""
"Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an "
"entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr "Glissez/Déposez ici le lien/fichier desktop pour ajouter une icône dans le Lanceur de KoolDock."
#: setupdialog.cpp:445
msgid "Application List"
msgstr "Liste des applications"
#: setupdialog.cpp:447
msgid ""
"Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you "
"click on"
msgstr ""
"Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you "
"click on"
#: setupdialog.cpp:448
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append "
"it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in "
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Cliquez sur \"Choisir une fenêtre\" et cliquez sur une fenêtre, puis sur \"Ajouter\" pour l'ajouter à\n"
"la liste des fenêtres ignorées; vous pouvez aussi taper manuellement ou modifier le nom de la fenêtre dans la boite ci-dessous."
#: setupdialog.cpp:453
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr "Applications ignorées"
#: setupdialog.cpp:454 setupdialog.cpp:455
msgid "Background Theme:"
msgstr "Thème de fond"
#: setupdialog.cpp:456 setupdialog.cpp:465
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Activé"
#: setupdialog.cpp:457
msgid "Use set of images instead of a Solid Background"
msgstr "Utiliser une collection d'image plutôt qu'un fond unique."
#: setupdialog.cpp:458
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr "Séparateur de la barre des tâches"
#: setupdialog.cpp:459
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr "Couleur du séparateur"
#: setupdialog.cpp:460
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr "Le séparateur est une ligne dessinée entre le Lanceur et la barre des tâches"
#: setupdialog.cpp:461
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr "Fond opaque:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:462
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Couleur de la bordure:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:463
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr "Opacité :"
#: setupdialog.cpp:464
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Couleur du fond:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:466
msgid ""
"Enable a solid background for KoolDock, it may be transparent (dock opacity) "
"and of any color you choose"
msgstr "Active l'opacité de KoolDock; il peut être transparent (opacité) and de la couleur de votre choix"
#: setupdialog.cpp:467
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr "Afficher les bordures"
#: setupdialog.cpp:468
msgid ""
"When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders "
msgstr "Lorsque vous utilisez un fond opaque vous pouvez demander à KoolDock de dessiner ses bordures"
#: setupdialog.cpp:469
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr "Niveau de transparence du fond (0 correspond à la transparence totale)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:470
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Arrière plan"

@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KoolDock 0.4.6\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-27 23:26+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Francesco Montefoschi <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Italian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: ITALY\n"
#: appProp.cpp:149
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà del launcher"
#: appProp.cpp:150
#: setupdialog.cpp:582
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Annulla"
#: appProp.cpp:152
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Aggiungi"
#: appProp.cpp:153
#: setupdialog.cpp:623
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr ""
#: appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Opzioni avanzate:"
#: appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr "Esegui dal terminale"
#: appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr "Esegui come altro utente"
#: appProp.cpp:157
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr "Non chiudere la console al termine"
#: appProp.cpp:158
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr "Opzioni base"
#: appProp.cpp:159
msgid "checkBox1"
msgstr ""
#: appProp.cpp:160
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr "Non dimenticare di scegliere un'icona."
#: appProp.cpp:161
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Comando</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:162
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr "<b>Nome</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:163
msgid "&Browse"
msgstr "&Sfoglia"
#: appProp.cpp:164
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr ""
#: appProp.cpp:165
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Icona"
#: apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr "Devi selezionare un'icona!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:47
#: apppropprg.cpp:52
#: apppropprg.cpp:57
#: apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errore"
#: apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr "Devi inserire un nome!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr "Devi inserire un comando o percorso!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr "Devi inserire un nome utente!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:117
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Apri file"
#: kooldock.cpp:979
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Menu principale"
#: kooldock.cpp:980
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr "Modifica &menu Avvio Veloce"
#: kooldock.cpp:981
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr "Modifica &preferenze"
#: kooldock.cpp:982
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr "&Ricarica configurazione"
#: kooldock.cpp:984
msgid "&About"
msgstr "&Informazioni su..."
#: kooldock.cpp:986
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "&Esci"
#: kooldock.cpp:996
#: kooldock.cpp:1098
msgid "Desktop &%1"
msgstr ""
#: kooldock.cpp:1013
msgid "Desktop %1"
msgstr ""
#: kooldock.cpp:1036
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr "Navigazione: Desktop %1"
#: kooldock.cpp:1038
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr "&Vai al desktop"
#: kooldock.cpp:1039
msgid "&Task List"
msgstr "&Lista processi"
#: kooldock.cpp:1064
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr "Menu elemento"
#: kooldock.cpp:1066
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr "&Modifica elemento"
#: kooldock.cpp:1067
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr "&Elimina elemento"
#: kooldock.cpp:1086
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Desktop attuale &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:1117
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr "&Riduci a icona"
#: kooldock.cpp:1120
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr "&Ingrandisci"
#: kooldock.cpp:1125
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "&Ripristina"
#: kooldock.cpp:1129
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr "&Sposta sul desktop"
#: kooldock.cpp:1131
msgid "&Close"
msgstr "&Chiudi"
#: kooldock.cpp:1510
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr "Devi prima inserire un comando da eseguire o un URL da aprire."
#: kooldock.cpp:1535
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Il nome del programma o il comando <b>%1</b>\n"
"non è stato trovato. Correggi il comando o indirizzo\n"
"e prova di nuovo</qt>"
#: kooldock.cpp:1548
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Impossibile eseguire <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Correggi il comando/URL e riprova..</qt>\""
#: kooldock.moc.cpp:34
#: kooldock.moc.cpp:42
#: main.cpp:66
msgid "KoolDock"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:48
msgid "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>Un dock figo per KDE<br><br>KoolDock è basato sul lavoro originale di Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
#: main.cpp:53
msgid "Show configuration window on start"
msgstr "Mostra la configurazione all'avvio"
#: main.cpp:55
msgid "Kills all processes called Kooldock"
msgstr "Uccidi tutti i processi chiamati Kooldock"
#: main.cpp:72
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr "Webmaster del progetto"
#: main.cpp:73
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr "Icone e grafica"
#: main.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Francesco Montefoschi"
#: main.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: setupdialog.cpp:578
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr "Configurazione KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:581
msgid "checkBox11"
msgstr ""
#: setupdialog.cpp:584
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&Ok"
#: setupdialog.cpp:586
msgid "Visual options:"
msgstr "Opzioni:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:587
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Grassetto"
#: setupdialog.cpp:588
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr "Spostamento ombra:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:589
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Corsivo"
#: setupdialog.cpp:590
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr "Colore ombra:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:591
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Carattere testo:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:592
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr "Colore testo:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:593
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr "Dimensione testo:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:594
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr "Dimensione icone grandi:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:595
msgid "Amount of big icons:"
msgstr "Quantità di icone grandi:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:596
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr "Dimensione icone piccole:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:597
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr "Mostra menu K"
#: setupdialog.cpp:598
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr "Mostra il menu di KDE nel launcher di KoolDock."
#: setupdialog.cpp:599
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Menu di navigazione"
#: setupdialog.cpp:600
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr "Aggiunge un orologio nella finestra principale e un navigatore di desktop virtuali."
#: setupdialog.cpp:601
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr "Gestisci solo il desktop attuale"
#: setupdialog.cpp:602
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr ""
#: setupdialog.cpp:603
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr "Abilita la barra dei processi"
#: setupdialog.cpp:604
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr "Abilita la barra dei processi di KoolDock, che può essere usata al posto di quella di Kicker"
#: setupdialog.cpp:605
msgid "Start hidden"
msgstr "Avvia nascosto"
#: setupdialog.cpp:606
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr "Avvia KoolDock nascosto; se il mouse non è su KoolDock verrà nascosto"
#: setupdialog.cpp:607
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr "Nascondi al click"
#: setupdialog.cpp:608
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr "Nasconde KoolDock dopo aver cliccato il launcher o un icona nella barra dei processi."
#: setupdialog.cpp:609
msgid "Don't scroll while mouse is on the same icon"
msgstr "Non scorrere mentre il mouse è sulla stessa icona"
#: setupdialog.cpp:610
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr "Abilita vassoio di sistema (sperimentale!)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:611
msgid "Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to help me get this working :P )"
msgstr "Abilita il supporto al vassoio di sistema, può essere usato al posto del vassoio fornito da Kicker. (nota: è DAVVERO sperimentale, non lo usare a meno che tu non voglia aiutarmi a farlo funzionare :P)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:612
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr "Mostra testo sulle icone"
#: setupdialog.cpp:613
msgid "Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/launcher name on the screen"
msgstr "Spostando il mouse sul launcher di KoolDock o sulla barra dei processi, sarà mostrato il nome della finestra o del programma"
#: setupdialog.cpp:614
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr "Screenshot delle finestre ridotte"
#: setupdialog.cpp:615
msgid "When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an icon in KoolDock's Taskbar."
msgstr "Quando una finestra viene ridotta ad icona, verrà usato uno screenshot dell'applicazione come icona nella barra dei processi."
#: setupdialog.cpp:616
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr "Abilita notifica barra dei processi"
#: setupdialog.cpp:617
msgid "Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the given application"
msgstr "Quando qualcosa succede in un'applicazione, l'icona relativa nella barra dei processi lampeggia"
#: setupdialog.cpp:618
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Visuale"
#: setupdialog.cpp:619
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "Sposta a sinistra"
#: setupdialog.cpp:620
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "Sposta a destra"
#: setupdialog.cpp:621
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr "Trascina un'applicazione per aggiungerla o"
#: setupdialog.cpp:622
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr "Aggiungi applicazione &manualmente"
#: setupdialog.cpp:624
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr "Clicca qui per aggiungere un applicazione al launcher manualmente"
#: setupdialog.cpp:625
msgid "Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr "Trascina e rilascia qui qualsiasi applicazione o file .desktop che vuoi aggiungere al launcher di KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:626
msgid "Right click opens the icon menu."
msgstr "Il click destro apre il menu dell'icona."
#: setupdialog.cpp:627
msgid "Application List"
msgstr "Lista applicazioni"
#: setupdialog.cpp:628
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:126
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:278
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:520
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr "Intercetta finestra"
#: setupdialog.cpp:629
msgid "Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you click on"
msgstr "Clicca qui per iniziare ad intercettare i nomi delle finestre; clicca Aggiungi per ogni finestra sulla quale clicchi"
#: setupdialog.cpp:630
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in the\n"
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Clicca \"Intercetta finestra\" e clicca su una finestra, clicca quindi \"Aggiungi\" per\n"
"inserirla nella lista delle finestre ignorate; in alternativa puoi scrivere o modificare\n"
"il nome della finestra nel box di seguito. Per terminare l'intercettazione, clicca\n"
"semplicemente \"Intercettazione...\", \"Ok\" o \"Annulla\"."
#: setupdialog.cpp:635
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr "Lista ignorate"
#: setupdialog.cpp:636
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr "Sfondo a tinta unita:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:637
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Colore bordo:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:638
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr "Opacità dock:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:639
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Colore di sfondo:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:640
#: setupdialog.cpp:651
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Abilitato"
#: setupdialog.cpp:641
msgid "Enable a solid background for KoolDock, it may be transparent (dock opacity) and of any color you choose"
msgstr "Abilita uno sfondo a tinta unita per KoolDock, che può essere trasparente (opacità del dock) e di qualsiasi colore tu desideri"
#: setupdialog.cpp:642
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr "Mostra bordi"
#: setupdialog.cpp:643
msgid "When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders (rectangle)"
msgstr "Quando usi uno sfondo a tinta unita puoi dire a KoolDock di disegnare i suoi bordi rettangolari"
#: setupdialog.cpp:645
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr "Livello di trasparenza dello sfondo a tinta unita (0 significa totalmente trasparente)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:646
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr "Separatore barra processi"
#: setupdialog.cpp:647
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr "Il separatore è una linea disegnata tra il launcher di KoolDock e la barra dei processi"
#: setupdialog.cpp:648
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr "Colore separatore:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:649
#: setupdialog.cpp:650
msgid "Background Theme:"
msgstr "Tema per lo sfondo:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:652
msgid "Use set of images instead of a Solid Background"
msgstr "Usa un set di immagini piuttosto che uno sfondo a tinta unita"
#: setupdialog.cpp:653
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Sfondo"
#: setupdialog.cpp:654
msgid "Window placement"
msgstr "Posizione della finestra"
#: setupdialog.cpp:655
msgid "Window position on edge (%):"
msgstr "Posizione del dock (%):"
#: setupdialog.cpp:656
msgid "Xinerama Support"
msgstr "Supporto Xinerama"
#: setupdialog.cpp:657
msgid "If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr "Se stai usando xinerama, dovresti attivare quest'opzione per un comportamento corretto."
#: setupdialog.cpp:658
msgid "Desired Monitor Width"
msgstr "Larghezza desiderata monitor"
#: setupdialog.cpp:659
msgid "Desired Monitor Height"
msgstr "Altezza desiderata monitor"
#: setupdialog.cpp:660
msgid "Previous Monitors Width"
msgstr "Larghezza monitor precedente"
#: setupdialog.cpp:661
msgid "Window position:"
msgstr "Posizione della finestra:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:663
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Sinistra"
#: setupdialog.cpp:664
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Destra"
#: setupdialog.cpp:665
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Alto"
#: setupdialog.cpp:666
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Basso"
#: setupdialog.cpp:667
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Velocità"
#: setupdialog.cpp:668
msgid "Zooming speed (ms)"
msgstr "Velocità di zoom (ms)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:672
msgid "Show after"
msgstr "Mostra dopo"
#: setupdialog.cpp:673
msgid "msec"
msgstr "ms"
#: setupdialog.cpp:674
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr "Tempo prima di mostrare KoolDock se il mouse raggiunge il fondo dello schermo"
#: setupdialog.cpp:675
msgid "Placement and speed"
msgstr "Posizione e velocità"
#: setupdialog.cpp:676
#: setupdialog.cpp:678
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "Processore"
#: setupdialog.cpp:677
msgid "Priority (0=max, 19=min)"
msgstr "Priorità (0=max, 19=min)"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:445
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr "Vuoi rimuovere "
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:446
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr "Rimuovi launcher"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:514
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr "Intercettazione..."
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:642
msgid "Swap with"
msgstr "Scambia con"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:643
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Rimuovi"
#: xosd.moc.cpp:34
#: xosd.moc.cpp:42
msgid "xosd"
msgstr ""

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-09-23 10:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: I18N_NOOP;i18n;tr2i18n\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src\n"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:854
msgid "&About"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:149
msgid "&Add"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:159
msgid "&Browse"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:748
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:147
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3695
msgid "&Close"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:982
msgid "&Close all"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:905
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:623
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:904
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:845
msgid "&Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:875
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3672
msgid "&Move"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3693
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:750
msgid "&OK"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:852
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:981
msgid "&Restore all"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3686
msgid "&Shade"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:876
msgid "&Task List"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:157
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:158
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/main.cpp:47
msgid "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:1469
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:1457
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3670
msgid "Ad&vanced"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:769
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:151
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:924
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3743
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3788
msgid "All desktops"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:804
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:150
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:160
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:798
msgid "Amount of big icons:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:812
msgid "Application List"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:881
msgid "Apply"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:756
msgid "Autohide"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:839
msgid "Background"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:832
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:835
msgid "Background Theme:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:824
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:797
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:790
msgid "Bold"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:822
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:859
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:862
msgid "CPU"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:789
msgid "Cleaner text (bigger memory and CPU usage)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:815
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in the\n"
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:805
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:814
msgid "Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you click on"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:865
msgid "Clip desktop workspace"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:867
msgid "Clip icon area (DCOP)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:837
msgid "Corner scale: free"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:838
msgid "Corner scale: min"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:926
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:846
msgid "Desired Monitor Height"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:845
msgid "Desired Monitor Width"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3745
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3790
msgid "Desktop %1"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:865
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:940
msgid "Desktop &%1"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:864
msgid "Desktop clipping"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:842
msgid "Determines the position of expanded KoolDock's window on the selected screen edge."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:874
msgid "Determines the speen of zooming animation"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:424
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:823
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:833
msgid "Don't allow wider background than screen"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:766
msgid "Don't scroll while mouse is on the same icon"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:802
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:806
msgid "Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:856
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:851
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:850
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:753
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:758
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:760
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:754
msgid "Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to help me get this working :P )"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:759
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:763
msgid "Enables grouping similar task icons into one icon."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:47
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:52
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:57
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:787
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:782
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:755
msgid "General options:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:138
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:297
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:500
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:813
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:494
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:848
msgid "Height of monitor on which kooldock should be shown."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:779
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:778
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:161
msgid "Icon"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/main.cpp:69
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:783
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:794
msgid "Icon text"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:844
msgid "If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:820
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:793
msgid "Italic"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:902
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:843
msgid "Keep &Above Others"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:844
msgid "Keep &Below Others"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/main.cpp:54
msgid "Kills all processes called Kooldock"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/main.cpp:62
msgid "KoolDock"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:745
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:146
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:853
msgid "Left"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3682
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:980
msgid "Ma&ximize all"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:849
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:868
msgid "Makes KDE desktop smaller, that KoolDock's window don't cover the icons."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:866
msgid "Makes desktop smaller that maximized windows don't cover KoolDock's window."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:771
msgid "Makes that KoolDock don't use KMenu, but uses alternative KBFX menu (widget is necessary)."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:860
msgid "Makes that KoolDock's window will appear on bottom screen edge."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:854
msgid "Makes that KoolDock's window will appear on left screen edge."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:856
msgid "Makes that KoolDock's window will appear on right screen edge."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:858
msgid "Makes that KoolDock's window will appear on top screen edge."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:767
msgid "Makes the scrolling not smooth, but automatically centered on current icon."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:803
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3678
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:979
msgid "Mi&nimize all"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:834
msgid "Mkaes that the background ends don't go over the screen edges."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:807
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:809
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:808
msgid "Moves selected item left"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:810
msgid "Moves selected item right"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:792
msgid "Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/launcher name on the screen"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:768
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:873
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:776
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:777
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:116
msgid "Open File"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:880
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:861
msgid "Placement"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:850
msgid "Previous Monitors Width"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:863
msgid "Priority (0=max, 19=min)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/main.cpp:68
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:3675
msgid "Re&size"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:624
msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:425
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:855
msgid "Right"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:811
msgid "Right click opens the icon menu."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:152
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/appProp.cpp:153
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:774
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:781
msgid "Sends KoolDock before other windows, when it's collapsed."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:831
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:788
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:785
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:764
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:875
msgid "Show after"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:825
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/main.cpp:52
msgid "Show configuration window on start"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:772
msgid "Show only minimized"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:791
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:765
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:762
msgid "Similar windows grouping"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:795
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:801
msgid "Sizes"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:796
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:821
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:828
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:800
msgid "Space between icons"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:869
msgid "Speed"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:878
msgid "Speed control"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:757
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:780
msgid "Stay below windows when not used"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:849
msgid "Sum of widths of monitors before the desired one."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/setupdialogprg.cpp:622
msgid "Swap with"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:829
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:786
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:784
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:773
msgid "That makes kooldock shows only the minimized application icons, and hides the other."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:830
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:799
msgid "This box determines amout of zoomed icons."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:877
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:857
msgid "Top"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:770
msgid "Use KBFX"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:775
msgid "When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an icon in KoolDock's Taskbar."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:826
msgid "When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders (rectangle)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:847
msgid "Width of monitor on which KoolDock should be shown."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:761
msgid "Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the given application"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:840
msgid "Window placement"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:841
msgid "Window position on edge (%):"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:851
msgid "Window position:"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:843
msgid "Xinerama Support"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/kooldock.cpp:1425
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:870
msgid "Zooming speed (ms)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/main.cpp:70
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/src/main.cpp:70
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:752
msgid "checkBox11"
msgstr ""
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/debug/src/setupdialog.cpp:876
msgid "msec"
msgstr ""

@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-07 12:00+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: I18N_NOOP;i18n;tr2i18n\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock\n"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1018
msgid "&About"
msgstr "&Over"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:152
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Nieuw"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:665
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:150
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "S&toppen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1165
msgid "&Close"
msgstr "&Sluiten"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1101
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr "&Verwijder item"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1100
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr "Wijzig it&em"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1072
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr "&Naar Bureaublad"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1163
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr "&Verplaats naar Bureaublad"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1016
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr "He&rladen configuratie"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1159
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "He&rstel"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1073
msgid "&Task List"
msgstr "&Takenlijst"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:161
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Opdracht</b>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:162
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr "<b>Naam</b>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:49
msgid "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>een Kool Dock voor KDE<br><br>KoolDock is gebaseerd op het originele werk of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1598
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt> <b>%1</b> bleek niet uitvoerbaar. Corrigeer de opdracht en probeer het nog eens.</qt>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1585
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Programma blijkt niet te vinden. Corrigeer de opdracht en probeer het nog eens.</qt>"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:682
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr "Voegt een Klokje toe aan het hoofdmenu en een Bureaubladmanager."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Extra opties"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:714
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:153
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr "Alt+A"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:164
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr "Alt+B"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:707
msgid "Amount of big icons:"
msgstr "Aantal grote ikonen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:718
msgid "Application List"
msgstr "Toepassingenlijst"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:685
msgid "Autohide"
msgstr "Verberg automatisch"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:745
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Achtergrond"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:740
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:742
msgid "Background Theme:"
msgstr "Achtergrond-thema"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:730
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Achtergrondkleur"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:706
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr "Afm. groot ikoon"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:700
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Vet"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:728
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Kaderkleur"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:758
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Beneden"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:702
msgid "Cleaner text (bigger memory and CPU usage)"
msgstr "Opschonen tekst"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:721
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in the\n"
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr "Klik \"Pak venster op\" en klik een venster aan, klik vervolgens \"Toevoegen\" om\n"
"toe te voegen aan de lijst; je kunt ook handmatig een vensternaam toevoegen \n"
"in het kader hieronder. Om te stoppen klik je \"Versleep...\", \"Ok\" of \"Stoppen\"."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:715
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr "Handmatig toevoegen van toepassing"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:720
msgid "Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you click on"
msgstr "Klik hier om verslepen te starten."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:771
msgid "Clip desktop workspace"
msgstr "Geen afdekking van KoolDock door Bureaublad"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:772
msgid "Clip icon area (DCOP)"
msgstr "Geen afdekking van Bureaublad door KoolDock (transparant)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1120
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Huidige Bureaublad &%1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:751
msgid "Desired Monitor Height"
msgstr "Gewenste hoogte"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:750
msgid "Desired Monitor Width"
msgstr "Gewenste breedte"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:770
msgid "Desktop clipping"
msgstr "Niet-verborgen modus"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:465
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr "Verwijderen van "
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:729
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr "Transparantie"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:741
msgid "Don't allow wider background than screen"
msgstr "Achtergrond niet breder dan scherm"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:160
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr "Kies een ikoontje."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:689
msgid "Don't scroll while mouse is on the same icon"
msgstr "Niet verplaatsen zolang de muis op zelfde ikoon staat"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:712
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr "Versleep een toepassing om toe te voegen."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:716
msgid "Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr "versleep en plaats hier de toepassingen die je in KoolDock wilt zien verschijnen."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1015
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr "Wijzig voorke&uren"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1014
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr "Wijzig Snelstart-&menu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:677
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr "Activeer Systeemlade (experimenteel!)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:675
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr "Activeer Taakbalk"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:670
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr "Activeer Taakbalk-kennisgeving"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:732
msgid "Enable a solid background for KoolDock, it may be transparent (dock opacity) and of any color you choose"
msgstr "Activeer een egale achtergrond voor KoolDock. Elke kleur of transparantie is ok."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:731
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:743
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Actief"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:678
msgid "Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to help me get this working :P )"
msgstr "Activeert KoolDock's Systeembalk-ondersteuning; Je kunt dit gebruiken i.p.v. Kicker systray applets; (alleen debug-mode!)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:676
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr "Activeert KoolDock's Taakbalk; te gebruiken i.p.v. de Kicker taakbalk"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:47
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:52
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:57
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:696
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr "Lettergrootte:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:691
msgid "General"
msgstr "Algemeen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:669
msgid "General options:"
msgstr "Algemene opties:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:719
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:131
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:295
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:540
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr "Pak venster op"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:534
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr "Oppakken..."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:688
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr "Verberg Kooldock na activeren van een toepassing"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:687
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr "Verberg na aanklikken"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:165
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ikoon"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:74
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr "Vormgeving"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:692
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:703
msgid "Icon text"
msgstr "Ikoon-tekst"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:749
msgid "If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr "Activeer dit bij gebruik van Xinerama voor correct gedrag."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:726
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr "'Links laten liggen'"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:701
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Schuingedrukt"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1098
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr "Item-menu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:157
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr "Terminal openhouden na uitvoer"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:56
msgid "Kills all processes called Kooldock"
msgstr "Stopt alle KoolDock-activiteiten"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:661
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr "KoolDock configuratie"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:149
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr "Launcher eigenschappen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:755
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Links"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1154
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr "Ma&ximaliseer"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1013
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hoofdmenu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:713
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr "H&andmatig toevoegen toepassing"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1151
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr "Verklei&nen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:158
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr "Basis-opties"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:710
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "Linksaf..."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:711
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "Rechtsaf..."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:699
msgid "Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/launcher name on the screen"
msgstr "Als je de muis boven KoolDock beweegt wordt de naam van het bureaublad zichtbaar"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:681
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Navigatiemenu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1070
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr "Navigatie: Bureaublad %1"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:673
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr "Alleen beheersing actueel Bureaublad"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:674
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr "Alleen vensters in actueel Bureaublad tonen in de Taakbalk"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:117
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Open bestand"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:773
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Overig"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:767
msgid "Placement and speed"
msgstr "Plaatsing en snelheid"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:752
msgid "Previous Monitors Width"
msgstr "Vorige breedte"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:769
msgid "Priority (0=max, 19=min)"
msgstr "Prioriteit (0=max, 19=min)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:73
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr "Project webmaster"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:663
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Verwijder"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:466
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr "Verwijder Launcher"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:756
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Rechts"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:717
msgid "Right click opens the icon menu."
msgstr "Rechts-klikken opent het ikonen-menu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr "Uitvoeren in Terminal"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr "Uitvoeren als andere gebruiker"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:683
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr "Schermafbeelding"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:739
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr "Kleur scheidingsteken:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:697
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr "Schaduwkleur:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:694
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr "Schaduw verschuiving:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:679
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr "Toon K-Menu"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:764
msgid "Show after"
msgstr "Toon na"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:733
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr "Toon kaders"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:54
msgid "Show configuration window on start"
msgstr "Toon configuratie-menu bij opstarten"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:672
msgid "Show only minimized"
msgstr "Toon alleen geminimaliseerd"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:698
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr "Toon tekst boven ikonen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:680
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr "KDE-Menu in KoolDock's Launcher"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:704
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:709
msgid "Sizes"
msgstr "Afmetingen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:705
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr "Afm. klein ikoon"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:727
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr "Egale achtergrond:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:736
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr "Mate van transparantie (0=volledig)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:708
msgid "Space between icons"
msgstr "Ruimte tussen ikonen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:759
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Snelheid"
#: probeersel:
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Vormgeving"
#: idem:
msgid "Visual options"
msgstr "Vormgeving"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:684
msgid "Start hidden"
msgstr "Start verborgen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:686
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr "Start KoolDock verborgen"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:690
msgid "Stay below windows when not used"
msgstr "Blijf verborgen indien niet gebruikt"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialogprg.cpp:662
msgid "Swap with"
msgstr "Verwissel met"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:737
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr "Taakbalk scheidingsteken"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:695
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr "Tekstkleur:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:693
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Lettertype"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:738
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr "Scheidingsteken is een lijn tussen KoolDock en de Taakbalk"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:766
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr "Vertraging voordat KoolDock zichtbaar wordt."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:757
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Boven"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:744
msgid "Use set of images instead of a Solid Background"
msgstr "Gebruik plaatje i.p.v. egale achtergrond"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:684
msgid "When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an icon in KoolDock's Taakbalk."
msgstr "Bij verkleind venster gebruikt KoolDock een schermafbeelding als ikoon in de KoolDock Taakbalk."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:734
msgid "When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders (rectangle)"
msgstr "Bij gebruik van een egale achtergrond kun je KoolDock kaders zichtbaar maken."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:671
msgid "Window icon in KoolDock's taakbalk will blink when something happens on the given application"
msgstr "Venster-ikoon in KoolDock-taakbalk knippert als er iets gebeurt in die toepassing."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:746
msgid "Window placement"
msgstr "Vensterplaatsing"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:747
msgid "Window position on edge (%):"
msgstr "Vensterpositie langs rand (%):"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:753
msgid "Window position:"
msgstr "Vensterpositie:"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/kooldock.cpp:1560
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr "Je moet wel eerst een opdracht opgeven."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr "Graag een opdracht of pad opvoeren..."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr "Graag een naam opvoeren..."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr "Graag een gebruikersnaam opvoeren."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr "Wel een ikoontje selecteren..."
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/setupdialog.cpp:760
msgid "Zooming speed (ms)"
msgstr "Flits-snelheid (ms)"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:75
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "_: EMAIL VERTALERS: \n"
#: /home/bisiek/Desktop/k2/kooldock_1/kooldock/kooldock/main.cpp:75
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "_: VERTALERS: \n"
"Peter A. Sinon"

@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
# translation of pl.po to Polish
# translation of kooldock.pot to Polish
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Piotr Rybaltowski <>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pl\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-05-26 04:01-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-27 09:37+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Piotr Maliński <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#: kooldock.moc.cpp:34 kooldock.moc.cpp:42 main.cpp:59
msgid "KoolDock"
msgstr "KoolDock"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Polish: Piotr 'dekoder' Rybałtowski"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:47
msgid ""
"<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based "
"upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr "<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>Kool Dock dla KDE<br><br>KoolDock jest wzorowany na programie Ksmoothdock 2.1 autorstwa Dang Viet Dung'a<br><br>"
#: main.cpp:65
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr "Administrator projektu"
#: main.cpp:66
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr "Ikony i grafika"
#: apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr "Musisz wybrać ikonę!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr "Musisz podać tytuł!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr "Musisz podać polecenie lub ścieżkę!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr "Musisz podać nazwę użytkownika!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:103 setupdialogprg.cpp:379 setupdialogprg.cpp:385
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:391
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Otwórz plik"
#: xosd.moc.cpp:34 xosd.moc.cpp:42
msgid "xosd"
msgstr "xosd"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:134 setupdialogprg.cpp:258 setupdialogprg.cpp:496
#: setupdialog.cpp:456
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr "Chwyć okno"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:445
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr "Czy chcesz usunąć "
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:446
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr "Usuń Panel uruchamiania"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:490
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr "Chwytanie..."
#: kooldock.cpp:632
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Główne Menu"
#: kooldock.cpp:633
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr "Edytuj &Menu Szybkiego Uruchamiania"
#: kooldock.cpp:634
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr "Edytuj Ustawienia"
#: kooldock.cpp:635
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr "&Przeładuj konfigurację"
#: kooldock.cpp:649 kooldock.cpp:718
msgid "Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Pulpit &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:657
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr "Nawigacja: Pulpit %1"
#: kooldock.cpp:659
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr "&Idź do pulpitu"
#: kooldock.cpp:684
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr "Menu elementów"
#: kooldock.cpp:686
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr "&Edytuj element"
#: kooldock.cpp:687
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr "&Usuń element"
#: kooldock.cpp:706
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Aktualny Pulpit &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:737
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr "Mi&nimalizuj"
#: kooldock.cpp:740
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr "Ma&ksymalizuj"
#: kooldock.cpp:745
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "&Przywróć"
#: kooldock.cpp:749
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr "P&rzenieś na Pulpit"
#: kooldock.cpp:1182
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr "Musisz wcześniej podać polecenie do wykonania lub URL do otwarcia."
#: kooldock.cpp:1207
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Nazwa programu lub polecenie <b>%1</b>\n"
"nie zostało odnalezione. Popraw polecenie lub URL\n"
"i spróbuj ponownie</qt>"
#: kooldock.cpp:1220
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Nie udało się uruchomić <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Popraw polecenie lub URL i spróbuj ponownie.</qt>"
#: appProp.cpp:148
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr "Ustawienia Panelu uruchamiania"
#: appProp.cpp:151
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Dodaj"
#: appProp.cpp:152 setupdialog.cpp:452
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr "Alt+A"
#: appProp.cpp:153
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Zaawansowane Opcje"
#: appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr "Uruchom z Terminala"
#: appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr "Uruchom jako inny użytkownik"
#: appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr "Pozostaw terminal uruchomiony po wyjściu"
#: appProp.cpp:157
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr "Minimalne Opcje"
#: appProp.cpp:158
msgid "checkBox1"
msgstr "checkBox1"
#: appProp.cpp:159
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr "Nie zapomnij wybrać ikony."
#: appProp.cpp:160
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Polecenie</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:161
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr "<b>Tytuł</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:162
msgid "&Browse"
msgstr "&Przeglądaj"
#: appProp.cpp:163
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr "Alt+B"
#: appProp.cpp:164
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ikona"
#: setupdialog.cpp:410
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguracja KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:413
msgid "checkBox11"
msgstr "checkBox11"
#: setupdialog.cpp:414
msgid "Visual options:"
msgstr "Opcje widoku:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:415
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Czcionka:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:416
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr "Kolor tekstu:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:417
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr "Rozmiar dużych ikon:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:418
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr "Wysunięcie cienia:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:419
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr "Rozmiar czcionki:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:420
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr "Rozmiar małej ikony:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:421
msgid "Start hidden"
msgstr "Uruchom ukryty"
#: setupdialog.cpp:422
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr "Uruchom KoolDock ukryty; jeżli mysz nie jest nad nim zostanie ukryty"
#: setupdialog.cpp:423
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr "Ukryj przy kliknięciu"
#: setupdialog.cpp:424
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr "Ukrywaj KoolDock przy kliknięciu ikony Launcher'a lub Okna."
#: setupdialog.cpp:425
msgid "msec"
msgstr "msek"
#: setupdialog.cpp:426
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr "Czas do pokazania KooDock jeżeli kursor jest na dole ekranu"
#: setupdialog.cpp:427
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr "PokaĹź tekst nad ikonami"
#: setupdialog.cpp:428
msgid ""
"Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/"
"launcher name on the screen"
msgstr "Poruszanie kursora nad panelem uruchamiającym lub paskiem zadań spowoduje wyświetlenie nazwy okna/ikony na ekranie"
#: setupdialog.cpp:430
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Pogrubiony"
#: setupdialog.cpp:431
msgid "Show after"
msgstr "Pokaż po"
#: setupdialog.cpp:432
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr "Pokaż Menu K"
#: setupdialog.cpp:433
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr "Pokazuje Menu KDE w panelu uruchamiającym programu KoolDock."
#: setupdialog.cpp:434
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Menu nawigacyjne"
#: setupdialog.cpp:435
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr "Dodaje zegar do głównego menu oraz nawigatora wirtualnego pulpitu."
#: setupdialog.cpp:436
msgid "Xinerama Support"
msgstr "Obsługa Xinerama"
#: setupdialog.cpp:437
msgid "If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr "Jeśli korzystasz z xineramy powinieneś uruchomić tę opcję."
#: setupdialog.cpp:438
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr "Podgląd zminimalizowanych okien"
#: setupdialog.cpp:439
msgid ""
"When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an "
"icon in KoolDock's Taskbar."
msgstr "Gdy okno jest zminimalizowane zamiast ikony na pasku zadań pokaże się podgląd programu."
#: setupdialog.cpp:440
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr "Włącz powiadamianie paska zadań"
#: setupdialog.cpp:441
msgid ""
"Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the "
"given application"
msgstr "Ikona okna w pasku zadań zacznie migać gdy coś się wydarzy w danej aplikacji"
#: setupdialog.cpp:442
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr "Zarządzaj tylko aktualnym pulpitem"
#: setupdialog.cpp:443
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr "Pokazuj tylko w oknach paska zadań aktualnego pulpitu"
#: setupdialog.cpp:444
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr "Włącz pasek zadań"
#: setupdialog.cpp:445
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr "Uruchom pasek zadań KoolDock; może on zastąpić pasek zadań Kicker'a"
#: setupdialog.cpp:446
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr "Uruchom tackę systemową (Experymentalne!)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:447
msgid ""
"Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's "
"systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to "
"help me get this working :P )"
msgstr "Uruchamia tackę systemową w oknie KoolDock; może ona zastąpić aplet tacki systemowej Kicker'a (jest jednak w fazie testów; nie należy używać chyba, że chcesz pomóc ją usprawnić)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:448
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Widok"
#: setupdialog.cpp:449
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr "Przeciągnij aplikację, aby ją dodać lub"
#: setupdialog.cpp:450
msgid ""
"To remove an application place the mouse over the icon and press the left "
msgstr "Aby usunąć aplikację przenień kursor nad ikonę i naciśnij lewy przycisk myszy."
#: setupdialog.cpp:451
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr "Ręcznie &dodaj Aplikację"
#: setupdialog.cpp:453
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby ręcznie dodać aplikację do Panelu uruchamiania"
#: setupdialog.cpp:454
msgid ""
"Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an "
"entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr "Przeciągnij i upuść tutaj dowolny plik uruchomieniowy lub plik pulpitu (.desktop), aby go dodać do panelu KoolDock"
#: setupdialog.cpp:455
msgid "Application List"
msgstr "Lista aplikacji"
#: setupdialog.cpp:457
msgid ""
"Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you "
"click on"
msgstr "Kliknij tu, aby przeciągnąć nazwy okien; kliknij Dodaj dla każdego okna, na które klikniesz"
#: setupdialog.cpp:458
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append "
"it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in "
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Kliknij \"Przeciągnij Okno\" i kliknij ponad Oknem, nastąpnie kliknij \"Dodaj\", aby dopisać je\n"
"do listy ignorowanych; możesz także ręcznie wpisać lub edytowaę nazwy okien\n"
"w polu poniĹźej. Aby przerwać przeciągnie kliknij \"Przeciągnie...'\",\"OK\" lub \"Anuluj\"."
#: setupdialog.cpp:463
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr "Lista ignorowanych"
#: setupdialog.cpp:464
msgid "Background image:"
msgstr "Obrazek tła:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:465
msgid "Right side:"
msgstr "Prawa strona:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:466
msgid "Left side:"
msgstr "Lewa strona:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:467
msgid "Center:"
msgstr "Środek:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:468 setupdialog.cpp:469 setupdialog.cpp:470
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Wybór"
#: setupdialog.cpp:471 setupdialog.cpp:480
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Włączony"
#: setupdialog.cpp:472
msgid "Use set of images instead of a Solid Background"
msgstr "Użyj zestawu obrazków zamiast jednolitego tła"
#: setupdialog.cpp:473
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr "Separator Paska Zadań"
#: setupdialog.cpp:474
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr "Kolor separatora:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:475
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr "Separator to linia pomiędzy Panelem uruchamiania a Paskiem zadań"
#: setupdialog.cpp:476
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr "Jednolite tło:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:477
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Kolor ramki:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:478
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr "Nieprzezroczystość dokowania:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:479
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Kolor tła:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:481
msgid ""
"Enable a solid background for KoolDock, it may be transparent (dock opacity) "
"and of any color you choose"
msgstr "Włącz jednolite tło dla KoolDock, może być przezroczyste i dowolnego koloru"
#: setupdialog.cpp:482
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr "Pokaż ramki"
#: setupdialog.cpp:483
msgid ""
"When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders "
msgstr "Gdy używasz jednolitego tła możesz włączyć ramki (prostokątne)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:484
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr "Poziom przezroczystości jednolitego tła (0 oznacza pełną przezroczystość)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:485
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Tło"
#: setupdialog.cpp:521
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Szybkość"
#: setupdialog.cpp:522
msgid "Priority (0=max, 19=min)"
msgstr "Prorytet (0=max, 19=min)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:523
msgid "Window placement"
msgstr "Pozycja okna"
#: setupdialog.cpp:524
msgid "Window position on edge (%):"
msgstr "Pozycja okna na krawędzi (%):"
#: setupdialog.cpp:525
msgid "Placement and speed"
msgstr "Pozycja i szybkość"
#: setupdialog.cpp:505
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "Przenieś w lewo"
#: setupdialog.cpp:506
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "Przenieś w prawo"

@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
# translation of sv.po to Swedish
# translation of kooldock.po to Swedish
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# William Ekholm <>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sv\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-06-05 04:05-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-18 22:28+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: William Ekholm <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
#: kooldock.moc.cpp:34 kooldock.moc.cpp:42 main.cpp:59
msgid "KoolDock"
msgstr "KoolDock"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1 main.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "William Ekholm"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3 main.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:47
msgid ""
"<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based "
"upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>"
msgstr ""
"<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>En \"Kool\" Docka för KDE<br><br>KoolDock är baserat "
"på Ksmoothdock 2.1, gjort av Dang Viet Dung, <br><br>"
#: main.cpp:65
msgid "Project Webmaster"
msgstr "Webmaster för projektet"
#: main.cpp:66
msgid "Icon and artwork"
msgstr "Ikon och grafk"
#: apppropprg.cpp:47
msgid "You must select an icon!"
msgstr "Du måste välja en ikon!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:52
msgid "You must enter a name!"
msgstr "Du måste skriva ett namn!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:57
msgid "You must enter a command or path!"
msgstr "Du måste skriva ett kommando eller en sökväg!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:62
msgid "You must provide a username!"
msgstr "Du måste ange ett användarnamn!"
#: apppropprg.cpp:117
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Öppna fil"
#: xosd.moc.cpp:34 xosd.moc.cpp:42
msgid "xosd"
msgstr "xosd"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:123 setupdialogprg.cpp:261 setupdialogprg.cpp:503
#: setupdialog.cpp:446
msgid "Grab Window"
msgstr "Fånga fönster"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:428
msgid "Do you want to remove "
msgstr "Vill du ta bort "
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:429
msgid "Remove Launcher"
msgstr "Ta bort startare"
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:497
msgid "Grabbing..."
msgstr "Fångar..."
#: setupdialogprg.cpp:607
msgid "Swap with"
msgstr "Byt med"
#: kooldock.cpp:634
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Huvudmeny"
#: kooldock.cpp:635
msgid "Edit Quick Launch &Menu"
msgstr "Ändra snabbstartsmenyn"
#: kooldock.cpp:636
msgid "Edit &Preferences"
msgstr "Inställningar"
#: kooldock.cpp:637
msgid "&Reload configuration"
msgstr "Ladda om konfiguration"
#: kooldock.cpp:651 kooldock.cpp:753
msgid "Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Skrivbord &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:668
msgid "Desktop %1"
msgstr "Skrivbord %1"
#: kooldock.cpp:691
msgid "Navigation: Desktop %1"
msgstr "Navigering: Skrivbord %1"
#: kooldock.cpp:693
msgid "&Go to Desktop"
msgstr "&Gå till skrivbord"
#: kooldock.cpp:694
msgid "&Task List"
msgstr "Aktivitetsfält"
#: kooldock.cpp:719
msgid "Item menu"
msgstr "Objektmeny"
#: kooldock.cpp:721
msgid "&Edit item"
msgstr "Ändra objekt"
#: kooldock.cpp:722
msgid "&Delete item"
msgstr "Ta bort objekt"
#: kooldock.cpp:741
msgid "Current Desktop &%1"
msgstr "Nuvarande skrivbord &%1"
#: kooldock.cpp:772
msgid "Mi&nimize"
msgstr "Minimera"
#: kooldock.cpp:775
msgid "Ma&ximize"
msgstr "Maximera"
#: kooldock.cpp:780
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "Återställ"
#: kooldock.cpp:784
msgid "&Move to Desktop"
msgstr "Flytta till skrivbord"
#: kooldock.cpp:1218
msgid "You have to enter a command to execute or a URL to be opened first."
msgstr "Du måste skriva in ett kommando att köra eller en sökväg att öpnna först."
#: kooldock.cpp:1243
msgid ""
"<qt>The program name or command <b>%1</b>\n"
"cannot be found. Please correct the command\n"
"or URL and try again</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Programmet eller kommandot <b>%1</b>\n"
"kunde inte hittas. Ändra kommandot\neller sökvägen och försök igen</qt>"
#: kooldock.cpp:1256
msgid ""
"<qt>Could not run <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Please correct the command or URL and try again.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Kunde inte köra <b>%1</b>.\n"
"Ändra kommandot eller sökvägen och försök igen.</qt>"
#: appProp.cpp:148
msgid "Launcher Properties"
msgstr "Startare egenskaper"
#: appProp.cpp:151
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "Lägg till"
#: appProp.cpp:152 setupdialog.cpp:442
msgid "Alt+A"
msgstr "Alt+A"
#: appProp.cpp:153
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Avancerade inställningar"
#: appProp.cpp:154
msgid "Run From Terminal"
msgstr "Kör från terminal"
#: appProp.cpp:155
msgid "Run as different User"
msgstr "Kör som en annan användare"
#: appProp.cpp:156
msgid "Keep terminal open after exit"
msgstr "Låt terminalfönstret vara öppet efter programmet har avslutats"
#: appProp.cpp:157
msgid "Minimal Options"
msgstr "Minimala inställningar"
#: appProp.cpp:158
msgid "checkBox1"
msgstr "checkBox1"
#: appProp.cpp:159
msgid "Don't forget to chose an icon."
msgstr "Glöm inte att välja en ikon"
#: appProp.cpp:160
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Kommando</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:161
msgid "<b>Name</b>"
msgstr "<b>Namn</b>"
#: appProp.cpp:162
msgid "&Browse"
msgstr "&Bläddra"
#: appProp.cpp:163
msgid "Alt+B"
msgstr "Alt+B"
#: appProp.cpp:164
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ikon"
#: setupdialog.cpp:398
msgid "KoolDock Configuration"
msgstr "KoolDock Konfiguration"
#: setupdialog.cpp:401
msgid "checkBox11"
msgstr "checkBox11"
#: setupdialog.cpp:402
msgid "Visual options:"
msgstr "Synliga inställningar:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:403
msgid "Start hidden"
msgstr "Starta gömd"
#: setupdialog.cpp:404
msgid "Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide"
msgstr "Starta Kooldock gömt; Om musen inte är över KoolDock kommer KoolDock att gömma sig"
#: setupdialog.cpp:405
msgid "Hide on click"
msgstr "Göm på klick"
#: setupdialog.cpp:406
msgid "Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon."
msgstr "Göm KoolDock efter ha klickat på en Startare eller fönsterikon"
#: setupdialog.cpp:407
msgid "msec"
msgstr "msek"
#: setupdialog.cpp:408
msgid "Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen"
msgstr "Tid före KoolDock visas när musen rör botten av skärmen"
#: setupdialog.cpp:409
msgid "Show text over icons"
msgstr "Visa text över ikoner"
#: setupdialog.cpp:410
msgid ""
"Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/"
"launcher name on the screen"
msgstr "Genom att flytta musen över KoolDock's startare/aktivitetsfält för att visa fönster/startare namnet på skärmen"
#: setupdialog.cpp:411
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Fet"
#: setupdialog.cpp:412
msgid "Show after"
msgstr "Visa efter"
#: setupdialog.cpp:413
msgid "Big icon size:"
msgstr "Stor ikon storlek:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:414
msgid "Enable Taskbar notification"
msgstr "Aktivera fönsternotifikation"
#: setupdialog.cpp:415
msgid ""
"Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the "
"given application"
msgstr "Fönsterikoner i KoolDocks aktivitetsfält kommer att blinka när något händer i det givna programmet"
#: setupdialog.cpp:416
msgid "Small icon size:"
msgstr "Liten ikon storlek:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:417
msgid "Shadow offset:"
msgstr "Skuggoffset:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:418
msgid "Only Manage Current Desktop"
msgstr "Sköt endast om fönster på nuvarande skrivbord"
#: setupdialog.cpp:419
msgid "Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop"
msgstr "Visa endast i KoolDock's aktivitetsfält fönster inom det nuvarande skrivbordet"
#: setupdialog.cpp:420
msgid "Enable Taskbar"
msgstr "Aktivera aktivitetsfält"
#: setupdialog.cpp:421
msgid "Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar"
msgstr "Aktiverar KoolDocks aktivitetsfält; Det kan användas istället för Kickern's aktivitetsfält"
#: setupdialog.cpp:422
msgid "Screenshot of minimized windows"
msgstr "Skärmdump över minimerade fönster"
#: setupdialog.cpp:423
msgid ""
"When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an "
"icon in KoolDock's Taskbar."
msgstr "När ett fönster är minimerat visas en skärmdump över programmet som ikon i KoolDock's aktivitetsfält."
#: setupdialog.cpp:425
msgid "Shadow color:"
msgstr "Skuggfärg:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:426
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Typsnitt:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:427
msgid "Text color:"
msgstr "Text färg:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:428
msgid "Font size:"
msgstr "Typsnittsstorlek:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:429
msgid "Show K Menu"
msgstr "Visa K meny"
#: setupdialog.cpp:430
msgid "Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher."
msgstr "Visar KDE menyn i KoolDock's startarmeny"
#: setupdialog.cpp:431
msgid "Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Navigeringsmeny"
#: setupdialog.cpp:432
msgid "Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator."
msgstr "Lägger till en klocka i Huvudmenyn och en virtuell skrivbordnavigerare"
#: setupdialog.cpp:433
msgid "Enable System Tray (Experimental!)"
msgstr "Aktivera Systemfält (Ostabil!)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:434
msgid ""
"Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's "
"systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to "
"help me get this working :P )"
msgstr "Aktiverar KoolDock Systemfält support; Det kan användas istället för kicker's systemfält's program. Använd det inte om du inte tänker hjälpa mig få det att fungera :P"
#: setupdialog.cpp:435
msgid "Xinerama Support"
msgstr "Xinerama stöd"
#: setupdialog.cpp:436
msgid "If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour."
msgstr "Om du använder xinerama så bör du aktivera detta för att det ska fungera bra"
#: setupdialog.cpp:437
msgid "Left Monitor Res"
msgstr "Vänstra monitor res"
#: setupdialog.cpp:438
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Synlig"
#: setupdialog.cpp:439
msgid "Drag an application to add it or"
msgstr "Dra ett program för att lägga till det eller"
#: setupdialog.cpp:440
msgid "Right click opens the icon menu."
msgstr "Högerklicka öppnar ikonmenyn."
#: setupdialog.cpp:441
msgid "Manually &add Application"
msgstr "Lägg till program manuellt"
#: setupdialog.cpp:443
msgid "Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher"
msgstr "Klicka här för att manuellt lägga till ett program till startfältet"
#: setupdialog.cpp:444
msgid ""
"Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an "
"entry in KoolDock's Launcher"
msgstr "Dra och släpp här körbara eller skrivbordsfiler som du vill ska finnas i KoolDock's startfält"
#: setupdialog.cpp:445
msgid "Application List"
msgstr "Programlista"
#: setupdialog.cpp:447
msgid ""
"Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you "
"click on"
msgstr "Klicka här för att börja fånga fönsternamn. Tryck på lägg till för varje fönster du klickar på"
#: setupdialog.cpp:448
msgid ""
"Click \"Grab Window\" and click over a Window, then click \"Add\" to append "
"it to\n"
"the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in "
"box below. To stop grabbing just click \"Grabbing...\", \"Ok\" or \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Tryck på \"Fånga fönster\" och klicka på ett fönster, Sedan klickar du på \"Lägg till\" för att lägga till det till ignorera listan.\n "
"Du kan också själv skriva in eller editera fönsternamn i fältet nedan. För att sluta fånga fönster, klicka på \"Fångar...\", \"Ok\" eller \"Avbryt\"."
#: setupdialog.cpp:453
msgid "Ignore list"
msgstr "Ignoreralistan"
#: setupdialog.cpp:454 setupdialog.cpp:455
msgid "Background Theme:"
msgstr "Bakgrundstema:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:456 setupdialog.cpp:465
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Aktiverad"
#: setupdialog.cpp:457
msgid "Use set of images instead of a Solid Background"
msgstr "Använd ett paket med bilder istället för en solid bakgrund"
#: setupdialog.cpp:458
msgid "TaskBar Separator"
msgstr "Aktivitetsfält separerare"
#: setupdialog.cpp:459
msgid "Separator color:"
msgstr "Separerarfärg:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:460
msgid "The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar"
msgstr "Separeraren är en linje dragen mellan KoolDock's startfält och aktivitetsfält"
#: setupdialog.cpp:461
msgid "Solid Background:"
msgstr "Solid Bakgrund:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:462
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Ram färg:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:463
msgid "Dock opacity:"
msgstr "Genomskinlighet:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:464
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Bakgrundsfärg:"
#: setupdialog.cpp:466
msgid ""
"Enable a solid background for KoolDock, it may be transparent (dock opacity) "
"and of any color you choose"
msgstr "Aktivera en solid bakgrund för KoolDock, Den kan vara transparent (genomskinlighet) eller vilken färg som helst som du väljer"
#: setupdialog.cpp:467
msgid "Show borders"
msgstr "Visa ram"
#: setupdialog.cpp:468
msgid ""
"When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders "
msgstr "Om du använder Solid Bakgrund kan du säga till KoolDock att rita en ram runt."
#: setupdialog.cpp:469
msgid "Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent)"
msgstr "Solid Bakgrunds genomskinlighetnivå (0 betyder full genomskinlighet)"
#: setupdialog.cpp:470
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Bakgrund"

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########
bin_PROGRAMS = kooldock
## INCLUDES were found outside kdevelop specific part
kooldock_SOURCES = appProp.ui apppropprg.cpp clip.cpp dinfo.cpp item.cpp \
kooldock.cpp main.cpp setupdialog.ui setupdialogprg.cpp xosd.cpp
EXTRA_DIST = main.cpp kooldock.cpp kooldock.h item.cpp item.h
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (end)############
# These paths are KDE specific. Use them:
# kde_appsdir Where your application's menu entry (.desktop) should go to.
# kde_icondir Where your icon should go to - better use KDE_ICON.
# kde_sounddir Where your sounds should go to.
# kde_htmldir Where your docs should go to. (contains lang subdirs)
# kde_datadir Where you install application data. (Use a subdir)
# kde_locale Where translation files should go to. (contains lang subdirs)
# kde_cgidir Where cgi-bin executables should go to.
# kde_confdir Where config files should go to (system-wide ones with default values).
# kde_mimedir Where mimetypes .desktop files should go to.
# kde_servicesdir Where services .desktop files should go to.
# kde_servicetypesdir Where servicetypes .desktop files should go to.
# kde_toolbardir Where general toolbar icons should go to (deprecated, use KDE_ICON).
# kde_wallpaperdir Where general wallpapers should go to.
# kde_templatesdir Where templates for the "New" menu (Konqueror/KDesktop) should go to.
# kde_bindir Where executables should go to. Use bin_PROGRAMS or bin_SCRIPTS.
# kde_libdir Where shared libraries should go to. Use lib_LTLIBRARIES.
# kde_moduledir Where modules (e.g. parts) should go to. Use kde_module_LTLIBRARIES.
# kde_styledir Where Qt/KDE widget styles should go to (new in KDE 3).
# kde_designerdir Where Qt Designer plugins should go to (new in KDE 3).
# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
INCLUDES= $(all_includes)
# the library search path.
kooldock_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH)
# Uncomment the following two lines if you add a ui.rc file for your application to make use of
# KDE?s XML GUI builing
#rcdir = $(kde_datadir)/kooldock
#rc_DATA = kooldockui.rc
#WARNING: if you use a ui.rc file above, use:
# messages: rc.cpp
# instead of
# messages:
LIST=`find . -name \*.h -o -name \*.hh -o -name \*.H -o -name \*.hxx -o -name \*.hpp -o -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.cc -o -name \*.cxx -o -name \*.ecpp -o -name \*.C`; \
if test -n "$$LIST"; then \
$(XGETTEXT) $$LIST -o $(podir)/kooldock.pot; \
noinst_HEADERS = apppropprg.h clip.h dinfo.h setupdialogprg.h xosd.h

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
<widget class="QDialog">
<property name="name">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="maximumSize">
<property name="caption">
<string>Launcher Properties</string>
<property name="sizeGripEnabled">
<property name="modal">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QPushButton" row="2" column="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<property name="accel">
<property name="autoDefault">
<widget class="QPushButton" row="2" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<property name="accel">
<property name="autoDefault">
<property name="default">
<spacer row="2" column="0">
<property name="name">
<cstring>Horizontal Spacing2</cstring>
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="QGroupBox" row="1" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="title">
<string>Advanced Options</string>
<property name="name">
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="0" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Run From Terminal</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="1" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Run as different User</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="0" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Keep terminal open after exit</string>
<widget class="QLineEdit" row="1" column="1">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QGroupBox" row="0" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="title">
<string>Minimal Options</string>
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Don't forget to chose an icon.</string>
<widget class="QLabel" row="2" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QLabel" row="1" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QPushButton" row="2" column="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<property name="accel">
<widget class="KIconButton" row="0" column="2" rowspan="2" colspan="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QLineEdit" row="1" column="1">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLineEdit" row="2" column="1">
<property name="name">
<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
// C++ Implementation: apppropprg
// Description:
// Author: KoolDock team <>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <kicondialog.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include "apppropprg.h"
#include "appProp.h"
#include "kooldock.h"
appPropPrg::appPropPrg(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
: appProp(parent, name)
void appPropPrg::accept()
QString icon;
QString desktop;
QString path;
QString puser;
if(icon.length() == 0)
KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You must select an icon!"), i18n("Error"), 1);
if(desktop.length() == 0)
KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You must enter a name!"), i18n("Error"), 1);
if(path.length() == 0)
KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You must enter a command or path!"), i18n("Error"), 1);
if((cuser->isChecked()==true) && (puser.length()==0))
KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You must provide a username!"), i18n("Error"), 1);
// Now we modify desktop (lowercase, no spaces)
desktop.remove(" ", TRUE);
//To handle position
QString progPath = locateLocal("data", "kooldock");
QDir dir(progPath + QString("/menu/"));
QString preffix;
QStringList fileList = dir.entryList("*.desktop");
int pos=fileList.count();
if(pos<10) preffix=QString("0%1_").arg(pos);
if(pos>=10) preffix=QString("%1_").arg(pos);
//End handling position
/* Here we add the .desktop file to the menuPath */
KoolDock::addFile(desktop, icon, cmdpath->text(), cmdname->text(), true, terminal->isChecked(), tclose->isChecked(), cuser->isChecked(), user->text());
emit apply();
void appPropPrg::reject()
void appPropPrg::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e )
void appPropPrg::cmdfile_clicked()
QString tmp;
QString fileToOpen=KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QDir::currentDirPath(), "*.*", this, i18n("Open File"));
if (!fileToOpen.isEmpty())
//Lets set a default icon based on the program name
int pos=tmp.findRev("/", -1);
tmp.remove(1, pos);
tmp.remove("/", TRUE);
void appPropPrg::cuserchk()
void appPropPrg::terminalchk()
#include "apppropprg.moc"

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// C++ Interface: apppropprg
// Description:
// Author: KoolDock team <>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <qwidget.h>
#include "appProp.h"
@author KoolDock team
class appPropPrg : public appProp
appPropPrg(QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
void addFile(QString filename, QString iconname, QString execname, QString name, bool notify);
public slots:
void accept();
void reject();
void cmdfile_clicked();
void cuserchk();
void terminalchk();
void apply();
void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* );

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#include "clip.h"
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#include <netwm_def.h>
#include <kwin.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
clip::clip(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NoBorder | WNoAutoErase | WDestructiveClose | WMouseNoMask | WStyle_StaysOnTop)
info = new NETWinInfo( qt_xdisplay(), winId(), qt_xrootwin(), NET::WMState);
info->setDesktop( NETWinInfo::OnAllDesktops );
info->setState(NETWinInfo::SkipTaskbar | NETWinInfo::SkipPager, NETWinInfo::SkipTaskbar | NETWinInfo::SkipPager);
KWin::setOnAllDesktops(winId(), true);
KWin::setState(winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar | NET::SkipPager);
KWin::setType(winId(), NET::Dock);
setCaption("kooldock clipping window");
void clip::clipDesktop(int p1,int p2,int p3,int p4,int p5,int p6,int p7,int p8,int p9,int p10,int p11,int p12)
KWin::setExtendedStrut(winId(), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12);
void clip::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QBitmap bm(size());
QPainter mp;
mp.begin(&bm, this);
mp.fillRect(rect(), Qt::black);

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#ifndef clip_H_
#define clip_H_
#include <config.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#include <kwin.h>
class clip : public QWidget
clip(QWidget* parent=0, const char *name=0);
virtual ~clip();
void clipDesktop(int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int);
NETWinInfo *info;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
#endif // CLIP_H_

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007 by bisiek *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#include "dinfo.h"
bool dInfo::gBool()
return mBool;
void dInfo::sBool(bool nVal)
int dInfo::gInt()
return mInt;
void dInfo::sInt(int nVal)
void dInfo::inc(int val)

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007 by bisiek *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#ifndef DINFO_H
#define DINFO_H
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
@author bisiek <>
class dInfo{
bool gBool();
void sBool(bool nVal);
int gInt();
void sInt(int nVal);
void inc(int val);
bool mBool;
int mInt;

@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
item.cpp - description
begin : Fri May 23 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by KoolDock team
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kicontheme.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include "item.h"
Item::Item(QString iconName, QString cmd, QString name, int minSize, int maxSize) {
iLoader = KGlobal::iconLoader();
command = cmd;
this->name = name;
this->minSize = minSize;
this->maxSize = maxSize;
this->iconName = iconName;
QImage icon(iLoader->loadIcon(iconName, KIcon::NoGroup, 64).convertToImage());
if (minSize <= maxSize)
int count = maxSize - minSize + 1;
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
if (i % SIZE_INC == 0)
icons.append(new QPixmap(icon.smoothScale(minSize + i, minSize + i)));
id = 0;
animed = FALSE;
Item::Item(QString fileName, int minSize, int maxSize)
QString line;
QFile in(fileName);;
if(in.readLine(line, MAX_LEN) != -1)
if(line.contains("[Desktop Entry]", FALSE) > 0)
while (in.readLine(line, MAX_LEN) != -1)
command = line.mid(5).stripWhiteSpace();
else if(line.startsWith("Icon="))
iconName = line.mid(5).stripWhiteSpace();
else if(line.startsWith("Name="))
name = line.mid(5).stripWhiteSpace();
iLoader = KGlobal::iconLoader();
this->minSize = minSize;
this->maxSize = maxSize;
this->filename = fileName;
QImage icon(iLoader->loadIcon(iconName, KIcon::NoGroup, 64).convertToImage());
if (minSize <= maxSize)
int count = maxSize - minSize + 1;
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
if (i % SIZE_INC == 0)
icons.append(new QPixmap(icon.smoothScale(minSize + i, minSize + i)));
id = 0;
animed = FALSE;
Item::Item(QPixmap iconBig, WId id, QString name, int minSize, int maxSize, bool wi)
this->name = name;
this->minSize = minSize;
this->maxSize = maxSize;
command = "";
QImage icon(iconBig.convertToImage());
if(minSize <= maxSize)
int count = maxSize - minSize + 1;
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
if (i % SIZE_INC == 0)
if (wi)
{icons.append(new QPixmap(icon));}
icons.append(new QPixmap(icon.scale(minSize + i, minSize + i)));
animed = FALSE;
QPixmap* Item::getIcon(int size)
if ((size >= minSize) && (size <= maxSize))
int d = size - minSize;
return( / SIZE_INC));
//return(new QPixmap (>convertToImage().scale(size,size)));
QString Item::getCommand()
QString Item::getName()
QCString Item::getClass()
int Item::getCount()
int Item::getIndex()
int Item::getMIndex()
QString Item::getFilename()
WId Item::getId()
void Item::setId(WId newId)
info = KWin::windowInfo(newId, 0, NET::WM2AllowedActions);
void Item::setIcon(QPixmap iconBig)
QImage icon(iconBig.convertToImage());
int count = maxSize - minSize + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (i % SIZE_INC == 0)
icons.append(new QPixmap(icon.smoothScale(minSize + i, minSize + i)));
void Item::setName(QString newName)
name = newName;
void Item::setClass(QCString newClass)
mClass = newClass;
void Item::setCount(int newCount)
mCount = newCount;
void Item::setIndex(int newIndex)
mIndex = newIndex;
void Item::setMIndex(int newIndex)
mMIndex = newIndex;
bool Item::isAnimed()
void Item::anim(bool param)

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
item.h - description
begin : Fri May 23 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by KoolDock team
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef ITEM_H
#define ITEM_H
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kwin.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <vector>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qnamespace.h>
const int MAX_LEN = 256;
const int SIZE_INC = 1;
class Item
Item(QString iconName, QString cmd, QString name, int minSize, int maxSize);
Item(QString fileName, int minSize, int maxSize);
Item(QPixmap iconBig, WId id, QString name, int minSize, int maxSize, bool wi =FALSE);
void setIcon(QPixmap iconBig);
QPixmap* getIcon(int size);
QString getCommand();
QString getName();
QCString getClass();
int getCount();
int getIndex();
int getMIndex();
WId getId();
KWin::WindowInfo info;
void setId(WId newId);
QString getFilename();
void setName(QString newName);
void setClass(QCString newClass);
void setCount(int newCount);
void setIndex(int newIndex);
void setMIndex(int newIndex);
bool animed;
bool isAnimed();
void anim(bool param);
QPtrList<QPixmap> icons;
bool wIcon;
KIconLoader *iLoader;
int minSize;
int maxSize;
QString command;
QString name;
QCString mClass;
int mCount;
int mIndex;
int mMIndex;
QString iconName;
QString filename;
WId id;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
kooldock.h - description
begin : Tue Jun 10 22:18:34 BST 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by KoolDock team
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef KOOLDOCK_H
#define KOOLDOCK_H
#include <config.h>
#include <kapp.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kwinmodule.h>
#include <kaboutdialog.h>
#include <krootpixmap.h>
#include <kpixmap.h>
#include <kurifilter.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include "item.h"
#include "xosd.h"
#include "clip.h"
#include "setupdialogprg.h"
#include "dinfo.h"
const int MAX_ICONS = 150; // max number of icons
const int UPDATE_DIST = 1; // update when x - last_x <= UPDATE_DIST
const int DEF_SMALL_SIZE = 32; // default small icon size
const int DEF_BIG_SIZE = 90; // default big icon size
const int DEF_DOCK_OPACITY = 50; // default dock opacity
const int DEF_PRIORITY = 5;
const int DEF_HIDDEN = 1; // default hidden priority
const int ANIM_TOTAL_STEP = 6; // not in use yet
const int SPACE_W = 1; // space between quick launchers and tasks (the seperator)
const int ON_CHANGE_ANIM_INTERVAL = 50; // animation's interval
/** KoolDock is the base class of the project */
class KoolDock : public QWidget
/** construtor */
KoolDock(QWidget* parent=0, const char *name=0);
/** destructor */
//static bool writeIgnoreList(QString text);
void setMainPath(QString path);
void setArgs(QString param);
clip *clipw;
QTime *perf;
// configuration variables
int fShowTaskbar; // show-taskbar flag
int fMinimizedOnly; // show only minimized icons flag
int fShowNotification; // show-notification flag
int fShowBorders; // show-borders flag
int fShowKMenu; // show the K menu
int fUseKBFX;
int fPriority; // "nice" priority
int fMouseTimer; // Mouse timer interval
int fClipping; //window area clippig
int fClipIcons; //icon area clipping
long int fzoomSpeed, zoomStep, zoomStepB, zoomStepS, zoomVal; //speed of show/hide animation
int zoomTicksB, zoomTicksS; //counts timer ticks
int neededTicksB,neededTicksS; //sets how many ticks is necessary to calculate new speed
bool fSpeed;
QColor borderColor;
int fHidden; // hidden dockbar
int fStayBelow;
int fOrientation; //bottom/left/top/right
int fHideOnClick;
int fSteppy;
int fShowFrames; // frames to show the dock "growing from bottom"
int fGrowFrames; // frames to grow the icon when the mouse is over it.
int fHighLightTime;
bool fFirstRun;
bool fShowShot;
bool fGrouping;
int fRepaintInterval;
int xinerama; //whether we want xinerama
int hideTimer; //user define time to show dock
int Solid; //whether using backgroung Image or not (for preference controls)
int fShowNav; //whether we want the navigation menu (clock + desktop chooser) in kooldocks main menu
int numSystray; //for systray control
int fSystray; //whether we want the systray or not
int fCurrent; //whether to only show windows on current desktop
int oldDesktop; //number of previous desktop
bool firstTime; //to control certain things
QString curTheme; //for the background theme (to preserve changes)
int leftRes; //Left monitor resolution
int XinDesiredHeight;
int XinPreviousWidth;
int fpercentPos;
bool noSet;
bool firstInit;
bool reloadIcons;
bool initialization;
int ptPart;
bool mouseOnLauncher;
QStringList lstDrop;
bool useList;
Atom net_system_tray_selection;
Atom net_system_tray_opcode;
QString fLeftImg;
QString fRightImg;
QString fCenterImg;
bool fNWideBg;
bool scaleMax;
QPixmap LeftImg;
QPixmap RightImg;
QPixmap CenterImg;
QPixmap TempScaledCenter;
QPixmap TestPix;
QImage TestIm;
unsigned int oLeft, oRight;
int iwSmall;
int iwBig;
int iwBig2;
int firstX, tmpw;
int oldfirstX, oldtmpw;
int lastX;
int dockOpacity;
QColor bgColor;
QColor sepColor; // separator bar's color
int Ybase;
// normal variables
QString progPath;
QString menuPath;
QString confFile;
QString iFilename; // right clicked item filename
QString mainPath;
QString args;
QStringList ignoreList;
NETWinInfo *info;
KWinModule *wm;
SetupDialog *setupdlg;
int Offset;
int numLaunchers; // number of quick launcher items
int x, y, w, h, h0, h1, w0, x0, w1, x1;
int rx, ry, rw, rh, uw; //current position
int ix, iy, iDist, iSpace;
int dw, dh, rdh;
int funcW, funcH;
int ii_first, ii_last;
int soffset, eoffset; //used in icon positioning
int sx, sw;
int adjust;
int fAmount;
int last_mx;
int last_ncx;
QPtrList<Item> items;//currently visible items
QPtrList<Item> witems;//all windows on all desktops
int iSize[MAX_ICONS + 1];//icon sizes
int cx[MAX_ICONS + 1];//positions of small icons
int cur_cx[MAX_ICONS + 1];//positions of visible icons
QPixmap offscr;//drawing buffer
KRootPixmap *rootpix;
KPixmap bottomBg;
KPixmap bottomBgf;
QPixmap topBg;
KAboutDialog *aboutDlg;
QTimer *mkbigTimer; //zoom animation timers
QTimer *mksmallTimer;
QTimer *mTimer; //mouse move emulator (can't use normal event instead)
QTimer *onChangeTimer; // used when a window has changed and we need to notify user
QTimer *trackTimer; //checks whether mouse touches screen edge
int animStep; // animation step, not in use yet
int iOnClick; // index of the quick launcher being clicked
WId cId; // id of the application (used in the right click menu over the taskbar)
QString cClass;
WId CurrentFocus;
int onChangeAnimStep;
KPopupMenu *deskpopup;
KPopupMenu *appMenu;
KPopupMenu *godesk;
KPopupMenu *tasklist;
KPopupMenu *popup;
KPopupMenu *advMenu;
int menuCount, currMenu;
bool allApps;
QPtrList<KPopupMenu> popups;
bool iGroup;
int dIndex, nDesks;
QPtrList<dInfo> desks;
bool fExpanded;
bool track2active;
/*Xosd Section */
QString nom;
QString aux;
//xosd *osd;
int xosd_st;
int showNames;
int fCleaner;
int xosdShadowOffset;
QString xosdFont;
QString xosdColor;
QString xosdShadowColor;
bool xosdBold;
bool xosdItalic;
int xosdSize;
KURIFilterData *_filterData;
xosd *xosdw;
int animValue;
int animState;
void run(QString cmd);
int func(int x);
int func2(int x);
void doUpdateGeometry();
bool addTask(WId id, int iFound=-1);
bool rmTask(WId id, int iFound=-1);
void rmwTask(int iFound);
bool addwTask(WId id);
void movetoback(WId id);
void loadConf();
void loadIgnore();
void saveConf();
void loadMenu();
void addWindows();
int itemFromPoint(int x);
int xFromIndex(int i);
void createMenu(WId id, KPopupMenu* tmpMenu, KWin::WindowInfo* info);
void updTaskList();
void addToTaskList(WId id);
void rmFromTaskList(WId id);
bool doRepaint;
int currXPos;
int lastXPos;
int lastYPos;
void init1();
void init2();
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * );
void mMoveEvent( int ex, int ey);
void mPress( int mx, int my, ButtonState srcButton);
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *);
void enterEvent(QEvent*);
void onleaveEvent(QEvent*);
void mksmallTimerstop();
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* event);
void dropEvent(QDropEvent* event);
public slots:
void edit();
void editPref();
void about();
void windowAdded(WId id);
void windowRemoved(WId id);
void windowChanged(WId id, unsigned int properties);
void activeWindowChanged(WId id);
void workAreaChanged();
void currentDesktopChanged(int);
void onChangeTimerTicked();
void updateBackground(const QPixmap&);
void moveApp();
void resizeApp();
void minApp();
void maxApp();
void restApp();
void minAllApps();
void maxAllApps();
void restAllApps();
void closeAllApps();
void shadeApp();
void activateApp();
void closeApp();
void editItem();
void removeItem();
void sendToDesktop(int);
void goToDesktop(int);
void goToWindow(int);
/* Systray support */
void systemTrayWindowAdded(WId id);
void systemTrayWindowRemoved(WId id);
void aboutToShow();
void aboutToHide();
void toggleAlwaysOnTop();
void toggleKeptBelowOthers();
void toggleFullScreen();
static void addFile(QString filename, QString iconname, QString execname, QString name, bool notify, bool terminal, bool tclose, bool, QString);
bool ignored(QString appname);
static void debug(QString message);
static void debug(QString);
void mkbigTimerDo();
void mksmallTimerDo();
void endProg();
void mTimerEnd();
void trackTimerEnd();
void trackTimer2End();
void restart();
void reload();
void chkRestart();
void refreshBackground();
void unhighlight();
void move2(int nx, int ny);
void resize2(int nw, int nh);
void getBottomBG();
void getTopBG();
void setDesktopIconsArea(int, int, int, int);
void setDockAbove();
void setDockBelow();
void menuX(int num);
void menuShow();
void pTest();

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
main.cpp - description
begin : Thu Jun 19 14:43:55 BST 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by KoolDock team
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kcrash.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kuniqueapplication.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "kooldock.h"
#define KOOLDOCK_VERSION "0.4.7"
QString argv0;
extern "C"
static void crashHandler(int /*signal*/)
char cmd[1024];
fprintf(stderr, "kooldock: crashHandler called\n");
snprintf(cmd, 1025, "%s &", argv0.ascii());
system(cmd); // try to restart according to argv[0]
static const char *description = I18N_NOOP("<center><b>KoolDock</b></center>A Kool Dock for KDE<br><br>KoolDock is based upon the original work of Dang Viet Dung, Ksmoothdock 2.1<br><br>");
static KCmdLineOptions options[] =
{ "o", 0, 0 },
{ "options", I18N_NOOP("Show configuration window on start"), 0 },
{ "k", 0, 0 },
{ "kill", I18N_NOOP("Kills all processes called Kooldock"), 0 },
{0, 0, 0}
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
KAboutData aboutData( "kooldock", I18N_NOOP("KoolDock"),
KOOLDOCK_VERSION, description, KAboutData::License_GPL,
"(c) 2003, 2006 - KoolDock team", 0, "", "");
aboutData.addAuthor("Matias Fernandez",0, "");
aboutData.addAuthor("Francisco Guidi",0, "", "");
aboutData.addAuthor("Blase Stanek", 0, "");
aboutData.addCredit("Mauricio Bahamonde", I18N_NOOP("Project Webmaster"), "", "");
aboutData.addCredit("Sebastian Sariego Benitez", I18N_NOOP("Icon and artwork"), "", "");
aboutData.setTranslator(I18N_NOOP("_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\nYour names"), I18N_NOOP("_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\nYour emails"));
KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options.
if (QString("%1").arg(argv[1])=="-kill" || QString("%1").arg(argv[1])=="-k")
system("killall kooldock");
if (!KUniqueApplication::start())
fprintf(stderr, "Kooldock is already running!\n");
KUniqueApplication a;
KApplication a;
KoolDock *kooldock = new KoolDock();
kdDebug(0) << "Installing crash handler" << endl;
KCrash::setEmergencySaveFunction(crashHandler); // Try to restart on crash
return a.exec();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
// C++ Implementation: setupdialogprg
// Description:
// Author: KoolDock team <>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kimageio.h>
#include <kicondialog.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <keditlistbox.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <qiconview.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
#include "setupdialog.h"
#include "setupdialogprg.h"
#include "apppropprg.h"
#include "appProp.h"
#include "kooldock.h"
SetupDialogPrg::SetupDialogPrg(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
: SetupDialog(parent, name)
//Ignore list handlers
gwm=new KWinModule();
connect(gwm, SIGNAL(activeWindowChanged(WId)), SLOT(activeWindowChanged(WId)));
//Remove useless buttons from widget
//End ignore list handlers
// some configuration variables
progPath = locateLocal("data", "kooldock");
menuPath = progPath + QString("/menu/");
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
appdlg=new appPropPrg();
connect(appdlg, SIGNAL(apply()), SLOT(appRestart()));
//Lets load the theme List
KStandardDirs sys;
QStringList bgPath = sys.findDirs("data", "kooldock/backgrounds");
for(unsigned int i=0; i<bgPath.count();i++)
QDir tmpdir(bgPath[i]);
QStringList theme_tmp(tmpdir.entryList(QDir::Dirs, QDir::Name));
//We do it like this to avoid showing "." and ".." instead of copying QDir::entryList directly into "theme"
for(unsigned int j=2; j<theme_tmp.count(); j++) theme->insertItem(theme_tmp[j]);
void SetupDialogPrg::appRestart()
if(!appdlg) return;
kdDebug(0) << "Refresh applist" << endl;
if(appdlg) delete(appdlg);
if(in) delete(in);
kdDebug(0) << "Destroying..." << endl;
// Setup dialog implementation
void SetupDialogPrg::iconsChanged()
void SetupDialogPrg::configOK()
void SetupDialogPrg::configApply()
int fShowTaskbar=0;
int fMinimizedOnly=0;
int fShowNotification=0;
int fShowBorders=0;
int fShowKMenu=0;
int fUseKBFX=0;
int fHidden=0;
int showNames=0;
int fCleaner=0;
int fHideOnClick=0;
int fStayBelow = 0;
int fSteppy=0;
int xinerama=0;
int fhideTimer=5;
int fShowNav=0;
int fSystray=0;
int fCurrent=0;
int fPriority=0;
int fpercentPos=0;
int fOrientation=0;
int fClipping=0;
int fClipIcons=0;
int fSpeed=0;
//Stop grabbing window
grabWin->setText(i18n("Grab Window"));
if (chk5->isChecked() == true) fShowTaskbar = 1;
if (cbMinimizedOnly->isChecked() == true) fMinimizedOnly = 1;
if (chk6->isChecked() == true) fShowNotification = 1;
if (chk4->isChecked() == true) fShowBorders = 1;
if (chk7->isChecked() == true) fShowKMenu = 1;
if (chkUseKBFX->isChecked() == true) fUseKBFX = 1;
if (chk1->isChecked() == true)
fHidden = 1;
fhideTimer = hideTimer->value();
if (chk2->isChecked() == true) showNames = 1;
if (cbCleaner->isChecked() == true) fCleaner = 1;
if (hideOnClick->isChecked() == true) fHideOnClick = 1;
if (cbStayBelow->isChecked() == true) fStayBelow = 1;
if (Steppy->isChecked() == true) fSteppy = 1;
if (xrma->isChecked() == true) xinerama=1;
if (nav->isChecked()==true) fShowNav=1;
if (systray->isChecked()==true) fSystray=1;
if (currentDesk->isChecked()==true) fCurrent=1;
if (chClipping->isChecked()==true) fClipping=1;
if (chClipIcons->isChecked()==true) fClipIcons=1;
if (chkSpeed->isChecked()==true) fSpeed=1;
kdDebug(0) << "Saving preferences..." << endl;
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
config->writeEntry("ShowTaskbar", fShowTaskbar);
config->writeEntry("MinimizedOnly", fMinimizedOnly);
config->writeEntry("ShowNotification", fShowNotification);
config->writeEntry("BorderColor", kColorCombo3->color().name());
config->writeEntry("SmallIconSize", iwSmall->value());
config->writeEntry("BigIconSize", iwBig->value());
config->writeEntry("BigIconAmount", fAmount->value());
config->writeEntry("iSpace", sbSpace->value());
config->writeEntry("BackgroundColor", kColorCombo2->color().name());
config->writeEntry("SeparatorColor", kColorCombo4->color().name());
config->writeEntry("ShowKMenu", fShowKMenu);
config->writeEntry("KBFX", fUseKBFX);
config->writeEntry("Hidden", fHidden);
config->writeEntry("HideOnClick", fHideOnClick);
config->writeEntry("StayBelow", fStayBelow);
config->writeEntry("fSteppy", fSteppy);
config->writeEntry("Xinerama", xinerama);
config->writeEntry("nWideBg", nWideBg->isChecked());
config->writeEntry("scaleMax", opScale2->isChecked());
if(xinerama==1) {config->writeEntry("leftRes", SleftRes->value()); config->writeEntry("XinDesiredHeight", SHeight->value()); config->writeEntry("XinPreviousWidth", PWidth->value());}
config->writeEntry("hideTimer", fhideTimer);
config->writeEntry("Navigator", fShowNav);
config->writeEntry("Systray", fSystray);
config->writeEntry("currentDesktop", fCurrent);
config->writeEntry("Priority", fPriority);
config->writeEntry("Clipping", fClipping);
config->writeEntry("ClipIconArea", fClipIcons);
config->writeEntry("percentPos", fpercentPos);
if (op1->isChecked()) fOrientation=1;
if (op2->isChecked()) fOrientation=2;
if (op3->isChecked()) fOrientation=3;
config->writeEntry("fOrientation", fOrientation);
config->writeEntry("zoomSpeed", zoomSpeed->value());
config->writeEntry("speedControl", fSpeed);
// kosd config
config->writeEntry("showNames", showNames);
config->writeEntry("Cleaner", fCleaner);
config->writeEntry("xosdFont", xosdFont->currentText());
config->writeEntry("xosdColor", kColorCombo1->color().name());
config->writeEntry("xosdShadowColor", kColorCombo_shadow->color().name());
config->writeEntry("xosdShadowOffset", spinBox2->value());
config->writeEntry("xosdSize", xosdSize->value());
if (xosdBold->isChecked())
config->writeEntry("xosdBold", 1);
config->writeEntry("xosdBold", 0);
if (xosdItalic->isChecked())
config->writeEntry("xosdItalic", 1);
config->writeEntry("xosdItalic", 0);
config->writeEntry("ShowSShot", chkSshot->isChecked());
config->writeEntry("iconGrouping", chkGrouping->isChecked());
// save background configurations
if (chkImg->isChecked())
//Lets find exactly where the selected theme is
KStandardDirs sys;
QString theme_dir="kooldock/backgrounds/"+theme->currentText();
QStringList bgPath = sys.findDirs("data", theme_dir);
//Lets set the images and write the config
QString LeftImg=(QString)bgPath[0]+"background-left.png";
QString CenterImg=(QString)bgPath[0]+"background-center.png";
QString RightImg=(QString)bgPath[0]+"background-right.png";
// background image enabled
config->writeEntry("Solid", 0);
config->writeEntry("Theme", theme->currentText());
config->writeEntry("LeftImg", LeftImg);
config->writeEntry("RightImg", RightImg);
config->writeEntry("CenterImg", CenterImg);
config->writeEntry("ShowBorders", 0);
config->writeEntry("DockOpacity", 0);
// background image disabled
config->writeEntry("Solid", 1);
config->writeEntry("Theme", "");
config->writeEntry("LeftImg", "");
config->writeEntry("RightImg", "");
config->writeEntry("CenterImg", "");
config->writeEntry("ShowBorders", fShowBorders);
config->writeEntry("DockOpacity", spinBox1->value());
// write ignore list to file
QString progPath = locateLocal("data", "kooldock");
QString menuPath = progPath + QString("/menu/");
filepath = QString(progPath + "/ignorelist.conf");
QFile out(filepath);
if (
QTextStream out_s(&out);
for(int i=0; i<ignoreBox->count(); i++)
out_s << ignoreBox->text(i) << "\n";
emit apply();
void SetupDialogPrg::configCancel()
//Stop grabbing Windows
grabWin->setText(i18n("Grab Window"));
void SetupDialogPrg::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e )
void SetupDialogPrg::chkFont()
bool tmp; //just to save some code
void SetupDialogPrg::xrma_clicked()
if(xrma->isChecked()==true) {SleftRes->setEnabled(true); SHeight->setEnabled(true); PWidth->setEnabled(true);}
if(xrma->isChecked()==false) {SleftRes->setEnabled(false); SHeight->setEnabled(false); PWidth->setEnabled(false);}
void SetupDialogPrg::chkTask()
bool tmp;
void SetupDialogPrg::chkHidden()
bool tmp;
void SetupDialogPrg::applist_dropped(QDropEvent*e,const QValueList<QIconDragItem>&)
KIconLoader icon_obj;
QStringList lst;
QString name;
int pos;
QUriDrag::decodeLocalFiles(e, lst);
//Lets see if it is a desktop file
pos=name.findRev(".desktop", -1);
KSimpleConfig *desktopfile;
kdDebug(0) << "Desktop file dropped!" << endl;
desktopfile = new KSimpleConfig(lst[0], TRUE);
desktopfile->setGroup("Desktop Entry");
//It was not a dekstop file, so lets create a new entry
//Lets set a default name based on the program name
pos=name.findRev("/", -1);
name.remove(1, pos);
name.remove("/", TRUE);
//Now we create and show the appProp dialog
//appdlg=new appPropPrg();
//Based on the program name, lets try to set an icon; if it does
//not exists, the system will set the "default" icon
void SetupDialogPrg::removeLauncher()
QString question=i18n("Do you want to remove ") + fileName + QString("?");
int remove = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, question, i18n("Remove Launcher"));
if(remove!=KMessageBox::Yes) return;
KSimpleConfig *desktopfile;
QDir homeDir = QDir::home();
if (homeDir.exists(progPath))
QDir dir(menuPath);
QStringList fileListRemove;
fileListRemove = dir.entryList("*.desktop");
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fileListRemove.begin(); it != fileListRemove.end(); ++it )
if ( ((*it) != ".") && ((*it) != "..") )
desktopfile = new KSimpleConfig( menuPath + (*it), TRUE);
desktopfile->setGroup("Desktop Entry");
kdDebug(0) << "Removing " << menuPath + (*it) << endl;
kdDebug(0) << "Item removed!" << endl;
//Lets update the launchers index
QString preffix;
QStringList fileListRemove2=fileListRemove;
//Not really sure why I couldn't do this within the other for, something like fileListRemove[i].remove(0,2).prepend(preffix), but hell it works
for(unsigned int i=0; i<fileListRemove2.count(); i++)
//Rename the files so they reflect their new position
for(unsigned int i=0; i<fileListRemove.count(); i++)
if(i<10) preffix=QString("0%1").arg(i);
if(i>=10) preffix=QString("%1").arg(i);
dir.rename(fileListRemove[i], QString("%1%2").arg(preffix).arg(fileListRemove2[i]));
//End updating
kdDebug(0) << "Unable to remove file!" << endl;
void SetupDialogPrg::grabWin_clicked()
grabWin->setText(i18n("Grab Window"));
void SetupDialogPrg::activeWindowChanged(WId id)
KWin::WindowInfo winfo;
QString ninfo=winfo.visibleName();
void SetupDialogPrg::buttonadd_clicked()
void SetupDialogPrg::showEvent(QShowEvent *)
//Here we fill the applist
void SetupDialogPrg::appFill()
// fill the application list.
KSimpleConfig *desktopfile;
QDir homeDir = QDir::home();
KIconLoader icon_obj;
QPixmap pixm;
QDir dir(menuPath);
fileList = dir.entryList("*.desktop");
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it )
if ( ((*it) != ".") && ((*it) != "..") )
desktopfile = new KSimpleConfig( menuPath + (*it), TRUE);
desktopfile->setGroup("Desktop Entry");
QPixmap pixm=icon_obj.loadIcon(desktopfile->readEntry("Icon") ,KIcon::Desktop,0,KIcon::DefaultState,0L,false);
new KIconViewItem(applist, desktopfile->readEntry("Name"), pixm);
void SetupDialogPrg::hideEvent ( QHideEvent * )
// the application list is erased here.
void SetupDialogPrg::appClear()
void SetupDialogPrg::left()
if (oldPos>0) {setnewpos(oldPos-1); oldPos--;iconsChanged();}
void SetupDialogPrg::right()
if (oldPos!=-1 && oldPos < (int)fileList.count()-1) {setnewpos(oldPos+1); oldPos++;iconsChanged();}
void SetupDialogPrg::applist_clicked(QIconViewItem *e, const QPoint&)
void SetupDialogPrg::applist_contextMenuRequested(QIconViewItem *e,const QPoint&)
KPopupMenu *popup=new KPopupMenu();
KPopupMenu *setpos=new KPopupMenu();
connect(setpos, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setnewpos(int)));
//Load desktop data
KSimpleConfig *desktopfile;
QDir dir(menuPath);
fileList = dir.entryList("*.desktop");
int i=0;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it )
if ( ((*it) != ".") && ((*it) != "..") )
desktopfile = new KSimpleConfig( menuPath + (*it), TRUE);
desktopfile->setGroup("Desktop Entry");
int menustate=setpos->insertItem(QString("%1").arg(desktopfile->readEntry("Name")),i);
if(i==oldPos) {setpos->setItemEnabled(menustate, false);filepath=menuPath + (*it);}
//End Load
popup->insertItem(i18n("Swap with"), setpos);
popup->insertItem(i18n("&Edit item"), this, SLOT(editItem()));
popup->insertItem(i18n("Remove"), this, SLOT(removeLauncher()));
if(popup) delete(popup);
if(setpos) delete(setpos);
void SetupDialogPrg::editItem()
KRun::runCommand("kfmclient openProperties " + filepath, "kfmclient", "");
void SetupDialogPrg::setnewpos(int newpos)
kdDebug(0) << "New pos " << QString("0%1").arg(newpos) << "requested for: " << fileName<< endl;
if(newpos==oldPos) return; //Nothing to be done
void SetupDialogPrg::computeNewPos(int pos)
QString preffix, preffix2;
QDir dir(menuPath);
fileList = dir.entryList("*.desktop");
//Lets remove the preffix of the files from fileList
for(unsigned int i=0; i<fileList.count(); i++)
//Preffix for old position
if(oldPos<10) preffix=QString("0%1").arg(oldPos);
if(oldPos>=10) preffix=QString("%1").arg(oldPos);
//Preffix for new position
if(pos<10) preffix2=QString("0%1").arg(pos);
if(pos>=10) preffix2=QString("%1").arg(pos);
kdDebug(0) << "Old Position: " << oldPos << endl;
kdDebug(0) << "New Position: " << pos << endl;
dir.rename(QString("%1%2").arg(preffix).arg(fileList[oldPos]), QString("%1%2").arg(preffix2).arg(fileList[oldPos]));
dir.rename(QString("%1%2").arg(preffix2).arg(fileList[pos]), QString("%1%2").arg(preffix).arg(fileList[pos]));
void SetupDialogPrg::chkImgSlot()
if (chkImg->isChecked())
void SetupDialogPrg::chkSolidSlot()
if (chkSolid->isChecked())
#include "setupdialogprg.moc"

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
// C++ Interface: setupdialogprg
// Description:
// Author: KoolDock team <>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "setupdialog.h"
#include "apppropprg.h"
// QT includes
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kfontcombo.h>
#include <kcolorcombo.h>
#include <ktextedit.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kfontdialog.h>
#include <kwinmodule.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
@author KoolDock team
class KoolDock;
class SetupDialogPrg : public SetupDialog
SetupDialogPrg(QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
appProp *appdlg;
QString progPath;
QString menuPath;
KWinModule *gwm;
KLineEdit *in;
QPushButton *up;
QPushButton *down;
int grabbing;
int oldPos;
QString fileName;
QStringList fileList;
QString filepath;
public slots:
void editItem();
void iconsChanged();
void configOK();
void configApply();
void configCancel();
void chkHidden();
void chkImgSlot();
void chkSolidSlot();
void chkFont();
void chkTask();
void applist_dropped(QDropEvent*,const QValueList<QIconDragItem>&);
void buttonadd_clicked();
void applist_clicked(QIconViewItem *, const QPoint&);
void appRestart();
void appFill();
void appClear();
void grabWin_clicked();
void activeWindowChanged(WId id);
void applist_contextMenuRequested(QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&);
void removeLauncher();
void setnewpos(int);
void xrma_clicked();
void left();
void right();
void apply();
void computeNewPos(int);
void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* );
void showEvent ( QShowEvent * );
void hideEvent ( QHideEvent * );

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
#include "xosd.h"
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#include <netwm_def.h>
#include <kwin.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
xosd::xosd(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name, WStyle_Customize | WRepaintNoErase | WStyle_NoBorder | WDestructiveClose | WResizeNoErase | WMouseNoMask | WStyle_StaysOnTop | WX11BypassWM)
info = new NETWinInfo( qt_xdisplay(), winId(), qt_xrootwin(), NET::WMState);
info->setDesktop( NETWinInfo::OnAllDesktops );
KWin::setState(winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar | NET::SkipPager);
setCaption("kooldock xosd window");
void xosd::setColor(QString color)
void xosd::setShadowColor(QString color)
void xosd::setOrientation(int orientation, int w, int mh)
if (fCleaner==1)
//font is set, so program can get its height to prepare background buffer
QFontMetrics *metrics = new QFontMetrics(f);
h = metrics->height();
bgBuffer = QPixmap(dw, h);
maskBuffer = QPixmap(dw, h, true);
bgBuffer = QPixmap::grabWindow(qt_xrootwin(), 0, 0, dw, h);
//Enables/disables dynamic background
void xosd::setClear(int nClean)
fCleaner = nClean;
void xosd::setShadowOffset(int off)
void xosd::setText(QString t)
// NOTICE: it appears that with WX11BypassWM, resize() doesn't flick the widget anymore :)
// so, setMask() is no more needed.
// -- Matias
text = t;
QFontMetrics *metrics = new QFontMetrics(f);
w = metrics->width(text);
w = w + shadowOffset + 5; // 5 pixels more
h = metrics->height();
yOffset = metrics->height()-metrics->descent();
void xosd::setFont(QString font)
void xosd::setItalic()
void xosd::setBold()
void xosd::setSize(int size)
fontSize = size;
/*int xosd::w()
QFontMetrics *metrics = new QFontMetrics(f);
return (metrics->width(text) + shadowOffset + 5);
int xosd::h()
QFontMetrics *metrics = new QFontMetrics(f);
return metrics->height();
void xosd::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
int i, j;
QPixmap pm(size());
QBitmap bm(size());
QPainter p;
//Drawing text
p.begin(&pm, this);
if (fCleaner==1)
//Dynamic background - look cleaner
bitBlt(&pm, 0, 0, &bgBuffer, lastX, 0, w, h);
//One colour background - work faster
p.fillRect (rect(), QColor(shadowColor));
p.setPen( QColor(shadowColor) );
p.drawText(shadowOffset, yOffset + shadowOffset, text, AlignCenter); // draw shadow text
// now, draw normal text
p.setPen( QColor(fontColor) );
p.drawText(1, yOffset, text, AlignCenter); // draw front text
//Drawing mask
p.begin(&bm, this);
// now we must draw the text with black color for making the mask
p.setPen( Qt::white );
p.fillRect (rect(), Qt::black);
for (i=-fCleaner;i<=fCleaner;i++)
for (j=-fCleaner;j<=fCleaner;j++)
p.drawText(shadowOffset+i, yOffset + shadowOffset+j, text, AlignCenter); // shadow
p.drawText(1+i, yOffset+j, text, AlignCenter); // front
bitBlt(this, 0, 0, &pm); // update the widget
if (fCleaner==1) bitBlt(&maskBuffer, 0, 0, &bm);
info->setState(NETWinInfo::SkipTaskbar | NETWinInfo::SkipPager, NETWinInfo::SkipTaskbar | NETWinInfo::SkipPager);
void xosd::move2(int x, int y)
//bit block transfer don't work propertly with too less cursor position changes
if (abs(lastY-y)>2 || abs(lastX-x)>2)
if (fCleaner==1)
QPixmap tmpBuffer;
//window is not hidden
if (y!=rdh)
tmpBuffer = QPixmap::grabWindow(qt_xrootwin(), 0, y, dw, h);
if (lastY!=rdh)
//fill background covered with the text with cached version
if (fOrientation==0 ) //horizontal
bitBlt(&tmpBuffer, lastX, 0, &maskBuffer, 0, 0, w, h, Qt::AndROP);//copying part, which hides only the text
bitBlt(&bgBuffer, lastX, 0, &maskBuffer, 0, 0, w, h, Qt::NotAndROP);//so the background won't be covered by
bitBlt(&tmpBuffer, lastX, 0, &bgBuffer, lastX, 0, w, h, Qt::OrROP);//currently visible text.
if (fOrientation==1) //vertical
if (y<lastY && (y+h)>lastY)
bitBlt(&tmpBuffer, lastX, lastY-y, &maskBuffer, 0, 0, w, h, Qt::AndROP);
bitBlt(&bgBuffer, lastX, 0, &maskBuffer, 0, 0, w, h, Qt::NotAndROP);
bitBlt(&tmpBuffer, lastX, lastY-y, &bgBuffer, lastX, 0, w, h, Qt::OrROP);
if (y>lastY && (y-lastY)<h)
bitBlt(&tmpBuffer, lastX, 0, &maskBuffer, 0, 0, w, h, Qt::AndROP);
bitBlt(&bgBuffer, lastX, y-lastY, &maskBuffer, 0, 0, w, h, Qt::NotAndROP);
bitBlt(&tmpBuffer, lastX, 0, &bgBuffer, lastX, y-lastY, w, h, Qt::OrROP);

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#ifndef XOSD_H_
#define XOSD_H_
#include <config.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#include <kwin.h>
class xosd : public QWidget
xosd(QWidget* parent=0, const char *name=0);
virtual ~xosd();
void setText(QString t);
void setFont(QString font);
void setItalic();
void setBold();
void setSize(int size);
void setColor(QString color);
void setShadowColor(QString color);
void setShadowOffset(int off);
void move2(int x, int y);
void setOrientation(int orientation, int w, int mh);
void setClear(int nClean);
int yOffset;
int w, h;
int fontSize;
int fontStyle;
QString fontFamily;
NETWinInfo *info;
QString text;
QFont f;
QString fontColor;
QString shadowColor;
int shadowOffset;
int fOrientation;
QPixmap bgBuffer;
int dw, rdh;
int lastX, lastY;
int fCleaner;
QPixmap maskBuffer;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
#endif // XOSD_H_

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@