Added KDE3 version of Yakuake

git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
tpearson 15 years ago
commit bd2ea3c166

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Eike Hein <>
Francois Chazal (Inactive)

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
GNU Free Documentation License
Version 1.2, November 2002
Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible
for modifications made by others.
This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
license designed for free software.
We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals;
it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License
principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a
world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that
work under the conditions stated herein. The "Document", below,
refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a
licensee, and is addressed as "you". You accept the license if you
copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission
under copyright law.
A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
modifications and/or translated into another language.
A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
(or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a
textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical
connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding
The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
that says that the Document is released under this License. If a
section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not
allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero
Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant
Sections then there are none.
The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may
be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.
A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
represented in a format whose specification is available to the
general public, that is suitable for revising the document
straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart
or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.
An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount
of text. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".
Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of
transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats
include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by
proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
processing tools are not generally available, and the
machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word
processors for output purposes only.
The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in
formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document whose
title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following
text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a
specific section name mentioned below, such as "Acknowledgements",
"Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".) To "Preserve the Title"
of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a
section "Entitled XYZ" according to this definition.
The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which
states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty
Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this
License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has
no effect on the meaning of this License.
You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use
technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept
compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough
number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.
You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
you may publicly display copies.
If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have
printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the
Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present
the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition.
Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
as verbatim copying in other respects.
If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent
If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
a computer-network location from which the general network-using
public has access to download using public-standard network protocols
a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material.
If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps,
when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure
that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an
Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that
edition to the public.
It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give
them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.
You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
(which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version
if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five),
unless they release you from this requirement.
C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
Modified Version, as the publisher.
D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
adjacent to the other copyright notices.
F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add
to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one
stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
Version as stated in the previous sentence.
J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section.
You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all
the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements
and/or dedications given therein.
L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers
or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section
may not be included in the Modified Version.
N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements"
or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the
list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a
You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already
includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.
The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.
The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.
In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History"
in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled
"History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements",
and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections
Entitled "Endorsements".
You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this
License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in
the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for
verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.
You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute
it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this
License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all
other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.
A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright
resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights
of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not
apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves
derivative works of the Document.
If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of
the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.
Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole
Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a
translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include
the original English version of this License and the original versions
of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between
the translation and the original version of this License or a notice
or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.
If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
"Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve
its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual
You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except
as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to
copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
automatically terminate your rights under this License. However,
parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this
License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions
of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See
Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version
number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.
ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
the License in the document and put the following copyright and
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Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Changes in 2.8.1:
* Added an option to control whether the Yakuake window keeps above other
* Improved experience for non-KDE users by disabling KRootPixmap-based
pseudo-translucency for them. Gets rid of rendering errors with skins
that make use of the alpha channel. Replaced by configurable skin back-
ground color.
* Fix leftover gap below the window at 100% height or in fullscreen mode.
* Added option to automatically open the Yakuake window when the pointer
touches the screen edge it lives on.
Changes in 2.8:
- Changes since 2.8-beta1:
* Made the new behavior of the Open/Retract action focussing an already
open Yakuake window optional.
* The Xinerama screen setting is now updated when the window is moved to
a different screen using facilities outside of Yakuake itself, such as
the new shortcuts provided by Lubos Lunak's Xinerama Improvements patch-
set for KWin 3.5.x. The window size and position get updated to fit the
new bounding box accordingly.
* Initial session tab label naming is now consistent with Konsole. Instead
of naively incrementing the shell number, the lowest available number is
* Swapped horizontal and vertical split actions for consistency with Kate.
* Added slotSessionName() and slotSessionName(int session_id) DCOP Calls.
* Added sessionIdList() and terminalIdList(int session_id) DCOP calls.
* Naming consistency improvements in the DCOP interface.
* Added more What's This help in the config dialog.
* Minor interface wording improvements.
* Greatly expanded translation coverage.
- Changes in 2.8-beta1:
* Added a proper config dialog. Scale and position settings are previewed in
real-time as the controls are moved.
* Added a Skins page to the config dialog, allowing to list, choose, install and
remove (given the necessary write permissions) skins. The skin format has been
slightly augmented to allow skins to ship a preview icon for the list. Skins can
be switched at runtime without a restart.
* The Plastik skin by Daniel 'suslik' D. has been added to the base package.
* Added support for splitting a session into multiple terminals. Horizontal and
vertical splits can be added and removed at will, as well as resized and
collapsed. To add a split at the active terminal's position, use the keyboard
shortcuts or the session tab context menu. To open a session preconfigred with
a certain split layout click and hold the New Session button on the tab bar,
then choose from the list, or set up keyboard shortcuts for the preconfigured
session types in the shortcut dialog.
* The main menu has been redesigned to conform more to established KDE practices
in layout and naming. Several items have been added corresponding to new Yakuake
* Added a fullscreen mode.
* Improved support for Xinerama multi-head setups.
* Added a first-run dialog to allow changing the open/close shortcut before it
is needed. Note: First-time users of this Yakuake version will be greeted by
this dialog as well.
* Added an About dialog.
* The startup notification popup can now be disabled in the config dialog.
* Activating the open/close shortcut will now bring the Yakuake window to the
foreground and focus it if it was already open but unfocussed, at popular
* Opening dialogs from Yakuake will no longer cause the window to retract.
* Tabs can now be moved. Added corresponding keyboard shortcuts.
* Tabs now have context menus containing several relevant actions, such as
moving and closing them.
* Double-clicking the tab-bar will now open a new session, consistent with
Konsole and other KDE applications.
* Renaming a tab using the in-line edit feature now requires a double-click on
the tab, consistent with established KDE behavior.
* The in-line tab renaming control can now be cancelled with ESC.
* Fixed the interaction model of the tab bar and the buttons to allow cancelling
activations by releasing the mouse button outside of them.
* Added various new keyboard shortcuts corresponding to new Yakuake features and
improved consistency with Konsole in existing shortcuts (e.g. added the
alternate new session shortcut from Konsole).
* Added keyboard shortcuts to switch to session 1 through 12.
* Added keyboard shortcuts to adjust the width and height of the window.
* Added an action and shortcut to paste the X11 selection buffer.
* Added an action to quit Yakuake.
* Made the quit warning with multiple open sessions behave consistently with
* Greatly expanded DCOP interface. Added various new calls corresponding to new
Yakuake features. Made it easier to get information about the application's
state out of it, e.g. the title text of a session or sub-terminal. Fixed bugs
that caused related calls to reply with incorrect information.
* Added What's This help and tooltips to interface elements.
* Optimized the title bar to avoid unnecessary repaints.
* Fixed crashes when using the slotRunCommandInSession DCOP call due to lack of
bounds-checking. Fixed a similar problem with slotRenameSession.
* Bugs that caused the background updating of translucent parts of the Yakuake
window to stop have been fixed.
* Adding a translucent session while the window is closed should no longer
result in a corrupted terminal background when opening the Yakuake window.
* Yakuake will now fall back to the default skin on startup if the skin stored
in the settings cannot be found, rather than crash.
* Fixed a crash when loading non-translucent button images from skins.
* Bugs that caused the quick access options in the menu to come out of sync with
the actual settings have been fixed.
* Fixed " - " postfix showing after the session title text when using skins
without their own postfix.
* Fixed a crash when a terminal in a tab other than the currently selected tab
* Ported preferences handling to KDE's KConfigXT framework. Aside from cleaner
code, this improves over the old preferences handling by avoiding unnecessary
disk activity (and thus spurious hard drive spin-ups on laptop computers and
other battery-bound devices).
* Disabled startup notifications (i.e. KDE's bouncing cursor) for Yakuake.
* Updated the installation colation of the .desktop menu file to conform to
modern XDG standards.
Changes in 2.7.5:
* Further translations have been added.
* Yakuake no longer spawns login shells in new sessions.
* A keyboard shortcut to rename the selected session has been added.
* The default keyboard shortcuts and their names are now consistent with
* A bug that led to the tab bar not updating after a slotSelectSession DCOP
call was issued has been fixed.
* A bug that could lead to the slotRenameSession DCOP call failing to set a
session label after an older session had been closed has been fixed.
* Upon attempting to set an all-whitespace session label, the label will now
fall back to its prior setting rather than a default label.
* Yakuake will now display a warning before quitting the application with
multiple tabs open.
Changes in 2.7.4:
* A bug in the Makefiles that led to the configure script being run twice has
been fixed.
* The source code is now localizable. First translations are included.
* A bug that could result in a crash on quit has been fixed.
* A bug that could prevent the first line in a new session from being used up to
the full width of the terminal has been fixed.
* The COLORTERM environment variable is now being set in new sessions,
triggering the color detection of Midnight Commander.
* The default session labels are now consistent with Konsole.
* Whitespace at the beginning or end of session labels will now be trimmed.
* Setting all-whitespace session labels is no longer possible.
Changes in 2.7.3:
* Inline renaming of tabs by double-clicking on the tab label
* Processes can now interact with titlebar text
* DCOP call slotToggleState to open/close Yakuake
* DCOP call slotGetSelectedSession
* DCOP call slotSetTitleText

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
Basic Installation
These are generic installation instructions.
The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses
those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, a file
`config.cache' that saves the results of its tests to speed up
reconfiguring, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output
(useful mainly for debugging `configure').
If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
be considered for the next release. If at some point `config.cache'
contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
The file `' is used to create `configure' by a program
called `autoconf'. You only need `' if you want to change
it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'.
The simplest way to compile this package is:
1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
`./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're
using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type
`sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute
`configure' itself.
Running `configure' takes a while. While running, it prints some
messages telling which features it is checking for.
2. Type `make' to compile the package.
3. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
4. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
source code directory by typing `make clean'.
Compilers and Options
Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
the `configure' script does not know about. You can give `configure'
initial values for variables by setting them in the environment. Using
a Bourne-compatible shell, you can do that on the command line like
CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix ./configure
Or on systems that have the `env' program, you can do it like this:
env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-s ./configure
Compiling For Multiple Architectures
You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that
supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the
directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the
source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
If you have to use a `make' that does not supports the `VPATH'
variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a time
in the source code directory. After you have installed the package for
one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring for another
Installation Names
By default, `make install' will install the package's files in
`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an
installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the
option `--prefix=PATH'.
You can specify separate installation prefixes for
architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you
give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use
PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix.
If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
Optional Features
Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The
`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
package recognizes.
For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
Specifying the System Type
There may be some features `configure' can not figure out
automatically, but needs to determine by the type of host the package
will run on. Usually `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
a message saying it can not guess the host type, give it the
`--host=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system
type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name with three fields:
See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If
`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
need to know the host type.
If you are building compiler tools for cross-compiling, you can also
use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will
produce code for and the `--build=TYPE' option to select the type of
system on which you are compiling the package.
Sharing Defaults
If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
you can create a site shell script called `' that gives
default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then
`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists. Or, you can set the
`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
Operation Controls
`configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of
`./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for
debugging `configure'.
Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
Do not print messages saying which checks are being made.
Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually
`configure' can determine that directory automatically.
Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
script, and exit.
`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.6.1
include admin/
include admin/

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.6.1
include admin/
include admin/

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Yakuake is a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology.
It's a KDE Extragear application released under GPL v2.
The current maintainer of Yakuake is Eike Hein <>.
Yakuake requires kdelibs and Konsole from KDE 3.4.0 or higher.
The Yakuake website is located at:
Report bugs and wishes at:

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Planned for future releases:
- Session management UI.
- More flexible theming.
- COMPOSITE support.

@ -0,0 +1 @@
yakuake version 2.8.1

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

aclocal.m4 vendored

@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
# generated automatically by aclocal 1.10 -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
# 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.61],,
[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.61.
You have another version of autoconf. If you want to use that,
you should regenerate the build system entirely.], [63])])
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# ----------------------------
# Automake X.Y traces this macro to ensure aclocal.m4 has been
# generated from the m4 files accompanying Automake X.Y.
# (This private macro should not be called outside this file.)
dnl Some users find AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION and mistake it for a way to
dnl require some minimum version. Point them to the right macro.
m4_if([$1], [1.10], [],
[AC_FATAL([Do not call $0, use AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([$1]).])])dnl
# -----------------------------
# aclocal traces this macro to find the Autoconf version.
# This is a private macro too. Using m4_define simplifies
# the logic in aclocal, which can simply ignore this definition.
m4_define([_AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION], [])
# -------------------------------
# Call AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION and AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION so they can be traced.
# This function is AC_REQUIREd by AC_INIT_AUTOMAKE.
# AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# For projects using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([foo]), Autoconf sets
# $ac_aux_dir to `$srcdir/foo'. In other projects, it is set to
# `$srcdir', `$srcdir/..', or `$srcdir/../..'.
# Of course, Automake must honor this variable whenever it calls a
# tool from the auxiliary directory. The problem is that $srcdir (and
# therefore $ac_aux_dir as well) can be either absolute or relative,
# depending on how configure is run. This is pretty annoying, since
# it makes $ac_aux_dir quite unusable in subdirectories: in the top
# source directory, any form will work fine, but in subdirectories a
# relative path needs to be adjusted first.
# $ac_aux_dir/missing
# fails when called from a subdirectory if $ac_aux_dir is relative
# $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing
# fails if $ac_aux_dir is absolute,
# fails when called from a subdirectory in a VPATH build with
# a relative $ac_aux_dir
# The reason of the latter failure is that $top_srcdir and $ac_aux_dir
# are both prefixed by $srcdir. In an in-source build this is usually
# harmless because $srcdir is `.', but things will broke when you
# start a VPATH build or use an absolute $srcdir.
# So we could use something similar to $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing,
# iff we strip the leading $srcdir from $ac_aux_dir. That would be:
# am_aux_dir='\$(top_srcdir)/'`expr "$ac_aux_dir" : "$srcdir//*\(.*\)"`
# and then we would define $MISSING as
# MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing"
# This will work as long as MISSING is not called from configure, because
# unfortunately $(top_srcdir) has no meaning in configure.
# However there are other variables, like CC, which are often used in
# configure, and could therefore not use this "fixed" $ac_aux_dir.
# Another solution, used here, is to always expand $ac_aux_dir to an
# absolute PATH. The drawback is that using absolute paths prevent a
# configured tree to be moved without reconfiguration.
[dnl Rely on autoconf to set up CDPATH properly.
# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path
am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd`
# AM_CONDITIONAL -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 8
# -------------------------------------
# Define a conditional.
ifelse([$1], [TRUE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])],
[$1], [FALSE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])])dnl
if $2; then
[if test -z "${$1_TRUE}" && test -z "${$1_FALSE}"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([[conditional "$1" was never defined.
Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally.]])
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 9
# There are a few dirty hacks below to avoid letting `AC_PROG_CC' be
# written in clear, in which case automake, when reading aclocal.m4,
# will think it sees a *use*, and therefore will trigger all it's
# C support machinery. Also note that it means that autoscan, seeing
# CC etc. in the Makefile, will ask for an AC_PROG_CC use...
# ----------------------
# See how the compiler implements dependency checking.
# NAME is "CC", "CXX", "GCJ", or "OBJC".
# We try a few techniques and use that to set a single cache variable.
# We don't AC_REQUIRE the corresponding AC_PROG_CC since the latter was
# modified to invoke _AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC); we would have a circular
# dependency, and given that the user is not expected to run this macro,
# just rely on AC_PROG_CC.
ifelse([$1], CC, [depcc="$CC" am_compiler_list=],
[$1], CXX, [depcc="$CXX" am_compiler_list=],
[$1], OBJC, [depcc="$OBJC" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'],
[$1], UPC, [depcc="$UPC" am_compiler_list=],
[$1], GCJ, [depcc="$GCJ" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'],
[depcc="$$1" am_compiler_list=])
AC_CACHE_CHECK([dependency style of $depcc],
[if test -z "$AMDEP_TRUE" && test -f "$am_depcomp"; then
# We make a subdir and do the tests there. Otherwise we can end up
# making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove. For
# instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up
# making a dummy file named `D' -- because `-MD' means `put the output
# in D'.
mkdir conftest.dir
# Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're
# using a relative directory.
cp "$am_depcomp" conftest.dir
cd conftest.dir
# We will build objects and dependencies in a subdirectory because
# it helps to detect inapplicable dependency modes. For instance
# both Tru64's cc and ICC support -MD to output dependencies as a
# side effect of compilation, but ICC will put the dependencies in
# the current directory while Tru64 will put them in the object
# directory.
mkdir sub
if test "$am_compiler_list" = ""; then
am_compiler_list=`sed -n ['s/^#*\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\))$/\1/p'] < ./depcomp`
for depmode in $am_compiler_list; do
# Setup a source with many dependencies, because some compilers
# like to wrap large dependency lists on column 80 (with \), and
# we should not choose a depcomp mode which is confused by this.
# We need to recreate these files for each test, as the compiler may
# overwrite some of them when testing with obscure command lines.
# This happens at least with the AIX C compiler.
: > sub/conftest.c
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c
# Using `: > sub/conftst$i.h' creates only sub/conftst1.h with
# Solaris 8's {/usr,}/bin/sh.
touch sub/conftst$i.h
echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf
case $depmode in
# after this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll
# only be used when explicitly requested
if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then
none) break ;;
# We check with `-c' and `-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout"
# mode. It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly
# handle `-M -o', and we need to detect this.
if depmode=$depmode \
source=sub/conftest.c object=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} \
depfile=sub/conftest.Po tmpdepfile=sub/conftest.TPo \
$SHELL ./depcomp $depcc -c -o sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.c \
>/dev/null 2>conftest.err &&
grep sub/conftst1.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
grep sub/conftst6.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
grep sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
${MAKE-make} -s -f confmf > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# icc doesn't choke on unknown options, it will just issue warnings
# or remarks (even with -Werror). So we grep stderr for any message
# that says an option was ignored or not supported.
# When given -MP, icc 7.0 and 7.1 complain thusly:
# icc: Command line warning: ignoring option '-M'; no argument required
# The diagnosis changed in icc 8.0:
# icc: Command line remark: option '-MP' not supported
if (grep 'ignoring option' conftest.err ||
grep 'not supported' conftest.err) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
cd ..
rm -rf conftest.dir
AC_SUBST([$1DEPMODE], [depmode=$am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type])
AM_CONDITIONAL([am__fastdep$1], [
test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno \
&& test "$am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type" = gcc3])
# -------------
# Choose a directory name for dependency files.
AC_SUBST([DEPDIR], ["${am__leading_dot}deps"])dnl
# ------------
[ --disable-dependency-tracking speeds up one-time build
--enable-dependency-tracking do not reject slow dependency extractors])
if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then
AM_CONDITIONAL([AMDEP], [test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno])
# Generate code to set up dependency tracking. -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
#serial 3
# ------------------------------
[for mf in $CONFIG_FILES; do
# Strip MF so we end up with the name of the file.
mf=`echo "$mf" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`
# Check whether this is an Automake generated Makefile or not.
# We used to match only the files named `', but
# some people rename them; so instead we look at the file content.
# Grep'ing the first line is not enough: some people post-process
# each and add a new line on top of each file to say so.
# Grep'ing the whole file is not good either: AIX grep has a line
# limit of 2048, but all sed's we know have understand at least 4000.
if sed 10q "$mf" | grep '^#.*generated by automake' > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# Extract the definition of DEPDIR, am__include, and am__quote
# from the Makefile without running `make'.
DEPDIR=`sed -n 's/^DEPDIR = //p' < "$mf"`
test -z "$DEPDIR" && continue
am__include=`sed -n 's/^am__include = //p' < "$mf"`
test -z "am__include" && continue
am__quote=`sed -n 's/^am__quote = //p' < "$mf"`
# When using ansi2knr, U may be empty or an underscore; expand it
U=`sed -n 's/^U = //p' < "$mf"`
# Find all dependency output files, they are included files with
# $(DEPDIR) in their names. We invoke sed twice because it is the
# simplest approach to changing $(DEPDIR) to its actual value in the
# expansion.
for file in `sed -n "
s/^$am__include $am__quote\(.*(DEPDIR).*\)$am__quote"'$/\1/p' <"$mf" | \
sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g' -e 's/\$U/'"$U"'/g'`; do
# Make sure the directory exists.
test -f "$dirpart/$file" && continue
# echo "creating $dirpart/$file"
echo '# dummy' > "$dirpart/$file"
# -----------------------------
# This macro should only be invoked once -- use via AC_REQUIRE.
# This code is only required when automatic dependency tracking
# is enabled. FIXME. This creates each `.P' file that we will
# need in order to bootstrap the dependency handling code.
[AMDEP_TRUE="$AMDEP_TRUE" ac_aux_dir="$ac_aux_dir"])
# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 8
# AM_CONFIG_HEADER is obsolete. It has been replaced by AC_CONFIG_HEADERS.
# Do all the work for Automake. -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
# 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 12
# This macro actually does too much. Some checks are only needed if
# your package does certain things. But this isn't really a big deal.
# -----------------------------------------------
# The call with PACKAGE and VERSION arguments is the old style
# call (pre autoconf-2.50), which is being phased out. PACKAGE
# and VERSION should now be passed to AC_INIT and removed from
# the call to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.
# We support both call styles for the transition. After
# the next Automake release, Autoconf can make the AC_INIT
# arguments mandatory, and then we can depend on a new Autoconf
# release and drop the old call support.
dnl Autoconf wants to disallow AM_ names. We explicitly allow
dnl the ones we care about.
if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`"; then
# Use -I$(srcdir) only when $(srcdir) != ., so that make's output
# is not polluted with repeated "-I."
AC_SUBST([am__isrc], [' -I$(srcdir)'])_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([am__isrc])dnl
# test to see if srcdir already configured
if test -f $srcdir/config.status; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first])
# test whether we have cygpath
if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then
if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w'
# Define the identity of the package.
dnl Distinguish between old-style and new-style calls.
[m4_ifval([$3], [_AM_SET_OPTION([no-define])])dnl
AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], [$1])dnl
dnl Diagnose old-style AC_INIT with new-style AM_AUTOMAKE_INIT.
m4_if(m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_NAME], 1)m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_VERSION], 1), 11,,
[m4_fatal([AC_INIT should be called with package and version arguments])])dnl
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Version number of package])])dnl
# Some tools Automake needs.
AM_MISSING_PROG(ACLOCAL, aclocal-${am__api_version})
AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOMAKE, automake-${am__api_version})
# We need awk for the "check" target. The system "awk" is bad on
# some platforms.
_AM_IF_OPTION([tar-ustar], [_AM_PROG_TAR([ustar])],
[_AM_IF_OPTION([tar-pax], [_AM_PROG_TAR([pax])],
# When config.status generates a header, we must update the stamp-h file.
# This file resides in the same directory as the config header
# that is generated. The stamp files are numbered to have different names.
# Autoconf calls _AC_AM_CONFIG_HEADER_HOOK (when defined) in the
# loop where config.status creates the headers, so we can generate
# our stamp files there.
[# Compute $1's index in $config_headers.
for _am_header in $config_headers :; do
case $_am_header in
$1 | $1:* )
break ;;
* )
_am_stamp_count=`expr $_am_stamp_count + 1` ;;
echo "timestamp for $1" >`AS_DIRNAME([$1])`/stamp-h[]$_am_stamp_count])
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# ------------------
# Define $install_sh.
install_sh=${install_sh-"\$(SHELL) $am_aux_dir/install-sh"}
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 2
# Check whether the underlying file-system supports filenames
# with a leading dot. For instance MS-DOS doesn't.
[rm -rf .tst 2>/dev/null
mkdir .tst 2>/dev/null
if test -d .tst; then
rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null
# Check to see how 'make' treats includes. -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 3
# -----------------
# Check to see how make treats includes.
cat > confinc << 'END'
@echo done
.PHONY: am__doit
# If we don't find an include directive, just comment out the code.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for style of include used by $am_make])
# First try GNU make style include.
echo "include confinc" > confmf
# We grep out `Entering directory' and `Leaving directory'
# messages which can occur if `w' ends up in MAKEFLAGS.
# In particular we don't look at `^make:' because GNU make might
# be invoked under some other name (usually "gmake"), in which
# case it prints its new name instead of `make'.
if test "`$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'ing directory'`" = "done"; then
# Now try BSD make style include.
if test "$am__include" = "#"; then
echo '.include "confinc"' > confmf
if test "`$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null`" = "done"; then
rm -f confinc confmf
# Fake the existence of programs that GNU maintainers use. -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 5
# ------------------------------
# ------------------
# Define MISSING if not defined so far and test if it supports --run.
# If it does, set am_missing_run to use it, otherwise, to nothing.
test x"${MISSING+set}" = xset || MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing"
# Use eval to expand $SHELL
if eval "$MISSING --run true"; then
am_missing_run="$MISSING --run "
AC_MSG_WARN([`missing' script is too old or missing])
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# ---------------
# Check for `mkdir -p'.
dnl Automake 1.8 to 1.9.6 used to define mkdir_p. We now use MKDIR_P,
dnl while keeping a definition of mkdir_p for backward compatibility.
dnl @MKDIR_P@ is magic: AC_OUTPUT adjusts its value for each Makefile.
dnl However we cannot define mkdir_p as $(MKDIR_P) for the sake of
dnl Makefile.ins that do not define MKDIR_P, so we do our own
dnl adjustment using top_builddir (which is defined more often than
dnl MKDIR_P).
AC_SUBST([mkdir_p], ["$MKDIR_P"])dnl
case $mkdir_p in
[[\\/$]]* | ?:[[\\/]]*) ;;
*/*) mkdir_p="\$(top_builddir)/$mkdir_p" ;;
# Helper functions for option handling. -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 3
# -----------------------
[[_AM_OPTION_]m4_bpatsubst($1, [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])])
# ------------------------------
# Set option NAME. Presently that only means defining a flag for this option.
[m4_define(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), 1)])
# ----------------------------------
# OPTIONS is a space-separated list of Automake options.
[AC_FOREACH([_AM_Option], [$1], [_AM_SET_OPTION(_AM_Option)])])
# -------------------------------------------
# Execute IF-SET if OPTION is set, IF-NOT-SET otherwise.
[m4_ifset(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [$2], [$3])])
# Check to make sure that the build environment is sane. -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 4
# ---------------
[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether build environment is sane])
# Just in case
sleep 1
echo timestamp > conftest.file
# Do `set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's
# arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a
# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks
# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing
# directory).
if (
set X `ls -Lt $srcdir/configure conftest.file 2> /dev/null`
if test "$[*]" = "X"; then
# -L didn't work.
set X `ls -t $srcdir/configure conftest.file`
rm -f conftest.file
if test "$[*]" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \
&& test "$[*]" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then
# If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen
# if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a
# broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually
# happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane".
AC_MSG_ERROR([ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken
alias in your environment])
test "$[2]" = conftest.file
# Ok.
AC_MSG_ERROR([newly created file is older than distributed files!
Check your system clock])
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# ---------------------
# One issue with vendor `install' (even GNU) is that you can't
# specify the program used to strip binaries. This is especially
# annoying in cross-compiling environments, where the build's strip
# is unlikely to handle the host's binaries.
# Fortunately install-sh will honor a STRIPPROG variable, so we
# always use install-sh in `make install-strip', and initialize
# STRIPPROG with the value of the STRIP variable (set by the user).
# Installed binaries are usually stripped using `strip' when the user
# run `make install-strip'. However `strip' might not be the right
# tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake
# will honor the `STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program.
dnl Don't test for $cross_compiling = yes, because it might be `maybe'.
if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then
AC_CHECK_TOOL([STRIP], [strip], :)
INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\$(install_sh) -c -s"
# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# ---------------------------
# Prevent Automake from outputing VARIABLE = @VARIABLE@ in
# This macro is traced by Automake.
# Check how to create a tarball. -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# serial 2
# --------------------
# Check how to create a tarball in format FORMAT.
# FORMAT should be one of `v7', `ustar', or `pax'.
# Substitute a variable $(am__tar) that is a command
# writing to stdout a FORMAT-tarball containing the directory
# $tardir.
# tardir=directory && $(am__tar) > result.tar
# Substitute a variable $(am__untar) that extract such
# a tarball read from stdin.
# $(am__untar) < result.tar
[# Always define AMTAR for backward compatibility.
m4_if([$1], [v7],
[am__tar='${AMTAR} chof - "$$tardir"'; am__untar='${AMTAR} xf -'],
[m4_case([$1], [ustar],, [pax],,
[m4_fatal([Unknown tar format])])
AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to create a $1 tar archive])
# Loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works.
_am_tools='gnutar m4_if([$1], [ustar], [plaintar]) pax cpio none'
# Do not fold the above two line into one, because Tru64 sh and
# Solaris sh will not grok spaces in the rhs of `-'.
for _am_tool in $_am_tools
case $_am_tool in
for _am_tar in tar gnutar gtar;
AM_RUN_LOG([$_am_tar --version]) && break
am__tar="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$$tardir"'
am__tar_="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$tardir"'
am__untar="$_am_tar -xf -"
# Must skip GNU tar: if it does not support --format= it doesn't create
# ustar tarball either.
(tar --version) >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue
am__tar='tar chf - "$$tardir"'
am__tar_='tar chf - "$tardir"'
am__untar='tar xf -'
am__tar='pax -L -x $1 -w "$$tardir"'
am__tar_='pax -L -x $1 -w "$tardir"'
am__untar='pax -r'
am__tar='find "$$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L'
am__tar_='find "$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L'
am__untar='cpio -i -H $1 -d'
# If the value was cached, stop now. We just wanted to have am__tar
# and am__untar set.
test -n "${am_cv_prog_tar_$1}" && break
# tar/untar a dummy directory, and stop if the command works
rm -rf conftest.dir
mkdir conftest.dir
echo GrepMe > conftest.dir/file
AM_RUN_LOG([tardir=conftest.dir && eval $am__tar_ >conftest.tar])
rm -rf conftest.dir
if test -s conftest.tar; then
AM_RUN_LOG([$am__untar <conftest.tar])
grep GrepMe conftest.dir/file >/dev/null 2>&1 && break
rm -rf conftest.dir
AC_CACHE_VAL([am_cv_prog_tar_$1], [am_cv_prog_tar_$1=$_am_tool])

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
/* Generated from by autoheader. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <Carbon/Carbon.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have the CoreAudio API */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <crt_externs.h> header file. */
/* Defines if your system has the crypt function */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have libjpeg */
/* Define if you have libpng */
/* Define if you have a working libpthread (will enable threaded code) */
/* Define if you have libz */
#undef HAVE_LIBZ
/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
/* Define if your system needs _NSGetEnviron to set up the environment */
/* Define if you have res_init */
/* Define if you have the res_init prototype */
/* Define if you have a STL implementation by SGI */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `snprintf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
/* Define if you have strlcat */
/* Define if you have the strlcat prototype */
/* Define if you have strlcpy */
/* Define if you have the strlcpy prototype */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/bitypes.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `vsnprintf' function. */
/* Suffix for lib directories */
/* Define a safe value for MAXPATHLEN */
/* Name of package */
#undef PACKAGE
/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
/* Define to the full name of this package. */
/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
/* Define to the version of this package. */
/* The size of `char *', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `int', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `short', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `size_t', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `unsigned long', as computed by sizeof. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
/* If we use arts volume */
#undef USE_ARTS
/* Version number of package */
#undef VERSION
/* Defined if compiling without arts */
/* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte
first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */
* jpeg.h needs HAVE_BOOLEAN, when the system uses boolean in system
* headers and I'm too lazy to write a configure test as long as only
* unixware is related
#ifdef _UNIXWARE
* AIX defines FD_SET in terms of bzero, but fails to include <strings.h>
* that defines bzero.
#if defined(_AIX)
#include <strings.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <crt_externs.h>
# define environ (*_NSGetEnviron())
#if !defined(HAVE_RES_INIT_PROTO)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int res_init(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if !defined(HAVE_STRLCAT_PROTO)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
unsigned long strlcat(char*, const char*, unsigned long);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if !defined(HAVE_STRLCPY_PROTO)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
unsigned long strlcpy(char*, const char*, unsigned long);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* On HP-UX, the declaration of vsnprintf() is needed every time !
#if !defined(HAVE_VSNPRINTF) || defined(hpux)
#if __STDC__
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, va_list ap);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
int snprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, ...);
#if defined(__SVR4) && !defined(__svr4__)
#define __svr4__ 1
/* type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined */
#undef kde_socklen_t
/* type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined (deprecated, use
kde_socklen_t) */
#undef ksize_t

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
dnl =======================================================
dnl FILE: ./admin/
dnl =======================================================
dnl This file is part of the KDE libraries/packages
dnl Copyright (C) 2001 Stephan Kulow (
dnl This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
dnl modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
dnl License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
dnl version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
dnl This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
dnl Library General Public License for more details.
dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
dnl along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
dnl the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
dnl Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Original Author was
# I lifted it in some mater. (Stephan Kulow)
# I used much code from Janos Farkas
dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
AC_INIT(acinclude.m4) dnl a source file from your sub dir
dnl This is so we can use kde-common
dnl This ksh/zsh feature conflicts with `cd blah ; pwd`
unset CDPATH
dnl Checking host/target/build systems, for make, install etc.
dnl Perform program name transformation
dnl Automake doc recommends to do this only here. (Janos)
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(yakuake, 2.8.1) dnl searches for some needed programs
dnl generate the config header
AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) dnl at the distribution this done
dnl Checks for programs.
dnl for NLS support. Call them in this order!
dnl WITH_NLS is for the po files
dnl =======================================================
dnl FILE:
dnl =======================================================
if test "$build_arts" = "yes"; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_ARTS, 1, [If we use arts volume])
KDE_INIT_DOXYGEN([The API Reference], [Version $VERSION])
dnl =======================================================
dnl FILE: ./yakuake/
dnl =======================================================
dnl PACKAGE set before
AM_CONDITIONAL(po_SUBDIR_included, test "x$po_SUBDIR_included" = xyes)
AM_CONDITIONAL(yakuake_SUBDIR_included, test "x$yakuake_SUBDIR_included" = xyes)
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/de/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/el/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/es/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/et/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/fr/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/hu/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/it/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/ja/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/nl/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/pl/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/pt/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/pt_BR/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/sv/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ po/tr/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/default/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/default/tabs/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/default/title/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/plastik_dark/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/plastik_dark/tabs/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/plastik_dark/title/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/plastik_light/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/plastik_light/tabs/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/skins/plastik_light/title/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ yakuake/src/Makefile ])
# Check if KDE_SET_PREFIX was called, and --prefix was passed to configure
if test -n "$kde_libs_prefix" -a -n "$given_prefix"; then
# And if so, warn when they don't match
if test "$kde_libs_prefix" != "$given_prefix"; then
# And if kde doesn't know about the prefix yet
echo ":"`kde-config --path exe`":" | grep ":$given_prefix/bin/:" 2>&1 >/dev/null
if test $? -ne 0; then
echo ""
echo "Warning: you chose to install this package in $given_prefix,"
echo "but KDE was found in $kde_libs_prefix."
echo "For this to work, you will need to tell KDE about the new prefix, by ensuring"
echo "that KDEDIRS contains it, e.g. export KDEDIRS=$given_prefix:$kde_libs_prefix"
echo "Then restart KDE."
echo ""
if test x$GXX = "xyes" -a x$kde_have_gcc_visibility = "xyes" -a x$kde_cv_val_qt_gcc_visibility_patched = "xno"; then
echo ""
echo "Your GCC supports symbol visibility, but the patch for Qt supporting visibility"
echo "was not included. Therefore, GCC symbol visibility support remains disabled."
echo ""
echo "For better performance, consider including the Qt visibility supporting patch"
echo "located at:"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "and recompile all of Qt and KDE. Note, this is entirely optional and"
echo "everything will continue to work just fine without it."
echo ""
if test "$all_tests" = "bad"; then
if test ! "$cache_file" = "/dev/null"; then
echo ""
echo "Please remove the file $cache_file after changing your setup"
echo "so that configure will find the changes next time."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Good - your configure finished. Start make now"
echo ""

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
if test "$build_arts" = "yes"; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_ARTS, 1, [If we use arts volume])
KDE_INIT_DOXYGEN([The API Reference], [Version $VERSION])

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to german
# translation of yakuake.po to
# Eike Hein <>, 2006.
# Thomas Reitelbach <>, 2006.
# Frederik Schwarzer <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-16 17:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Frederik Schwarzer <>\n"
"Language-Team: german <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Ein der Quake-Konsole nachempfundener Terminalemulator basierend auf KDE "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Betreuer"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Projektgründer (Inaktiv)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr "Plastik-Design"
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr "Automatisch öffnen, wenn Mauszeiger obere Bildschirmkante berührt"
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Bildschirm %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "Mit der Unterfensterleiste können Sie zwischen Sitzungen umschalten."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Neue Sitzung"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Fügt eine neue Sitzung hinzu. Drücken Sie die Maustaste und halten Sie sie "
"gedrückt, um einen Sitzungstyp aus einem Menü zu wählen."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Sitzung schließen"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Schließt die aktive Sitzung."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "von %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "Sofern verfügbar, wird in der Titelleiste der Sitzungstitel angezeigt."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Bei Fokusverlust geöffnet lassen"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Menü öffnen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake einfahren/ausfahren"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Fährt das Yakuake-Fenster ein bzw. aus"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Zwei Terminals, waagrecht"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Zwei Terminals, senkrecht"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Vier Terminals"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Zu nächstem Terminal gehen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Zu vorigem Terminal gehen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Auswahl einfügen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Sitzung umbenennen ..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Fensterbreite verringern"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Fensterbreite vergrößern"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Fensterhöhe vergrößern"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Fensterhöhe verringern"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Globale Kurzbefehle einrichten ..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Zu nächster Sitzung gehen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Zu voriger Sitzung gehen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Sitzung nach links verschieben"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Sitzung nach rechts verschieben"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Terminal waagrecht teilen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Terminal senkrecht teilen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Terminal schließen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Zu Sitzung %1 wechseln"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"Anwendung erfolgreich gestartet!\n"
"Zur Benutzung %1 drücken ..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Sie haben mehrere offene Sitzungen. Wenn Sie fortfahren, werden diese ebenfalls "
"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Programm beenden möchten?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Wirklich beenden?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Sitzung schl&ießen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Yakuake-Benachrichtigung"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Schnelleinstellungen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Auf Bildschirm öffnen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Geöffnet halten, wenn Fokus verloren geht"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "An Zeigerposition"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Designs"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Erster Start"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Unbenannt"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Unbekannt"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake-Designs"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Designarchiv auswählen"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Download des Designs fehlgeschlagen"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Der Installer benötigt eine Datei, kein Verzeichnis."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Benötigte Dateien konnten im Designarchiv nicht gefunden werden.\n"
"Das Archiv ist ungültig."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Der Inhalt des Designarchivs konnte nicht angezeigt werden."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Design ist bereits installiert, und Sie besitzen nicht die nötigen "
"Rechte, es zu überschreiben."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Dieses Design ist bereits installiert. Möchten Sie es überschreiben?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Design bereits vorhanden"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Design neu installieren"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Design konnte nicht entfernt werden"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "Das Designarchiv konnte nicht geöffnet werden."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Design kann nicht installiert werden"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Möchten Sie \"%1\" von %2 entfernen?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Design entfernen"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Befehlsfenster %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Eike Hein, Frederik Schwarzer"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ","
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Design installieren ..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe des Designs:"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
"Diese Einstellung definiert die Farbe der Oberfläche, auf die durchscheinende "
"Design-Elemente gemalt werden. Sie ist nur verfügbar, wenn Yakuake außerhalb "
"von KDE läuft und Transluzenz nicht verfügbar ist."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Design"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Willkommen in Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "Sie können den Kurzbefehl jederzeit im Menü ändern."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Keiner"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Bevor Sie die Anwendung benutzen, sollten Sie den Kurzbefehl zum Öffnen und "
"Schließen des Yakuake-Fensters festlegen:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Bei Programmstart Hinweisfenster anzeigen"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Beenden bestätigen, wenn mehr als eine Sitzung geschlossen wird"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Unterfensterleiste anzeigen"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Fenster über anderen Fenstern halten"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Ist diese Einstellung markiert, bleibt das Yakuake-Fenster über anderen "
"Fenster, selbst wenn es den Fokus verliert."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Fenster geöffnet halten, wenn der Fokus verloren geht"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Ist diese Einstellung markiert, bleibt das Yakuake-Fenster geöffnet, wenn es "
"den Fokus verliert."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Tastenkürzel für Ein- und Ausfahren holt Fokus zurück"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Ist diese Einstellung markiert, holt das Tastenkürzel den Fokus zurück, wenn "
"das Yakuake-Fenster zwar geöffnet ist, aber nicht den Fokus hat. Ist diese "
"Einstellung deaktiviert, fährt das Yakuake-Fenster mit dem Tastenkürzel ein, ob "
"es den Fokus hat, oder nicht."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr "Automatisch öffnen, wenn der Mauszeiger die Bildschirmkante berührt"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Ist diese Einstellung markiert, wird das Yakuake-Fenster geöffnet, wenn der "
"Mauszeiger die obere Bildschirmkante berührt."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Größe und Animation"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Breite:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Höhe:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Geschwindigkeit:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Diese Einstellung steuert die ungefähre Dauer der Animation beim Aus- und "
"Einfahren des Yakuake-Fensters."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Position"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Auf Bildschirm anzeigen:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Bildschirm 1"
#~ msgid "%"
#~ msgstr "%"
#~ msgid "~"
#~ msgstr "~"
#~ msgid "ms"
#~ msgstr "ms"
#~ msgid "Access key"
#~ msgstr "Zugriffstaste"
#~ msgid "Toggles the open/close state of Yakuake"
#~ msgstr "Öffnet/schließt Yakuake"
#~ msgid "Screen Display"
#~ msgstr "Bildschirm"
#~ msgid "Terminal Width"
#~ msgstr "Terminalbreite"
#~ msgid "Horizontal Location"
#~ msgstr "Horizontale Position"
#~ msgid "Animation Duration"
#~ msgstr "Animationsdauer"
#~ msgid "Force Background Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Hintergrundaktualisierung erzwingen"
#~ msgid "Shortcuts"
#~ msgstr "Kurzbefehle"
#~ msgid "Change Access Key..."
#~ msgstr "Zugriffstaste ändern ..."
#~ msgid "Change Control Keys..."
#~ msgstr "Kontrolltasten ändern ..."

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to Greek
# Spiros Georgaras <>, 2006, 2007.
# Toussis Manolis <>, 2006, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-11 23:51+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Spiros Georgaras <>\n"
"Language-Team: Greek <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Ένας προσομοιωτής τερματικού σε στυλ Quake βασισμένος στην τεχνολογία του KDE "
"Konsole. "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Συντηρητής"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Ιδρυτής έργου (μη ενεργός)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr ""
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr ""
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Οθόνη %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "Η γραμμή καρτέλας σας επιτρέπει την εναλλαγή μεταξύ των συνεδριών."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Νέα συνεδρία"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Προσθήκη μιας νέας συνεδρίας. Πιέστε και κρατήστε πατημένο για την επιλογή του "
"τύπου συνεδρίας."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Κλείσιμο συνεδρίας"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Κλείσιμο της ενεργού συνεδρίας."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "κατά %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "Η γραμμή τίτλου εμφανίζει τον τίτλο της συνεδρίας αν είναι διαθέσιμος."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Διατήρηση ανοιχτό κατά την απώλεια εστίασης"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Άνοιγμα μενού"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Άνοιγμα/ανάκληση του Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Κύλιση μέσα και έξω του παραθύρου του Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Δύο τερματικά, οριζόντια"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Δύο τερματικά, κατακόρυφα"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Τέσσερα τερματικά, ορθογώνιο"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Μετάβαση στο επόμενο τερματικό"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Μετάβαση στο προηγούμενο τερματικό"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Επικόλληση επιλογής"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Μετονομασία συνεδρίας..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Αύξηση πλάτους"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Μείωση πλάτους"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Αύξηση ύψους"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Μείωση ύψους"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Ρύθμιση καθολικών συντομεύσεων..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Μετάβαση στην επόμενη συνεδρία"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Μετάβαση στην προηγούμενη συνεδρία"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Μετακίνηση συνεδρίας αριστερά"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Μετακίνηση συνεδρίας δεξιά"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Διαχωρισμός τερματικού οριζόντια"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Διαχωρισμός τερματικού κατακόρυφα"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Κλείσιμο τερματικού"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Εναλλαγή στη συνεδρία %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"Η εφαρμογή εκτελέστηκε με επιτυχία!\n"
"Πατήστε το %1 για χρήση της..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Έχετε πολλαπλές ανοιχτές συνεδρίες. Αυτές θα τερματιστούν αν συνεχίσετε.\n"
"Επιθυμείτε πράγματι την έξοδο;"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Πραγματικά έξοδος;"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Κ&λείσιμο συνεδρίας"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Ειδοποίηση του Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Γρήγορες επιλογές"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Άνοιγμα στην οθόνη"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Διατήρηση ανοιχτό κατά την αλλαγή εστίασης"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Στη θέση ποντικιού"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Γενικά"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Θέματα"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Πρώτη εκτέλεση"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Χωρίς όνομα"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Άγνωστο"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Θέματα του Yakuake"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Επιλέξτε αρχειοθήκη θέματος"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Αποτυχία λήψης του θέματος"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Δόθηκε στην εγκατάσταση ένας κατάλογος και όχι ένα αρχείο."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Αδυναμία εντοπισμού των απαραίτητων αρχείων στην αρχειοθήκη του θέματος.\n"
" Η αρχειοθήκη φαίνεται να μην είναι έγκυρη."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Αδυναμία εμφάνισης περιεχομένων της αρχειοθήκης θέματος."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Το θέμα φαίνεται να έχει εγκατασταθεί ήδη και δεν έχετε τα απαιτούμενα "
"δικαιώματα για την αντικατάστασή του."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""
"Το θέμα φαίνεται να είναι εγκατεστημένο ήδη. Επιθυμείτε την αντικατάστασή του;"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Το θέμα υπάρχει ήδη"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Επανεγκατάσταση θέματος"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Αδυναμία διαγραφής θέματος"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "Η αρχειοθήκη του θέματος δεν μπορεί να ανοιχτεί."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Αδυναμία εγκατάστασης θέματος"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Επιθυμείτε την αφαίρεση του \"%1\" με %2;"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Αφαίρεση θέματος"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Αριθμ. κελύφους. %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Σπύρος Γεωργαράς, Τούσης Μανώλης"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ","
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Εγκατάσταση θέματος..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Θέμα"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Καλώς ήρθατε στο Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr ""
"Μπορείτε να τροποποιήσετε τη συντόμευση οποιαδήποτε στιγμή μέσω του μενού."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Κανένα"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Πριν τη χρήση της εφαρμογής, ίσως να επιθυμείτε την τροποποίηση της συντόμευσης "
"πληκτρολογίου που χρησιμοποιείται για το άνοιγμα και κλείσιμο του παραθύρου του "
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Εμφάνιση αναδυόμενης ειδοποίησης κατά την έναρξη της εφαρμογής"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση εξόδου όταν γίνεται κλείσιμο παραπάνω από μίας συνεδρίας"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Εμφάνιση της γραμμής καρτελών"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Διατήρηση ανοιχτού παραθύρου σε αλλαγή εστίασης"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Ενεργοποιήστε αυτήν την επιλογή αν θέλετε να παραμένει ανοικτό το παράθυρο του "
"Yakuake όταν χάνει την εστίαση."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Διατήρηση ανοιχτού παραθύρου σε αλλαγή εστίασης"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Ενεργοποιήστε αυτήν την επιλογή αν θέλετε να παραμένει ανοικτό το παράθυρο του "
"Yakuake όταν χάνει την εστίαση."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Χρησιμοποιήσετε το Άνοιγμα/Ανάκληση για να εστιάσετε στο παράθυρο"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Ενεργοποιήστε αυτήν την επιλογή αν θέλετε η συντόμευση Άνοιγμα/Ανάκληση να "
"περνάει την εστίαση στο παράθυρο του Yakuake αν αυτό είναι ήδη ανοικτό. "
"Απενεργοποιήστε την αν θέλετε η συντόμευση Άνοιγμα/Ανάκληση να κλείνει το "
"παράθυρο του Yakuake ανεξαρτήτως από το αν έχει την εστίαση ή όχι."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Ενεργοποιήστε αυτήν την επιλογή αν θέλετε να παραμένει ανοικτό το παράθυρο του "
"Yakuake όταν χάνει την εστίαση."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Μέγεθος και κίνηση"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Πλάτος:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Ύψος:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Ταχύτητα:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Αυτή η επιλογή ρυθμίζει τη διάρκεια του εφέ κίνησης όταν το παράθυρο του "
"Yakuake ανοίγει ή κλείνει."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Θέση"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Άνοιγμα στην οθόνη:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Οθόνη 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to Español
# Israel Garcia <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-26 16:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Israel Garcia <>\n"
"Language-Team: Español <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Un emulador de terminal de tipo Quake, basado en la tecnología de KDE Konsole. "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Responsable"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Fundador del proyecto (inactivo)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr "Piel de aspecto plástico"
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr "Apertura automática al situar el cursor sobre el borde de la pantalla"
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Pantalla %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "La barra de pestañas le permite cambiar entre sesiones."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Nueva sesión"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Añade una nueva sesión. Pulse y mantenga para seleccionar el tipo de sesión "
"desde el menú."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Cerrar sesión"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Cierra la sesión activa."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "por %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "La barra de título muestra el título de la sesión si está disponible."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Mantener abierta cuando pierda el foco"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Abrir el menú"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Abrir/retraer Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Desliza la ventana de Yakuake hacia arriba y hacia abajo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Dos terminales en horizontal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Dos terminales en vertical"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Cuatro terminales formando un cuadrado"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Ir al siguiente terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Ir al terminal anterior"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Pegar selección"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Cambiar el nombre de la sesión..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Aumentar la anchura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Reducir la anchura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Aumentar la altura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Reducir la altura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Configurar accesos rápidos globales..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Ir a la sesión siguiente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Ir a la sesión anterior"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Mover la sesión hacia la izquierda"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Mover la sesión hacia la derecha"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Dividir el terminal horizontalmente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Dividir el terminal verticalmente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Cerrar el terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Cambiar a la sesión %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"La aplicación se ha iniciado correctamente.\n"
"Pulse %1 para abrirla..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Ha abierto varias sesiones. Se cerrarán si continúa.\n"
"¿Seguro que desea salir?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "¿Salir realmente?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Cerrar &la sesión"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Notificación de Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Opciones rápidas"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Abrir en la pantalla"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Mantener abierta al cambiar el foco"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Preferencias"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "En la ubicación del ratón"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "General"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Pieles"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Primera ejecución"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Sin nombre"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconocido"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Pieles de Yakuake"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Seleccionar el archivo de pieles"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Falló la descarga de la piel"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Se le ha indicado un directorio al instalador, no un fichero."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"No ha sido posible localizar los archivos necesarios en el archivo de la piel.\n"
" El archivo no parece ser válido."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "No es posible listar los contenidos del archivo de piel."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Parece que esta piel ya está instalada, y usted carece de los permisos "
"necesarios para reescribirla."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Parece que esta piel ya está instalada. ¿Desea sobreescribirla?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "La piel ya existe"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Reinstalar la piel"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "No ha sido posible borrar la piel"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "No se pudo abrir el archivo que contiene la piel."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "No se puede instalar la piel"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "¿Desea eliminar «%1» por %2?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Eliminar la piel"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Consola nº %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""
"Israel García García,Juan Manuel García Molina,Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ",,"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Instalar una piel..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr "Color de fondo de la piel:"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
"Esto controla el color de la superficie que transluce los elementos de la piel "
"que están encima. Esta configuración está únicamente disponible si Yakuake está "
"ejecutándose fuera de KDE y la transparencia no está disponible."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Piel"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Bienvenido a Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr ""
"Puede cambiar el acceso rápido posteriormente en cualquier momento a través del "
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ninguno"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Antes de usar la aplicación, puede que desee cambiar los accesos rápidos de "
"teclado que se usan para abrir y cerrar la ventana de Yakuake:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Mostrar el aviso emergente en el inicio de la aplicación"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Confirmar la salida cuando haya varias sesiones abiertas"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Mostrar la barra de pestañas"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Mantener ventana por encima de otras ventanas"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Habilite esta opción si desea que la ventana de Yakuake permanezca abierta "
"cuando pierda el foco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Mantener la ventana abierta cuando cambie el foco"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Habilite esta opción si desea que la ventana de Yakuake permanezca abierta "
"cuando pierda el foco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Use la acción Abrir/Retraer para enfocar la ventana"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Habilite esta opción si desea que el acceso rápido Abrir/Retraer enfoque la "
"ventana de Yakuake cuando ya esté abierta pero no tenga el foco. Deshabilite "
"esta opción para que el acceso rápido Abrir/Retraer retraiga la ventana de "
"Yakuake independientemente de si tiene o no el foco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr "Abrir automáticamente cuando el cursor toque el borde de la pantalla"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Habilite esta opción si desea que la ventana de Yakuake se abra cuando el "
"cursor toque la parte superior del borde de la pantalla."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Tamaño y animación"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Anchura:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Altura:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Velocidad:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Esta opción controla la duración aproximada de la animación de deslizamiento al "
"abrir o retraer la ventana de Yakuake."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posición"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Abrir en la pantalla:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Pantalla 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to
# Marek Laane <>, 2006-2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-12 20:24+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Marek Laane <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Quake stiilis terminaliemulaator, mis kasutab KDE Konsooli tehnoloogiat. "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Hooldaja"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Projekti rajaja (pole aktiivne)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr "Plastiku nahk"
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr "Automaatne avamine kursori liikumisel ekraani serva"
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Ekraan %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "Kaardiriba võimaldab lülituda seansside vahel."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Uus seanss"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr "Lisab uue seansi. Hoia all menüüst seansitüübi valimiseks."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Sulge seanss"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Sulgeb aktiivse seansi."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr ", autor %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "Tiitliriba näitab võimaluse korral seansi nime."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Hoitakse avatuna fookuse kaotamisel"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Ava menüü"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Ava/Peida Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Lülitab Yakuake akna sisse ja välja"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Kaks terminali, rõhtsalt"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Kaks terminali, püstiselt"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Neli terminali"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Järgmisse terminali"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Eelmisse terminali"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Aseta valik"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Nimeta seanss ümber..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Suurenda laiust"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Vähenda laiust"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Suurenda kõrgust"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Vähenda kõrgust"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Globaalsete kiirklahvide seadistamine..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Järgmisele seansile"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Eelmisele seansile"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Liiguta seanss vasakule"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Liiguta seanss paremale"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Poolita terminal rõhtsuunas"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Poolita terminal püstsuunas"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Sulge terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Lülitu seansile %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"Rakendus on edukalt käivitatud!\n"
"Vajuta %1 selle kasutamiseks..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Sul on mitu avatud seanssi. Jätkamisel need tapetakse.\n"
"Kas tõesti väljuda?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Kas tõesti väljuda?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Su&lge seanss"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Yakuake märguanne"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Kiirvalikud"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Avatakse ekraanil"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Fookuse muutmisel hoitakse avatuna"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Seadistused"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Hiire asukohas"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Üldine"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Nahad"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Esmakäivitus"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Nimetu"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Tundmatu"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake nahad"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Naha arhiivifaili valimine"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Naha allalaadimine nurjus"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Paigaldajale anti ette kataloog, mitte fail."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Vajalike failide tuvastamine naha arhiivifailis nurjus.\n"
" Arhiivifail tundub olevat vigane."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Naha arhiivifaili sisu tuvastamine nurjus."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Paistab, et see nahk on juba paigadatud, ja sul pole õigust seda üle kirjutada."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Paistab, et see nahk on juba paigaldatud. Kas kirjutada see üle?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Nahk on juba olemas"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Paigalda nahk uuesti"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Naha kustutamine nurjus"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "Naha arhiivifaili avamine nurjus."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Naha paigaldamine nurjus"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Kas eemaldada \"%1\", mille autor on %2?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Eemalda nahk"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Shell nr. %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Marek Laane"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Paigalda nahk..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr "Naha taustavärv:"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
"See määrab esiplaani värvi, millest koosnevad läbipaistvad naha elemendid. Seda "
"saab kasutada ainult siis, kui Yakuaket pruugitakse väljaspool KDE-d ning "
"läbipaistvus ei ole kasutatav."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Nahk"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Tere tulemast kasutama Yakuaket</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "Kiirklahvi saab muuta ka hiljem menüü abil."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Puudub"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Enne rakenduse käivitamist võib olla mõttekas muuta kiirklahvi, millega "
"avatakse ja suletakse Yakuake aken:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Märguande näitamine rakenduse käivitamisel"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Kinnituse küsimine mitme seansi sulgemisel"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Kaardiriba näitamine"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Aken hoitakse teiste akende kohal"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Sisselülitamisel jääb Yakuake aken teiste akende kohale ka siis, kui see ei asu "
"enam fooksuses."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Fookuse muutumisel hoitakse aken avatuna"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Sisselülitamisel jääb Yakuake aken avatuks ka siis, kui see ei asu enam "
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Avamis/peitmistoimingu kasutamine akna fokuseerimiseks"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Sisselülitamisel saab avamis/peitmistoimingu kiirklahviga anda Yakuake aknale "
"fookuse, kui see on juba avatud, aga pole fookuses. Kui see pole sisse "
"lülitatud, peidab avamis/peitmiskäsk Yakuake sellest hoolimata, kas see on "
"fookuses või mitte."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr "Automaatne avamine kursori liikumisel ekraani serva"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Sisselülitamisel jääb Yakuake aken avatuks ka siis, kui hiirekursor puudutab "
"ekraani ülemist serva."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Suurus ja animatsioon"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Laius"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Kõrgus:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Kiirus:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Siin saab määrata animatsiooni kiiruse Yakuake akna avamisel või peitmisel."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Asend"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Avatakse ekraanil:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Ekraan 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to
# Daniel Huhardeaux <>, 2006, 2007.
# Éric Bischoff <>, 2006.
# Xavier Guerrin <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-28 16:33+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Xavier Guerrin <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Un émulateur de terminal dans le style de Quake basé sur la technologie Konsole "
"de KDE."
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Mainteneur"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Créateur du projet (inactif)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr ""
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr ""
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Écran %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "La barre des onglets vous permet de basculer de session"
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Nouvelle session"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Ajoute une nouvelle session. Appuyez et maintenez enfoncé pour sélectionner le "
"type de session à partir du menu."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Fermer la session"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Ferme la session courante."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "de %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr ""
"La barre de titre affiche, s'il est disponible, le titre de la session."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Garder ouvert lors d'une perte de focus"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Ouvrir le Menu"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Ouvrir/Rétracter Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Active ou désactive la fenêtre de Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Deux Terminaux horizontaux"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Deux Terminaux verticaux"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Quatre Terminaux en mosaïque"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Aller au Terminal suivant"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Aller au Terminal précédent"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Coller la sélection"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Renommer la session..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Augmenter la largeur"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Diminuer la largeur"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Augmenter la hauteur"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Diminuer la hauteur"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Configurer les raccourcis globaux..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Aller à la Session suivante"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Aller à la Session précédente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Déplacer la Session vers la gauche"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Déplacer la Session vers la droite"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Scinder le Terminal horizontalement"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Scinder le Terminal verticalement"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Fermer le Terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Aller à la Session %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"Application lancée avec succès !\n"
"Appuyez sur %1 pour l'utiliser..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Plusieurs sessions sont ouvertes. Celles-ci seront détruites si vous "
"Confirmez-vous la fermeture ?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Vraiment sortir ?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "&Fermer la Session"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Message de Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Options instantanées"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Ouvrir à l'écran"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Garder ouvert lors d'un changement de focus"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "À la position de la souris"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Thèmes"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Première exécution"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Sans nom"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Inconnu"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Thèmes Yakuake"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Sélectionner l'archive du Thème"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Erreur de chargement du Thème."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "L'installateur a besoin d'un répertoire et non d'un fichier."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de localiser les fichiers nécessaires dans l'archive du thème.\n"
"L'archive semble invalide."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Impossible de lister le contenu de l'archive du thème."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Ce thème semble déjà installé et vous ne possédez pas les droits nécessaires "
"pour le remplacer."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Ce thème semble déjà installé. Voulez-vous le remplacer ?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Thème déjà existant"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Réinstaller le thème"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le thème"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "L'archive du thème n'a pu être ouverte."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Impossible d'installer le thème"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous supprimer \"%1\" de %2 ?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Supprimer le thème"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Console N° %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Daniel Huhardeaux"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Installer le thème..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr "Couleur de fond du thème :"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
"Ceci contrôle la couleur de la surface sur laquelle les éléments transparents "
"des thèmes sont rendus. Ce paramètre n'est disponible que lorsque Yakuake est "
"lancé en dehors de KDE et que la transparence n'est pas disponible."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Thème"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Bienvenue dans Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez à chaque instant modifier les touches de raccourci via le menu."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucun"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Avant d'utiliser l'application, vous devriez paramétrer le raccourci "
"d'ouverture et de fermeture de la fenêtre de Yakuake :"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Afficher la fenêtre de notification lors du démarrage de l'application"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr ""
"Confirmer la fermeture de l'application lorsque plusieurs sessions sont "
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Afficher la barre d'onglets"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Maintenir la fenêtre au-dessus des autres"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Activez cette option si vous voulez que la fenêtre de Yakuake reste visible "
"quand elle perd le focus."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Maintenir la fenêtre visible quand le focus change"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Activez cette option si la fenêtre Yakuake doit rester ouverte lorsqu'il y a "
"perte de focus."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr ""
"Utiliser l'action Ouverture/Rétractation pour obtenir le focus sur la fenêtre"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Validez cette option si vous désirez que le raccourci d'Ouverture/Rétractation "
"récupère le focus sur la fenêtre déjà ouverte. Désactivez cette option pour "
"rétracter la fenêtre de Yakuake via le raccourci peu importe le focus."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Activez cette option si la fenêtre Yakuake doit rester ouverte lorsqu'il y a "
"perte de focus."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Taille et Animation"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Largeur :"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Hauteur :"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Vitesse :"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Ce paramètre contrôle la durée approximative de l'animation lors de l'ouverture "
"ou rétractation de la fenêtre Yakuake."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Position"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Ouvrir à l'écran :"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Écran 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to Hungarian
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-12-12 11:11+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Szoldán Albert <>\n"
"Language-Team: german <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr "Egy Quake-stilusú terminálemulátor KDE Konzol technológiai alapokon."
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Karbantartó"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Adomány a projektnek (Inaktiv)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr ""
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr ""
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Képernyő %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "A mappasáv segítségével lehet a munkamenetek között váltani."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Új munkamenet"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr "Új munkamenet hozzáadása. Tartsd nyomva a munkamenet típust a menüben."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Munkamenet bezárása"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Aktív munkamenet bezárása."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "Készítő: %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "A címsáv megjeleníti a munkamenet nevét, ha van ilyen."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Fókusz elhagyásakor tartsd nyitva"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Menü megnyitása"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake megnyitása/bezárása"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Yakuake ablak animálása"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Két terminál vizszintesen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Két terminál függőlegesen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Négy terminál elosztva"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Ugrás a következő terminálra"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Ugrás az elöző terminálra"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Kijelölés beillesztése"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Munkamenet átnevezése ..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Szélesség növelése"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Szélesség csökkentése"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Magasság növelése"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Magasság csökkentése"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Globális gyorsbillentyűk beállítása..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Ugrás a következő munkamenetre"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Ugrás az előző munkamenetre"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Munkamenet mozgatása balra"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Munkamenet mozgatása jobbra"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Terminál felosztása vizszintesen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Terminál felosztása függőlegesen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Terminál bezárása"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Váltás erre a munkamenetre %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"A program sikeresen elindult\n"
"Nyomja le a %1 -t a használatához ..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Több munkamenet van megnyitva. Ha folytatja, akkor ezek a munkamenetek "
"Biztos ki szeretne lépni?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Biztos kilép?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Munkamenet be&zárása"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Yakuake értesítés"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Gyors beállítás"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Megnyitás munkamenetben"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Nyitvatartás fókusz változáskor"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Beállítások"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Az egér helyzeténél"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Általános"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Megjelenés (bőrök)"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Első Futtatás"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Névtelen"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ismeretlen"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake bőrök"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "\"Bőr\" fájl kiválasztása"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Nem sikerült a \"bőrt\" letölteni."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "A telepítéshez egy könyvtárt választott ki, nem egy fájlt."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Nem találom az adott helyen a \"bőr\"-nek szükséges fájlokat.\n"
"A \"bőr\" fájl hibás."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Nem tudom olvasni a \"bőr\" fájl összetevőit."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Ez a \"Bőr\" már telepítve van és a felülíráshoz nincs beállítva jogosultság."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Ez a \"bőr\" már telepítve van. Felül szeretné írni?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Ilyen bőr már létezik"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Bőr újratelepítése"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Nem lehet a bőrt törölni"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "A tömörített bőr fájlt nem lehet megnyitni."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Nem lehet bőrt telepíteni"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Biztos törli a \"%1\" nevű bőrt, amit %2 készített?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Bőr eltávolítása"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr "Konzol %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Szoldán Albert"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Bőr telepítése ..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Bőr"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Üdvözlöm a Yakuake-ban</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "Később bármikor megváltoztathatók a gyorsbillentyűk a menüben."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nincs"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Mielőtt elkezdi használni ezt a programot, lehetőség van arra, hogy a Yakuake-t "
"megnyitó/bezáró gyorsbillentyűt megváltoztassa. Kattintson az alábbi gombra, "
"majd nyomja le a kívánt billentyűkombinációt:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Előugró értesítőablak megjelenítése a program indításakor"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Megerősítés kérése egynél több munkamenet bezárásakor"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Mappasáv megjelenítése"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Ablak nyitvatartása fókusz változásakor"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Engedélyezze ezt a beállítást, ha azt akarja, hogy a Yakuake ablak nyitva "
"maradjon, amikor elveszti a fókuszt."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Ablak nyitvatartása fókusz változásakor"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Engedélyezze ezt a beállítást, ha azt akarja, hogy a Yakuake ablak nyitva "
"maradjon, amikor elveszti a fókuszt."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Legyen aktív az ablak a Megnyit/Bezár gomb használatakor"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Engedélyezze ezt az opciót, ha szeretné, hogy a Megnyit/Bezár gyorsbilentyű "
"lenyomásakor ne a program legyen fókuszban (aktív)."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Engedélyezze ezt a beállítást, ha azt akarja, hogy a Yakuake ablak nyitva "
"maradjon, amikor elveszti a fókuszt."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Méret és animáció"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Szélesség:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Magasság:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Sebesség:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Ez a beállítás megközelítöleg megadja, hogy mennyi ideig tartson a becsúszó "
"animáció, amikor a Yakuake ablakot megnyitja vagy bezárja."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Pozició"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Megnyitás képernyőn:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Képernyő 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to Italian
# Andrea Di Menna <>, 2006, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-06-22 11:39+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrea Di Menna <>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Un emulatore di terminale sullo stile di Quake basato sulla tecnologia di KDE "
"Konsole. "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Responsabile"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Fondatore del progetto (inattivo)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr ""
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr ""
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Schermo %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "La barra con le linguette ti permette di cambiare sessione."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Nuova sessione"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Aggiunge una nuova sessione. Tieni premuto per scegliere il tipo di sessione "
"dal menu."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Chiudi sessione"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Chiude la sessione attiva."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "di %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "La barra del titolo mostra il titolo della sessione se disponibile."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Tieni aperta quando perde il fuoco"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Apri menu"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Apre/chiude Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Fa scorrere la finestra di Yakuake dentro e fuori lo schermo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Due terminali, orizzontale"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Due terminali, verticale"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Quattro terminali, quadrato"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Vai al terminale successivo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Vai al terminale precedente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Incolla selezione"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Rinomina sessione..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Aumenta larghezza"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Diminuisci larghezza"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Aumenta altezza"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Diminuisci altezza"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Configura le scorciatoie globali..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Vai alla sessione successiva"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Vai alla sessione precedente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Vai alla sessione a sinistra"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Vai alla sessione a destra"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Dividi il terminale orizzontalmente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Dividi il terminale verticalmente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Chiudi terminale"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Passa alla sessione %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"Applicazione avviata correttamente!\n"
"Premi %1 per usarla..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Ci sono sessioni multiple aperte. Verranno terminate se si continua.\n"
"Vuoi davvero uscire?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Vuoi uscire veramente?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Chi&udi sessione"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Notifica di Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Opzioni rapide"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Apri sullo schermo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Tieni aperto al passaggio di fuoco"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Usa posizione mouse"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generale"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Temi"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Primo avvio"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Senza nome"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Temi Yakuake"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Seleziona archivio tema"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Impossibile scaricare tema"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "È stata selezionata una cartella, non un file."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare i file richiesti nell'archivio del tema.\n"
"L'archivio sembra essere non valido."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Impossibile elencare i contenuti dell'archivio del tema."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Questo tema sembra essere già installato e ti mancano i permessi richiesti per "
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Questo tema sembra essere già installato. Vuoi sovrascriverlo?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Il tema esiste già"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Reinstalla tema"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Impossibile eliminare tema"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "Impposibile aprire larchivio del tema."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Impossibile installare tema"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Vuoi rimuovere \"%1\" di %2?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Rimuovi tema"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Shell n. %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Andrea Di Menna"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Installa tema..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Tema"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Benvenuto in Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "Puoi cambiare la scorciatoia in qualsiasi momento attraverso il menu."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nessuna"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Prima di usare l'applicazione, vorresti poter cambiare le scorciatoie da "
"tastiera usate per aprire e chiudere la finestra di Yakuake:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Mostra una finestra di notifica all'avvio dell'applicazione"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Conferma l'uscita quando si chiude più di una sessione"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Mostra barra delle schede"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Tieni aperta la finestra al passaggio del fuoco"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Abilita questa opzione se vuoi che la finestra di Yakuake rimanga aperta quando "
"perde il fuoco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Tieni aperta la finestra al passaggio del fuoco"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Abilita questa opzione se vuoi che la finestra di Yakuake rimanga aperta quando "
"perde il fuoco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Usa l'azione Apri/chiudi per passare il fuoco alla finestra"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Abilita questa opzione se vuoi che la scorciatoia Apri/chiudi passi il fuoco "
"alla finestra di Yakuake quando è già aperta ma non ha il fuoco. Disabilita "
"questa opzione per far sì che la scorciatoia Apri/chiudi faccia scomparire la "
"finestra di Yakuake sia che abbia o meno il fuoco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Abilita questa opzione se vuoi che la finestra di Yakuake rimanga aperta quando "
"perde il fuoco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Dimensioni ed animazioni"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Larghezza:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Altezza:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Velocità:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Questa impostazione controlla la durata approssimata dell'animazione di "
"scorrimento quando la finestra di Yakuake compare o scompare."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posizione"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Apri sullo schermo:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Schermo 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
# translation of yakuake.pot to Japanese.
# Yukiko Bando <>, 2006, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-11 20:00+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Yukiko Bando <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr "KDE Konsole のテクノロジーに基づく Quake スタイルのターミナルエミュレータ"
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "メンテナ"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "プロジェクト創始者 (活動休止中)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr "Plastik スキン"
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr "マウスポインタがスクリーンの上端に触れたら自動的に開くオプション"
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "スクリーン %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "タブバーのタブをクリックしてセッションを切り替えることができます。"
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "新規セッション"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr "新しいセッションを追加します。クリックして保持すると、メニューからセッションのタイプを選択できます。"
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "セッションを閉じる"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "アクティブなセッションを閉じます。"
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "%1 作"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "可能であれば、タイトルバーはセッションのタイトルを表示します。"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "フォーカスが失われても開いておく"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "メニューを開く"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake を開く/閉じる"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "スライドして Yakuake ウィンドウを開く/閉じる"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "上下分割ターミナル"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "左右分割ターミナル"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "4 分割ターミナル"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "次のターミナル"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "前のターミナル"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "選択を貼り付け"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "セッション名を変更..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "幅を増やす"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "幅を減らす"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "高さを増やす"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "高さを減らす"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "グローバルショートカットを設定..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "次のセッション"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "前のセッション"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "セッションを左に移動"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "セッションを右に移動"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "ターミナルを上下に分割"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "ターミナルを左右に分割"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "ターミナルを閉じる"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "セッション %1 に切り替え"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"使用するには %1 を押してください。"
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "本当に終了しますか?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "セッションを閉じる(&L)"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Yakuake 通知"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "クイックオプション"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "スクリーンで開く"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "フォーカスが変わっても開いておく"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "マウスの場所"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "全般"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "スキン"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "初回起動"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "名前なし"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "不明"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake スキン"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "スキンアーカイブを選択"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "スキンのダウンロードに失敗しました"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "ファイルではなくディレクトリが選択されました。"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "スキンアーカイブの内容を一覧表示できません。"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr "このスキンは既にインストールされているようですが、上書きする権限がありません。"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "このスキンは既にインストールされているようです。上書きしますか?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "スキンは既に存在します"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "スキンを再インストール"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "スキンを削除できませんでした"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "スキンアーカイブのファイルを開けませんでした。"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "スキンをインストールできません"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "%2 作の \"%1\" を削除しますか?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "スキンを削除"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr "シェル No.%n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Yukiko Bando"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "スキンをインストール..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr "スキンの背景色:"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr "半透明のスキンの地の色を指定します。この設定は Yakuake が KDE 以外で実行されていて半透明が利用できない場合にのみ使われます。"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "スキン"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "Yakuake へようこそ"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "このショートカットは後でメニューから変更できます。"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "なし"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr "使用を開始する前に、Yakuake ウィンドウを開く/閉じるためのキーボードショートカットを変更できます。"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "アプリケーションの起動を通知するポップアップを表示する"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "複数のセッションを閉じるときは確認する"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "タブバーを表示する"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "他のウィンドウの上に保持する"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr "フォーカスが失われても Yakuake ウィンドウを他のウィンドウの上に保持しておく場合、このオプションを有効にしてください。"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "フォーカスが変わってもウィンドウを開いておく"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr "フォーカスが失われても Yakuake ウィンドウを開いておく場合、このオプションを有効にしてください。"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "開く/閉じるショートカットでウィンドウをフォーカスする"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"「開く/閉じる」ショートカットを使って既に開いているフォーカスされていない Yakuake "
"ウィンドウにフォーカスを移す場合、このオプションを有効にしてください。フォーカスされているかどうかに関係なく「開く/閉じる」ショートカットで Yakuake "
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr "マウスポインタがスクリーンの上端に触れたら自動的に開く"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr "マウスポインタがスクリーンの上端に触れたら Yakuake ウィンドウを開くようにする場合、このオプションを有効にしてください。"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "サイズとアニメーション"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "幅:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "高さ:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "速度:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr "この設定で、Yakuake ウィンドウがスライドして開く/閉じるアニメーションのおよその長さをコントロールします。"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "位置"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "次のスクリーンで開く:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "スクリーン 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to Dutch
# Rinse de Vries <>, 2006, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-11 11:54+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Rinse de Vries <>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Een terminalprogramma in de stijl van Quake, gebaseerd op de technologie van "
"KDE's Konsole."
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Onderhouder"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Projectstichter (niet langer actief)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr "Plastik-skin"
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr "Automatisch openen wanneer aanwijzer schermrand raakt"
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Scherm %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "Met de tabbalk kunt u tussen sessies wisselen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Nieuwe sessie"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Voegt een nieuwe sessie toe. Houdt de muisknop ingedrukt om een sessietype in "
"het menu te selecteren."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Sessie sluiten"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Sluit de actieve sessie."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "door %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "De titelbalk toont de sessietitel indien beschikbaar."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Open houden wanneer focus verloren is"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Menu openen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake openen/terugtrekken"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Schuift het venster van Yakuake open of dicht"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Twee terminals, horizontaal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Twee terminals, verticaal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Vier terminals, quad"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Ga naar volgende terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Ga naar vorige terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Selectie plakken"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Sessie hernoemen..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Breedte vergroten"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Breedte verkleinen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Hoogte vergroten"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Hoogte verkleinen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Globale sneltoetsen instellen..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Ga naar volgende sessie"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Ga naar vorige sessie"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Sessie naar links verplaatsen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Sessie naar rechts verplaatsen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Terminal horizontaal splitsen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Terminal verticaal splitsen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Terminal sluiten"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Overschakelen naar sessie %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"Programma is met succes gestart.\n"
"Druk op %1 om het te gebruiken..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"U hebt meerdere sessies geopend. Deze zullen geforceerd worden afgesloten als u "
"nu stopt.\n"
"Wilt u stoppen?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Wilt u stoppen?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Sessie s&luiten"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Yakuake-melding"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Snelle opties"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Op scherm openen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Open houden bij focusverandering"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Op muislocatie"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Algemeen"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Skins"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Eerste keer"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Naamloos"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Onbekend"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake-skins"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Skin-archief selecteren"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Kon skin niet downloaden"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Het installatieprogramma ontving een map, geen bestand."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Kon de vereiste bestanden niet in het skin-archief terugvinden.\n"
"Dit lijkt niet op een geldig archief."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Kon de inhoud van het skin-archief niet opsommen."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Het skin blijkt al te zijn geïnstalleerd. U hebt geen toegangsrechten om de "
"bestaande te overschrijven."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""
"De skin blijkt al te zijn geïnstalleerd. Wilt u de bestaande overschrijven?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Skin bestaat al"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Skin opnieuw installeren"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Kon skin niet verwijderen"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "Het skin-archief kon niet worden geopend."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Kon skin niet installeren"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Wilt u \"%1\" verwijderen door %2?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Skin verwijderen"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Shellnr. %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Rinse de Vries"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Skin installeren..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr "Achtergrondkleur van skin:"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
"De bepaalt de kleur van het oppervlak waarop de doorschijnende skinelementen "
"worden opgebouwd. Deze instelling is alleen beschikbaar als Yakuake buiten KDE "
"draait en transparantie niet beschikbaar is."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Skin"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Welkom bij Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "U kunt de sneltoets op een later tijdstip wijzigen in het menu."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Geen"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Voordat u het programma gebruikt kunt u de sneltoets wijzigen die gebruikt "
"wordt om het Yakuake-venster te openen en te sluiten:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Notificatiedialoog tonen bij programmastart"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Afsluiten bevestigen als er meer dan één sessie zal worden gesloten"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Tabbalk tonen"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Venster boven alle andere vensters plaatsen"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Activeer deze optie als u wilt dat het venster van Yakuake voor alle andere "
"vensters wordt weergegeven, ook als een ander venster de focus krijgt."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Venster open houden bij focuswijziging"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Activeer deze optie als u wilt dat het venster van Yakuake open blijft als een "
"ander venster de focus krijgt."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Open/terugtrek-actie gebruiken om venster focus te geven"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Activeer deze optie als u de sneltoetsen voor openen/terugtrekken wilt "
"gebruiken om het venster van Yakuake de focus te geven als dat nodig is. "
"Schakel deze optie uit als u met de openen/terugtrekken-sneltoets het "
"Yakuake-venster wilt sluiten ongeacht of het de focus heeft of niet."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr "Automatisch openen als aanwijzer de schermrand raakt"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Activeer deze optie als u wilt dat het venster van Yakuake wordt geopend als de "
"muisaanwijzer de bovenrand van het scherm raakt."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Grootte en animatie"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Breedte:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Hoogte:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Snelheid:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Deze instellingen bepalen de geschatte duur van de schuifanimatie als het "
"venster van Yakuake wordt geopend of zich terugtrekt."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Positie"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Openen op scherm:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Scherm 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to Polish
# translation of yakuake.po to
# Eike Hein <>, 2006.
# Thomas Reitelbach <>, 2006.
# Frederik Schwarzer <>, 2007.
# Tomasz Argasiński <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-12-09 00:40+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Tomasz Argasiński <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Emulator terminala w stylu konsoli Quake oparty o technologię KDE Konsole."
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Opiekun"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Założyciel projektu (nieaktywny)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr ""
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr ""
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Ekran %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "Pasek kart pozwala na przełączanie się pomiędzy sesjami."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Nowa sesja"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr "Dodaje nową sesję. Wciśnij i przytrzymaj aby wybrać typ sesji z menu."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Zamknij sesję"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Zamyka aktywną sesję."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "Autor: %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "Pasek tytułu wyświetla nazwę sesji gdy dostepna."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Pozostaw otwarty po utracie ogniska."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Otwórz menu"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Otwórz/schowaj Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Wysuwa i wycofuje okno Yakuake."
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Dwa terminale, poziomo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Dwa terminale, pionowo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Cztery terminale"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Przejdź do następnego terminala"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Przejdź do poprzedniego terminala"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Wklej zaznaczenie"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Zmień nazwę sesji..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Zwiększ szerokość"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Zmniejsz szerokość"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Zwiększ wysokość"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Zmniejsz wysokość"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Konfiguracja skrótów globalnych"
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Przejdź do następnej sesji"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Przejdź do poprzedniej sesji"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Przesuń sesję w lewo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Przesuń sesję w prawo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Podziel terminal w poziomie"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Podziel terminal w pionie"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Zamknij terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Przełącz do sesji %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr "Program został uruchomiony!<br>Wciśnij %1 aby go użyć..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Masz kilka otwartych sesji. i wszystkie zostaną zamknięte."
"<br> "
"<br> Czy na pewno chcesz zakończyć?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zakończyć?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "&Zamknij sesję"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Powiadomienie Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Szybkie opcje"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Otwórz na ekranie"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Utrzymuj otwarte przy zmianie skupienia"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "W lokalizacji myszy"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Ogólne"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Motywy"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Pierwsze uruchomienie"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Nienazwany"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nieznany"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|motywy Yakuake"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Wybierz archiwum z motywem"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Pobieranie motywu nie powidło się"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Instalator otrzymał folder, nie plik."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Nie udało się odnaleźć wymaganych plików w archiwum z motywem.\n"
" \n"
"Archiwum może być nieprawidłowe."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Nie udało się wylistować zawartości archiwum z motywem."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Ten motyw jest już zainstalowany i nie posiadasz wymaganych uprawnień do "
"nadpisania go."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Ten motyw jest już zainstalowany. Czy chcesz go nadpisać?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Motyw już istnieje"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Ponownie zainstaluj motyw"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Nie można usunąć motywu."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "Nie można otworzyć archiwum z motywem."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Nie można zainstalować motywu"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Czy chcesz usunąć \"%1\" z %2?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Usuń motyw"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Tomasz Argasiński"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Zainstaluj motyw..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Motyw"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Witaj w programie Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "Możesz zmienić ten skrót w każdej chwili poprzez menu."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Żaden"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Zanim zaczniesz używać tego programu możesz chcieć zmienić skrót klawiaturowy "
"służący do otwierania i zamykania okna Yakuake:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Pokaż powiadomienie po uruchomieniu programu."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Potwierdź zamknięcie przy zamykaniu więcej niż jednej sesji."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Pokaż pasek kart"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Zawsze na wierzchu"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Zaznacz tę opcję, gdy chcesz aby okno Yakuake pozostało otwarte po utracie "
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Zawsze na wierzchu"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Zaznacz tę opcję, gdy chcesz aby okno Yakuake pozostało otwarte po utracie "
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Okno uzyskuje skupienie podczas otwierania/chowania"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Włącz tę opcję, jeżeli chcesz, aby skrót otwórz/schowaj przywracał skupienie "
"oknu Yakuake, gdy jest otwarte, lecz brak mu skupienia. Wyłącz tę opcję, aby "
"skrót otwórz/schowaj chował okno Yakuake bez względu na to, czy okno Yakuake "
"posiada skupienie, czy nie."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Zaznacz tę opcję, gdy chcesz aby okno Yakuake pozostało otwarte po utracie "
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Rozmiar i animacja"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Szerokość:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Wysokość:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Szybkość:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"To ustawienie kontroluje czas trwania animacji przesuwania podczas wysuwania i "
"chowania okna Yakuake."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Pozycja"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Otwórz na ekranie:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Ekran 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-11 14:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: José Nuno Coelho Pires <>\n"
"Language-Team: pt <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Yakuake Konsole Quake Plastik\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Um emulador de terminal do estilo do Quake, baseado na tecnologia do Konsole do "
"KDE. "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Manutenção"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Fundador do Projecto (Inactivo)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr "Visual Plastik"
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr "Abrir automaticamente ao passar o cursor pelo extremo do ecrã"
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Ecrã %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "A barra de páginas permite-lhe mudar de sessões."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Nova Sessão"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Adiciona uma nova sessão. Carregue e mantenha assim para seleccionar o tipo de "
"sessão do menu."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Fechar a Sessão"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Fecha a sessão activa."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "por %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "A barra de título mostra o título da sessão, se estiver disponível."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Manter aberta mesmo se o primeiro plano se perder"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Abrir o Menu"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Abrir/Retrair o Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Desliza a janela do Yakuake para cima e para baixo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Dois Terminais na Horizontal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Dois Terminais na Vertical"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Quatro Terminais - Quádruplo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Ir para o Terminal Seguinte"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Ir para o Terminal Anterior"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Colar Selecção"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Mudar o Nome à Sessão..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Aumentar a Largura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Diminuir a Largura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Aumentar a Altura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Diminuir a Altura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Configurar os Atalhos Globais..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Ir para a Próxima Sessão"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Ir para a Sessão Anterior"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Mover a Sessão para a Esquerda"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Mover a Sessão para a Direita"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Dividir o Terminal na Horizontal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Dividir o Terminal na Vertical"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Fechar o Terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Mudar para a Sessão %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"A aplicação foi iniciada com sucesso!\n"
"Carregue em %1 para a usar..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Você tem várias sessões abertas. Estas serão terminadas se continuar.\n"
"Tem a certeza que deseja sair?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Deseja Realmente Sair?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Fe&char a Sessão"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Notificação do Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Opções Rápidas"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Abrir no ecrã"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Manter aberta com a mudança de primeiro plano"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuração"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Na localização do rato"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Geral"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Aparências"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Primeira Execução"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Sem nome"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconhecido"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Aparências do Yakuake"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Seleccionar o Pacote da Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Não Foi Possível Obter a Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Foi indicada uma pasta para o instalador, não um ficheiro."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível localizar os ficheiros necessários do pacote da aparência.\n"
"O pacote parece ser inválido."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Não é possível apresentar o conteúdo do pacote da aparência."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Esta aparência parece já estar instalada e você não tem permissões para a "
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Esta aparência já parece estar instalada. Deseja substituí-la?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "A Aparência Já Existe"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Instalar de Novo a Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Não Foi Possível Remover a Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "O pacote da aparência não pôde ser acedido."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Não é Possível Instalar a Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Deseja remover a \"%1\" de %2?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Remover a Aparência"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Consola No. %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "José Nuno Pires,Pedro Morais"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ","
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Instalar a Aparência..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr "Cor de fundo do visual:"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
"Isto controla a cor da superfície sobre a qual se compõem os elementos "
"translúcidos do visual. Esta opção só fica disponível se o Yakuake for "
"executado fora do KDE e a translucidez estiver indisponível."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Aparência"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Bem-vindo ao Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "Poderá alterar mais tarde o atalho com o menu."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nenhuma"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Antes de usar a aplicação, poderá querer alterar o atalho de teclado usado para "
"abrir e fechar a janela do Yakuake:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Mostrar a mensagem de notificação no arranque da aplicação"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Confirmar a saída com mais do que uma sessão aberta"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Mostrar a barra de páginas"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Manter a janela acima de todas as outras"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Active esta opção se quiser que a janela do Yakuake se mantenha por cima de "
"todas as janelas, mesmo que deixe de ficar em primeiro plano."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Manter a janela aberta com a mudança de primeiro plano"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Active esta opção se quiser que a janela do Yakuake se mantenha aberta ao "
"deixar de ficar em primeiro plano."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Usar a acção Abrir/Retrair para pôr a janela em primeiro plano"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Active esta opção se quiser que a acção para Abrir/Retrair coloque a janela do "
"Yakuake em primeiro plano quando já estiver aberta mas não estiver em primeiro "
"plano. Desactive esta opção para que o atalho para Abrir/Retrair retraia a "
"janela, independentemente de estar ou não em primeiro plano."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr "Abrir automaticamente quando o cursor tocar no extremo do ecrã"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Active esta opção se quiser que a janela do Yakuake se abra quando o cursor do "
"rato tocar no extremo superior do ecrã."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Tamanho e Animação"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Largura:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Altura:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Velocidade:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Esta opção controla a duração aproximada da animação do deslizamento, quando a "
"janela do Yakuake se está a abrir ou a retrair."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posição"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Abrir no ecrã:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Ecrã 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to Brazilian Portuguese
# Diniz Bortolotto <>, 2006, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-28 15:14-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Diniz Bortolotto <>\n"
"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Yakuake Konsole Quake\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"Um emulador de terminal no estilo do Quake, baseado na tecnologia do Konsole do "
"KDE. "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Mantenedor"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Criador do Projeto (Inativo)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr ""
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr ""
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Tela %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "A barra de abas permite que você alterne entre sessões."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Nova Sessão"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Adiciona uma nova sessão. Pressione e mantenha para selecionar o tipo de sessão "
"do menu."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Fechar a Sessão"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Fechar a sessão ativa."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "por %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "A barra de título mostra o título da sessão se disponível."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Manter aberta quando o foco é perdido"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Abrir o Menu"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Abrir/Retrair o Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Desliza a janela do Yakuake para cima e para baixo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Dois Terminais, Horizontal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Dois Terminais, Vertical"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Quatro Terminais, Quádruplo"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Ir para o Próximo Terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Ir para o Terminal Anterior"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Colar Seleção"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Renomear Sessão..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Aumentar Largura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Diminuir Largura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Aumentar Altura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Diminuir Altura"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Configurar Atalhos Globais..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Ir para a Próxima Sessão"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Ir para a Sessão Anterior"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Mover a Sessão para a Esquerda"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Mover a Sessão para a Direita"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Dividir o Terminal Horizontalmente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Dividir o Terminal Verticalmente"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Fechar o Terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Mudar para a Sessão %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"O aplicativo foi iniciado com sucesso!\n"
"Pressione %1 para usá-lo..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Você tem várias sessões abertas. Estas serão terminadas se você continuar.\n"
"Deseja mesmo sair?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Deseja Realmente Sair?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Fe&char a Sessão"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Notificação do Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Opções Rápidas"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Abrir na tela"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Manter aberta na mudança de foco"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configurações"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Na posição do mouse"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Geral"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Aparências"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Primeira Execução"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Sem nome"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconhecido"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Aparências do Yakuake"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Selecionar o Pacote de Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Não Foi Possível Obter a Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Foi indicado um diretório para o instalador, não um arquivo."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível localizar os arquivos necessários do pacote de aparência.\n"
" O pacote parece ser inválido."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Não é possível apresentar o conteúdo do pacote de aparência."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Esta aparência parece já estar instalada e você não tem as permissões "
"necessárias para substituí-la."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Esta aparência parece já estar instalada. Você quer substituí-la?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "A Aparência Já Existe"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Reinstalar a Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Não Foi Possível Remover a Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "O pacote de aparência não pôde ser aberto."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Não é Possível Instalar a Aparência"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Você quer remover \"%1\" de %2?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Remover Aparência"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Console No. %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Diniz Bortolotto, Christian Tosta"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ","
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Instalar a Aparência..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Aparência"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Bem-vindo ao Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr ""
"Você pode alterar o atalho a qualquer momento mais tarde através do menu."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nenhuma"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Antes de usar o aplicativo, talvez você queira trocar o atalho de teclado usado "
"para abrir e fechar a janela do Yakuake:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Mostrar a mensagem de notificação na inicialização do aplicativo"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Confirmar a saída quando estiver fechando mais de uma sessão"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Mostrar a barra de abas"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Manter a janela aberta na mudança de foco"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Ative esta opção se você quer que a janela do Yakuake permaneça aberta quando "
"ela perde o foco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Manter a janela aberta na mudança de foco"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Ative esta opção se você quer que a janela do Yakuake permaneça aberta quando "
"ela perde o foco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Usar a ação Abrir/Retrair para pôr a janela em primeiro plano"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Ative esta opção se quiser que o atalho para Abrir/Retrair coloque a janela do "
"Yakuake em primeiro plano quando já estiver aberta mas não estiver em primeiro "
"plano. Desative esta opção para que o atalho para Abrir/Retrair retraia a "
"janela, independentemente de estar ou não em primeiro plano."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Ative esta opção se você quer que a janela do Yakuake permaneça aberta quando "
"ela perde o foco."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Tamanho e Animação"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Largura:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Altura:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Velocidade:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Esta opção controla a duração aproximada da animação deslizante quando a janela "
"do Yakuake está abrindo ou retraindo."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posição"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Abrir na tela:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Tela 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to Swedish
# Stefan Asserhäll <>, 2006, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-11 16:31+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Stefan Asserhäll <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"En Quake-liknande terminalemulator baserad på teknologi från KDE:s Terminal. "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Utvecklare"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Projektgrundare (inaktiv)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr "Plastik-skal"
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr "Öppna automatiskt när pekaren rör skärmkanten"
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Skärm %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "Flikraden låter dig byta mellan sessioner."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Ny session"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Lägger till en ny session. Klicka och håll nere för att välja sessionstyp från "
"en meny."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Stäng session"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Stänger aktiv session."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "av %1"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "Namnlisten visar sessionens namn om det är tillgängligt."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Behåll öppen när fokus förloras"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Öppna meny"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Öppna eller dra tillbaka Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Låter Yakuakes fönster glida in eller ut"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "Två terminaler, horisontella"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "Två terminaler, vertikala"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Fyra terminaler, i fyrkant"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Gå till nästa terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Gå till föregående terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Klistra in markering"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Byt namn på session..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Öka bredd"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Minska bredd"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Öka höjd"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Minska höjd"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Anpassa globala genvägar..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Gå till nästa session"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Gå till föregående session"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Flytta session åt vänster"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Flytta session åt höger"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Dela terminal horisontellt"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Dela terminal vertikalt"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Stäng terminal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Byt till session %1"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr ""
"Programmet startat med lyckat resultat.\n"
"Tryck på %1 för att använda det..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Du har flera sessioner öppna. De dödas om du fortsätter.\n"
"Vill du verkligen avsluta?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Verkligen avsluta?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Stän&g session"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Underrättelse från Yakuake"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Snabbalternativ"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Öppna på skärm"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Behåll öppen vid fokusändring"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Vid muspekaren"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allmänt"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Skal"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "Första körning"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Namnlös"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Okänd"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake-skal"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Välj skalarkiv"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Misslyckades ladda ner skal"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "En katalog angavs för installation, istället för en fil."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Kunde inte hitta nödvändiga filer i skalarkivet.\n"
"Arkivet verkar vara felaktigt."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Kan inte lista innehållet i skalarkivet."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Skalet verkar redan vara installerat, och du saknar de rättigheter som krävs "
"för att skriva över det."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Skalet verkar redan vara installerat. Vill du skriva över det?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Skalet finns redan"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Installera om skal"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Kunde inte ta bort skal"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "Skalarkivfilen kunde inte öppnas."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Kan inte installera skal"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "Vill du ta bort \"%1\" av %2?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Ta bort skal"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr ""
"Skal nummer %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Stefan Asserhäll"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Installera skal..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr "Skalets bakgrundsfärg:"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
"Det här styr färgen på ytan som halvgenomskinliga delar av skalet sätts samman "
"på. Inställningen är bara tillgänglig om Yakuake körs utanför KDE och "
"genomskinlighet inte är tillgänglig."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Skal"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Välkommen till Yakuake</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "Du kan ändra snabbtangenten när som helst senare via menyn."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ingen"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Innan programmet används, kanske du vill ändra snabbtangenten som används för "
"att öppna och stänga Yakuakes fönster:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Visa underrättelsemeddelande när programmet startas"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Bekräfta avslutning när mer än en session stängs"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Visa flikraden"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Behåll fönstret ovanför andra fönster"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Aktivera alternativet om du vill att Yakuakes fönster ska förbli ovanför andra "
"fönster också när det förlorar fokus."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Behåll fönster öppet vid fokusändring"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Aktivera alternativet om du vill att Yakuakes fönster ska förbli öppet när det "
"förlorar fokus."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Använd öppna och dra tillbaka för att ge fönster fokus"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Aktivera alternativet om du vill att snabbtangenten för att öppna eller dra "
"tillbaka ska ge Yakuakes fönster fokus när det redan är öppet men inte har "
"fokus. Inaktivera alternativet för att låta snabbtangenten dra tillbaka "
"Yakuakes fönster oberoende av om det har fokus eller inte."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr "Öppna automatiskt när pekaren rör skärmens kant"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Aktivera alternativet om du vill att Yakuakes fönster ska förbli öppet när "
"muspekaren rör skärmens överkant."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Storlek och animation"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Bredd:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Höjd:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Hastighet:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Inställningen styr ungefärlig längd på den glidande animationen när Yakuakes "
"fönster öppnas eller dras tillbaka."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Position"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Öppna på skärm:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Skärm 1"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
# translation of yakuake.po to
# İsmail Dönmez <>, 2006.
# Can Coşkuner <>, 2007.
# Serdar Soytetir <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: yakuake\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-11 09:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-15 14:20+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Serdar Soytetir <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: src/main.cpp:24
msgid "A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. "
msgstr ""
"KDE Konsole teknolojisi üzerine kurulmuş Quake benzeri bir terminal emülatörü. "
#: src/main.cpp:29
msgid "Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake"
#: src/main.cpp:32
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Geliştirici"
#: src/main.cpp:33
msgid "Project Founder (Inactive)"
msgstr "Proje Kurucusu (İnaktif)"
#: src/main.cpp:41
msgid "Plastik skin"
msgstr ""
#: src/main.cpp:42
msgid "Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"
msgstr ""
#: src/general_settings.cpp:35 src/main_window.cpp:825
#, c-format
msgid "Screen %1"
msgstr "Ekran %1"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:152
msgid "The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."
msgstr "Tab çubuğu oturumlar arasında geçiş yapmanızı sağlar."
#: src/main_window.cpp:84 src/tab_bar.cpp:157
msgid "New Session"
msgstr "Yeni oturum"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:158
msgid "Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."
msgstr ""
"Yeni oturum ekler. Tıklayın ve menüden oturum türünü seçmek için basılı tutun."
#: src/main_window.cpp:170 src/tab_bar.cpp:162
msgid "Close Session"
msgstr "Oturumu kapat"
#: src/tab_bar.cpp:163
msgid "Closes the active session."
msgstr "Etkin oturumu kapatır."
#: src/skin_list_item.cpp:33
#, c-format
msgid "by %1"
msgstr "%1 ile"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:25
msgid "The title bar displays the session title if available."
msgstr "Başlık çubuğu eğer var ise oturumun başlığını gösterir."
#: src/title_bar.cpp:100
msgid "Keep open when focus is lost"
msgstr "Odaktan çıktığında açık tut"
#: src/title_bar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Menu"
msgstr "Menüyü Aç"
#: src/main_window.cpp:70
msgid "Open/Retract Yakuake"
msgstr "Yakuake'yi Aç/Geri çek"
#: src/main_window.cpp:71
msgid "Slides the Yakuake window in and out"
msgstr "Yakuake penceresini aşağıya ve yukarıya kaydırır"
#: src/main_window.cpp:88
msgid "Two Terminals, Horizontal"
msgstr "İki Terminal, Yatay"
#: src/main_window.cpp:92
msgid "Two Terminals, Vertical"
msgstr "İki Terminal, Dikey"
#: src/main_window.cpp:96
msgid "Four Terminals, Quad"
msgstr "Dört Terminal, Dörtlü"
#: src/main_window.cpp:100
msgid "Go to Next Terminal"
msgstr "Bir Sonraki Oturuma Geç"
#: src/main_window.cpp:104
msgid "Go to Previous Terminal"
msgstr "Önceki Oturuma Geç"
#: src/main_window.cpp:112
msgid "Paste Selection"
msgstr "Seçimi Yapıştır"
#: src/main_window.cpp:116
msgid "Rename Session..."
msgstr "Oturumun Adını Değiştir..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:120
msgid "Increase Width"
msgstr "Terminal Genişliği"
#: src/main_window.cpp:123
msgid "Decrease Width"
msgstr "Genişliği azalt"
#: src/main_window.cpp:126
msgid "Increase Height"
msgstr "Yüksekliği arttır"
#: src/main_window.cpp:129
msgid "Decrease Height"
msgstr "Yüksekliği azalt"
#: src/main_window.cpp:133
msgid "Configure Global Shortcuts..."
msgstr "Genel kısayolları ayarla..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:155
msgid "Go to Next Session"
msgstr "Bir Sonraki Oturuma Geç"
#: src/main_window.cpp:158
msgid "Go to Previous Session"
msgstr "Önceki Oturuma Geç"
#: src/main_window.cpp:162
msgid "Move Session Left"
msgstr "Oturumu sola taşı"
#: src/main_window.cpp:166
msgid "Move Session Right"
msgstr "Oturumu sağa taşı"
#: src/main_window.cpp:175
msgid "Split Terminal Horizontally"
msgstr "Terminali Yatay Ayır"
#: src/main_window.cpp:180
msgid "Split Terminal Vertically"
msgstr "Terminali Dikey Ayır"
#: src/main_window.cpp:185
msgid "Close Terminal"
msgstr "Oturumu Kapat"
#: src/main_window.cpp:195
#, c-format
msgid "Switch to Session %1"
msgstr "Oturum %1'e geç"
#: src/main_window.cpp:223
msgid ""
"Application successfully started!\n"
"Press %1 to use it..."
msgstr "Yakuake başarıyla başlatıldı. Kullanmak için %1 tuşuna basın..."
#: src/main_window.cpp:281
msgid ""
"You have multiple open sessions. These will be killed if you continue.\n"
"Are you sure you want to quit?"
msgstr ""
"Birden fazla oturum açık. Eğer devam ederseniz bunlar kapatılacak. \n"
"Gerçekten çıkmak istiyor musunuz?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:282
msgid "Really Quit?"
msgstr "Gerçekten çıkmak istiyor musunuz?"
#: src/main_window.cpp:284
msgid "C&lose Session"
msgstr "Oturumu &Kapat"
#: src/main_window.cpp:327
msgid "Yakuake Notification"
msgstr "Yakuake Uyarı"
#: src/main_window.cpp:776
msgid "Quick Options"
msgstr "Çabuk Seçenekler"
#: src/main_window.cpp:784
msgid "Open on screen"
msgstr "Ekranda aç"
#: src/main_window.cpp:796
msgid "Keep open on focus change"
msgstr "Odak değiştiğinde açık tut"
#: src/main_window.cpp:798
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ayarlar"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 451
#: rc.cpp:129 src/main_window.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "At mouse location"
msgstr "Fare konumunda"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1207
msgid "General"
msgstr "Genel"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1211
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Temalar"
#: src/main_window.cpp:1227
msgid "First Run"
msgstr "İlk Çalıştırma"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:124
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "İsimsiz"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:125
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:177
msgid "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"
msgstr "*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Temaları"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:178
msgid "Select Skin Archive"
msgstr "Tema Arşivini Seç"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:186
msgid "Failed to Download Skin"
msgstr "Tema İndirme Başarısız"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:206
msgid "The installer was given a directory, not a file."
msgstr "Yükleyiciye dosya değil, dizin verildi."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n"
" The archive appears to be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Tema arşivinde gerekli dosyalar bulunamadı.\n"
" Arşiv geçersiz görünüyor."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:242
msgid "Unable to list the skin archive contents."
msgstr "Tema arşivi listelenemiyor."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:265
msgid ""
"This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions "
"to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
"Bu tema zaten yüklü. Üzerine tekrar yazabilmek için gerekli yetkiye ihtiyacınız "
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:272
msgid "This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Bu tema zaten yüklü. Üzerine yazmak iste misiniz?"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:273
msgid "Skin Already Exists"
msgstr "Tema Zaten Mevcut"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:274
msgid "Reinstall Skin"
msgstr "Temayı Tekrar Yükle"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:296
msgid "Could Not Delete Skin"
msgstr "Tema Silinemedi"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:319
msgid "The skin archive file could not be opened."
msgstr "Tema arşiv dosyasıılamadı."
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:325
msgid "Cannot Install Skin"
msgstr "Tema Yüklenemiyor"
#: src/skin_settings.cpp:350
msgid "Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?"
msgstr "%2 tarafından yapılan \"%1\"'i silmek istiyor musunuz?"
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:37 src/skin_settings.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Skin"
msgstr "Temayı Sil"
#: src/tabbed_widget.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Shell\n"
"Shell No. %n"
msgstr "Kabuk No. %n"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "İsmail Dönmez, Can Coşkuner"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ","
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install Skin..."
msgstr "Tema Yükle..."
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin background color:"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are "
"composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of "
"KDE and translucency is unavailable."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/skin_settings_ui.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Tema"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Welcome to Yakuake</b>"
msgstr "<b>Yakuake'ye Hoş Geldiniz</b>"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 65
#: rc.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu."
msgstr "Kısayolu daha sonra menüyü kullanarak da değiştirebilirsiniz."
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Hiçbiri"
#. i18n: file ./src/first_run_dialog_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut "
"used to open and close the Yakuake window:"
msgstr ""
"Uygulamayı kullanmadan önce Yakuake penceresini açıp kapatmak için gerekli olan "
"klavye kısayollarını değiştirmek isteyebilirsiniz:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show notification popup at application startup"
msgstr "Uygulama başlangıcında uyarı penceresini göster"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Confirm quit when closing more than one session"
msgstr "Birden çok oturumu kapatırken onay iste"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 62
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tab bar"
msgstr "Sekme barını göster"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:77
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window above other windows"
msgstr "Odak değiştiğinde pencereyi açık tut"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:80
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other "
"windows even when it loses focus."
msgstr ""
"Yakuake penceresinin odaktan çıktığında da açık kalmasını istiyorsanız bu "
"seçeneği işaretleyin."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep window open on focus change"
msgstr "Odak değiştiğinde pencereyi açık tut"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses "
msgstr ""
"Yakuake penceresinin odaktan çıktığında da açık kalmasını istiyorsanız bu "
"seçeneği işaretleyin."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Open/Retract action to focus window"
msgstr "Pencereyi odaklamak için Aç/Geri Çek eylemini kullan"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake "
"window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the "
"Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not "
"it has focus."
msgstr ""
"Yakuake penceresi açık ve odaklanmamışken pencerenin odaklanması için Aç "
"/Vazgeç kısayollarını kullanabilmek için bu seçeneği etkinleştirin. Yakuake "
"penceresinin odaklanmış olup olmadığına bakmadan Aç /Vazgeç kısayolunu "
"kullanmak için bu seçeneği pasifleştirin."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:99
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse "
"pointer touches the top edge of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Yakuake penceresinin odaktan çıktığında da açık kalmasını istiyorsanız bu "
"seçeneği işaretleyin."
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size and Animation"
msgstr "Boyut ve Animasyon"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Genişlik:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Yükseklik:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Hız:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 276
#: rc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when "
"the Yakuake window is opening or retracting."
msgstr ""
"Bu ayar Yakuake penceresinin açılma veya geri çekilme animasyon süresini "
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 361
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Pozisyon"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open on screen:"
msgstr "Ekranda aç:"
#. i18n: file ./src/general_settings_ui.ui line 456
#: rc.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen 1"
msgstr "Ekran %1"

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1 @@
EXCLUDE i18ncheckarg

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
SUBDIRS = src skins
messages: rc.cpp
$(EXTRACTRC) `find . -name "*.rc" -o -name "*.ui" -o -name "*.kcfg"` > rc.cpp
LIST=`find . -name \*.h -o -name \*.hh -o -name \*.H -o -name \*.hxx -o -name \*.hpp -o -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.cc -o -name *.cxx -o -name \*.ecpp -o -name \*.C`; \
if test -n "$$LIST"; then \
$(XGETTEXT) $$LIST -o $(podir)/yakuake.pot; \
rm -f rc.cpp

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Wed Jan 17 20:00:00 CEST 2008
Released Yakuake 2.8.1.
Mon Oct 01 23:00:00 CEST 2007
Released Yakuake 2.8.
Sun May 06 12:00:00 CEST 2007
Released Yakuake 2.8-beta1.
Sun Mar 19 12:00:00 CEST 2006
Released Yakuake 2.7.5.
Sat Mar 18 12:00:00 CEST 2006
Released Yakuake 2.7.4.
Tue Mar 14 20:00:00 CEST 2006
After Francois Chazal has announced that he is unable to continue
Yakuake development due to time constraints, maintainership has
passed on to Eike Hein. Yakuake is to be imported into the
Extragear module for future development.

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(yakuake, 1.1)

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
SUBDIRS = default plastik_light plastik_dark

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
** What is a Yakuake skin?
A Yakuake skin, at present, is a collection of PNG image files and related
settings that allows modifying the visual appearance of the Yakuake window
frame, the window title bar and the tab bar along with the button controls
on them and the default title bar caption.
** How is a Yakuake skin composed?
A Yakuake skin consists of a main directory, the name of which is used by
the application to identify that skin, and the files within. Two required
files are and located immediately in that directory.
Both are INI-style text files which contain the paths of the pixmaps that
are to be applied to the title bar and tab bar interface elements, res-
pectively, as well as the coordinates of the buttons and additional infor-
mation about the skin, such as its display name, its author and the email
address of the author.
You should derive new skins from the default skin. Please remember to
change the name of the base skin directory (which serves as identifier),
the skin display name, and include author information.
** How should I package a Yakuake skin?
The "Skins" page in the Yakuake configuration dialog features an "Install
Skin" facility that can install Yakuake skin directories packaged as a
tar archive and optionally compressed using gzip or bzip2. Packages can be
installed from a local volume or a URL (using KIO).
In managing skins, Yakuake uses the name of the base skin directory loca-
ted within the tar archive as internal identifier for the skin. It should
be unique to your skin, i.e. ideally a simplified version of the proper
name of your skin.
The skin list on the "Skins" config dialog page reads the Name and Author
properties from the *.skin files to populate list items with information.
Additionally, it will try to load a 32x32px image file given via the Icon
property to show as artwork next to the skin name.

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
SUBDIRS = title tabs
skinrcdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/default
skinrc_DATA = icon.png

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Author=Francois Chazal

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
tabsrcdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/default/tabs
tabsrc_DATA = back_image.png left_corner.png minus_down.png minus_over.png \
minus_up.png plus_down.png plus_over.png plus.png plus_up.png right_corner.png \
selected_back.png selected_left.png selected_right.png unselected_back.png separator.png

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Author=Francois Chazal
text=KDE Terminal Emulator

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
titlercdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/default/title
titlerc_DATA = back.png config_down.png config_over.png config_up.png\
focus_down.png focus_over.png focus_up.png left.png quit_down.png\
quit_over.png quit_up.png right.png

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
SUBDIRS = title tabs
skinrcdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/plastik_dark
skinrc_DATA = icon.png

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Skin=Plastik (Dark)

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
tabsrcdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/plastik_dark/tabs
tabsrc_DATA = back_image.png left_corner.png minus_down.png minus_over.png \
minus_up.png plus_down.png plus_over.png plus_up.png right_corner.png \
selected_back.png selected_left.png selected_right.png unselected_back.png separator.png

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Skin=Plastik (Dark)

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
titlercdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/plastik_dark/title
titlerc_DATA = back.png config_down.png config_over.png config_up.png\
focus_down.png focus_over.png focus_up.png left.png quit_down.png\
quit_over.png quit_up.png right.png

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
SUBDIRS = title tabs
skinrcdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/plastik_light
skinrc_DATA = icon.png

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Skin=Plastik (Light)

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
tabsrcdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/plastik_light/tabs
tabsrc_DATA = back_image.png left_corner.png minus_down.png minus_over.png \
minus_up.png plus_down.png plus_over.png plus_up.png right_corner.png \
selected_back.png selected_left.png selected_right.png unselected_back.png separator.png

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Skin=Plastik (Light)

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src
titlercdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake/plastik_light/title
titlerc_DATA = back.png config_down.png config_over.png config_up.png\
focus_down.png focus_over.png focus_up.png left.png quit_down.png\
quit_over.png quit_up.png right.png

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
bin_PROGRAMS = yakuake
yakuake_SOURCES = dcop_interface.skel first_run_dialog.cpp \
first_run_dialog_ui.ui general_settings.cpp general_settings_ui.ui \
image_button.cpp main.cpp main_window.cpp session.cpp settings.kcfgc \
skin_list_item.cpp skin_settings.cpp skin_settings_ui.ui \
tabbed_widget.cpp tab_bar.cpp terminal.cpp terminal_focus_watcher.cpp \
terminal_splitter.cpp title_bar.cpp translucent_widget.cpp
yakuake_LDFLAGS = $(KDE_RPATH) $(all_libraries)
yakuake_LDADD = $(LIB_KDEUI) $(LIB_KIO)
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/. -I$(top_srcdir)/src $(all_includes)
kde_kcfg_DATA = yakuake.kcfg
xdg_apps_DATA = yakuake.desktop
shellrcdir = $(kde_datadir)/yakuake
noinst_HEADERS = dcop_interface.h first_run_dialog.h general_settings.h \
image_button.h main_window.h session.h skin_list_item.h \
skin_settings.h tabbed_widget.h tab_bar.h terminal.h \
terminal_focus_watcher.h terminal_splitter.h title_bar.h

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include <dcopobject.h>
class DCOPInterface : virtual public DCOPObject
virtual void slotToggleState() = 0;
virtual void slotAddSession() = 0;
virtual void slotRemoveSession() = 0;
virtual void slotRemoveSession(int session_id) = 0;
virtual void slotRemoveTerminal() = 0;
virtual void slotRemoveTerminal(int session_id) = 0;
virtual void slotRemoveTerminal(int session_id, int terminal_id) = 0;
virtual void slotRenameSession(int session_id, const QString & name) = 0;
virtual const QString sessionIdList() = 0;
virtual const QString terminalIdList(int session_id) = 0;
virtual int tabPositionForSessionId(int session_id) = 0;
virtual int sessionIdForTabPosition(int position) = 0;
virtual int selectedSession() = 0;
virtual int selectedTerminal() = 0;
virtual void slotSelectSession(int session_id) = 0;
virtual void slotSelectTabPosition(int position) = 0;
virtual const QString slotSessionName() = 0;
virtual const QString slotSessionName(int session_id) = 0;
virtual const QString slotSessionTitle() = 0;
virtual const QString slotSessionTitle(int session_id) = 0;
virtual const QString slotSessionTitle(int session_id, int terminal_id) = 0;
virtual void slotSetSessionTitleText(const QString& title) = 0;
virtual void slotSetSessionTitleText(int session_id, const QString& title) = 0;
virtual void slotSetSessionTitleText(int session_id, int terminal_id, const QString& title) = 0;
virtual void slotPasteClipboard() = 0;
virtual void slotPasteClipboard(int session_id) = 0;
virtual void slotPasteClipboard(int session_id, int terminal_id) = 0;
virtual void slotPasteSelection() = 0;
virtual void slotPasteSelection(int session_id) = 0;
virtual void slotPasteSelection(int session_id, int terminal_id) = 0;
virtual void slotRunCommandInSession(const QString& command) = 0;
virtual void slotRunCommandInSession(int session_id, const QString& command) = 0;
virtual void slotRunCommandInSession(int session_id, int terminal_id, const QString& command) = 0;
virtual void slotSplitHorizontally() = 0;
virtual void slotSplitHorizontally(int session_id) = 0;
virtual void slotSplitHorizontally(int session_id, int terminal_id) = 0;
virtual void slotSplitVertically() = 0;
virtual void slotSplitVertically(int session_id) = 0;
virtual void slotSplitVertically(int session_id, int terminal_id) = 0;
#endif /* DCOP_INTERFACE_H */

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "first_run_dialog.h"
#include "first_run_dialog.moc"
#include <kkeybutton.h>
#include <kshortcut.h>
#include <kkeydialog.h>
FirstRunDialog::FirstRunDialog(QWidget* parent, const char* name)
: FirstRunDialogUI(parent, name)
connect(key_button, SIGNAL(capturedShortcut(const KShortcut&)),
this, SLOT(validateShortcut(const KShortcut&)));
KShortcut FirstRunDialog::shortcut()
return key_button->shortcut();
void FirstRunDialog::setShortcut(const KShortcut& shortcut)
key_button->setShortcut(shortcut, false);
void FirstRunDialog::validateShortcut(const KShortcut& shortcut)
if (!KKeyChooser::checkGlobalShortcutsConflict(shortcut, true, this)
&& !KKeyChooser::KKeyChooser::checkStandardShortcutsConflict(shortcut, true, this))
key_button->setShortcut(shortcut, false);

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "first_run_dialog_ui.h"
class KShortcut;
class FirstRunDialog : public FirstRunDialogUI
explicit FirstRunDialog(QWidget* parent, const char* name=NULL);
KShortcut shortcut();
public slots:
void setShortcut(const KShortcut& shortcut);
private slots:
void validateShortcut(const KShortcut& shortcut);
#endif /* FIRST_RUN_DIALOG_H */

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.2" stdsetdef="1">
<widget class="QWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="name">
<property name="margin">
<widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="text">
<string>&lt;b&gt;Welcome to Yakuake&lt;/b&gt;</string>
<property name="alignment">
<widget class="KSeparator" row="1" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="frameShape">
<property name="frameShadow">
<widget class="QLabel" row="6" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>You can change the shortcut later at any time via the menu.</string>
<property name="alignment">
<spacer row="4" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="KKeyButton" row="4" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<spacer row="4" column="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="QLabel" row="2" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Before using the application, you might want to change the keyboard shortcut used to open and close the Yakuake window:</string>
<property name="alignment">
<spacer row="3" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<spacer row="5" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
<layoutfunctions spacing="KDialog::spacingHint" margin="KDialog::marginHint"/>

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "general_settings.h"
#include "general_settings.moc"
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qslider.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <klocale.h>
GeneralSettings::GeneralSettings(QWidget* parent, const char* name)
: GeneralSettingsUI(parent, name)
for (int i = 2; i <= QApplication::desktop()->numScreens(); i++)
kcfg_screen->insertItem(i18n("Screen %1").arg(QString::number(i)));
if (QApplication::desktop()->numScreens() > 1)
connect(kcfg_width, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateWidthSlider(int)));
connect(width_slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateWidthSpinbox(int)));
connect(kcfg_height, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateHeightSlider(int)));
connect(height_slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateHeightSpinbox(int)));
connect(kcfg_steps, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateStepsSpinbox(int)));
connect(steps_spinbox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateStepsSlider(int)));
connect(kcfg_location, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateLocation(int)));
void GeneralSettings::updateWidthSlider(int width)
emit updateSize(width, kcfg_height->value(), kcfg_location->value());
void GeneralSettings::updateWidthSpinbox(int width)
void GeneralSettings::updateHeightSlider(int height)
emit updateSize(kcfg_width->value(), height, kcfg_location->value());
void GeneralSettings::updateHeightSpinbox(int height)
void GeneralSettings::updateStepsSlider(int speed)
void GeneralSettings::updateStepsSpinbox(int speed)
void GeneralSettings::updateLocation(int location)
emit updateSize(kcfg_width->value(), kcfg_height->value(), location);

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "general_settings_ui.h"
class GeneralSettings : public GeneralSettingsUI
explicit GeneralSettings(QWidget* parent, const char* name=NULL);
void updateSize(int width, int height, int location);
private slots:
void updateWidthSlider(int width);
void updateWidthSpinbox(int width);
void updateHeightSlider(int height);
void updateHeightSpinbox(int height);
void updateStepsSlider(int height);
void updateStepsSpinbox(int height);
void updateLocation(int location);

@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.2" stdsetdef="1">
<widget class="QWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="name">
<property name="margin">
<widget class="QGroupBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="title">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="0" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Show notification popup at application startup</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="1" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Confirm quit when closing more than one session</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="2" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Show the tab bar</string>
<spacer row="6" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<spacer row="5" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="5" column="1" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="text">
<string>Keep window above other windows</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to keep on top of other windows even when it loses focus.</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="4" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Keep window open on focus change</string>
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to stay open when it loses focus.</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="6" column="1" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="text">
<string>Use Open/Retract action to focus window</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Enable this option if you want the Open/Retract shortcut to focus the Yakuake window when it is already open but lacks focus. Disable this option to have the Open/Retract shortcut retract the Yakuake window regardless of whether or not it has focus.</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="3" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="text">
<string>Automatically open when pointer touches screen edge</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Enable this option if you want the Yakuake window to open when the mouse pointer touches the top edge of the screen.</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="title">
<string>Size and Animation</string>
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QLabel" row="1" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QLabel" row="2" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QSlider" row="0" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="minValue">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="lineStep">
<property name="pageStep">
<property name="value">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="tickmarks">
<property name="tickInterval">
<widget class="QSlider" row="1" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="minValue">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="lineStep">
<property name="pageStep">
<property name="value">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="tickmarks">
<property name="tickInterval">
<widget class="QSlider" row="2" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="minValue">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="pageStep">
<property name="value">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="tickmarks">
<property name="tickInterval">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>This setting controls the approximate duration of the sliding animation when the Yakuake window is opening or retracting.</string>
<widget class="KIntSpinBox" row="1" column="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="minValue">
<property name="lineStep">
<property name="value">
<widget class="KIntSpinBox" row="2" column="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="minValue">
<property name="lineStep">
<property name="value">
<widget class="KIntSpinBox" row="0" column="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="minValue">
<property name="lineStep">
<property name="value">
<widget class="QGroupBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="title">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QSlider">
<property name="name">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="value">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="tickmarks">
<property name="tickInterval">
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="text">
<string>Open on screen:</string>
<widget class="QComboBox">
<property name="text">
<string>At mouse location</string>
<property name="text">
<string>Screen 1</string>
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
<layoutfunctions spacing="KDialog::spacingHint" margin="KDialog::marginHint"/>

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "image_button.h"
#include "image_button.moc"
#include "settings.h"
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
ImageButton::ImageButton(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool translucency) : TranslucentWidget(parent, name, translucency)
state = 0;
toggle = false;
pressed = false;
delay_popup = false;
popup_menu = NULL;
popup_timer = NULL;
void ImageButton::setToggleButton(bool toggled)
/* Sets the toggling ability. */
pressed = false;
toggle = toggled;
void ImageButton::setToggled(bool enable)
if (toggle)
state = 0;
if (enable)
pressed = true;
pressed = false;
void ImageButton::setPopupMenu(QPopupMenu* menu)
popup_menu = menu;
popup_timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(popup_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showPopupMenu()));
void ImageButton::showPopupMenu()
popup_menu->exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, height())));
void ImageButton::setUpPixmap(const QString& path, bool use_alpha_mask)
if (up_pixmap.hasAlphaChannel()) setMask(*up_pixmap.mask());
if (use_alpha_mask)
void ImageButton::setOverPixmap(const QString& path)
void ImageButton::setDownPixmap(const QString& path)
void ImageButton::enterEvent(QEvent*)
state = pressed ? 2 : 1;
void ImageButton::leaveEvent(QEvent*)
state = 0;
if (popup_timer) popup_timer->stop();
void ImageButton::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*)
if (QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode()) return;
state = 2;
if (popup_timer) popup_timer->stop();
if (popup_menu)
if (delay_popup)
popup_timer->start(600, true);
popup_menu->exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, height())));
void ImageButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)
if (QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode()) return;
// Don't process event if press and release didn't
// occur within the button.
if (!state > 0) return;
state = toggle ? 0 : 1;
pressed = toggle ? !pressed : false;
if (popup_timer) popup_timer->stop();
if (toggle)
emit toggled(pressed);
emit clicked();
void ImageButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
QPainter painter(this);
if (!useTranslucency())
painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), Settings::skinbgcolor());
switch (state)
case 0:
if (pressed)
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, down_pixmap);
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, up_pixmap);
case 1:
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, over_pixmap);
case 2:
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, down_pixmap);

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "translucent_widget.h"
#include <qurl.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <krootpixmap.h>
class ImageButton : public TranslucentWidget
explicit ImageButton(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool translucency = false);
/* Creates a toggle button */
void setToggleButton(bool toggled);
void setToggled(bool enable);
/* Sets the configuration menu */
void setPopupMenu(QPopupMenu* menu);
void setDelayedPopup(bool delay) { delay_popup = delay; }
/* Sets the widget's pixmaps */
void setUpPixmap(const QString& path, bool use_alpha_mask = false);
void setOverPixmap(const QString& path);
void setDownPixmap(const QString& path);
void clicked();
void toggled(bool toggled);
virtual void enterEvent(QEvent*);
virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent*);
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
int state;
bool toggle;
bool pressed;
bool delay_popup;
QTimer* popup_timer;
/* Widget's mask */
QRegion mask;
/* Widget's tip */
QString tooltip;
/* Widget's pixmaps */
QPixmap up_pixmap;
QPixmap over_pixmap;
QPixmap down_pixmap;
/* Widget's popup menu */
QPopupMenu* popup_menu;
private slots:
void showPopupMenu();
#endif /* IMAGE_BUTTON_H */

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Eike Hein <>
#include "main_window.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <kuniqueapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
static const char version[] = "2.8.1";
static const char description[] = I18N_NOOP("A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. ");
static KCmdLineOptions options[] = { KCmdLineLastOption };
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
KAboutData about("yakuake", I18N_NOOP("Yakuake"), version, description,
KAboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 2005-2008 The Yakuake Team", 0, 0, 0);
about.addAuthor("Eike Hein", I18N_NOOP("Maintainer"), "");
about.addAuthor("Francois Chazal", I18N_NOOP("Project Founder (Inactive)"), "");
about.addCredit("Frank Osterfeld", 0, "");
about.addCredit("Martin Galpin", 0, "");
about.addCredit("Thomas Tischler", 0, "");
about.addCredit("Stefan Bogner", 0, "");
about.addCredit("Georg Wittenburg", 0, "");
about.addCredit("Dominik Seichter", 0, "");
about.addCredit("Bert Speckels", 0, "");
about.addCredit("Daniel 'suslik' D.", I18N_NOOP("Plastik skin"), "");
about.addCredit("Mark Bryan Yu", I18N_NOOP("Auto-open on pointer touching screen edge"), "");
KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &about);
if (!KUniqueApplication::start())
kdDebug() << "Yakuake is already running!" << endl;
KUniqueApplication app;
MainWindow* win = new MainWindow();
return app.exec();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "tab_bar.h"
#include "title_bar.h"
#include "dcop_interface.h"
#include "session.h"
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
#include <kwin.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kkeydialog.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kwinmodule.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kglobalaccel.h>
#include <kpassivepopup.h>
#define CONFIG_FILE "yakuakerc"
class KAboutApplication;
class KAboutKDE;
class MainWindow : public KMainWindow, virtual public DCOPInterface
explicit MainWindow(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
int selectedSession();
int selectedTerminal();
const QString sessionIdList();
const QString terminalIdList(int session_id);
int tabPositionForSessionId(int session_id);
int sessionIdForTabPosition(int position);
void updateWindowMask();
void showPopup(const QString & text, int time = 5000);
public slots:
void slotAboutToQuit();
void slotToggleState();
void slotAddSession();
void slotAddSessionTwoHorizontal();
void slotAddSessionTwoVertical();
void slotAddSessionQuad();
void slotAddSession(Session::SessionType type);
void slotRemoveSession();
void slotRemoveSession(int session_id);
void slotRemoveTerminal();
void slotRemoveTerminal(int session_id);
void slotRemoveTerminal(int session_id, int terminal_id);
void slotSelectSession(int session_id);
void slotSelectTabPosition(int position);
void slotRenameSession(int session_id, const QString& name);
void slotInteractiveRename();
const QString slotSessionName();
const QString slotSessionName(int session_id);
const QString slotSessionTitle();
const QString slotSessionTitle(int session_id);
const QString slotSessionTitle(int session_id, int terminal_id);
void slotSetSessionTitleText(const QString& title);
void slotSetSessionTitleText(int session_id, const QString& title);
void slotSetSessionTitleText(int session_id, int terminal_id, const QString& title);
void slotPasteClipboard();
void slotPasteClipboard(int session_id);
void slotPasteClipboard(int session_id, int terminal_id);
void slotPasteSelection();
void slotPasteSelection(int session_id);
void slotPasteSelection(int session_id, int terminal_id);
void slotRunCommandInSession(const QString& command);
void slotRunCommandInSession(int session_id, const QString& command);
void slotRunCommandInSession(int session_id, int terminal_id, const QString& command);
void slotSplitHorizontally();
void slotSplitHorizontally(int session_id);
void slotSplitHorizontally(int session_id, int terminal_id);
void slotSplitVertically();
void slotSplitVertically(int session_id);
void slotSplitVertically(int session_id, int terminal_id);
void slotFocusNextSplit();
void slotFocusPreviousSplit();
void slotPollMouse();
void updateBackground();
virtual void windowActivationChange(bool old_active);
virtual void moveEvent(QMoveEvent* e);
bool queryClose();
void createMenu();
void updateWidthMenu();
void updateHeightMenu();
void updateScreenMenu();
void createSessionMenu();
void createTabsBar();
void createTitleBar();
void toggleMousePoll(bool poll);
void initWindowProps();
int getMouseScreen();
QRect getDesktopGeometry();
bool full_screen;
/* Animation step. */
int step;
/* Focus policy. */
bool focus_policy;
/* Maximum height value. */
int max_height;
int mask_height;
/* Application border. */
int margin;
/* Interface modification timer. */
QTimer timer;
QTimer poller;
/* Passive popup window. */
KPassivePopup popup;
/* Desktop information. */
KWinModule desk_info;
/* Main menu. */
KPopupMenu* menu;
KPopupMenu* session_menu;
KPopupMenu* screen_menu;
KPopupMenu* width_menu;
KPopupMenu* height_menu;
/* Global Key shortcut. */
KGlobalAccel* global_key;
/* Background widget. */
QWidget* back_widget;
TabBar* tab_bar;
TitleBar* title_bar;
/* Inner konsole. */
int selected_id;
QWidgetStack* widgets_stack;
QMap<int, Session*> sessions_stack;
bool is_shutting_down;
bool background_changed;
bool use_translucency;
enum PopupIDs { Focus };
KAction* remove_tab_action;
KAction* split_horiz_action;
KAction* split_vert_action;
KAction* remove_term_action;
KToggleFullScreenAction* full_screen_action;
KDialogBase* first_run_dialog;
KAboutApplication* about_app;
KAboutKDE* about_kde;
private slots:
void slotHandleRemoveSession(KAction::ActivationReason, Qt::ButtonState);
void slotHandleHorizontalSplit(KAction::ActivationReason, Qt::ButtonState);
void slotHandleVerticalSplit(KAction::ActivationReason, Qt::ButtonState);
void slotHandleRemoveTerminal(KAction::ActivationReason, Qt::ButtonState);
void slotInitSkin();
void slotUpdateSize();
void slotUpdateSize(int new_width, int new_height, int new_location);
void slotUpdateTitle(const QString& title);
void slotIncreaseHeight();
void slotDecreaseHeight();
void slotSessionDestroyed(int id = -1);
void slotSetAccessKey();
void slotSetControlKeys();
void slotIncreaseSizeW();
void slotDecreaseSizeW();
void slotIncreaseSizeH();
void slotDecreaseSizeH();
void slotSetFocusPolicy();
void slotSetFocusPolicy(bool);
void slotSetWidth(int);
void slotSetHeight(int);
void slotSetScreen(int);
void slotSetFullScreen(bool state);
void slotUpdateFullScreen();
void slotUpdateBackgroundState();
void slotUpdateSettings();
void slotOpenSettingsDialog();
void slotOpenFirstRunDialog();
void slotFirstRunDialogOK();
void slotFirstRunDialogCancel();
void slotOpenAboutApp();
void slotOpenAboutKDE();
void slotDialogFinished();
#endif /* MAIN_WINDOW_H */

@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "session.h"
#include "session.moc"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "terminal_splitter.h"
#include "terminal_focus_watcher.h"
#include <qobjectlist.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
int Session::available_session_id = 0;
Session::Session(QWidget* parent, SessionType type, const char* name) : QObject(parent, name)
session_id = available_session_id;
active_terminal = NULL;
focus_watcher = new TerminalFocusWatcher(this);
connect(focus_watcher, SIGNAL(focusChanged()), this, SLOT(slotFocusChanged()));
base_widget = new TerminalSplitter(TerminalSplitter::Horizontal, parent, "base");
connect(base_widget, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(slotLastTerminalClosed()));
setenv("DCOP_YAKUAKE_SESSION", QString::number(session_id).ascii(), 1);
if (base_widget)
delete base_widget;
emit destroyed(session_id);
void Session::slotFocusChanged()
if (checkFocusWidget())
active_terminal = base_widget->focusWidget();
int terminal_id = terminal_ids[base_widget->focusWidget()];
int Session::activeTerminalId()
if (checkFocusWidget())
return terminal_ids[base_widget->focusWidget()];
return -1;
const QString Session::terminalIdList()
QValueList<int>::iterator it;
QValueList<int> key_list = terminals.keys();
QStringList id_list;
for (it = key_list.begin(); it != key_list.end(); ++it)
id_list << QString::number((*it));
return id_list.join(",");
const QString Session::title()
return session_title;
const QString Session::title(int terminal_id)
if (terminals[terminal_id])
return terminals[terminal_id]->title();
return 0;
void Session::setTitle(const QString& title)
if (active_terminal)
int terminal_id = terminal_ids[active_terminal];
setTitle(terminal_id, title);
void Session::setTitle(int terminal_id, const QString& title)
if (terminals[terminal_id]) terminals[terminal_id]->setTitle(title);
void Session::pasteClipboard()
if (active_terminal)
int terminal_id = terminal_ids[active_terminal];
void Session::pasteClipboard(int terminal_id)
if (terminal_parts[terminal_id])
void Session::pasteSelection()
if (active_terminal)
int terminal_id = terminal_ids[active_terminal];
void Session::pasteSelection(int terminal_id)
if (terminal_parts[terminal_id])
void Session::runCommand(const QString& command)
if (active_terminal)
int terminal_id = terminal_ids[active_terminal];
runCommand(terminal_id, command);
void Session::runCommand(int terminal_id, const QString& command)
if (terminal_parts[terminal_id])
terminal_parts[terminal_id]->sendInput(command + '\n');
void Session::splitHorizontally()
if (active_terminal)
int terminal_id = terminal_ids[active_terminal];
void Session::splitHorizontally(int terminal_id)
if (terminal_widgets[terminal_id])
split(terminal_widgets[terminal_id], TerminalSplitter::Horizontal);
void Session::splitVertically()
if (active_terminal)
int terminal_id = terminal_ids[active_terminal];
void Session::splitVertically(int terminal_id)
if (terminal_widgets[terminal_id])
split(terminal_widgets[terminal_id], TerminalSplitter::Vertical);
void Session::removeTerminal()
if (active_terminal)
delete active_terminal;
active_terminal = NULL;
void Session::removeTerminal(int terminal_id)
if (terminal_widgets[terminal_id])
delete terminal_widgets[terminal_id];
void Session::focusNextSplit()
void Session::focusPreviousSplit()
void Session::createInitialSplits(SessionType type)
switch (type)
case Single:
case TwoHorizontal:
int splitter_width = base_widget->width();
Terminal* terminal = addTerminal(base_widget);
QValueList<int> new_splitter_sizes;
new_splitter_sizes << (splitter_width / 2) << (splitter_width / 2);
case TwoVertical:
int splitter_height = base_widget->height();
Terminal* terminal = addTerminal(base_widget);
QValueList<int> new_splitter_sizes;
new_splitter_sizes << (splitter_height / 2) << (splitter_height / 2);
case Quad:
int splitter_width = base_widget->width();
int splitter_height = base_widget->height();
TerminalSplitter* upper_splitter = new TerminalSplitter(TerminalSplitter::Horizontal, base_widget);
connect(upper_splitter, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(cleanup()));
TerminalSplitter* lower_splitter = new TerminalSplitter(TerminalSplitter::Horizontal, base_widget);
connect(lower_splitter, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(cleanup()));
Terminal* terminal = addTerminal(upper_splitter);
QValueList<int> new_splitter_sizes;
new_splitter_sizes << (splitter_height / 2) << (splitter_height / 2);
new_splitter_sizes << (splitter_width / 2) << (splitter_width / 2);
void Session::split(QWidget* active_terminal, Orientation o)
TerminalSplitter* splitter = static_cast<TerminalSplitter*>(active_terminal->parentWidget());
if (!splitter) return;
// If the parent splitter of this terminal has only this one child,
// add the new terminal to the same splitter, after resetting the
// splitter orientation as needed.
if (splitter->count() == 1)
int splitter_width = splitter->width();
if (splitter->orientation() != o)
Terminal* terminal = addTerminal(splitter);
QValueList<int> new_splitter_sizes;
new_splitter_sizes << (splitter_width / 2) << (splitter_width / 2);
// If the parent splitter of this terminal already has two children,
// add a new splitter to it and reparent the terminal to the new
// splitter.
// Store the old splitter sizes to re-apply them later after the
// add-and-remove action is done screwing with the splitter.
QValueList<int> splitter_sizes = splitter->sizes();
TerminalSplitter* new_splitter = new TerminalSplitter(o, splitter);
connect(new_splitter, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(cleanup()));
if (splitter->isFirst(active_terminal)) splitter->moveToFirst(new_splitter);
active_terminal->reparent(new_splitter, 0, QPoint(), true);
Terminal* terminal = addTerminal(new_splitter);
QValueList<int> new_splitter_sizes;
new_splitter_sizes << (splitter_sizes[1] / 2) << (splitter_sizes[1] / 2);
Terminal* Session::addTerminal(QWidget* parent)
Terminal* terminal = new Terminal(parent);
terminals.insert(terminal->id(), terminal);
terminal_ids.insert(terminal->widget(), terminal->id());
terminal_widgets.insert(terminal->id(), terminal->widget());
terminal_parts.insert(terminal->id(), terminal->terminal());
connect(terminal, SIGNAL(destroyed(int)), this, SLOT(cleanup(int)));
connect(terminal, SIGNAL(titleChanged(QWidget*, const QString&)),
this, SLOT(slotTitleChange(QWidget*, const QString&)));
active_terminal = terminal->widget();
return terminal;
void Session::cleanup(int terminal_id)
/* Clean up the id <-> terminals */
void Session::cleanup()
/* Clean away empty splitters after a terminal was removed */
if (!base_widget) return;
void Session::slotLastTerminalClosed()
base_widget = NULL;
void Session::slotTitleChange(QWidget* w, const QString& title)
if (w == base_widget->focusWidget())
session_title = title;
emit titleChanged( session_title);
bool Session::checkFocusWidget()
if (base_widget->focusWidget()
&& base_widget->focusWidget()->isA(QCString("TEWidget")))
return true;
return false;

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#ifndef SESSION_H
#define SESSION_H
#include "terminal_splitter.h"
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
class Terminal;
class TerminalInterface;
class TerminalFocusWatcher;
class Session : public QObject
enum SessionType { Single, TwoHorizontal, TwoVertical, Quad };
explicit Session(QWidget* parent = 0, SessionType type = Single, const char* name = 0);
virtual ~Session();
int id() { return session_id; }
QWidget* widget() { return base_widget; }
int activeTerminalId();
const QString terminalIdList();
const QString title();
const QString title(int terminal_id);
void setTitle(const QString& title);
void setTitle(int terminal_id, const QString& title);
void pasteClipboard();
void pasteClipboard(int terminal_id);
void pasteSelection();
void pasteSelection(int terminal_id);
void runCommand(const QString& command);
void runCommand(int terminal_id, const QString& command);
void removeTerminal();
void removeTerminal(int terminal_id);
public slots:
void splitHorizontally();
void splitHorizontally(int terminal_id);
void splitVertically();
void splitVertically(int terminal_id);
void focusNextSplit();
void focusPreviousSplit();
void slotTitleChange(QWidget* w, const QString& title);
void destroyed(int id);
void titleChanged(const QString&);
void createInitialSplits(SessionType);
void split(QWidget* active_terminal, Orientation o);
Terminal* addTerminal(QWidget* parent);
bool checkFocusWidget();
static int available_session_id;
int session_id;
QString session_title;
QWidget* active_terminal;
TerminalSplitter* base_widget;
TerminalFocusWatcher* focus_watcher;
QMap<int, Terminal*> terminals;
QMap<QWidget*, int> terminal_ids;
QMap<int, QWidget*> terminal_widgets;
QMap<int, TerminalInterface*> terminal_parts;
private slots:
void slotFocusChanged();
void slotLastTerminalClosed();
void cleanup(int terminal_id);
void cleanup();
#endif /* SESSION_H */

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "skin_list_item.h"
#include <qsimplerichtext.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpalette.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <klocale.h>
SkinListItem::SkinListItem(KListView* parent, const QString& fancy_name,
const QString& author, const QPixmap& icon, const QString& name, const QString& dir)
: KListViewItem(parent, fancy_name)
QString fancy_author = i18n("by %1").arg(author);
QString text = QString("<qt><b>%1</b><br>%2</qt>").arg(fancy_name).arg(fancy_author);
item_text = new QSimpleRichText(text, listView()->font());
setPixmap(0, icon);
void SkinListItem::setName(const QString& name)
skin_name = name;
QString SkinListItem::name()
return skin_name;
void SkinListItem::setAuthor(const QString& author)
skin_author = author;
QString SkinListItem::author()
return skin_author;
void SkinListItem::setDir(const QString& dir)
skin_dir = dir;
QString SkinListItem::dir()
return skin_dir;
void SkinListItem::setup()
int text_height = item_text->height()+(MARGIN*2);
if (text_height < 32)
void SkinListItem::paintCell(QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& /* cg */, int /* column */, int width, int /* align */)
if (width <= 0) return;
QColor textColor = isSelected() ? KGlobalSettings::highlightedTextColor() : KGlobalSettings::textColor();
QColor background = isSelected() ? KGlobalSettings::highlightColor() : listView()->paletteBackgroundColor();
QColorGroup colors;
colors.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, textColor);
colors.setColor(QColorGroup::Text, textColor);
colors.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, background);
colors.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, background);
p->fillRect(0, 0, width, height(), background);
if (pixmap(0))
int y = (height() - 32) / 2;
p->drawPixmap(MARGIN, y, *pixmap(0));
item_text->draw(p, MARGIN+32+MARGIN+MARGIN, MARGIN, QRect(0, 0, width-MARGIN-32-MARGIN, height()), colors);

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "klistview.h"
#define MARGIN 3
class QSimpleRichText;
class SkinListItem : public KListViewItem
explicit SkinListItem(KListView* parent, const QString& fancy_name,
const QString& author, const QPixmap& icon, const QString& name, const QString& dir);
void setAuthor(const QString& author);
QString author();
void setName(const QString& name);
QString name();
void setDir(const QString& dir);
QString dir();
void setup();
void paintCell(QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, int column, int width, int align);
QSimpleRichText* item_text;
QString skin_name;
QString skin_author;
QString skin_dir;
#endif /* SKIN_LIST_ITEM_H */

@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "skin_settings.h"
#include "skin_settings.moc"
#include "skin_list_item.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include <qurl.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kio/global.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <ktar.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <unistd.h> // unlink()
SkinSettings::SkinSettings(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool translucency)
: SkinSettingsUI(parent, name)
connect(skins_list, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateRemoveButton()));
connect(skins_list, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSkinSetting()));
connect(kcfg_skin, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelection(const QString&)));
connect(install_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotInstallSkin()));
connect(remove_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveSkin()));
skins_dir = locateLocal("data", "yakuake/");
selected = Settings::skin();
void SkinSettings::showEvent(QShowEvent* e)
void SkinSettings::slotPopulate()
QStringList skins_dirs;
QStringList titles_dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data","yakuake/*/");
QStringList tabs_dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data","yakuake/*/");
for (QStringList::Iterator it = titles_dirs.begin(); it != titles_dirs.end(); ++it)
if (tabs_dirs.contains((*it).section('/', 0, -2) + "/"))
skins_dirs << (*it).section('/', 0, -2);
if (skins_dirs.count() > 0)
for (QStringList::Iterator it = skins_dirs.begin(); it != skins_dirs.end(); ++it)
QUrl titles_url = locate("appdata", (*it) + "/");
KConfig titles_config(titles_url.path());
QString titles_name(titles_config.readEntry("Skin", ""));
QString titles_author(titles_config.readEntry("Author", ""));
QString titles_icon_name(titles_config.readEntry("Icon", ""));
QUrl tabs_url = locate("appdata", (*it) + "/");
KConfig tabs_config(tabs_url.path());
QString tabs_name(tabs_config.readEntry("Skin", ""));
QString tabs_author(tabs_config.readEntry("Author", ""));
QString tabs_icon_name(tabs_config.readEntry("Icon", ""));
QString skin_name = (*it).section('/', -1, -1);
QString skin_fancy_name = i18n("Unnamed");
QString skin_author = i18n("Unknown");
QString skin_icon_name;
QUrl skin_icon_url;
QPixmap skin_icon;
if (!titles_name.isEmpty())
skin_fancy_name = titles_name;
else if (!tabs_name.isEmpty())
skin_fancy_name = tabs_name;
if (!titles_author.isEmpty())
skin_author = titles_author;
else if (!tabs_author.isEmpty())
skin_author = tabs_author;
if (!titles_icon_name.isEmpty())
skin_icon_name = titles_icon_name;
else if (!tabs_icon_name.isEmpty())
skin_icon_name = tabs_icon_name;
skin_icon_url = locate("appdata", (*it) + skin_icon_name);
if (skin_icon_url.isValid())
bool exists = false;
SkinListItem* item = 0;
QListViewItemIterator it2(skins_list);
while (it2.current())
item = static_cast<SkinListItem*>(it2.current());
if (item && item->name() == skin_name) exists = true;
if (!exists)
SkinListItem* skin = new SkinListItem(skins_list, skin_fancy_name, skin_author, skin_icon, skin_name, (*it));
if (skin_name == selected) skins_list->setSelected(skin, true);
void SkinSettings::slotInstallSkin()
KURL skin_url = KFileDialog::getOpenURL(QString(),
i18n("*.tar.gz *.tar.bz2 *.tar *.zip|Yakuake Skins"),
NULL, i18n("Select Skin Archive"));
if (skin_url.isEmpty()) return;
if (!KIO::NetAccess::download(skin_url, install_skin_file, NULL))
i18n("Failed to Download Skin"),
QDir skin_dir(install_skin_file);
if (!skin_dir.exists())
KIO::ListJob* job = KIO::listRecursive("tar:" + install_skin_file, false, false);
connect(job, SIGNAL(entries(KIO::Job*, const KIO::UDSEntryList&)),
this, SLOT(slotListSkinArchive(KIO::Job*, const KIO::UDSEntryList&)));
connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)),
this, SLOT(slotValidateSkinArchive(KIO::Job*)));
failInstall(i18n("The installer was given a directory, not a file."));
void SkinSettings::slotListSkinArchive(KIO::Job* /* job */, const KIO::UDSEntryList& list)
KIO::UDSEntryList::const_iterator it = list.begin();
for(; it != list.end(); ++it)
KIO::UDSEntry::const_iterator itUSDEntry = (*it).begin();
for (; itUSDEntry != (*it).end(); ++itUSDEntry )
if((*itUSDEntry).m_uds == KIO::UDS_NAME)
void SkinSettings::slotValidateSkinArchive(KIO::Job* job)
if (!job->error())
install_skin_name = install_skin_file_list.first();
if (install_skin_file_list.contains(QString(install_skin_name + "/"))
&& install_skin_file_list.contains(QString(install_skin_name + "/")))
failInstall(i18n("Unable to locate required files in the skin archive.\n\n The archive appears to be invalid."));
failInstall(i18n("Unable to list the skin archive contents.") + QString("\n\n %1").arg(job->errorString()));
void SkinSettings::checkForExistingSkin()
bool exists = false;
SkinListItem* item = 0;
QListViewItemIterator it(skins_list);
while (it.current())
item = static_cast<SkinListItem*>(it.current());
if (item && item->name() == install_skin_name) exists = true;
if (exists)
QFile skin(item->dir() + "/");
if (! | IO_WriteOnly))
failInstall(i18n("This skin appears to be already installed and you lack the required permissions to overwrite it."));
int remove = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0L,
i18n("This skin appears to be already installed. Do you want to overwrite it?"),
i18n("Skin Already Exists"),
i18n("Reinstall Skin"));
if (remove == KMessageBox::Continue)
KIO::DeleteJob* job = KIO::del(KURL(item->dir()), false, false);
connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)), this, SLOT(slotInstallSkinArchive(KIO::Job*)));
void SkinSettings::slotInstallSkinArchive(KIO::Job* delete_job)
if (delete_job && delete_job->error())
i18n("Could Not Delete Skin"),
KTar skin_archive(install_skin_file);
if (
const KArchiveDirectory* skin_dir =;
if (Settings::skin() == install_skin_name)
emit settingsChanged();
failInstall(i18n("The skin archive file could not be opened."));
void SkinSettings::failInstall(const QString& error)
KMessageBox::error(0L, error,
i18n("Cannot Install Skin"),
void SkinSettings::cleanupAfterInstall()
install_skin_file = QString();
install_skin_name = QString();
void SkinSettings::slotRemoveSkin()
if (skins_list->childCount() <= 1)
SkinListItem* selected_item = static_cast<SkinListItem*>(skins_list->selectedItem());
if (!selected_item) return;
int remove = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0L,
i18n("Do you want to remove \"%1\" by %2?").arg(selected_item->text(0)).arg(selected_item->author()),
i18n("Remove Skin"),
if (remove == KMessageBox::Continue)
KIO::DeleteJob* job = KIO::del(KURL(selected_item->dir()), false, false);
connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job *)), this, SLOT(slotPopulate()));
if (selected_item->name() == Settings::skin())
emit settingsChanged();
void SkinSettings::slotUpdateRemoveButton()
if (skins_list->childCount() <= 1)
SkinListItem* selected_item = static_cast<SkinListItem*>(skins_list->selectedItem());
if (!selected_item) return;
if (selected_item->name() == "default")
QFile skin(selected_item->dir() + "/");
if (! | IO_WriteOnly))
void SkinSettings::slotUpdateSkinSetting()
SkinListItem* selected_item = static_cast<SkinListItem*>(skins_list->selectedItem());
if (selected_item)
selected = selected_item->name();
void SkinSettings::slotResetSelection()
selected = Settings::skin();
void SkinSettings::slotUpdateSelection(const QString& selection)
selected = selection;
SkinListItem* skin = 0;
QListViewItemIterator it(skins_list);
while (it.current())
skin = static_cast<SkinListItem*>(it.current());
if (skin && skin->name() == selected)
skins_list->setSelected(skin, true);

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "skin_settings_ui.h"
#include <kio/job.h>
class SkinSettings : public SkinSettingsUI
explicit SkinSettings(QWidget* parent, const char* name=NULL, bool translucency = false);
public slots:
void slotResetSelection();
void settingsChanged();
void showEvent(QShowEvent* e);
void checkForExistingSkin();
void failInstall(const QString& error);
void cleanupAfterInstall();
QString selected;
QString skins_dir;
QString install_skin_file;
QString install_skin_name;
QStringList install_skin_file_list;
private slots:
void slotPopulate();
void slotInstallSkin();
void slotListSkinArchive(KIO::Job* job, const KIO::UDSEntryList& list);
void slotValidateSkinArchive(KIO::Job* job);
void slotInstallSkinArchive(KIO::Job* delete_job = 0);
void slotRemoveSkin();
void slotUpdateRemoveButton();
void slotUpdateSkinSetting();
void slotUpdateSelection(const QString&);
#endif /* SKIN_SETTINGS_H */

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.2" stdsetdef="1">
<widget class="QWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="name">
<property name="margin">
<widget class="KLineEdit" row="3" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QPushButton" row="2" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="text">
<string>Remove Skin</string>
<widget class="QPushButton" row="2" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Install Skin...</string>
<widget class="QLayoutWidget" row="0" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="text">
<string>Skin background color:</string>
<widget class="KColorButton">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="text">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>This controls the color of the surface that translucent skin elements are composited upon. This setting is only available if Yakuake is run outside of KDE and translucency is unavailable.</string>
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="KListView" row="1" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="text">
<property name="clickable">
<property name="resizable">
<property name="name">
<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
<layoutfunctions spacing="KDialog::spacingHint" margin="KDialog::marginHint"/>

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "tab_bar.h"
#include "tab_bar.moc"
#include "settings.h"
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
TabBar::TabBar(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool translucency, const QString & skin)
: TranslucentWidget(parent, name, translucency)
connect(plus_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(addItem()));
connect(minus_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(removeItem()));
connect(tabs_widget, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), this, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)));
connect(tabs_widget, SIGNAL(addItem()), this, SIGNAL(addItem()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(updateBackground()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateBackground()));
delete tabs_widget;
delete plus_button;
delete minus_button;
int TabBar::pressedPosition()
return tabs_widget->pressedPosition();
void TabBar::resetPressedPosition()
void TabBar::addItem(int session_id)
int TabBar::removeItem(int session_id)
return tabs_widget->removeItem(session_id);
const QString TabBar::itemName(int session_id)
return tabs_widget->itemName(session_id);
void TabBar::renameItem(int session_id, const QString& name)
tabs_widget->renameItem(session_id, name);
void TabBar::interactiveRename()
int TabBar::tabPositionForSessionId(int session_id)
return tabs_widget->tabPositionForSessionId(session_id);
int TabBar::sessionIdForTabPosition(int position)
return tabs_widget->sessionIdForTabPosition(position);
void TabBar::selectItem(int session_id)
void TabBar::selectPosition(int position)
void TabBar::slotSelectNextItem()
void TabBar::slotSelectPreviousItem()
void TabBar::slotMoveItemLeft()
void TabBar::slotMoveItemRight()
void TabBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
QPainter painter(this);
if (!useTranslucency())
painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), Settings::skinbgcolor());
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, left_corner);
painter.drawPixmap(width() - right_corner.width(), 0, right_corner);
painter.drawTiledPixmap(left_corner.width(), 0, width() -
left_corner.width() -right_corner.width(), height(), back_image);
void TabBar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)
plus_button->move(plus_position.x(), plus_position.y());
minus_button->move(width() - minus_position.x(), minus_position.y());
tabs_widget->move(tabs_position.x(), tabs_position.y());
tabs_widget->resize(width() - 2 * tabs_position.x(), tabs_widget->height());
void TabBar::loadSkin(const QString& skin)
tabs_widget = new TabbedWidget(this, "Tabbed widget", useTranslucency());
QWhatsThis::add(tabs_widget, i18n("The tab bar allows you to switch between sessions."));
connect(this, SIGNAL(updateBackground()), tabs_widget, SLOT(slotUpdateBackground()));
plus_button = new ImageButton(this, "Plus button", useTranslucency());
QToolTip::add(plus_button, i18n("New Session"));
QWhatsThis::add(plus_button, i18n("Adds a new session. Press and hold to select session type from menu."));
connect(this, SIGNAL(updateBackground()), plus_button, SLOT(slotUpdateBackground()));
minus_button = new ImageButton(this, "Minus button", useTranslucency());
QToolTip::add(minus_button, i18n("Close Session"));
QWhatsThis::add(minus_button, i18n("Closes the active session."));
connect(this, SIGNAL(updateBackground()), minus_button, SLOT(slotUpdateBackground()));
resize(width(), back_image.height());
void TabBar::reloadSkin(const QString& skin)
resize(width(), back_image.height());
plus_button->move(plus_position.x(), plus_position.y());
minus_button->move(width() - minus_position.x(), minus_position.y());
tabs_widget->move(tabs_position.x(), tabs_position.y());
tabs_widget->resize(width() - 2 * tabs_position.x(), tabs_widget->height());
void TabBar::setPixmaps(const QString& skin)
QUrl url(locate("appdata", skin + "/"));
KConfig config(url.path());
tabs_position.setX(config.readNumEntry("x", 20));
tabs_position.setY(config.readNumEntry("y", 0));
tabs_widget->setFontColor(QColor(config.readNumEntry("red", 255),
config.readNumEntry("green", 255),
config.readNumEntry("blue", 255)));
tabs_widget->setSeparatorPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("separator_image", ""));
tabs_widget->setSelectedPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("selected_background", ""));
tabs_widget->setSelectedLeftPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("selected_left_corner", ""));
tabs_widget->setSelectedRightPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("selected_right_corner", ""));
tabs_widget->setUnselectedPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("unselected_background", ""));
// Load the background pixmaps.
tabs_widget->setBackgroundPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("back_image", ""));
back_image.load(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("back_image", ""));
left_corner.load(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("left_corner", ""));
right_corner.load(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("right_corner", ""));
// Load the plus button.
plus_position.setX(config.readNumEntry("x", 2));
plus_position.setY(config.readNumEntry("y", 2));
plus_button->setUpPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("up_image", ""));
plus_button->setOverPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("over_image", ""));
plus_button->setDownPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("down_image", ""));
// Load the minus button.
minus_position.setX(config.readNumEntry("x", 18));
minus_position.setY(config.readNumEntry("y", 2));
minus_button->setUpPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("up_image", ""));
minus_button->setOverPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("over_image", ""));
minus_button->setDownPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("down_image", ""));
void TabBar::setSessionMenu(KPopupMenu* menu)

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#ifndef TAB_BAR_H
#define TAB_BAR_H
#include "image_button.h"
#include "tabbed_widget.h"
#include "translucent_widget.h"
#include <qurl.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <krootpixmap.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
class TabBar : public TranslucentWidget
explicit TabBar(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0,
bool translucency = false, const QString& skin = "default");
void setSessionMenu(KPopupMenu* menu);
int pressedPosition();
void resetPressedPosition();
void addItem(int session_id);
int removeItem(int session_id);
const QString itemName(int session_id);
void renameItem(int session_id, const QString& name);
void interactiveRename();
int tabPositionForSessionId(int session_id);
int sessionIdForTabPosition(int position);
void selectItem(int session_id);
void selectPosition(int position);
void reloadSkin(const QString& skin);
public slots:
void slotSelectNextItem();
void slotSelectPreviousItem();
void slotMoveItemLeft();
void slotMoveItemRight();
void addItem();
void removeItem();
void itemSelected(int session_id);
void updateBackground();
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*);
void setPixmaps(const QString& skin);
void loadSkin(const QString& skin);
/* Text properties */
QColor text_color;
/* Widget's pixmaps */
QPixmap back_image;
QPixmap left_corner;
QPixmap right_corner;
/* Plus button */
QPoint plus_position;
ImageButton* plus_button;
/* Minus button */
QPoint minus_position;
ImageButton* minus_button;
/* Tabbed widget */
QPoint tabs_position;
TabbedWidget* tabs_widget;
#endif /* TAB_BAR_H */

@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "tabbed_widget.h"
#include "tabbed_widget.moc"
#include "settings.h"
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
TabbedWidget::TabbedWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool translucency)
: TranslucentWidget(parent, name, translucency)
current_position = -1;
pressed = false;
pressed_position = -1;
edited_position = -1;
context_menu = 0;
if (root_pixmap)
connect(root_pixmap, SIGNAL(backgroundUpdated(const QPixmap &)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateBuffer(const QPixmap &)));
inline_edit = new QLineEdit(this);
connect(inline_edit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(slotRenameSelected()));
connect(inline_edit, SIGNAL(lostFocus()), inline_edit, SLOT(hide()));
connect(inline_edit, SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(slotResetEditedPosition()));
selected_font = font();
unselected_font = font();
delete context_menu;
int TabbedWidget::pressedPosition()
return pressed_position;
void TabbedWidget::createContextMenu()
context_menu = new KPopupMenu();
void TabbedWidget::addItem(int session_id)
QString TabbedWidget::defaultTabCaption(int id)
return i18n("Shell", "Shell No. %n", id+1);
QString TabbedWidget::lowestAvailableCaption()
QString newTitle = defaultTabCaption(0);
bool nameOk;
int count = 0;
nameOk = true;
QValueList<QString>::iterator it;
for (it = captions.begin(); it != captions.end(); ++it)
if (newTitle == (*it))
nameOk = false;
if (!nameOk)
newTitle = newTitle = defaultTabCaption(count);
while (!nameOk);
return newTitle;
int TabbedWidget::removeItem(int session_id)
uint position = items.findIndex(session_id);
if (position != items.count())
current_position = position;
else if (position != 0)
current_position = position - 1;
current_position = -1;
if (current_position != -1)
emit itemSelected(items[current_position]);
return current_position;
const QString TabbedWidget::itemName(int session_id)
int position = items.findIndex(session_id);
if (position == -1) return 0;
return captions[position];
void TabbedWidget::renameItem(int session_id, const QString& namep)
int position = items.findIndex(session_id);
if (position == -1) return;
QString name = namep.stripWhiteSpace();
captions[position] = !name.isEmpty() ? name : captions[position];
void TabbedWidget::interactiveRename()
if (pressed_position != -1)
pressed_position = -1;
void TabbedWidget::interactiveRename(int position)
if (position >= 0 && position < int(items.count()) && !items.isEmpty())
edited_position = position;
int index;
int width;
for (index = 0, width = 0; index < position; index++)
width += areas[index];
inline_edit->setGeometry(width, 0, areas[position], height());
void TabbedWidget::slotRenameSelected()
if (edited_position >= 0 && edited_position < int(items.count()))
QString text = inline_edit->text().stripWhiteSpace();
captions[edited_position] = !text.isEmpty() ? text : captions[edited_position];
edited_position = -1;
void TabbedWidget::slotResetEditedPosition()
edited_position = -1;
int TabbedWidget::tabPositionForSessionId(int session_id)
return items.findIndex(session_id);
int TabbedWidget::sessionIdForTabPosition(int position)
if (position < int(items.count()) && !items.isEmpty())
return items[position];
return -1;
void TabbedWidget::selectItem(int session_id)
int new_position = items.findIndex(session_id);
if (new_position != -1)
current_position = new_position;
void TabbedWidget::selectPosition(int position)
if (position < int(items.count()) && !items.isEmpty())
current_position = position;
emit itemSelected(items[current_position]);
void TabbedWidget::selectNextItem()
if (current_position != int(items.count()) - 1)
current_position = 0;
emit itemSelected(items[current_position]);
void TabbedWidget::selectPreviousItem()
if (current_position != 0)
current_position = items.count() - 1;
emit itemSelected(items[current_position]);
void TabbedWidget::moveItemLeft()
if (pressed_position != -1)
pressed_position = -1;
void TabbedWidget::moveItemLeft(int position)
if (position > 0)
int session_id = items[position];
QString caption = captions[position];
int neighbor_session_id = items[position-1];
QString neighbor_caption = captions[position-1];
items[position-1] = session_id;
captions[position-1] = caption;
items[position] = neighbor_session_id;
captions[position] = neighbor_caption;
if (position == current_position)
else if (position == current_position + 1)
void TabbedWidget::moveItemRight()
if (pressed_position != -1)
pressed_position = -1;
void TabbedWidget::moveItemRight(int position)
if (position < int(items.count()) - 1)
int session_id = items[position];
QString caption = captions[position];
int neighbor_session_id = items[position+1];
QString neighbor_caption = captions[position+1];
items[position+1] = session_id;
captions[position+1] = caption;
items[position] = neighbor_session_id;
captions[position] = neighbor_caption;
if (position == current_position)
else if (position == current_position - 1)
void TabbedWidget::setFontColor(const QColor & color)
font_color = color;
void TabbedWidget::setBackgroundPixmap(const QString & path)
resize(width(), background_image.height());
void TabbedWidget::setSeparatorPixmap(const QString & path)
void TabbedWidget::setUnselectedPixmap(const QString & path)
void TabbedWidget::setSelectedPixmap(const QString & path)
void TabbedWidget::setSelectedLeftPixmap(const QString & path)
void TabbedWidget::setSelectedRightPixmap(const QString & path)
void TabbedWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e)
if (e->key() == Key_Escape && inline_edit->isShown())
edited_position = -1;
void TabbedWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* e)
if (e->delta() < 0)
void TabbedWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if (QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode()) return;
int position;
int width;
if (e->x() < 0)
return ;
for (position = 0, width = 0; (position < int(areas.count())) && (e->x() >= width); position++)
width += areas[position];
if ((e->x() <= width) && (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) && !(current_position == position - 1))
pressed = true;
pressed_position = position - 1;
else if ((e->x() <= width) && (e->button() == Qt::RightButton))
pressed_position = position - 1;
if (!context_menu) createContextMenu();
action("move_tab_left")->setEnabled((position - 1 > 0));
action("move_tab_right")->setEnabled((position - 1 < int(items.count()) - 1));
void TabbedWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if (QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode()) return;
int position;
int width;
if (e->x() < 0)
return ;
for (position = 0, width = 0; (position < int(areas.count())) && (e->x() >= width); position++)
width += areas[position];
if ((e->x() <= width) && (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) && !(current_position == position - 1))
if (pressed && pressed_position == (position - 1))
current_position = position - 1;
emit itemSelected(items[current_position]);
pressed = false;
void TabbedWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if (QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode()) return;
int position;
int width;
if (e->x() < 0)
return ;
for (position = 0, width = 0; (position < int(areas.count())) && (e->x() >= width); position++)
width += areas[position];
if ((e->x() <= width) && (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) && current_position == position - 1)
interactiveRename(position - 1);
else if ((e->x() > width) && (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton))
emit addItem();
void TabbedWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent* e)
pressed = false;
void TabbedWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
bitBlt(this, 0, 0, &buffer_image);
void TabbedWidget::refreshBuffer()
/* Refreshes the back buffer. */
int x = 0;
QPainter painter;
if (useTranslucency())
painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, width(), height(), desktop_image);
for (uint i = 0; i < items.count(); i++)
x = drawButton(i, painter);
painter.drawTiledPixmap(x, 0, width() - x, height(), background_image);
const int TabbedWidget::drawButton(int position, QPainter& painter)
/* Draws the tab buttons. */
static int x = 0;
QPixmap tmp_pixmap;
areas[position] = 0;
x = (!position) ? 0 : x;
// Initialize the painter.
painter.setFont((position == current_position) ? selected_font : unselected_font);
// Draw the left border.
if (position == current_position)
tmp_pixmap = selected_left_image;
else if (position != current_position + 1)
tmp_pixmap = separator_image;
painter.drawPixmap(x, 0, tmp_pixmap);
areas[position] += tmp_pixmap.width();
x += tmp_pixmap.width();
// Draw the main contents.
int width;
QFontMetrics metrics(painter.font());
width = metrics.width(captions[position]) + 10;
tmp_pixmap = (position == current_position) ? selected_image : unselected_image;
painter.drawTiledPixmap(x, 0, width, height(), tmp_pixmap);
painter.drawText(x, 0, width + 1, height() + 1,
Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, captions[position]);
areas[position] += width;
x += width;
// Draw the right border if needed.
if (position == current_position)
painter.drawPixmap(x, 0, selected_right_image);
areas[position] += selected_right_image.width();
x += selected_right_image.width();
else if (position == (int) items.count() - 1)
painter.drawPixmap(x, 0, separator_image);
areas[position] += separator_image.width();
x += separator_image.width();
return x;
void TabbedWidget::slotUpdateBuffer(const QPixmap& pixmap)
desktop_image = pixmap;

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "translucent_widget.h"
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <krootpixmap.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
class KPopupMenu;
class TabbedWidget : public TranslucentWidget
explicit TabbedWidget(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool translucency = false);
int pressedPosition();
void resetPressedPosition() { pressed_position = -1; }
void addItem(int session_id);
int removeItem(int session_id);
int tabPositionForSessionId(int session_id);
int sessionIdForTabPosition(int position);
void selectItem(int session_id);
void selectPosition(int position);
void selectNextItem();
void selectPreviousItem();
void moveItemLeft();
void moveItemLeft(int position);
void moveItemRight();
void moveItemRight(int position);
const QString itemName(int session_id);
void renameItem(int session_id, const QString& name);
void interactiveRename();
void interactiveRename(int position);
void setFontColor(const QColor& color);
void setBackgroundPixmap(const QString& path);
void setSeparatorPixmap(const QString& path);
void setUnselectedPixmap(const QString& path);
void setSelectedPixmap(const QString& path);
void setSelectedLeftPixmap(const QString& path);
void setSelectedRightPixmap(const QString& path);
void refreshBuffer();
void addItem();
void itemSelected(int session_id);
virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*);
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*);
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*);
virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent*);
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);
void createContextMenu();
const int drawButton(int position, QPainter& painter);
QString defaultTabCaption(int session_id);
QString lowestAvailableCaption();
int current_position;
bool pressed;
int pressed_position;
int edited_position;
/* Tabs properties */
QColor font_color;
QFont selected_font;
QFont unselected_font;
/* Inline renaming */
QLineEdit* inline_edit;
/* Widget's pixmaps */
QPixmap background_image;
QPixmap separator_image;
QPixmap unselected_image;
QPixmap selected_image;
QPixmap selected_left_image;
QPixmap selected_right_image;
/* Widget's appearance */
QPixmap buffer_image;
QPixmap desktop_image;
/* Tabs value lists */
QValueList<int> items;
QValueList<int> areas;
QValueList<QString> captions;
KPopupMenu* context_menu;
private slots:
void slotRenameSelected();
void slotUpdateBuffer(const QPixmap& pixmap);
void slotResetEditedPosition();
#endif /* TABBED_WIDGET_H */

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "terminal.h"
#include "terminal.moc"
int Terminal::available_terminal_id = 0;
Terminal::Terminal(QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QObject(parent, name)
terminal_id = available_terminal_id;
setenv("DCOP_YAKUAKE_TERMINAL", QString::number(terminal_id).ascii(), 1);
putenv((char*)"COLORTERM="); // Trigger mc's color detection.
KLibFactory* factory = NULL;
terminal_part = NULL;
terminal_title = "";
terminal_widget = NULL;
terminal_interface = NULL;
if ((factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory("libkonsolepart")) != NULL)
terminal_part = (KParts::Part *) (factory->create(parent));
if (terminal_part != NULL)
terminal_widget = terminal_part->widget();
terminal_interface = (TerminalInterface *) (terminal_part->qt_cast("TerminalInterface"));
connect(terminal_part, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(terminal_part, SIGNAL(setWindowCaption(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSessionTitle(const QString &)));
emit destroyed(terminal_id);
QWidget* Terminal::widget()
return terminal_widget;
TerminalInterface* Terminal::terminal()
return terminal_interface;
const QString Terminal::title()
return terminal_title;
void Terminal::setTitle(const QString& title)
void Terminal::slotUpdateSessionTitle(const QString& title)
terminal_title = title;
// Remove trailing " -" from the caption. If needed this is
// handled later in TitleBar.
if (terminal_title.endsWith(" - "))
terminal_title.truncate(terminal_title.length() - 3);
emit titleChanged(terminal_widget, terminal_title);

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#ifndef TERMINAL_H
#define TERMINAL_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <klibloader.h>
#include <kparts/part.h>
#include <kde_terminal_interface.h>
class Terminal : public QObject
explicit Terminal(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
virtual ~Terminal();
int id() { return terminal_id; }
QWidget* widget();
TerminalInterface* terminal();
const QString title();
void setTitle(const QString& title);
void destroyed(int);
void titleChanged(QWidget*, const QString&);
static int available_terminal_id;
int terminal_id;
KParts::Part* terminal_part;
QString terminal_title;
QWidget* terminal_widget;
TerminalInterface* terminal_interface;
private slots:
void slotUpdateSessionTitle(const QString &);
#endif /* TERMINAL_H */

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "terminal_focus_watcher.h"
#include "terminal_focus_watcher.moc"
TerminalFocusWatcher::TerminalFocusWatcher(QObject* parent, const char* name)
: QObject(parent, name)
bool TerminalFocusWatcher::eventFilter (QObject* /* watched */, QEvent* e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn)
emit focusChanged();
return false;

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include <qobject.h>
class TerminalFocusWatcher : public QObject
explicit TerminalFocusWatcher(QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
virtual ~TerminalFocusWatcher();
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject* watched, QEvent* e);
void focusChanged();

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "terminal_splitter.h"
#include "terminal_splitter.moc"
#include <qobjectlist.h>
TerminalSplitter::TerminalSplitter(Orientation o, QWidget* parent, const char* name)
: QSplitter(o, parent, name)
is_shutting_down = false;
void TerminalSplitter::setPrepareShutdown(bool shutdown)
is_shutting_down = shutdown;
void TerminalSplitter::focusNext()
void TerminalSplitter::focusPrevious()
void TerminalSplitter::focusLast()
if (is_shutting_down) return;
if (terminalCount(true) == 1)
QWidget* w = static_cast<QWidget*>(child(0, QCString("TEWidget"), true));
if (w) w->setFocus();
int TerminalSplitter::count()
return (terminalCount() + splitterCount());
int TerminalSplitter::terminalCount(bool recursive)
return queryList(QCString("TEWidget"), 0, false, recursive)->count();
int TerminalSplitter::splitterCount(bool recursive)
return queryList(QCString("TerminalSplitter"), 0, false, recursive)->count();
bool TerminalSplitter::isFirst(QWidget* w)
/* Return whether the widget w is the first in the splitter. */
if (idAfter(w) != 0)
return true;
return false;
void TerminalSplitter::recursiveCleanup()
/* Clean away empty splitters after a terminal was removed. */
QObjectList* list = queryList("TerminalSplitter", 0, false, false);
QObjectListIt it(*list);
QObject *obj;
while ((obj = it.current()) != 0)
TerminalSplitter* splitter = static_cast<TerminalSplitter*>(obj);
if (count() == 0)
// Update minimum sizes.
if (orientation() == TerminalSplitter::Horizontal)
int minimumWidth = (terminalCount() > 1) ?
terminalCount()*150+handleWidth() : terminalCount()*150;
setMinimumSize(QSize(minimumWidth, minimumHeight()));
else if (orientation() == TerminalSplitter::Vertical)
int minimumHeight = (terminalCount() > 1) ?
terminalCount()*70+handleWidth() : terminalCount()*70;
setMinimumSize(QSize(minimumWidth(), minimumHeight));

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include <qsplitter.h>
class TerminalSplitter : public QSplitter
explicit TerminalSplitter(Orientation o, QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
void focusNext();
void focusPrevious();
void focusLast();
int count();
int terminalCount(bool recursive = false);
int splitterCount(bool recursive = false);
bool isFirst(QWidget * w);
void recursiveCleanup();
void setPrepareShutdown(bool shutdown);
bool is_shutting_down;

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "title_bar.h"
#include "title_bar.moc"
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <klocale.h>
TitleBar::TitleBar(QWidget * parent, const char * name, const QString & skin) : QWidget(parent, name)
QWhatsThis::add(this, i18n("The title bar displays the session title if available."));
connect(focus_button, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), parent, SLOT(slotSetFocusPolicy(bool)));
connect(quit_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, SLOT(close()));
delete config_button;
delete focus_button;
delete quit_button;
QRegion& TitleBar::getWidgetMask()
return mask;
void TitleBar::setTitleText(const QString& title)
if (title == title_text)
title_text = title;
void TitleBar::setFocusButtonEnabled(bool enable)
void TitleBar::setConfigurationMenu(KPopupMenu* menu)
void TitleBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
QPainter painter(this);
QFont font(painter.font());
painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, width(), height(), back_image);
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, left_corner);
painter.drawPixmap(width() - right_corner.width(), 0, right_corner);
// Add " - " divider between title and skin text.
QString title_postfix(skin_text);
if (!title_postfix.isEmpty() && !title_text.isEmpty())
title_postfix.prepend(" - ");
painter.drawText(text_position, title_text + title_postfix);
void TitleBar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
config_button->move(width() - config_position.x(), config_position.y());
focus_button->move(width() - focus_position.x(), focus_position.y());
quit_button->move(width() - quit_position.x(), quit_position.y());
void TitleBar::loadSkin(const QString& skin)
focus_button = new ImageButton(this, "Focus button");
QToolTip::add(focus_button, i18n("Keep open when focus is lost"));
config_button = new ImageButton(this, "Configuration button");
QToolTip::add(config_button, i18n("Open Menu"));
quit_button = new ImageButton(this, "Quit button");
QToolTip::add(quit_button, i18n("Quit"));
resize(width(), back_image.height());
void TitleBar::reloadSkin(const QString& skin)
resize(width(), back_image.height());
config_button->move(width() - config_position.x(), config_position.y());
focus_button->move(width() - focus_position.x(), focus_position.y());
quit_button->move(width() - quit_position.x(), quit_position.y());
void TitleBar::setPixmaps(const QString& skin)
/* Initialize the skin objects. */
QUrl url(locate("appdata", skin + "/"));
KConfig config(url.path());
// Load the text information.
skin_text = config.readEntry("text", 0);
text_color.setRgb(config.readNumEntry("red", 0),
config.readNumEntry("green", 0),
config.readNumEntry("blue", 0));
text_position.setX(config.readNumEntry("x", 0));
text_position.setY(config.readNumEntry("y", 0));
// Load the background pixmaps.
back_image.load(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("back_image", ""));
left_corner.load(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("left_corner", ""));
right_corner.load(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("right_corner", ""));
// Load the stay button.
focus_position.setX(config.readNumEntry("x", 0));
focus_position.setY(config.readNumEntry("y", 0));
focus_button->setUpPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("up_image", ""), true);
focus_button->setOverPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("over_image", ""));
focus_button->setDownPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("down_image", ""));
// Load the configuration button.
config_position.setX(config.readNumEntry("x", 0));
config_position.setY(config.readNumEntry("y", 0));
config_button->setUpPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("up_image", ""), true);
config_button->setOverPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("over_image", ""));
config_button->setDownPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("down_image", ""));
// Load the quit button.
quit_position.setX(config.readNumEntry("x", 0));
quit_position.setY(config.readNumEntry("y", 0));
quit_button->setUpPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("up_image", ""), true);
quit_button->setOverPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("over_image", ""));
quit_button->setDownPixmap(url.dirPath() + config.readEntry("down_image", ""));
void TitleBar::updateWidgetMask()
QRegion temp_mask;
mask = QRegion(*left_corner.mask());
mask += QRegion(QRect(QPoint(left_corner.width(), 0), QPoint(width() - right_corner.width() - 1, height() - 1)));
temp_mask = QRegion(*right_corner.mask());
temp_mask.translate(width() - right_corner.width(), 0);
mask += temp_mask;

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2005 Francois Chazal <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <>
#ifndef TITLE_BAR_H
# define TITLE_BAR_H
#include "image_button.h"
#include <qurl.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
class TitleBar : public QWidget
explicit TitleBar(QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, const QString & skin = "default");
QRegion& getWidgetMask();
void setTitleText(const QString& title);
void setFocusButtonEnabled(bool enable);
void setConfigurationMenu(KPopupMenu* menu);
void reloadSkin(const QString& skin);
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*);
void setPixmaps(const QString& skin);
void loadSkin(const QString& skin);
void updateWidgetMask();
/* Widget's mask */
QRegion mask;
/* Text properties */
QString title_text;
QString skin_text;
QColor text_color;
QPoint text_position;
/* Widget's pixmaps */
QPixmap back_image;
QPixmap left_corner;
QPixmap right_corner;
/* Quit button */
QPoint quit_position;
ImageButton* quit_button;
/* Focus button */
QPoint focus_position;
ImageButton* focus_button;
/* Configure button */
QPoint config_position;
ImageButton* config_button;
#endif /* TITLE_BAR_H */

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include "translucent_widget.h"
#include "translucent_widget.moc"
#include <krootpixmap.h>
TranslucentWidget::TranslucentWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool translucency) : QWidget(parent, name)
use_translucency = translucency;
root_pixmap = NULL;
if (use_translucency)
root_pixmap = new KRootPixmap(this);
if (root_pixmap) delete root_pixmap;
void TranslucentWidget::slotUpdateBackground()
// This is wired up to KApplication::backgroundChanged and needed
// to kick KRootPixmap into updating the background again, which
// it likes to forget after having been moved off-screen.
if (root_pixmap) root_pixmap->repaint(true);

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein <>
#include <qwidget.h>
class KRootPixmap;
class TranslucentWidget : public QWidget
explicit TranslucentWidget(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool translucency = false);
virtual ~TranslucentWidget();
public slots:
void slotUpdateBackground();
bool useTranslucency() { return use_translucency; }
void setUseTranslucency(bool translucency) { use_translucency = translucency; }
KRootPixmap* root_pixmap;
bool use_translucency;

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology.
Comment[ar]=مضاهي نافذة أوامر من نوع Quake معتمد على تقنية KDE Konsole.
Comment[bg]=Терминален емулатор в стил Quake, базиран на конзолната технология на KDE.
Comment[da]=En Quake-lignende terminalemulator baseret på teknologi fra KDE's program Konsole.
Comment[de]=Ein der Quake-Konsole nachempfundener Terminalemulator basierend auf KDE Konsole.
Comment[el]=Μία εφαρμογή τερματικού σε στυλ Quake, βασισμένη στην τεχνολογία του KDE Konsole.
Comment[es]=Un emulador de terminal tipo Quake basado en la tecnología de KDE Konsole.
Comment[et]=Quake'i stiilis terminaliemulaator, mille aluseks on KDE Konsooli tehnoloogia.
Comment[fr]=Un émulateur dans le style de Quake basé sur la technologie Konsole de KDE.
Comment[ga]=Aithriseoir teirminéil de chineál Quake, bunaithe ar theicneolaíocht Konsole KDE.
Comment[gl]=Unha terminal ao estilo de Quake baseada en Konsole.
Comment[it]=Un emulatore di terminale sullo stile di Quake basato sulla tecnologia di KDE Konsole.
Comment[ja]=KDE Konsole のテクノロジーに基づく Quake スタイルのターミナルエミュレータ
Comment[mk]=Терминал во стилот на Quake базиран врз технологијата на Конзолата на KDE.
Comment[nl]=Een Quake-achtige terminalemulator, gebaseerd op de technologie van KDE's Konsole
Comment[pt]=Um emulador de terminal do estilo do Quake, baseado na tecnologia do Konsole do KDE.
Comment[pt_BR]=Um emulador de terminal do estilo do Quake, baseado na tecnologia do Konsole do KDE.
Comment[sk]=Emulátor terminálu v štýle Quake založený na KDE Konsole technológii.
Comment[sr]=Емулатор терминала у Quake стилу базиран на KDE Konsole технологији.
Comment[sr@Latn]=Emulator terminala u Quake stilu baziran na KDE Konsole tehnologiji.
Comment[sv]=En Quake-liknande terminalemulator baserad på teknologi från KDE:s Terminal.
Comment[tr]=KDE Konsole teknolojisi üzerine kurulu Quake stili bir terminal emülatörü.
Comment[uk]=Емулятор терміналу в стилі Quake, оснований на технології консолі KDE.
Comment[xx]=xxA Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology.xx

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfg xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" >
<kcfgfile name="yakuakerc" />
<group name="Options">
<entry key="firstrun" type="Bool">
<entry key="skin" type="String">
<entry key="skinbgcolor" type="Color">
<entry key="steps" type="Int">
<entry key="width" type="Int">
<entry key="height" type="Int">
<entry key="screen" type="Int">
<entry key="location" type="Int">
<entry key="tabs" type="Bool">
<entry key="translucency" type="Bool">
<entry key="focus" type="Bool">
<entry key="focusontoggle" type="Bool">
<entry key="keepabove" type="Bool">
<entry key="popup" type="Bool">
<entry key="confirmquit" type="Bool">
<entry key="poll" type="Bool">
<entry key="pollinterval" type="Int">